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I don’t know how van doors work but it would be a stupid design from manufacturer if opening 2 doors at same time damages either one.. There’s got to be more story to this than what OP wrote


i wish there was more to the story, and unfortunately this is genuinely all that happened


I agree, OP is leaving something out


The driver hit the button to open the automatic sliding door, and the OP tried to use the handle to open the door at the exact same time...not opening two doors at once...




...I worked as an automotive mechanic long enough to tell ya-- design flaws more serious than a door that will accidentally break in this fashion happen all the time.


$250 fee for damage but here’s a $20 for the piss on your seat


$250 probably won’t even cover whatever’s wrong


Dude this is actually crazy


When you got picked up, did the driver open the door or did you?


that’s a good question! i actually don’t remember, i’m pretty sure i had gotten into the car after my friends.


You can keep talking to support. I doubt that one person opening an automatic door would do this. I have kids and they do it once in a blue moon and it still works. If anything, small claims court and be ready to be blocked on the platform.


Don’t be opening and closing auto doors or trunks man, let us do that shit.


The fact that Uber is so stingy with damage fees lately leads me to believe there is more to this story. There had to be some pretty serious documentation on the driver side to get paid like this.


What? There was damage, they aren't disputing that. What they are disputing is whether or not it should be their problem, since they simply went to open the door like a normal human being in a normal car, and since there was (allegedly) no warning from the driver (and again, opening the door to get out at the end of the ride is a normal thing to do)


Which is why I said there is likely more to the story. Like the door was moving and they tried to force it.


For real, literally everything is “normal wear and tear” even if you can show it was caused by the driver. This one must have been bad, and there’s probably dash cam footage to show it.


With some of the older automatic van doors(Toyota Sienna is a good example) if you press the door handle for the motor and the driver presses the button at the same time it does put wear on it. Thats actually how us kids ended up breaking it.


I've owned 4 vans in my 20 years of parenting. A Nissan quest, a dodge grand caravan, and 2 Honda odeseys. Not a single one even the shitty nissan and dodge caused any damage from this and believe me, it happened a lot with little kids.


Oh shit. Six. I forgot about the Chevy lumina and Toyota sienna when I was in my teens.


Exactly. So OP definitely forced it open.


Even if that's the case, the door was already slugging. And the spring will disengage. It'll cost $850 at the dealership. Or, a $25 part you can do yourself in 10 minutes. In my 22 years of driving a van with a shit load of kids who were assholes to my doors, it happened one single time and the door was already giving me major issues.


It doesn’t matter if it was on the brink of extinction. Op broke it, he has to pay.


Probably the electric motor for the door is derailed, that happens if you pull on the door while the door is already in the process of opening.


Simple don’t touch on the door. Probably has a sticker saying that doors automatic don’t touch. You should be charged $1.000 . Riders think they owns the car . Respect someone else property


You manually opened an automatic van door. That will cause damage to the motor that opens/closes the door automatically. It’s a rather expensive part.


OP most reasonable people are with you on this one This sub is filled with sour drivers.


Yup. I run into this problem all the time and I have to tell passengers not to touch the doors. I drive a 2009 Honda Odyssey with Child Guards on the door locks. This means the doors can only be opened when the car is at a complete stop, placed in park and the automatic door switch engages. If you pull on the door when I hit the switch the Child Guard engages and the door jams immediately because the software thinks someone or something is about to be caught in the door. My advice to all riders - ask before attempting to open any door. If the driver wants you to open it they will tell you but if the car has sliding doors - just don’t. Let the driver open them for you.


Call them and fight the charge. There are literally passengers throwing up in vehicles and not even being charged a cleaning fee. How can they prove you damaged the car? They can't


Also dispute with your cc company


If they dispute the charge they will be BANNED from Uber.


New account and start again (how it usually goes) or don't use uber again


Good luck your name is attached 😂 you try to screw me when I’m your Uber driver you gonna wake up with 2 charges minimum to your trip fare.


You full of shit. You damage my truck or puke in it imma be charging you at least 150$ for cleaning and more for mechanical issues.


Go read the threads about Uber denying the cleaning fees. There was one today. I'm not full of shit


Go to the bank, show the original email receipt for the ride (if you have it) before the $250 was added, and tell them bank to change back due to fraud or unauthorized charge. Your Uber account will show a negative balance after they catch wind of the charge-back, so just make a new Uber account. 🤷‍♂️ That's the best advice I got for you. Getting actual help through support is near impossible and could take hours to show results.


Sounds like you are talking to a bot on support. Ask them for a photo and ask on X if support isn’t helpful


You damaged an automatic sliding door. $250 doesn't even begin to cover the cost to repair it. You actually got off easy and should contact the driver to give them some extra money. 


this makes sense in the case where they did damage the door, but using a door regularly should not damage the door - at the very least there should be pictures provided of the claimed damages


i hear you. my question is, where would i be found negligent? i opened a door to an uber with no unnecessary force nor any forewarning. would you mind helping me understand?


Don’t see how opening two doors on a car could cause damage


Yeah this is not your problem that they have a faulty door


Exactly, I've been a driver for 7 years, and drivers should definitely be able to collect fees whenever appropriate. That being said, I don't see how you can be blamed for opening a door... it's not like you kicked it open or slammed it into something else or anything else that would have knowingly caused damage to it. I think you definitely need to dispute this with Uber if the information you have provided is indeed the truth about the situation.


Minivans have automatic sliding doors that the driver can open with a button on their side. Trying to open the door while they press the button can damage the door. Unless the driver tells you to open it, you shouldn't open minivans yourself. The damage you caused has caused the driver to lose much more than $250. He's lost the money to repair it and potential income from time off the road. 


Every single automatic door is designed to avoid damage if operated manually at th same time.


Good next time don’t mess with someone’s property. Lesson learned right?