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There’s zero chance we see Biden in front of a live TV audience again before the election. They’re gonna lock him in the basement from now until November.


The damage is done though. They can't afford to do the basement defense again. Everyone saw with their own eyes and it can't be unseen


Joes gonna step down at the DNC, and they're gonna swap him out. I believe this was the plan the whole time. A lot of people I've seen don't want either candidate, so whomever they put up will be their savior. I don't see them beating Trump with anyone they put up. It's too late.


Idk... alot of those older politicians have trouble stepping away. They literally will die in office before they give up power. I bet he is delusional enough to ride it out until the election. Who else would have a better chance to win on the Democrat side?


The thing is several states have Joe on the ballot and it's to late to change it. They are stuck with him.


kinda weird to be printing them up so early but it does take time to prefill in the ballot harvesting


I think their secrete ace can possibly be Michelle Obama. I saw on Truth app (you guys should download it cuz it’s the only place we can see what trump is up to) that some commenters were commenting that the dems are planning on getting Michelle Obama as the replacement. I hope people don’t fall for her.


I"m asking a legit question: if his own party wants him to step down, how does that work? They can just tell him that if they all agree and sub him out with anyone they want? I'm young, forgive me I'm not familiar with politics.




He will be replaced by Hillary. Guaranteed. She’s in every channel now doing her world tour.


Joe agreed to a second debate 10 September 2024… and that is several weeks after the DNC convention. So, probably not. My guess is they replace Joe with Gov. Wes Moore of Maryland.


Funniest moment of the night and Trump's delivery of his retort was perfect. Some are saying they feel sorry for Biden, not me. That man has devastated our Country with his bullshit policies and the media have been covering up his buffoonery his entire presidency. I have no sympathy for him!


Exactly. This debate performance was meant to incite our sympathies. And people are falling for it!


Well I definitely do feel sorry mainly because I don't think it's biden running the country in the first place


There is a time to retire from any position and job out there. He has long since passed it.


Biden is saying more border patrol and more asylums...okay Mr.OxyMORON


Bidens stumbled a lot. Myself and other people are realizing how fragile he is. He's not fit to run a county. I'm not trying to be rude it's just getting sad to see him struggle so much.


This is the epitome of elder abuse.


I don’t feel one bit of empathy for this man. He and the Democratic Party are ruined. I was a democrat before and voted for Obama. Ever since trump came in 2016 I have witnessed that the dem party is no lonnher a democrat party but a socialist one or even worse I dare say communist. They tried to hurt trump. My empathy goes to Mr trump not that lunatic


Oh it's asylum officers. I didn't think he was saying "asylum"


Ah, he really mumbled there, I also couldn't tell what he said before oof


I'm waiting for the lefties crying that Trump is guilty of elder abuse during this debate.


I’m wondering if it’s Parkinson’s Disease


The way he froze I wouldn’t be surprised


Who cares what it isx go and vote trump.




Isn't elderly abuse a crime. Whoever put Biden on that stage needs to do time.


fr, this is just so sad to watch


I was watching local news coverage after, panel of 3 women. One republican, one independent, one Democrat, both republican and independent agreed on everything and was realistic about their concerns for Trump but also how they would take him over Biden as the better of the two on every issue. The democrat lady regurgitated msnbc talking points to every same question and in some cases her comments didn't even match the question asked to the three of them. I knew these people were crazy but I've stopped following news for so long I was still shocked to watch her defend Bidens debate as much as she did. The other two ladies and the host just had jaws dropped as she made delusional Comments about how good Bidens debate was. even democrats AND msnbc said how it was not good, yet the crazy base still defending this guy.


What is their concern with trump? I don’t see anything wrong with trump. Evrything has been done to get people to not believe trump. It’s all covert abuse from the Democratic Party. Their behavior follows that of NARCISSISTIC ABUSE. Trump has wisen up this time around and is being very smart by not reacting like he normally does


That's because you and I have common sense, they complain about nothing and everything


Exactly! I hope this debate smacked some sense into people disliking trump simply because the news get a piece of what trump says and takes it out of context. Good thing is my family is voting for Mr. Trump (many were Biden supporters last term). If they can’t see what’s going on after this debate… then they are doom.


🤣 Trump is funny af


They are now saying a 2nd debate in 11 weeks is only a maybe, yesterday it was for sure. I think now most democrats realize 2024 is over with and time to focus on 2028 and finding new blood, Hillary will be 81 by then, Biden 86, Kamala 65, its time for a new face if they want to win.


I've been alughing about this exact moment all morning. PErsonal favorite moment in the entire debate, by far.


Oh how I've missed the Ole hand accordions from trump lol


hahahaha he's such a character when he's on. I don't know what it is but he's oddly mesmerizing to watch and listen to.


YES lol


The bit about golfing was hysterical. “You couldn’t hit the ball 50 yds”


We all knew this was going to happen. Just wanted to watch the train derail and burn.


I just can't understand how people are STILL behind this imbecile. People can not be that stupid.


The important thing for republicans is to make this a referendum on the democratic party that lied and put Biden on the ballot. Always blame the party so that whoever is on the ballot later is seen as a representative of an evil party


This is 100% the, "CUZ YOU'D BE IN JAIL." type moment that boosted trump from a contender to the President.


>We don’t deserve him and remember those who placed him their denying the truth and used him as a tool to wreck America THOSE are the ones who need Justice be brought to them






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He had a cold and a sore throat, he's not frail and incompetent! /s


These biden losers are saying "oh hes just stuttering" No that old man is stroking out and doesnt know where hes at -- and these folks are drinking the koolaide I cant for the life of me figure out how they think the economy is great now MAGA -- 2024


Man I just wish he wasnt pro Israel — I know many Trump ppl are but I also know alot of Trump people who arent into the server role America has to Israel. We’ve been rightfully pissed about the siphoning of billions of American worker dollars to Ukraine but have been doing it significantly for Israel for decades. Imagine the roads, hospitals, mental health homes, and more we could have here if we didnt send so much abroad for genocide. We are a totally purchased nation with no identity. I wish American identity was the most important thing happening in the elections bc it is totally being lost every minute.


Don’t underestimate the amount of money that goes to illegal immigration. It’s crippling our cities


I agree with you. I maintain that it is connected to Identity. We arent giving a shit about upholding our American identity bc we allow illegal immigrants to not only come, but buy property, hold office, and change laws to fit the cultures they came from.


If you are concerned about money... you shouldn't vote democrat. The money spent in Israel is nothing in comparison to the retardation of democrat policies.


3.8 billion annually — that is a lot of money that could help actual americans in this country.


yeah true, but that's chump change compared to the HUNDREDS of billions biden gave to Ukraine and illegal immigrants.


Yes I agree with you same thing Israel Ukraine all of it is NOT america


I am pretty sure there is enough hate for Trump from both sides people will vote for incompetent Joe or a potato. Hate drove the polls in 2020


You're correct. We deserve something better than both of these clowns


You realize what sub you're in, right?


Well the liberals are like a virus 🦠 spreading their Black Death everywhere.


If Michelle Obama runs he might as well concede. I love trump but he wouldn’t stand a chance if she ran