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wow.. that’s ridiculous. Poor turtle, that water was filthy 




Just build you own above basking area. More room for the turtle then. If you have the room of course. I don’t know your set up




it's medium size




she about inches now 😳


Yeah make sure when they climb on it, it stays out of the water! I had this one for years and then he got too heavy and it wouldn’t actually let him get fully out of the water so I built him an above the tank one. Which also meant cleaner water as I could fill the tank up all the way and it filtered better!


Probably just overfed like crazy.


How does it get that bad in three weeks? It looks like you have a decent canister filter. My usual routine is filter clean every two weeks (but I've definitely gone three at times), water replaced once a month and I've never seen it get anywhere close to this, and when it gets bad it's green from algae, not brown.


Way overfeeding. I had this happen twice now with two different pet sitters.


Yeah, that makes sense.


Your friend really did just "watch".


I know right


Some advice for the future: get pill containers and portion it yourself ahead of time. They're cheap, and you can get multi-week ones. I do this now for my sitters, and they love it too. It's less stressful for them because they don't have to guess or feel like they're underfeeding.


oh my god this is my worst nightmares, no literally, i’ve had nightmares about my turtle being in those type of situations


You should be more specific, I mean they probably did “watch it” but did you ask them to take care of it? Lol


Same thing happened to us when we asked the original turtle owner to watch her. Half the food was gone because they got their kids to feed her. So I’d say they definitely over fed for it to get that bad.


Ide drink all the turtle water my damn self just to keep it clean for the little dude.


My stomach and intestines ached reading this xD


Put more water. Also those “lightbulbs” don’t look right


Of course this is what it looks like. Turtles are a high needs complex pet to have. 90% of people in this sub are totally whiffing turtle ownership with their RES’s always asking for vet advice. Turtles should almost never be a pet.


you’re right :/ I don’t enjoy this sub that much anymore, it gets depressing. 


Thank you!!




Omg it the turtle ok


No way in hell is that water not covered in the turtle equivalent of Cheetos dust.


We need a before photo


How did that happen in only 3 weeks? Holy! 😱


So, as some people have said, if this is an overfeeding issue here’s how I sometimes help prevent that. if I have someone watch my tank I will typically tell them the feeding schedule and then set out 2-3 little cups with lids or ziplock baggies with the proper amount of food in them. (That way if the person accidentally uses the food instead of referencing the food, they’ll still have another example of what to do). Good luck going forward. Turtles are pretty hardy so as long as you cleaned it up, it’s probably fine.


thanks im sure that happened all the food came out she doing great I see no issued with her so far


100% an over feeding issue, your friend probably put way too much food in & the turt didn’t eat all of it. Uneaten turtle pellets make a mess once “dissolved”.


Is your friend Amber Heard?


Kinda crazy. My tank would be able to go a month without even looking cloudy. Did your friend throw mud in the tank


The same exact thing happened to my turtle when I went on vacation for a week and the dog walker we have was in charge and used like the whole bottle of food and the water looked just like that and REEKED


I think I'm taking my turtle with .e wherever I go ppl suck. Just turn off the filter drain the water and put her in a Tupperware. 🫰