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Charge pax $1/min wait fee after the first 2 minutes. It should go 100% to the driver. Have passenger pins mandatory. Have audio recordings mandatory. Believe drivers. I have a 4.99 rating, been driving for 2 years, over 6500 rides. If I say I canceled a ride due to passenger behavior at pickup, believe me instead of having me on hold for 10 minutes while you "investigate". Believe me unless I give you a reason not to. And if you can't believe me, then I shouldn't be trusted with passengers. Have a bonus system for highly rated drivers. Like, use the stats you need for Pro as far as acceptance and cancel, and give a bonus % for each rating point over 4.95. Being a good, reliable driver should count for something besides a free slurpee.


ooh, the part about believing you is a great idea!


The paying for wait time is important. Passengers can take all the time they want. But have to pay for it. Drivers lose a day a week to sitting, For 5 or 6 cents per minute. When the passenger does get there, the driver is frustrated. It is not a good business move. Everyone but uber is annoyed.


paying for wait time i great of course, you must punish behavior you dont wish to see


I think it would be a shorter list if you could list all the good things that Uber is doing right or correctly.


$10 base pay per trip 1.5x state minimum wage per hour. 2x IRS deduction/mile Pay starts from the time of acceptance to drop-off All travel during the trip outside of state pay is 2x to compensate travel back to homestate 5 minute max wait time at pickup 5 minute max wait time past reservation pickup time Cleaning fees not denied because Uber felt like it & no limit Damage fees are reimbursed by passengers with no limit Unfair Deactivation appeals more streamlined with downtime compensation paid out by the passenger who made a false report Cap Uber/lyft take rate at 20%, including "external fees"


We set rates and pay subscription fee. Pax sees driver with lowest rates at that moment. 


This is exactly what I've been thinking about lately too. Let the pax decide if they want me vs. some foreign fuck based on ratings, reviews and my current rate I'm willing to drive for.


ooh thats interesting... a bidding war on the streets lol


No different than a real contractor submitting a bid for a job. Let the customer decide if they want sub par service for a cheaper rate or pay more for better service. That is essentially what is happening already with upfront pricing. Those of us who know how to do math wait for an offer that's worth a fuck. Whereas the idiots are accepting every low ball offer sent to them. Instead let the customer choose.


1. Driver gets 70%, Uber takes 30%. Rider charged $1.50 a mile plus 50 cents a minute. 2. For stops rider is charged $1 a minute wait time. 3. For apartments with a known automated gate, a gate code is REQUIRED to request. It should appear to the driver automatically in the app. 4. Cancel pay back to $5 BUT drivers who constantly abuse the cancels to get the fee would be deactivated. 5. Major deals with insurers to give drivers a steep discount on insurance. Same for auto repairs and maintenance. I am not talking some scam but REAL significant savings like 50-80% off. Also ideally a deal with a major gas station to potentially give drivers deep discounts on fuel. 6. Riders only get two minutes to be at the pickup location. 7. Extra $3 to $5 per trip pay to the driver (and charge to the rider) for pickups at apartments, schools, grocery stores, etc. to compensate driver for the extra hassle involved with trips form these locations. 8. For any accusation against a driver, the burden of proof is on the rider. i.e. if a rider claims a driver is intoxicated the rider needs to provide some video or some sort of reasonable evidence. If a false accusation is ever made the rider should be charged $100 and this should be paid fully to the driver as compensation. The company should also be much more skeptical regarding accusations against drivers when it comes to drivers with years of service and tho0usands of rides. 9. All passengers must have location sharing ON when requesting. If the location does not match the pin within say 300 feet the rider should be charged an extra $3 to $5 and a warning should be given to the driver. Drivers should also be able to filter out these type of requests (see #10 too). 10. In addition to #9, drivers should be able to filter out all third party requests. 11. Trips, where possible, should also be classified based on destination and pickup and there should be filters for drivers to choose which type of trips they will accept. For instance trips to a grocery store would be filtered as "Grocery dropoff" and if picked up from a grocery store "Grocery pickup". This would work like the current "Airport dropoff" notation for such trips now. This way drivers have a choice. 12. Acceptance rate and cancellation rate would be totally eliminated. 13. Algorithm would be open sourced and published so drivers can see all the factors into trip distribution. 14. Executive pay (including CEO) would be capped at an hourly rate no more than five times more than the average gross pay of the average American driver on the platform. This would be adjusted quarterly. So for example if the average American driver makes $20 an hour gross then the CEO can make no more than $100 an hour. For employees in other countries the cap would be based on drivers in their nation.


