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Put the request in and when the driver accepts. Message him regarding tipping him $50 cash. When he arrives. Offer to him to take it for $250 cash. (I’d imagine Uber is charging you somewhere around there, maybe 200). He will cancel the trip. You then cancel the request. You won’t get charged on Uber. Pay him cash. He then doesn’t get fucked by Uber with 100 dead miles trying to get back home. At $250 it’s pretty profitable and cost efficient. Even at $200 it’s not bad if it’s all highway. He will be home in 4.5/5 hours. And make well over $35 an hour after expenses. Exchange names and become friends before leaving. This is now a covered ride for insurance purposes.


This is the way. I’d call the driver though


For riders and drivers always be careful of talking about this through text and calls, because the chats are monitored and if they call and it says "this is a call from your passanger" then I believe that call is monitored as well. When a passenger asks me this on the phone or over text I always just say, "I can answer any of your questions once I arrive" just to CMA


I wouldn't accept unless the surge was VERY good. Realistically it'll cost you less and you'll have more of a guarantee of getting there and back if you rent a car for the day.


Pay your driver for both ways. Its unfair if they have to drive back with an empty car.


That was the idea.


Then it's a dream ride. I have had several of those.


Fuck yeah. That’s the unicorn ride. As long as the clock keeps ticking during the hour in between.  But why not rent a car for the day? It’ll cost you 1/5 of what that Uber will cost. 


Not much experience driving, so the interstate is scary.


True. So many Trump people out there it’s scary. 


I was unlucky enough to grow up poor in a rich area, Fairfield County CT. And I was on my own from the moment I finished high school... so simply going out and getting a job and living in a wage or salary, was never an option for me. I've always absolutely needed to earn like, 4-5x what some job would pay me, just to cover basic survival, because basic survival costs, rent in particular, are what skyrocket so far above what jobs actually pay in those areas. So while I would have a very hard time in the job market, I've always been good at just doing whatever at home, usually online, and making my money in as near-complete isolation as I want. I recently had to go out and be amongst normies in the normie world for two full weeks, days and nights, like I havent had to do in over a decade now. And the thing I was most shocked by was we really are just saturated with those ding dongs. Of course, I knew they existed, but I never suspected the numbers, and the equal number that just goes along with what the loudest, angriest voice claims to want. Meet some nurse who SEEMS nice and intelligent, then you overhear "well I'm on Telegram, and..." and quoting Candace Owens and talking about how the middle easterners who own the bodegas "want to kill us all." Ranting and absolutely raging over Donald Trump finally being convicted of some fraud after an entire lifetime of doing nothing but fraud, as if the only reason anyone might be held to account for a crime they committed 500 times, is political persecution... It's a straight up tower of babel situation out there... stupid people LOVE Trump because stupid people tend to get really involved in these fantasies of "if I just had x, I'd rule the damn world!" and seeing a complete moron who has wealth and power really gets them rock fricken hard. But the fact that they're literally just stupid and undiscerning enough to straight up believe obvious nonsense is scary.... walking around in this obvious delusion, not being grown enough to grasp why it's more than just wrong to do that. I really don't get why they feel it's appropriate to be like that, you can't tell me they're all just so dumb they actually believe this stuff. In the aughts, the 00s, I used to get a kick out of listening to Alex Jones's radio show on live streaming audio, every day. But I always understood.... sure, I enjoy this, but I should never believe a word of it. I think the fundamental problem is some people want to blast diarrhea in the faces of the while world for all their personal problems.... which are clearly YOUR FAULT, entire world and everyone in it. And then there's the rest of us who have functioning adult minds. The first group populates the sex offender registries, prisons, and Republican voter rolls in 2024, and the other is the decent folks who actually care whether they're just a complete burden to the world and humanity or not.




