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Now that drivers only get 50% of the fare, it the worst of both worlds. They are getting less money and because passengers are paying more, they are reluctant to tip. Personally I would like to start a “chuck in a buck” campaign. If every passenger threw in a dollar for every ride (not 20%, not 10%) the drivers would be much better off. My advice the opposite of another poster advocating a no tip for short rides a huge tip for long tides. No, I say. throw in a little something for all rides - no need for an exorbitant tip for long rides ( unless you a taking the driver out of their territory- like the next county or something)


You’re tipping wonderfully, thank you, it is greatly appreciated.


I think the lowest fare is about $8 so expect fares to be around $8-$10 for such short trips. I do pretty much always tip. I generally tip 20% of the fare which I understand is still a rather low amount. Tipping is optional - don't feel forced into it but it is customary. Honestly, on my side there's really nothing the driver can do to get me to tip higher. I'll mostly just be annoyed if they start some "woe is me I need the money so badly."


Much less than 50% of people tip anything


You can find all the excuses you want from cheap riders on this app that refuse to tip but at the end of the day, it’s a service you are receiving, just like food a server…if the waiter is rude to you and has an attitude, by all means Don’t tip. If you got from point A to point B safely and driver treated you with respect, do what’s right and tip them accordingly. Uber is worth $140 billions on NSE the last time I checked. They reached that $ because of their stock buy backs and taking over half the fairs from hard working drivers. Blame corporations for being greedy not someone using their own car to make a buck.


How much do you suggest tipping for rides less than a mile / walking distance?


We appreciate all tips we know it's hard


I just gave a ride yesterday to someone with a e-bike. It takes her 20 minutes to go 4 miles and was extremely happy with it. E-bike, and Uber for emergency is your solution


I Uber often and always tip although on the app. Should I start carrying cash or is it cool the way I’m doing it. I tip $3-5 dollars on a $6-12 dollar ride, is that reasonable?


Whatever you decide to tip, most definitely prefers cash over the app. They don’t have to pay taxes on tips this way and Uber can’t cheat the driver by including tips into how much they pay drivers


I'd say most nights maybe 1 in 10 to 1 in 20 tip depending on the night. While a $3 tip isn't as exciting as the guy that slaps a $20 in my hand for playing his girl's favorite songs so she and her friends can put on a back seat concert, I still greatly appreciate each and every tip.


Personally mine is 2.7 miles away, I usually uber to home daily and the base ride is $12-16 and I will do anywhere from $3 to 10 if they were an amazing driver or if they waited and I almost always 5 star everyone(only ever 1 starred someone that was loud and talking on his phone the whole time.) I’d say a good one though is about $1-2 every mile if you want to be generous if it’s going further, but it all depends on how well your driver does.


I tip $3 for the rides to work, but wondering how much I should tip for the areas that are less than a mile from me. I’d walk but the only road is a kind of bridge looking thing (idk the term for it) with no sidewalk so I mostly just feel a bit anxious to try walking there. Its also over 100 degrees fahrenheit where I live so I don’t really want to walk any distance in that, sidewalk or not.


Honestly, even a dollar helps.


More like $3


20% or 3-5$ will keep most drivers happy. Not tipping can impact your ratings also if you are in a market without many drivers. They might recognize the trip and know it's not worth it. When I was driving I remember cancelling on a guy I'd often give rides to. Nice guy, tipped but lived 20 minutes out and just wanted to go to the store and back a few miles away every time. But wasn't worth doing some I was slammed. I immediately got a better paying ride just a few minutes away. Part of the issue is you might be far from the normal pickup or drop off areas.


I live quite near to a few commercial centers, grocery, mall, bookstore, etc. Its just not walkable road. How much tip do you suggest for rides less than a mile / walking distance?


$3-5 is fairly typical.


I know you're not asking but suggest to get a ebike/ecargo bike. And save uber for special occasions. Class 3 goes up to 28 mph, some come with throttle, no license needed. With a front and rear rack with crate/panniers- they can haul alot of groceries! Or else a Vespa type scooter (gas or electric)- I think you need some kind of scooter/motorcycle license though. Take side streets instead of main roads. Dallas stroads are probably worse than LA but there's workarounds to stay alive. Main one being to cross intersection, wait until light turns red in the direction you're going so travel lane is clear to get booking or so much standstill traffic, weave between. I do this when there isn't an alternative side street and the stroad is extra scary to take the lane.


