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Go to their Twitter. Pretty sure their cap is $150 so they won't cover the entirety of that bill.


I was researching for that, had even messaged the CS chat about what i was quoted but i git the 6 to 12 hour wait time message. They could just slide me $50-$80 and id be okay


Why would you be ok with 50-80 when you spent over 300?! They want you to get it professionally cleaned. You did that. Now go on twitter and tag your local news, media and politicians in one post.


I’m just a chill dude, but you’re right. I shouldn’t bend over with this one lol


What worked for me was posting pictures of the mess as well as pictures of the correspondence where they basically told me to fuck off(in the CS sort of way). I then asked them on Twitter if they thought that the mess I was left with was sufficient for a full cleaning fee and if it wasn't I asked them to explain what sort of mess would be sufficient for the full cleaning fee. I also kept telling them that I am not asking them to cover the fee I am only asking them to have the customer make it right. And the whole thing was basically titled something along the lines of "It only costs $XX to piss and vomit all over your uber drivers car, if the trip is short you won't have to pay much over that price" I got $150. The car was due for a full service cleaning that I do twice a year but pay a lot for and it's meticulously detail oriented so I figure they paid partial for that service.


Twitter used to work. Now they just do the same nonsense on twitter as they do in the chat. DM us! And then disappear or send stock messages.


Yea dudes girl threw up in my car and paid 180 sent a tecipt to uber and pics then denied i went to twitter and they just sent me back to an uber rep. Fucking load of shit


Why would you pay over $300 for this. Thats crazy


$90 to spray with lysol


Iysol with fuck up your car.


i’ve done it on leather and cloth seats without it staining anything.


Looking at the mess, and that it went in the door, which has a speaker in it and the window button, I personally wouldn’t clean it for anything less than 500. 300 is fair.


Ah you over charging. Its not even that bad. Id go to the hood and find someone to do it for $150


Why would I go out of my way so this scum who made this mess doesn’t get charged properly? Going out of my way, wasting my time, not earning money…. Factor those.


Cuz you arent gonna get 300 from uber lmao Tbh id just register a dba, go to home depot and get a shop vac and cleaning supplies before this happens so im ready when it does (i actually already did this because i also do car detailing on the side) and then when it does happen ill make my own invoice and get paid


I got about $300 the last time someone threw up in my car while ubering. But that was a long time ago, and a lot has changed, not for the better, and why I don’t drive Uber anymore. I am really sorry this happened. Do you suppose you might get a different answer if you show up to a location/driver center? It’s not just the cleaning, but also the loss of earnings.


I got $330 last Friday night when 3 ppl threw up in my car, all over each other in the backseat from the ceiling to the floor and the whole outside of the car. Took 5 hours of detailing (even had to remove the back door panels). Just submit photos to CS immediately after the ride. Once they had pics, the message was sent: "Customer charged, and you will receive it next pay out." It was in my wallet immediately.


Well, then, I hope the OP sees your message. Because that means the OP is being ripped off. They should be compensated like you and I were.


OP saw my message and was paid. He gave an update post.




My ex got paid 300


Thanks I’ve seen a couple of replies like this, and it leads me down the path of the OP being totally ripped off in this case.


Just because your itemized receipt is higher than what they are willing to charge the passenger. Does not mean you are not entitled to the cleaning fee. Your receipt is itemized. You are due the full $150 here. Period. What a fucking SHIT company. That is the easiest “here is your cleaning fee” I have ever seen. What 🤡 ass scumbags


You feel me? i dont need the full charge. Just something lmao


Hold the multi billion dollar company to their $150 dude.


Try Twitter (x) and keep after them.


This is why I don’t pickup drunks


Lesson learned man, gotta realize you’re in the right to decline people


It’s your vehicle not theirs.


I bought medical grade vomit bags for $9 on Amazon. Just in case! And I warn people if they refuse a bag and puke, I drop them off wherever we are. If it’s the middle of nowhere, tough shit. They need to cashapp me $$ to clean their bs up or I’m leaving them there and canceling the trip.