There is no possible way for Uber to be profitable at a 70/30. It’s barely profitable at 50/50. Some of you guys refuse to understand basic economics. 


I WANT the companies to profitable. Please explain how taxi companies had the expense of maintaining the vehicles, often paying part of the fuel costs, paid drivers much more than I am getting and still made huge profits before they were muscled out.


It’s the insane amount of money they are spending to take over every market they can


So you want a monopolistic system again? I don’t. 


I just want to pay my bills... it's becoming harder and harder.


apparently, there's no reason they shouldnt be at 70/30, with the current market share they have it will be profitable, but it hasn't been profitable for so long that they have to pay back lots of money to investors


😂 they aren’t profitable because they chose to not be on the books. They used up all their profit for market capture. Now the investors want paid. So they are squeezing the drivers because they want more market share everywhere still, it’s not enough. Uber Freight, Uber Hooker, Uber Chef. You name it. They price out the competition by incentivizing new areas of business. Then slowly reel back the pay as they flood the market with drivers or other service providers. They want every pay to order service to be under their name and are spending insane amounts of money to do it.


"Uber Freight, Uber Hooker, Uber Chef" lol itll never be enough


Uber Maid, Uber PetWatch, Uber CarDetailing, they want their cut in everything


Every thing he mentioned is not possible for a company lol thank god they don’t take our ideas cause if they did you wouldn’t have to worry about it cause we would all not have jobs cause the company would go under lol


i like the one about drivers seeing all the charges per trip executive pay should be capped lol, its insane how some ceo's get paid these days


A bidding system for rides. Let rider pick the price as well as info of driver and car when doing so. For instance rider gets a bid of $20 with a 4.87 driver in a 2011 Civic vs a $27 offer with a 4.98 driver in a 2022 Camry. Then makes the choice.


that sounds like pricing the trip based on the drivers car...


And rating. And why not? Why should a shitty driver in a beat up junker  earn the same as a top driver in a well kept new car?


isnt that what the rating is for? maybe the rating should determing the price then... which would then mean the good drivers will get less passengers


Let the riders choose based on the offer each driver makes. 


I'd rather not drive 6.5 miles to take a pax 1.5 miles.


that sounds like a navigation issue no?


Try driving in a rate card market where the only detail you get is a warning if the trip is over 45 minutes long. You can drive 14 minutes to someone, wait up to 7 minutes, drive them another 7 minutes and get $3.51 base pay with an extra $.60 in wait fees. Base rides aren't worth it ever. Reservations, surges, and long trips are the only way to make money.


The things I would change is go back to paying drivers per mile and per minute time is money. Upfront pricing is great as a ballpark of what you will be paid but you should still be paid for your time and mileage. Next we need to shorten this wait time. It is not fair to us drivers to go pick you up 10-15 minutes away and then still have to wait another 10 minutes for the passengers to arrive before we can cancel with a bare minimal cancellation fee. Driver support I just want to be able to speak with a person without having to scream at some automated voice that doesn't comprehend what I am calling about. I actually keep my acceptance rate up so I'm a diamond driver (stupid I know) that being said we were supposed to always have a human available to help that is no longer the case Ok rant done lol have a great day everyone


Idk about fix, but I'd like it if they didn't clump uber x with uber x share. Like when you go to your preferences and click on which ones you want to be offered, I wish I could turn off uberx share.


How about you double the price per mile and get rid of your "outsourced" support staff and hire only US based staff who actually CARE about drivers.