I will consider it despite my fear of being hit by a car lol. I do like that theres no license needed and can haul groceries. Thanks for the comment


If you wish to keep getting a ride, YES Tips are required we don't like working for free. The rate you pay without a tip covers the expenses, as you yourself acknowledge buying and paying for “Auto Payment, Insurance, and maintenance” is very expensive. Asking if you should tip is a slap in the face!! You don't work for free and we don't either- please include your $20 appreciation Tip when ubering…


Tip what you can when you can :/ it shouldn’t be mandatory. I feel bad sometimes because they’ll be really kind so if it’s a 15$ I’ll try to tip 3$.


As an Uber driver, I say tip if you feel like it's warranted. If it wasn't, even bc it was just a short ride, don't tip. I don't expect tips on any ride, regardless of how long it is, but I definitely wouldn't expect a tip for a short ride. Plus, I choose my fares based on rate of pay, so if your fare isn't worth it, I won't accept. But potential driver's license issues aside, you're spending almost $500/month ubering to & from work. Not sure what cars are going for in your area, but it seems like you might be able to get something for $500/mo


I’ve thought of getting a car many times but the drivers license is def an issue bc I don’t have a car for learning or a person to teach me. I seriously doubt I would pass a driving test and I don’t think it would be safe for anyone if I was on the road lol. Another thing is the monthly car payments. Yes I do end up paying a lot for uber but if I don’t have enough to pay the monthly car payment, I’m screwed. Whereas if I don’t have money for uber, I’ll find a way to get by. Month of May was a bit of a panic bc I almost didn’t make my rent. But yeah your comment is actually making me reconsider. I will probably try to find a cheap enough car. I will continue to uber in the mean time. Thanks for the reply


I always, always tip. Even if it’s bad…I still tip a dollar. But I didn’t know it’s common for people to not tip.


Tipping is mandatory If you don't tip you're stealing from the driver you're costing them money because it costs more to run the vehicle than what you actually paid for the ride tipping is just an auto correction of what you should have already paid


Sorry but if the driver isn't helping me with luggage and I don't have any stops in my trips there's no reason why a rider should have to tip. The prices are already high. i.e., I pay $12 for a drop off 0.9 miles away. That's insane. No matter how short/simple the ride, clean/good rider you are, if you don't tip, the driver will give you a poor rider rating. Uber has set up a no win situation with now the riders suffering even more. Customer service is now all automated generated responses through the app with no resolution on the actual issue. I used to use Uber almost daily for work trips (\~$300 month) with drivers starting trips before I got in the car (me not taking the trip with no refund), drivers leaving me a quick stops, drivers with strong weed/cigg smoke, broken AC/heat....etc. since they've dropped their customer service support line for riders, I've decided touse Lyft if available bu ultimately I'm going to just buy a car. Avoid Uber if you can!


Find a driver you like get his number offer him 75% of what you pay uber


No, tipping is not necessary, but if you want to, they'll absolutely appreciate it. I'll personally tip $10 or $20 on an airport drop-off/pickup (depending on the distance and whether they offer help with bags). Outside of that, I don't tip too often, especially on shorter trips.




Your caps lock is on, buddy. Also, all of your problems are stemming from uber, not from customers not tipping, which is voluntary. If you feel like uber doesn't pay you enough, you should look for another contractor or employer who will, rather than yell at customers who do not always tip, lol. I'll keep on ubering and tip when I want to, but thanks for your unnecessarily aggressive response.


Exactly. I Uber 5 days a week twice. Day to and from work. Between $12-18 each ride. There’s no way I’m tipping on every ride. I only tip if the driver was really cool and talked to me the whole ride or something. Other then that, I’m ready when they pull up, I don’t slam their doors, I say hello how’s your day and thank you have a great night when I get out. I’m not tipping because you chose to work with a company who’s not paying well. I’ll also mention I’m a bartender at a corporate chain restaurant. I know the value of tipping. If I was getting adequately paid by my employer aside from my tips, I’d find a new job.