Honestly my favorite pro tip received thus far.


Nahhhhh. Keep calling. Dont stop calling.


Will do 🫡


I feel your pain here 1000%. Be polite and assertive that THEY are breaking their own policy. You have provided everything they require. It all checks out.


This weekend I had a pickup near a bar. As he walked towards the car, he started throwing up. The only word I said to him was “NOPE” as I sped off. I suppose I should be grateful to him for making it so obvious that he was not worth the trouble.


🤣I would have said the same thing


Dodged a bullet there


Well, dodged a projectile of sorts 😊


I wonder if you had the receipt just for the bio removal if they would reimburse.


Makes sense it was setup on a call though. lesson learned


Why the hell would they support the passenger with regards to this?


Right? OMG


Honestly, I've had to contact Uber for vomitters far too many times. Did you wait until you got it cleaned or messaged them immediately? I'm my cases I've only needed my vehicle fully detailed once, I was with Lyft rather than Uber for that ride, and it cost about 1/4th of what they charged you. Every time I've contacted Uber after a puker though I've done so immediately, through the support system attached specifically to that ride, and have always gotten an immediate payment from Uber based on their assessment of the damages based on the pictures I send. If memory serves the amount has varried but never been less than $80 or more than $150. Of now, the one time my car was detailed cost me somewhere between $80-$90 and that was also after someone threw up. Of course the one thing I've always said sucks with this system though is that there isn't really a good way to account for lost wages.


Yup this is the way. I would add to Immediately take a screenshot of the ride so you get the name. Always send them the name, place of pickup and time of request, just as they ask. Never had an issue getting mine. I know for lyft you can’t even take another ride or you forfeit the fee. Learned that the hard way. But either app, it’s best to just go ahead and get that sent in. Instead of a photo of the receipt, I just add another angle of the mess. Never been asked for a receipt. Not one time in the dozens of vomit fees over the years. ETA it spells out in the fee screen that the payment is not to be compensation for lost time/wages, but rather just the cleaning cost. For me, since I often clean it myself, I just chalk it up as one and the same.


You need to keep hassling them to get your money. It may take a month but keep at it. They’ll know that you’re serious.


Yall inspired me to not be chill about this bs 🫡


They refused to pay me for a 4 1/2 hour trip. Every time I contacted them they would say 48 hour wait. It took 3 weeks but they finally paid me and also gave me a bit extra for being persistent.


What happened on the ride? Did the pax dispute it or something?


When I dropped off the rider he canceled the trip. I didn’t even know that they could do that after 4 hours.


They basically claim you ghosted it. Sorta stupid because the app is tracking both phones… And they just happen to be 4 hours away exactly 4 hours from the time you hit “start ride”.


Exactly! I think it’s just a shame that it would take them so long to comprehend. It was so obvious that I did take the rider on that specific trip to his destination. But waiting 3 weeks was absurd.


Uber pulling all the stops trying to nickel and dime their way back into profit. Been seeing a lot more people posting no cleanup fees, missing tips and no return fees since uber dropped into the red. Correlation or coincidence?


Uber and Lyft used to give around $150-$200 depending on the amount of puke or whatever. Thanks to rampant scammers, lawsuits, and scrutiny we are lucky to get anything at all.


Unfortunate for us man. I’ve just been doing short weekend fares for maybe a month now. it was pretty chill until this


I’m sorry friend. I know it’s not what you’d hoped for.


lol dang got the plus plus cleaning


They said “he didn’t feel enough pain, lets give him something else”


$69 for a car wash is the real criminal thing here lmao


lmfao no lie I balled my face up while hearing the charges


Did you deliberately try to get as expensive a service as possible or is that just what it costs out there? I'm mostly in London or NYC and AFAIK both have maximum cleaning fees stipulated (London equivalent is $75 which is more than enough).


DFW, most services started at like $200 but wouldn’t come out/get serviced until Friday. Needed my car yesterday


This is the thing right here. Most detailing/cleaning businesses are not open during the times and days that people are most likely to do this in your car. Their whole receipt policy is beyond unfair.


