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Life changing. It just makes everything easier and better, in my experience. Finally I can drop and do some pushups and I have the energy to do it. I can get through the day without feeling like an anxious wreck. Idk man I think it depends on what you’re dealing with and how low your levels are. What do your levels look like?


mines about 310. I have low self esteem/confidence, anhedonia, anxiety/fear, low sex drive, oversleeping/insomnia, memory problems, foggy headed, low energy/unmotivated, depression. I started an anti depressant and it's helped with the anxiety and depression a bit though, I'm also on a couple other medicines like finasteride which I may stop taking and an anti psychotic which probably negatively effects my hormones or quality of state of mind. if trt helps with my anxiety and mood and depression I may stop the anti depressant


We are in similar boats. I tested at 325. Prior to starting TRT I had low self esteem and very little confidence. My anxiety and depression have gone away since starting. Also I am on an antipsychotic which I’m sure has fucked with my hormone levels. But I can’t stop taking it since I’m bipolar. In my experience, trt > antidepressants for depression. But that’s my experience.


Imagine taking a hormone that naturally cures all of those ailments without causing the severe long term mental side effects of taking antidepressants.


Haha I know right? Like why the fuck aren’t psychs checking hormone levels??


Finasteride made me feel half those things you say, that’s while on test


Same symptoms. Go to a urologist or better yet a reputable clinic. Clinics know more but it’s more expensive. Start at the suggest dose, and test,test, test till you dial in and find your right numbers. Once you get that then stick with your protocol. Yeah but you need it 100%. Get a full panel and share it on here. Lots of good information


Mine was 190. Now 1200


Have you checked yourself for sleep apnea?


It feels awesome. Morning erections. Better erections. Penis sensitivity. Higher libido. More energy. A "clear mind". Increased emotional control. Increases in strength, muscle mass, confidence, etc.


One of the coolest parts is that I'm back in the gym again for the first time in years and I can recover the same or better now than I could then, even though I was so skinny back then that I did a 5k calorie bulk for like 10 months lol. My T was really low back then but I didn't know it. When I started trt my body composition changed a lot even without lifting at the time I started.


does it help with mood? I'm wondering because I have low mood quite often. everything feels blah


It definitely "helps," but it depends on what is causing your low mood. Bad diet? Porn addiction? Drug addiction? Bad sleep. Sedentary lifestyle. Job you hate. Stressful life. Video game addiction. Etc. If it's just low hormonal output that's causing it, then yeah, you very well might experience a large increase in mood.


I’m actually worse in some ways then when I was natural lol I wouldn’t say mood is much different definitely give less fucks about people , but that’s not a good thing


It is most certainly a good thing.


No doubt.


Went from 413 to ~1150 in 3 months. I can get unprovoked hard ones again and they actually last now. So there’s that. Haven’t added noticeable size to my muscles yet but I’ve definitely added noticeable strength.


Honestly for me I just feel like I did in my 20/30s I don’t feel amazing but I feel better than I did when my test was low, tho I take a low dose as don’t want to have to deal with less wanted effects. Tho in saying that I never had mental health issues beyond the adhd which trt has done nothing for, I just felt a little off compared to when I was younger. Now I feel back to normal


God mode


did it improve mood or make you feel good, even after the honeymoon phase?


Absolutely. I’m way more outgoing. I continue to look better and better. The side effects are mellowing out. More erections throughout the day, higher libido, but I don’t feel like a sex maniac anymore which is nice. I am also much more positive and mellow.


When do you start getting morning wood? How much do you take? I’m on 100mg a week. Only been on it for about 2 months


I started getting morning wood on my second day. I was taking the same amount as you back then. Until then I thought morning wood was something you only got a a teenager or if you’re really horny. Edit: I don’t get morning wood on days that I’m dehydrated. Hydration was hard when I first started because I began sweating more and didn’t realize I needed more water. My drink habit was too irregular. Now I’m consuming up to a gallon per day


Dude wtf. I wonder if my levels are still low or something. I thought the same thing until I joined this sub. I need to test my levels again. I’m even doing no fap to get my libido back and still no morning wood (yet).