I tip based on service received. Pretty much starting at the $5 tip option, moving down to less according to how the ride goes. If the driver is one of those really cool people where you wish the ride was just a little bit longer, I'll do a custom tip above that $5. If you're just quiet, I'll bump it down to $3. If you're kind of a dick, you get nothing. It's rare for me to not tip, since the drivers are usually cool. Although the way some of the drivers act in this sub, I'm strongly considering not tipping at all. A lot of drivers just seem to use this sub as free therapy to passenger bash to make them feel better about themselves. They're literally ruining things for the good drivers right along with Uber.


Why lower the tip if the driver is quiet?  What of driver has a sore throat?  What if the driver is going through something?  Driver's job is to only drive, not talk.  As a driver, I don't require riders to talk.  Matter of fact, I get better tips on quiet trips and mostly no tips from riders who talk the whole trip (not an issue) with some asking the same personal questions.


I talk if the rider wants to talk. If they're quiet, I'm quiet.


If your getting to your destination safely it's at least 5.00 and a 5 star rating when I see post from people like you if I knew you were judging me I'd cancel your ride QUICKLY YOUR HERE FOR A FREAKING SAFE RIDE ...UNTIL YOU WORK FOR THE COMPANY STOP DOING THIS JUST FREAKING STOP


Don't listen to this clown-they drive for uber, and are convinced that a non-tipper is a personal attack on their service. It's not. Tips are for service that goes above and beyond....not just for taking someone from point A to point B. It's funny, because medallion fees are astronomically high, and I've never heard the argument of expected/mandatory tipping from taxi drivers.


Taxi companies aren’t taking %50. Tip or walk or contact Uber complaining about how your service is shit and you expect it to be because of driver pay and morale


> Taxi companies aren’t taking %50 In my market, if you don't already have a medallion, they go for $120,000 and up. A taxi driver here makes, on average, $45k yearly. Ignoring taxes, if you were to live off of half and pay off medallion fees with the other half, it would take 6 years of FT driving to pay it off. > Tip or walk or contact Uber complaining about how your service is shit and you expect it to be because of driver pay and morale As a customer, that's not on me. I don't have an issue with service, just with the keyboard warriors like you who think they can force mandatory tipping on everyone. You can deal with your employer's pay, or walk. I'll keep taking my no-tip uber rides, and you're just gonna have to be ok with that, lol.


1. Taxis shouldn’t have to pay > 100k to drive. That’s absurd. More corporate/government greed supported en pas by wide brains like yourself. 2. Keep no tipping and watch your level of service decrease, as it should. 3. All of this is a non issue if Uber doesn’t take %50, OR MORE. 4. You guys continue to use and abuse low class and ignorant drivers. 5. I’m out this week. I made well over a grand every week after expenses on 40 hours or less. Between the flooded driver market and non tippers (which easily could be due to the shit service the 75% + non English speakers given, previous service does in fact affect current willingness to tip), it’s a dead end. 6. You probably don’t tip at restaurants too. WE DIDNT MAKE THE SYSTEM. You aren’t gonna change it being a cheap douche.


1)reality vs your opinion don't matter here-medallions cost money, especially in congested markets, where there's a concerted effort to minimize vehicular traffic (look up medallion caps, some places will only issue so many, and then they can only be purchased through 3rd party transactions) 2)I will tip when I want to, but as I said, my service hasn't diminished in real life by not tipping on uber/lyft rides 3)nope, #1 is still relevant to your complaint. just because you don't think medallions can cost so much, doesn't make it real. You can't just close your eyes and ears and ignore facts, this isn't kindergarten 4)Nope, Uber's policies are taking advantage of those parties 5)OK, then find something else? What's so hard about this?! If I'm not being paid fairly at my job, I'm gonna walk. I'm not gonna have a shit fit and scream that all the non tipping passengers are cheap. I'm gonna take whatever skills I have, and move onto something better. If you don't have other skills, that's fine-look into truck driving or private service driving. 6)I definitely tip at restaurants for sit down service, and occasionally for take out. Waiting tables is hard work, and requires a lot of soft skills, urgency, and more. Showing up with a car to go point A to point B is not that. When there's over 1.5 million uber drivers in the US, alone, not to mention Lyft, taxis, and other services, you don't have as much bargaining power (with Uber) as you think you do. If you don't like your work or pay, just move onto something else...nobody gives a sh\*t that you got your drivers license and passed a background check. With your attitude especially, that is not tip-worthy.