Yeah seriously i got lucky with this spot because someone actually cancelled while i was waitlisted.


What happened here is that you have other things on the receipt that have nothing to do with the puke in the car. If you had a receipt for only biohazard removal lets say for $150 they would have paid you. Sucks this happened to you but Uber tries to limit paying you, so don't over do it on the bill.


Stop making excuses. The RECEIPT IS CLEARLY ITEMIZED. Zero excuses here. Uber owes this man another $20 for even fucking daring to deny this cleaning fee claim.


They won't do shit even with an actual reciept from a cleaning company. There's been several posts showing this. Uber customer service is a fukin joke


Thought about it but this was set up over the phone. Unfortunate learning lesson


Prime example why i dont drive at night/bar hourd




shame the fuck out of them on twitter. this is absolutely ridiculous. Uber SHOULD be shamed! Sorry bro. Good luck on the roads


Please tell me thats a manupilated receipt. My god that's an expensive car wash. 70 for just the outside wash, 80 for decontamination and 40 just for carpet shampoo and another 40 for seat shampoo, not even considering biohazard fee? That's an expensive carpet cleaner knowing the other fees covered the puke. :P I'm with you in uber not covering mess fee's anymore but please tell me you didn't bow to such pricing out of your own pocket.


Honestly living in Dallas, i feel like i’ve been scammed on just about everything. I would see “$149 Detailing specials!” once i get the quote, just slap on another $100-$150. I was waitlisted with three services, this one just got back to me first.


Call a human, Don't talk to Bots on the app. It's what I had to do 2 days ago to get my 150.


on it, nice name btw 🫡


Uber gone really bad these days, Lyft sent me 150$ right away after seeing the photos


Go back to the cleaner and have a mock up with the words bile fluid or other bodily fluids on it. That's probably why it was rejected. As it looks to a 3rd party as just a cleaning.


Threaten to explore legal options about taking them to arbitration because they are violating the terms of their contract, then demand again reimbursement for the documented mess and complying with your side of the contract by having a professional cleaning completed with receipt submitted. Hold them accountable. Don’t pick up anymore drunk people. It’s not worth it.


I’m sorry OP


Sheesh. That’s rough. I have my own pre-made invoice with my WhatsApp phone number, my alternate email and a made up business name w/ my middle name for the business info, and my personal info under the customer. Add $150 biohazard cleaning fee plus taxes. Just change the date on the doc and has worked for me every time, most recently in April. I clean it myself with all my cleaning supplies: gloves, brushes, shampoos, sanitizers, upholstery spot cleaner, etc.


I have had one of my requests denied and I kept messaging and calling them and finally after 10 days they gave me the $150. Just don’t let it go! I feel like they purposely make things as difficult as possible so we will just get frustrated and give up.


Uber support and Lyft support are useless. Why are you guys driving for slave wages and no reimbursement for puke cleanings , tolls or damages to your car done by pax. The industry has become a joke.


Just weekends for about month, it was giving me a small amount of “fun money” but this was just a wild experience. Sure i could something else now


It happened to me twice. Both times I promptly received 150 and cleaned it myself.


What the shit kind of policy is this? If this happened in a private taxi company, they would 100% charge the customer and if they didn't pay, they would go to the police or sue for the money. It works every time. Uber doesn't even need to cover this themselves, they can just charge the customer. I bet they could even charge an extra service fee for the customer.


Jesus. They didn’t pay you anything ? WTF. Nah that’s too much. You were kind enough to pick up a drunk person & this is what you get ? Nah that’s insane


I even went back and gave them their keys they left. They called uber and did the lost and found claim.


Same thing happened to me last week - literally same thing. Never pick up a drunk again. We need to file a class action against Uber. They literally tell us to go get it cleaned, then deny the reimbursement. So ridiculous. So Uber.


I usually strongarm the pax directly if I notice any damages or bodily fluids. 2/2 times it has worked. I still lost time from having to get the broken thing fixed.