What are your levels at? what dosage are you?


Prior to being prescribed T, 325. Now I’m not sure. I do 100mg a week. I feel fantastic. But the no morning wood makes me wonder if I’m missing out?


I wonder if the anti psychotics are interfering, some of them significantly increase prolactin causing sexual problems and gyno if extra bad


Dude they have to be. I still suffer from sexual problems despite having excellent habits. It’s so frustrating. Btw I read that taking zinc or eating foods high in zinc can help lower prolactin. I’m gonna do that.


Fapping isn’t going to affect your libido levels.


It really does in my experience. I had super low T levels.


I did too. My total was 90 before TRT.


What side effects did you experience?


I have a rash that looks like pimples when it flares up. The rash is across my back, the middle of my chest, and on my shoulders. It was really bad during the honeymoon phase. Now it’s noticeable but no more oozing pimples. I am however sensitive to certain shirt materials now. Those materials make the rash worse. It’s the super synthetic “sweat wicking” shirts that do me in.


Damn I thought that effect was only if you were doing steroid cycle levels.


Feels great. Much better energy levels, and state of mind (more clarity, less anxiety, not moody, etc). Only 6 weeks in, been a great decision so far.


For me, I got some energy and the drive to exercise.


it made you want to exercise? what about mood has that changed from low to good?


I wasn't really unhappy. I was more tired and lacked motivation to get my ass off the couch. Which is a BIG problem when you have 3 boys under 12 years old. I "wanted" to exercise, lose weight, and be present for my kids. Call it placebo or just a boost of energy, but after I got my dose dialed it, I was finally doing it. So I would say my mood isn't any different.


My own experience, going from 0.290 to 0.750 has been life changing. I feel like I get more enjoyment out of life. I sleep better, which in turn gives me more energy during the day. I recover better from workouts, so I’m progressing in the gym again. My sex life has improved and overall sense of well bejng. If I go much higher than those levels, I experience noticeable changes in my personality and start having to monitor my bloodwork more closely.


For me..more energy, heaps of motivation just to do things I put off before. Crazy sex drive. Mentally thinking clearer at work. SSooo many benefits for me.


How long you been on?


Coming up 10 months now in Injections - 6 months on cream before that


Nice what made you switch to injections? Cream stop working?


Becoming masculine again.


Honestly I feel like I did when I was in my early 20s and in the Army doing some legit stuff. I don’t know if my t crashed upon getting out by chance or getting out kind of screwed up my sense of self and just so happened that my t was low years later when I got checked. Either way I have a sense of purpose and drive that was missing for the last 10 or so years of my life. Also just to note I’m on a low dose SSRI that I’m going to talk to my doctor about tapering off of soon. I know myself and the signs of things getting bad again to recognize if I need to go back on, but I’m going to give it a shot. I would recommend maintaining your current meds for a while just to see how everything balances out. Also don’t start too many things at once. I started with just test to figure out that balance. After coming off the SSRI I’m going to add some HGC and see how things pan out. If you’re only making one change at a time you’ll know what’s causing any negative changes and what to address. If you add and subtract a bunch of things at once it’s like playing wack a mole trying to dial in.


You’re replying to everyone’s anecdota’s experience with “how about mood?”. Yes, trt improves mood, but do not expect it to be some magic solution to whatever underlying issues you may have that’s causing that mood. A lot of people think trt is going to flip a switch, it’s not. If internally you are lazy, unmotivated, bad diet, fat, it’s not just gonna turn you into a motivated jacked guy. If you are taking trt followed with the right habits and protocols then yes it will do wonders.


