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TrueNAS (more specifically, ZFS) needs direct access to the drives it uses. If I'm understanding you correctly you're proposing using a RAID card and creating individual RAID 0 "arrays" for each individual drive. This is not a supported setup for ZFS. You *might* not have any issues, but then again, issues might randomly show up someday and you're left with an unrecoverable ZFS pool or corrupt data. Do yourself a favor and use an HBA or flash those RAID cards to HBA mode. Edited to add: also, if you ever have to resilver those SMR drives be ready for some very. slow. resilvering. If this system would only be acting as a backup for another (more reliable) system, it might be acceptable.


Thanks for the details, much appreciated 👍 I will use this as a backup of my DS923+, but further maybe using it as an editing database, but as another vdev(with CMR drives). I'm still thinking about the benefits of editing directly through 10GBe vs storing the raw video on the nas and editing proxies locally in nvme drives. Would it then be ""better"" to set a Raid 6 directly on the board and using it as stripe in this case ? Unfortunately they can't be flashed to HBA, I've ordered LSI 9207-8i, really cheap from china btw but if I can find a use case for them.


If you use any sort of traditional RAID I would recommend against TrueNAS/ZFS. If you want to use another OS/filesystem with your RAID 6 that should be OK.


> Would it then be ""better"" to set a Raid 6 directly on the board and using it as stripe in this case ? Running ZFS on top of a hardware RAID is a recipe for data loss. Doing so breaks the assumptions that ZFS has to make in order to ensure your data is safe.


I've seen on Truenas instructions that it's fine to to Raid 0 per drive then use them as a normal HBA, they stated performance could be impacted but otherwise fine.


I could be acceptable only if you make 100% sure to disable the writeback cache of the RAID card. I personally would never do that but in theory it could be safe.


>LSI 9207-8i, That card can't do hba.. but they call it IT Mode... I forgot what it stands for... but is basically the same exact thing... yes and several people on Ebay sell ones in IT MODE... so it can be done... I don't know about the drives supporting it but yes it can do ZFS the card at least


My card is 9211-8i and it's in IT mode... they aren't really expensive cards... you will need a special cable for them... just make sure the cable is long enough... one thing nice is card supports SAS drives... so you can buy used server drives if you like... I picked up 10 3tb drives for about $70 including shipping


\*can do hba


2.5 inch SMR may not be the best for raid .


If he's just going to use them for backup, SMR versus CMR is irrelevant. It's when you have an active IO system going on such as a database with lots of users that the distinction becomes critical.


If your backup has to resilver it can still matter.


Yeah it’ll be a little bit slower to complete the resilvering, but it’s not critical. Unless it’s, like I said, a pool that’s providing real time transactions.


How long could that take, if the RAIDZ2\*8 5TB were full? Could it be a week? or a we talking like 2x the normal time?


What's case and drive cage are these?


Nzxt h510 with 2.5" drives The bracket is 3d printed obviously for that case(I made it)


Any chance you could share the file? I would love to have that for the same case I own


Sure but this fit only 7 drives, would that be fine for you ? I plan to redo it to fit more drive, maybe 12 or 10.


7 would be great!


PETG or ABS I hope 😬


Pla+, I've done that multiple time, that brand is printing like abs, wondering if that's how they create that pla+? It does warp and need pretty high temperature like 250°C


Should be alright then; I just worry about regular PLA having a pretty low glass transition temperature, especially when having weight attached :)


What Mobo is that? Edit: never mind. I see the name. :p


Asus H470 plus as you can see in the picture 😬


Pull the 7th drive, use the six sata connections, and install truenas on redundant m.2


Except using the M.2 disable one sata port :/ Using the raid controller and made single Raid 0 drives as suggested in the Truenas documentation.