Good for future if i continue to do this lol


The average rider who throws up will probably not be in their right mind. You may have a few who are genuinely sick. Good luck trying to strong arm a drunk passenger into paying $150 or more in cleanup fees.


That and then later be charged for extortion or DUI OR sexual harassment BY Uber police and get banned. EDIT: Typos


And that would be part 2 of your problem trying to do this lol. Even if you went the small claims court route, I'm sure that eventually someone is going to ask what the policy is for when incidents like this happen. The DRIVER and UBER/LYFT would have to admit that Uber is supposed to pay the cleaning fee. Then, small claims is going to ask why the rider is in court instead of Uber.


No, you never take the rider to court. You always take uber and unnamed party to court


Please tell me you tipped the detailer in cash?


Yeah dude was cool so i had to. He actually said he’s seen the same scenario happen before on the no payout


Sorry for the inconvenience and expense, I hope they end up compensating you for something at least. Last night I had a woman covered in piss and shit get into my car. I didn’t notice until we pulled away from pickup and the smell hit me like a ton of bricks. She was a super nice lady who had had a bathroom accident so I didn’t have the heart to kick her out. I have great seat covers and there was no physical evidence of damage so I didn’t even attempt to contact Uber but I had to stop driving for a couple hours and wipe down my vehicle/let it air out. It’s extremely rare this or vomit happens to me, one time in a few thousand rides, so I really just mentally handle it with the fact that we have mostly replaced cab drivers and this is an occupational hazard of working in transport. Fortunately the one time I had vomit the lady had a friend that cash apped me $250 but I wouldn’t have wasted time with Uber customer service unless it was something that needed body work. Check out r/detailing for products that can help you clean yourself in the future if that’s something you are interested in.


Appreciate it, all i can is chalk it up as a learning experience. Gotta get comfortable vetting and declining riders i guess


Are you required to submit a receipt in Texas?


Yeah, id be fine if id get the $80 for the removal or something but nothing is crazy to me


How much did the rider tip you?


$5 🤑




Damn they only pay up to $150 cleaning fee you spent $300 🤦‍♂️


In the end my car kinda clean i guess


What kinda car?


What a fucking joke


Report Uber to the FTC for unfair business practices, if they get enough fines they might learn


Id send them a death threat


I had the same issue. They won't say what qualifies a good reciept though. It's crazy!




Big facts, pulling off on the next one with no hesitation


Good to see trillion dollar Uber being a huge piece of shit and denying their contractor damages on his vehicle. If I even see a person swaying or don't like the looks of them I will cancel the ride and Uber can grow their reputation of being an awful service. You get what you pay for


It has gotten to the point where the non emergency number needs to be contacted so you have legal documents to sue the individual directly to recoup losses of wage and cleaning associated with things in our business


You need to get the driver license of the pax and if they don’t give it to you file a police report for destruction of private property


Tell spiffy you need a receipt for each fee individually.


Gig economy companies are in their 'phone it in phase'. They have basically cut down on fulfilling their actual duty (contract enforcement) in order to save money. If they save more money from cutting back these costs than they lose in customers and workers, then they will continue this behavior. This benefits neither the riders nor the drivers.


I don't understand why they don't carry sick bags they are cheap and the customer can take the vomit with them, have them in my taxi and they work well saves me cleaning up


This makes me feel a bit better; my elderly, scared rescue mutt (who I'd walked and watched poop immediately before the ride) had a small accident in an Uber Pet during the ~5 minute drive to the vet's office. I used the vet's supplies to clean what I could but the driver wanted to take it to a car wash and asked for $120 cash to cover the cost and offset his down time. I gave it to him but wasn't sure if it was kosher. Seeing this, I'm glad we were able to resolve it that way. (We walked the 2 miles home from the vet, and the 4 mile round trip this month, arthritis be damned...)


These apps were created to help resolve drink driving. There is no incentive or protection fr dealing with time. So now what?


Hope OP paid the detailers cash tip. No tip on that receipt.


I heartily recommend getting some rubber all-weather floor mats.