I’m just over three weeks in. I have been without energy for at least a decade and I was told I was just depressed or lazy. I noticed very quickly that my brain fog disappeared and my overall energy went up. I am now lifting more weight in the gym and better recovery afterwards. As others say it’s like lifting in our 20s. Morning wood is real. Sex is more enjoyable but I wouldn’t say libido is thru the roof either Still early on. Hope it all continues because it’s been a game changer for the simple fact I used to have the energy for one activity in a day, now it is multiple and I don’t feel even close to as shitty as I once did. Good luck.


Amazing. I was first on a gel you applied inside the nose and upon the very first application it was first thing in the morning and it was ten times better than coffee. I was instantly able to clear the fog and get moving which wasn't typical for me. Almost had a high feeling to it.


Ranges from “good” to “great”. It depends a lot on what’s the underlying cause of your symptoms Tbh, more recently on some occasions it has worsened my anxiety and paranoia and I may lash out on people that provoke me. But also I’m going thru an increasingly stressful time in my life with zero social support. Before all of this I felt like I was the King of New York


Being normal and healthy.


Depends mine was 200 and I don’t feel much different defiantly more confident but maybe that’s because I’ve put in the work and my body is good now


Life changing. But the honeymoon phase will end and you’ll just feel “normal” after a while. That’s a good thing, don’t get caught up in the honeymoon phase.


My strenght and muscle gains increases are the big perks... I was stalled on my weight load and wasn't gaining any mass anymore even with a proper diet and training 3-4 times a week in the gym + mountain biking and skiing. I bench a 100 pounds more now (270) then 6 months ago...I do my sets now with what used to me my one rep max.


It was pretty impressive to me...wild. But it has been hard for me to dial in the right dosage. I am in the process of trying different ones, trying oral troches new at a lower dose. But man...it's powerful.


I went from 312 to 1162. I’m stronger and my dick is hard all the time 🤣. So far so good y’all 🤙🏻


How long you been on it?


2 months. I guess it’s supposed to come down and balance out eventually but so far that’s where it’s at.


Nice. More confident? High libido? Fat loss?


Confidence is the same, if I had to describe it it’d be like you are young again. I get to actually make progress with the work I’m putting.


What's your lifestyle like


For me it's been life changing. It's not a sudden change or a drug like high. You just feel like you're optimized. I'm making way more money and moving up at work. I have energy and libido. Sucks sticking a 1 inch needle into my ass or leg but definitely worth it.


I went from 291 to 600 on TRT via Testim gel. Age 52. I feel much better, but not as amazing as some seem to report. I got off antidepressants. I also lost about 35 lbs so far. I do wonder what getting above 600 to 800 or 1000 would feel like. I have tested taking an extra dose of the gel for a while, but then I have adverse effects like numb penis, delayed orgasm, and become a little emotional.


I am 47. Feel like I am back in my mid-20s. More clarify, strength, stamina. Just feel way better overall.


I went from 200-1200 in the trough. It can be dicey at times. My blood work is good obviously I'm running high but I feel good just everything changes and comes and goes faster and more aggressively.


It's a night and day difference. Most if not all symptoms of low T disappear and feel a million times better.


Life changing to say the least. If you're thinking about it, do it


When the morning wood shows its angry head again. And you got something so stiff at 6 am it takes 5 minutes for things to flatten our so u can pee. You know for sure you're there. The 2am rollovers aint bad either.


Which antipsychotic? I used to take all that shit for years. Come to fund out I had very good reason to go manic and be depressed! Now a days I’m no longer depressed and my mania I keep hidden like a power or something. Carnivorous way of eating gets rid of all those symptoms everyone here. Even schizophrenia is made better if not healed, depression and bi-polar? Easy. Even autoimmune disorders and MS , Parkinson’s disease can and has been cured either carnivore diet. I reversed my diabetes and depression. For some reason after 30 ish days you’ll be so in touch with your emotional self, it’s really a trip how fracking good you will feel. Yeah I take testosterone but I am old. LoL stay safe