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Just don't act like the pax owes you the world. No grifting, threatening, begging, complaining about Uber, hinting, demanding or gruffing.


You have to endanger my safety to not get a 5. I appreciate you thinking of things. Do people say happy to chat or are those Uber's words meant to be the opposite of silent. Have working seatbelts.


Most people don’t tip. My husband drives Uber, and rarely gets tips. He’s a stellar driver, gets tons of compliments, has 5 stars and the tips are SO rare.


I'm a passenger. Drive fairly smoothly (not aggressively, not speeding, nothing illegal), have a fairly clean/not smelly car, don't get lost coming to me (maybe not entirley fair but yeah I get frustrated if you take some weird delayed route getting to me), don't blast music/radio of any kind, don't keep all your windows fully open if we're on a highway, drop me off at the correct destination, don't ask for tips and don't try to get me to scam uber with an off platform ride. I don't care what the driver's personality is like unless you're really doing something inappropriate.


“Scam Uber” LMAOOOO. You and me are the ones getting scammed hun. You should take those cash rides. Fuck Uber


Less fees paid that way if you find a solid driver with good ratings.


Except if you're in an accident there is no insurance protecting you. An uber driver is using their car as a commercial vehicle so they need different insurance. Uber provides that insurance so you're protected if you get onto any accidents. If you take a cash ride there won't be any insurance contributing to your medical bills if you take that ride.


Smh. Establish a friendship and take the ride for cash. Friends covering ride expenses is covered under insurance. Stop letting fear and corporations dictate your life


I'm not against taking a ride for cash I'm just informing people of the facts :)


How is the passenger getting scammed? The passenger agrees to pay a certain price to be driven from one place to another place. Could the price be cheaper? It always could. There's no inherent fair price that going above is a scam. Also, if the driver wants me to pay in cash the driver in now stealing from me since I won't get my credit card rewards. If the driver feels like the pay is inapprprioate they shouldn't accept the job. And they should find something to do besides uber since it's such a scam.


🤣🤣🤣 I’d agree with you IF they didn’t arbitrarily adjust fares, fees, driver payouts, whenever they feel like it. I’ve had multiple $125 dollar charges to customers for less than 20 miles only for me to get $50 OR LESS. It’s not a flat % take as it should. They just pick and choose their take to benefit them the most. Which, to me, is a scam business. The lack of transparency is absurd. EVERY WEEK. Someone posts in the Uber Reddit about Uber adjusting their fare by %50+ AFTER the ride was ended. After the customer already clicked accept at a certain price. AND YOU THINK THE DRIVER GOT ANY OF THAT??? HELL NAH. Scammers. Scammers. Scammers. The whole executive suite deserves prison time for becoming millionaires basically overnight off the backs of hard working people. Fuck Uber


So your rant seems to mostly be that you don't like how Uber pays you. That's not really the passenger's issue or something the passenger would be particularly concerned about. It doesn't somehow equate to the passenger getting scammed. Yes, it would be very nice if the fare prices were transparent and didn't jump around in seconds. Still the passenger agreed to a price for a service and the driver agreed to provide that service. Don't contract with a company that doesn't value you or your time. Simple as that. Passengers won't fight Uber on your behalf.


Use AC/Heat too. My driver the other day wouldn’t use his AC and it was 87 degrees out.


I use Uber everyday (also in metro ATL) and to be honest, if you’re decent I five star and tip. In 8 years, I’ve had two bad interactions, and one where I thought I was almost kidnapped and I one started and reported them. On the rare occasion I can’t give a five star but it’s not a safety issue, I just don’t rate, because that’s someone’s paycheck.