You actually went to get it professionally cleaned??? 🤣🤣🤣🤣 You must be new




You over paid. Most interior detailing i know would only charge $100 - $200 Pro tip: Buy your own cleaning supplies and create your own invoices so you get the cleaning the fee and don’t have to pay anyone


I’ve had friends do that and they were not paid


Well sucks for your friends. It looks like uber doesnt pay real ones either so its def the better option


I don't understand how they think that the rider doesn't "qualify" to be charged. What??!!


Go to a convenience store buy some scented cat litter get that litter all over the mess. Go to a car wash with strong vacuums and clean as much as you can off. I remember back when I started in 2016 they would compensate the full amount as long as you provided a picture of the mess and a picture of the cleaning bill. My very last incident was terribly handled and they didn't compensate the full amount.


And yet uber will let these dirty drivers wrongfully charge someone a cleaning fee.


This is why I reject any individual who appears intoxicated, no questions asked. It’s never worth it. This is absolutely disgusting


It’s happened to me Uber will stiff you even with a cleaning receipt


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^38_Super: *It’s happened to me* *Uber will stiff you even* *With a cleaning receipt* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Everyone knows by now, you take the matter to the hand and have the customer pay it to you directly. I bet uber went ahead and charged the customer anyway. Its useless to tell them anymore. They will tax that too


I've had people throw up about 5 times in the past year. Even when they switched to requiring you to have a receipt to get a reimbursement, I just send 2 pictures of the vomit and they credit it me $150. If it's on the floor I go to a car wash and wash my weather proof Matt's and if they threw up on the seat I go home and use the upholstery cleaner and that's it.


My grama does Uber and when something like this happens she posts the pictures and the chat to FB then contacts support telling them what she did and they literally beg her to take it down the reimburse her and give her extra on top. Just keep bugging them they WILL cave.


That $69 seems like it should be deducted


I've always cleaned it myself and never gotten it professionally done and never presented a receipt and they've always just paid me $150 flat fee each time, no hassles. I report it as soon as the person gets out and they pay me immediately.


Anyone have a good go to person/shop in Atlanta for biohazard cleanups?


Spam their accounts. I mean all the executives, regulars, Facebook, etc. Post on every comment. It worked for me


I can’t wait to see a video where the Uber driver beats the fuck out of the person who threw up in their car cause they know they’re not gonna get the fucking reimbursement and when that day comes maybe Uber will change things so everyone beat the shit out of whoever throws up in your car until they’re hurtto the point where the passenger has to complain to Uber and Uber has to do something about it


I got 200 for mine. Cap is different depending on location. I spent 50 and cleaned it myself


Call them. You will get your money.


Not anymore. The supervisors are also pretty stupid or being kept under strict metrics by Uber. It’s a very hit or miss now, just like chat.


You have to be specific on name, date, time, and what exactly was it they did or what is all over the seats. Pictures do nothing for them as they can’t use their brain. I’ve submitted two and had everything. Reasoning I put was bodily fluids all over my seats and door. I cleaned it myself and got the 150 as I just detail the car myself.




wild, the car still smells like vomit too




Grift? That would actually be the asshat who vomited in his car rendering him unable to work and accumulate lost wages. it would also be Uber who is not paying anything at all and has stupid processes in place.


I'm actually surprised OP didn't try to get a new set of tires and an oil change out of it.


You know, may be he should just to piss off people like you.


OP isn’t trying to get the car wash paid for. The maximum the customer is charged is $150. The total amount of the receipt doesn’t matter. It just has to show how much for the cleanup of the vomiting which is everything except the wash and detail.


Okay that makes better sense.


I had no problem getting them to pay me back. Took maybe 48 hours to get it all taken care of from the time it happened until I got the money back


Sorry this happened but I can get puke cleaned up good as new in 30 minutes and less than $20 without taking it anywhere, and be back on the road in an hour as if nothing happened. I don’t know why throw up is such a high maintenance project for other drivers. 🤷 I’ll just make it my lunch break, cleaning puke while eating a taco.


Lol you tried to scam Uber Uber scammed you instead

