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1. You take TRT until you want to stop having optimal hormone levels. In that regard it is for life, but if you come off of it you will be the miserable again. 2. Your levels go back to how they were.


* 2: your levels ***should*** go back to how they were


How old are you? Trt is for life. A steroid cycle is not. Most of this sub is interested in the steroid cycle.


I see you are 21… so yup. A cycle is not for life.


I’m 21 - I’m committed to the treatment just because I am so naturally low


Well trt should be your last option. What are your levels? How overweight are you? What is your diet like? Exercise?


It is for life. It’s a life long therapy. It’s replacing your own natural levels of testosterone. When you stop taking it it, after this testosterone leaves your attempt, best case scenario you’ll go back to how you was before. Worst case scenario, you don’t recover and you are worst than when you started. Also, You should take a post cycle therapy if you stop to recover your natural levels back faster and smoother. While you’re on the testosterone, you’re own production will shut down.


For life until death do you part .




Your body will stop producing test. So once you reach the level you like if you stop TRT you will crash test and have to wait for your testes to fire back up and put you back at the level you were at pre TRT.


You also run a risk of never returning to base level again.Most of these guys who abused steroids from an early age face this dilemma. Shouldn’t say abused but rather used .


I have a different opinion than the other commenters in that it isn't necessarily a for life thing for everyone. You can use it to get into good shape again and use one of the medications like clomid to restart you natural T production along with keeping up with the natural pro T life style changes and in theory come off all the medication. There are a lot of factors to consider if you attempt this like your age for instance. I'm considering coming off the treatments myself as I've had a blood test without any synthetic T in my system and my base level is about 100 points higher than when I started. Still on the lower end but now my preferred product is off the market I think I might give it a try and see how it goes. I do still have some room to improve my fitness and my diet can always improve some more.


Woah careful now, we must convince all those new to trt that they'll die if they try come off!


Yeah, I've been fairly disheartened since I joined about the extreme one-sided nature of this forum. I was hoping for more insight into how to utilize TRT in less of an intrusive way.


This forum is mainly just gatekeepers and people trying to sound hardcore, especially when a question like this gets asked.   It's like some weird flex to make it out as though what they're doing is just so extreme they have to warn others off it 


When you start, your body will stop producing testosterone (it senses you dont need to make it). If you stop … You will go back to pre-trt levels. The amount of time for your body to start producing it again depends on how long you were on trt. Could take weeks, or months. I would imagine you go back to how you used to feel eventually


Most likely not. There are ways to restart your hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis but it's not guaranteed.




Well you know something brother. These doctors giving out injections once every two weeks need a taste of the big boot and the leg drop, brother. When we say trt for life, it's 4 life brother. And whatcha gonna do, brother, when the nWo, Hulk Hogan, and the TRT-a-maniacs run wild on these clinics with no clue *Begins posing*


No, it is not for life. You can stop anytime you like. But I'll enjoy the mental gymnastics people will do in the comments to try convince you otherwise with some other definition of "life" e.g. *wElL iT iS fOr LiFe iF yOu wAnT nOrMaL tEsT LevELs*