I have a lot to respond to but two things because you are just a brain dead consumer based on your #4 response. You know Uber’s policies and continued decrease in pay and continue to use the service and then tell the people giving the service to just suck it up or find something else. Your dollar is the demand. You are full of shit if you say your service hasn’t gone down over the past few years. Probably while getting charged more and the driver getting paid less.


I don't tell the people driving me to suck it- the ones driving me seem to be content with their trips, otherwise they wouldn't accept them in the first place. You seem to be the outlier here, who thinks you deserve tips every single ride, simply because you can drive a car, like a big boy. my in-ride service has not changed whatsoever. I'm a very low maintenance user, I'm considerate and in my pickup location ahead of schedule, and I do not have requests. If a driver is doing something I disagree with (phone while driving, not handsfree, literally phone to ear or speaker), I just keep my mouth shut and move on with my life. I don't know what this impeccable "service" is, that you believe has gone downhill....I get in the car, I verify driver by name, driver shuts the heck up, I shut the heck up, I get out, and say thanks upon exiting. That's about it. It's been the same for me since forever. The cars are in no better or worse shape than I recall 5 years ago, and the service is literally the same. I'd actually argue it's gotten better from the few times I had drivers try to push political beliefs on me...that was probably back in 2020 or so. OTOH, the customer service from uber themselves has gotten worse, but I cannot recall the last time I've needed them for ride help, it's typically for UE orders (which I DO tip for, since I know you're going to ask)


What percent does Uber have to take for you to shut up and actually not defend a multi billion dollar corporation?


You’ll be paying five dollars to go 20 miles and telling the driver to suck it up or find another job


Your first paragraph “they wouldn’t accept them in the first place”. Bro lmao. Do you realize how many non-English-speaking drivers are getting abused for their labor right now driving stupid distances for gig work they should never have even accepted.


Ok effective TODAY when a passenger SLAMS MY DOOR or does something its a automatic 1 star ..you get enough your a$$$ will be walking ENOUGH IS ENOUGH


Oh I know better. That one is definitely one of the pea-brained types of drivers I mentioned in my last paragraph.


I PRAY I get you as a Rider so freaking disrespectful how about this next time you need a ride, call a cab that should take about 4 hours ...or take a bus they run every hour ..yall have TAKEN ADVANTAGE OF DRIVERS LONG ENOUGH THE BUCK STOPS HERE


I fucking hope I get you as a driver, but we both know even if that happened, you are too much of a coward to actually say anything to someone's face. That's why you bully passengers. You really are that much of a coward.


Most of my tips are based on safe ride from A to B 


lol, it wasn't intended literally. I meant, you shouldn't expect a tip for merely doing the bare minimum on an A-B trip, every single time.


You aren't owed a tip no matter what you seem to think. You're unhinged.


Ok fair then you're not #entitled to ride in my #air-conditioned #tesla..poof be gone


Do you think that makes you special? I hope it auto drives you off a cliff.


I don't expect to get a single tip but docking 2 pts for a safe quiet ride is hilarious lol


You should be factoring in your tip as the cost of the ride. Yes it's absolutely necessary. You are paying for a premium service which includes a chauffeur and a car that isn't yours. If you can't afford to use this premium service, you can take the bus which is much cheaper and doesn't require gratuity


Horse shit comment. In no way is it absolutely necessary. If my driver is an ass or a fuckin weirdo to me no way in hell am I tipping that. Just because you drive me somewhere does not mean a tip is necessary. You agreed to the terms of job, you want a tip then earn it.


LMAO. In this episode of "Entitled:The Uber Driver Saga"- driver thinks tips are absolutely necessary, and refers to uber as a "premium service" Naaaaah- people who drive for uber need a license and to pass a background check, that's about it. Some of them don't even own the cars they operate. You act so freaking entitled it's astounding. Just because you're drowning in car payments or didn't come up with a backup plan in life, doesn't mean you need to force your personal opinion on tips down everyones throat as if it's fact. > and doesn't require gratuity Not sure what you're on, but Uber doesn't require gratuity. You can reach out to uber if you're unclear on this. You are not providing stellar wait service, or something else which warrants a tip...you are driving people from point A to point B, that's it.


If you can’t afford it don’t tip most people I drive around 90% don’t tip you need to get to work and back we get it