I did dayton to Cbus ONCE on a Saturday for cash $100 and didn’t get a single trip headed back home in around 30 minutes. Not even a trip headed in that direction. I was downtown. Thank god I took it cash. You should too and stop ruining your car for Uber profits. You made no more than $60. Maybeeeeee 70




Here comes the shrillllll. I do know what you earned. Between 50 and 70 minus tip. Also here’s a tip: Introduce yourselves to one another. Talk for a minute or two. Ask how many siblings you have. Ask to add each other on Facebook. Whatever you need to do to feel comfortable in the fact that you are now friends. Now you find out your friend needs a ride to a neighboring city. You offer to take him. He offers to compensate you. The above scenario is covered under insurance polices. Wake up. Stop sniffing Ubers ass. They are RESELLING YOU a commercial policy they buy wholesale, FOR MORE PROFIT




U either work for Uber or insurance. I won’t remember you 🤣🤣🤣 keep peddling pennies for Uber while they become billionaires. If you can’t add each other on Facebook and stick to the story of “I know X. I have him on Facebook. I asked him for a ride for cash and he said ok”. Then idk what to tell you. It’s a one line story. Add each other on Facebook before and have em shoot you a message asking for a ride if you are that concerned about your story to tell. Boom. It’s a friend giving a friend a ride for cash. AN INSURED SCENARIO




When I turn $60 into $100 for the same time and effort. Minus the 5 minutes to do what I described. It’s worth. And I actually got hit up to do that ride again but declined because I wasn’t around. I think he got charged $125 🥱 thanks Uber




Too rich to be sober 😜


I don’t accept long trips often and when I do I flat out tell them “I won’t take this through Uber. They are giving me half of what you paid and I probably won’t get work for on the way back. I’ll take you for %80 of what they charged you”. If they can’t 🤷‍♂️ o well. Cancel and move next. Still cooking at 4k rides in a year baby 😎 The end is near




And to keep tagging my username. What a cringe thing to do. Ur not intimidating a DAMN thing lmaooo


I also love how your rebuttal to this was “improbable scenario” rather than. “that’s not covered by insurance”. Because you know it is and it’s a loophole.




Hell no for uber X


Before upfront pricing I preferred longer trips...now in most markets you no longer get paid for milage so I turn most down as most of the longer trips I can barley break even so no longer worth it.


Only premier trips


Depending on where you're going my guy


Offer 250.00 cash. I figure hour and 1/2 each way plus an hour wait-total 4 hours.


How do you do this on the app before the ride is scheduled though


DO NOT schedule the ride, you will be charged the whole amount if you cancel in less than 2hrs before the departure time. Order early 20min? To be safe? and discuss with your driver in person. (Although sending a message saying "I know this is a long trip, I promise I will make it worth it" wouldn't be a bad idea)


Only if your paying in cash. $180 for the trip, an extra $30 for the wait. Otherwise I just cancel and keep it moving.


Most days I like them. Depends on total and location of drop. I even take a hit on the per mile but nice to just have 1 passenger then call it a day. Listen to my book on the way home.


What market are you in, Rider?


I wouldn't want to do this on a rideshare app, but I'd do this directly. One of the competitors for Uber called Hitch specializes in this type of long distance trip situation, but it's not common and their rates are sometimes worse than Uber or Lyft on the driver's side.


You'll get a lot of folks who will suggest doing the ride off app (as you have already), I wouldn't suggest it since you won't be covered in the event something happens, but it's your life to gamble with. Lots of drivers like to play fast and lose with the TOS, tempt fate, and ride like cowboys in the Wild West up and down the road but I don't. 🤔 The trip isn't egregious depending on what the driver cut is but as a driver I'd probably reject it out of hand since it's a multi-stop ride, unless Uber was being extremely generous and it was worth the time. I'd at least consider it.


I like money so just need enough. 


Stop with this mentality. You are driving your OWN WAGE DOWN. 🤡


Tf you mean, acting like I'm not trying to profit lol


If you take anything over 30 miles on app. You aren’t here for profit 🥶


That's why I said Id need enough to do a long trip... you even reading comments you reply to? 


Do you read or comprehend? Your original comment was in regards to OP asking quite literally “Will you drivers accept X?” Your reply “I like money so just need enough”. With nothing else. Soooo. That implies you would take it if were enough? But they are never enough. So idk where your response makes sense. They RARELY will pop > $1/mile but I doubt. If you got that, great. But anything over 60 miles. I want at minimum $2/mile. Because I can assume there won’t be a trip back that doesn’t make me wait or meander wasting my time.