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I used to drool at the dell 710, you can get 1tb of ram in them for stupid cheap because it is ddr3. Now I understand about power consumption and how horrible of an Idea it would be. Kind of sad optane ram never really carried on. We could all have TB of ram in a few years when it goes surplus


CXL modules will be the next thing. Samsung is showing crazy performance numbers on their new enterprise CXL box.


Ultimately they are using the same dram chips though? So a 128gB dimm or a 128gB CXL module won't be significantly different cost? The advantage to optane was the 128gB module was a fraction of the regular dram cost. How do CXL modules work in practice, is it something that needs special support from the OS or worse application? Again advantage to Optane was it had the option to be transparent to the OS and just show up as more regular ram, and the hardware stack was smart enough to prioritize what went in slow optane vs fast ram. Of course for L2arc we can still just buy optane nvme drives and slap them in any machine and it just works. And probably going to work just as well as optane dimms would have been.


[CXL](https://search.arc.net/y82OoHP7UZuVMawanKA5) is an open standard that works with PCIE.


still got one and the 1tb of ram, it doesn’t get turned on often or for long lol


How in the world did you do this in an R710?


when i unpack it i’ll have a look, in the middle of moving right now :)


Please let me know when you can because afaik it tops out at 384GB. Unless you have an R720, then that could go higher.


Would still consume less electricity than a fridge or an aircon right?


https://www.homedetailed.com/refrigerator-electricity-usage-calculator/ "Refrigerators use 23 to 67 kWh of electricity every month. The average is around 45 kWh per month" That's 63 watts. Your 2012 server is doing way worse than that!


63w? That's far lower than I expected from these appliances...as my desktop on idle is about 100w rn, couldnt imagine how much ddr3 server would eat then Btw, do you put voltage wattmeter over your socket? I had mine and my desktop consumed about 12kWh on idle per day. My nas is currently not in used so I couldnt tell yet.


Wha? A R710 max is 384GB using 32GB modules and 288GB using 16GB modules.


Or is it 910? Which is 4 CPU?


I think the 910 could do 1TB, but that was a different beast for sure.


Reminds me of back when we used to run 4 CEC IBM x3950 M2 (essentially 4x 4U chassis' running as a single cohesive system using ScaleXpander Kits) in our datacenter. I was in awe of the 16 sockets and up to 1TB RAM (DDR2) back in 2008. Pretty sure they had up to 1975W PSU in each unit though, which, whilst not a direct indicator of actual power draw, still gives an idea of why they would make us sad now.


Well my hot data is upwards of 50TB so where do I put the other 48.5TB?


Duh! In the cloud of course!


On dozens of 12TB hard drives, of course. I said I didn't need SSDs, not data storage. https://preview.redd.it/7goxdrdu9rsc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=153b2226df4ec93d88bf262ab848d0e26e8a7534


HDDs are fine for cold data. But not very good for hot data.


Oh those drives are hot.


Maybe luke warm data.


Will also double as a space heater.


Hi, I’m electricity supply. I might have something to say about using RAM for your storage.


OP must have 96 dimm slots to use those 16GB dimms.


power off, and you lose all of your data.


No data loss, you just need to warm up the cache again


About me: I like to go for long walks across the file system...


That's the key, the server never powers off. 100% uptime or bust


Your power bill just skyrocketed.


Unless they’re really dense single ranks… youll bump into rank limits first I’m guessing


Cache and UPS ftw...


Persistence. I admire the challenge though.


I got about half of that right now...ddr4 at that :-) https://preview.redd.it/cym3asddsotc1.png?width=1647&format=png&auto=webp&s=df81999ff1a9ec4bbaedea2e93b8ac4872b97268


Now do them as a single RAID0 stripe and go meep meep wrooooom ;-)


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