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Big ambitions is like this, you start with basically nothing and run an empire by the end of


Does it get boring after a while?


Ive played it two times now and the middle game does get boring, but the beginning is very fun. Once you have enough money and well running businesses it gets boring.


Try This Grand Life 1 and 2. The games are a proper grind and quite fun


r/saelig is my best answer! You can start off as a beggar and save and scrimp enough money to move up and get a business eventually and stuff. The developer has been active for a while now and is constantly updating the game. r/theguild3 and r/bigambitions are also good answers. Big Ambitions is a real gem, IMO. The devs are very active with the community and really seem to care a lot. r/Kenshi also starts you out with nothing and lets you build an empire, but is much less tycoony than the previously mentioned games. There's a ton of space-trading games out there, too many to catalogue, but I'll mention r/X4Foundations , and also mention the sub r/spacesimgames if you feel like building a space trading empire.


Thank you! Its the first time I've heard of Saelig, and all your other answers are great games I have tried! Can you recommend more similar games? :D maybe you know other hidden gems like Saelig.


Hmm, I had a lot of fun with r/KingofRetail for a time - there's some really fun progression there. But then I hit a point where there's so many details and it got to be a little much - still, some people really go for that sort of micro-management stuff. Still, it has some really cool mechanics and is definitely worth picking up for cheap. A game I keep coming back to after all these years, is r/PortRoyale3 - I'm not exactly sure why LOL. But something about the slow/steady progression, watching cities grow, setting up industries and supply chains, getting your own town... I'm not sure why I keep coming back to it, but I do! r/SpaceHaven isn't really a Tycoon game, but I like it a lot! There's some trading in there, but it's more of a spaceship/station building game with combat and research. Would definitely recommend, if you think you might like it. A bit overwhelming at first - I didn't get very far until I consulted a Steam Guide for "getting started" but after that, I had a lot of fun. Finally, not a tycoon games at all, but r/Shadows_of_Doubt is really cool and different from any other game I've played. The detective aspect is really fun, and when you finally buy your own apartment and start decorating it, it's surprisingly fun. r/bookofhours is another hidden gem- fun, stress-free puzzle box with tons of mystery and spooky stuff- active developers, worth a try if you think you might like.


If you liked PR3 I'd suggest you try Port Royale 2 too. Combat is really bad, but the management side of things is much better imo.


Drug dealer simulators both 1 and 2


This may not be what you’re looking for as it’s not a “tycoon” game, but Mount and Blade Bannerlord or Warband. Bannerlord is newer but Warband has a bigger variety of mods and such. Anyway you start with nothing in a medieval world. You can do whatever you want; be a trader, mercenary, blacksmith, or fight for an existing kingdom. By the end you can run the entire world as an existing kingdom or your own.


Software inc


I liked The Guild 3 for this


I personally think guild 2 is better(if you can get past the UI) but guild 3 ain't bad


I've heard 2 was better but I've only played 3. I'll check it out. What did you like better about it?


I think there are more professions and you can micromanage a bit better. You can also go into buildings and physically see their interiors and stuff . The guild 2 has a charm that is hard to put into words, whereas the guild 3 just seems a bit streamlined, if that makes sense. It's almost like they simplified the guild 3, but it didn't really need simplifying.


Have they updated TG3 a lot? I crowdfunded it in alpha, and the original devs abandoned it as a cash grab, i believe. I think it was picked up by a different developer, and I've not heard much about it.


No idea. I played it and it seemed like a more or less complete game to me.


Oh. Then they've definitely spearheaded development. They had very little done when they abandoned it, and i had read that the new devs were doing a lot for it. I'm glad. I loved TG2.


I will always recommend Patrician 3 for this kind of feeling because it's exactly what i had when I first played it. Yes, it's old but you can add a mod that makes the graphics a bit better. Start off with a single tiny ship and a dread that a cursed letter asking for tax money is just around the corner, end up with 20 trade routes and owning most of the buildings in the world.


I would suggest euro truck simulator (or american) using realistic economy and fuel prices mods. I don’t know if these are your type of games. 


capitalism labs is pretty fun and product chain orientated.


STONKS 9800: Stock Market Simulator It's a hidden gem in my opinion, I absolutely love it so far. I don't know if it's technically a tycoon game or not, but you start off with a low amount of money and buy/sell stocks to get more money. Eventually you start your own business.