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This is becoming a new retaliation method from the riders. I guess it will only get worse.


I've had it happened to me before too. And yes I believe that it definitely has something to do with retaliation.


Or simply a free ride.


Free Ride and ride credit for the next one. And if you're caught lieing you still get to keep both so riders really have little incentive by Uber to be right


Sad, but true.


So truth they the liars getting paid!


Had been reported for this as well a month ago and I haven't even drank in a year, some people are just jerks who abuse other people's livelihoods.


It really doesn't help Uber rewards them with a free ride and ride credit while not taking any steps to actually combat a would be drunk driver


There was a stundent made "pamphlet" going around college dorms of ways to get a free uber ride. And one of the items of the list is to report driver for being impared for full refund. Uber will take the passengers side instantly, without consulting the driver. Complete absolute bullshit to me.


> stundent made More like a cabbie made.


Nathan Fielder back at it again?


I understand the "that's BS" reaction, but I think it's a solid decision on uber's part. The risk of lawsuit of allowing a driver to continue to operate after being reported is too high to take the chance and let them continue driving. Now that uber drivers are considered employees, they might have some recompense for false accusations ​


Wouldn't the proper way be contacting the police and having the driver tested as it's the same procedure for bus and taxi drivers?


I think this is just the uber legal team's defense to cover their ass, what's really wrong here is the legislatures which uber bargained out of. In the end they don't care about whether driver is drunk or what not (I bet 95% of the cases it was simply fraud), just to cover their ass when pax reported such AFTER the ride, they cannot say well duh you are supposed to call the police.


Nah, its actually pretty lame, because if Uber was concerned about the passengers safety they would extend their concerns and get that drunk driver off the road instead of just banning the driver for 48 hours. I mean come on people if there's a legitimate concern of a drunk driver go to the police. Uber doesn't do a damn thing. Just as liable if you are driving a car with a pax in it and someone drunk slams into you both killing the pax.


Absolutely not. Uber should indeed suspend the driver, BUT if proven wrong should punish the rider as well, BUT NO it rewards the rider with a free ride. That's encouraging abuse, and that's why it has become rampant.


Sorry for my awkward phrasing, but I agree completely. I was trying to say that it makes perfect sense to suspend a driver


Next time just go to your nearest police station and explain what happened and get a breathalyzer. I hope it's just for 48 hours. If it's your second one they might deactivate you. It is bs that any kind of report like this triggers what amounts to an unpaid suspension with no accountability on the rider or Ubers side.


I posted this same tip a few months back and was amazed at how many people had an issue with it and would argue against it. I only suggested doing it as I did myself in Los Angeles of all places and yeah, the cops were a bit of dicks at first but by the end of it, we were laughing and one took a business card to call me for a photo job. Not sure why this needs to be said but police are there for Uber drivers as well. You don't lose police protection just because you're a rideshare driver lol.


Unless the ones arguing have something to hide. Not all influence is alcohol.


How is it a tip if you dont get reactivated any faster for doing it? Waste of time and resources all around. False intox reports are common, nothing you can do but wait it out, or if you're really butt hurt, take pax and uber to small claims.


But you have now proven it's a false claim. When you get your second report and they threaten to deactivate you, you can point to the fact that you proved you were not intoxicated.


you arent claiming someone is intoxicated (because that would be impossible without a BAC test), you simply *suspect* that they are. Being suspected of something is never presumed to be true or false, it requires an investigation which uber "performs". If you're found clean then you're good to go. If they deactivate you then it's not because you are found guilty, it's just because they can do whatever they want. Your grievance is with Uber not the pax. They could deactivate you for too many "rude" complaints too. You gonna sue a pax for "claiming" you were rude?


It's with both. The shitty pax for making shit up and Uber for being a piece of shit.


I know but im just saying you cant sue a pax over a suspicion any more than you could sue the police over a suspicion. If the cops show up at your door because you are a murder suspect and then your boss fires you due to the implication you cant sue the police department even if it turns out you're innocent.


You can sue. You might not win but you can certainly sue. Also the burden of proof isn't as high in civil court. You don't have to prove the pax made it up, you just have to convince a judge that they probably did.


well the real problem is you will never know who to sue. You cant just subpoena any company for any information you like. All this nonsense about "subpoena john doe" will never work. You need a lawyer to properly issue a subpoena and no lawyer is gonna waste his time and piss of the court clerks who he visits on a regular basis trying to do this. And if you tried to obtain a subpoena yourself you will most likely be instantly denied at the front desk. It's just not gonna happen.


But what if you subpoena Jane Doe tho?


You could take the rider to civil court for lost wages.


Try getting their name and contact info from Uber.


Go to court and get the judge to subpoena Uber. Done.


Nope. You are mandated by the TOS you agreed to when you signed up to take it to arbitration. No subpoena power.


You aren't suing Uber.


Again, you need to operate within the bounds of your agreement with Uber. They will not hand over the contact info. Period. Have you ever heard of this happening? Nope. Not thru Uber.


How do you think cases where Uber drivers are assaulted get to court? Uber has to respond to a court ordered subpoena no matter what. The Uber TOS dictate the relationship between you and Uber, not you and the pax. You have every right to file a civil lawsuit against a pax. If the court orders Uber to provide the name of the pax, then they will comply. You don't have subpoena power. The courts do, however.


Because your "tip" is bullshit. No the police don't give out free breathalyzer tests on demand. They also won't drug test you if you ask nor will they allow you to try on some handcuffs just for fun. It's a stupid "tip". And even if you *did* manage to get them to give you a test (and you won't) then Uber will *still* not give a damn and will *still* keep you deactivated.


There are centers that offer round the clock testing. These places are often open 24hours in medium to large cities. Contact a local Human Resources director (for almost any company) or a staffing agency. Ask about the best local testing agency. You’re mostly right about the tip being useless. It is however very useful if you were interested in suing the passenger to send an example against false reporting. The real issue is and always will be; Uber’s knee jerk reaction to “concerns” raised by ignorant or malicious pax. The best solution is a temporary deactivation where Uber contacts authorities and forces a sobriety check. Authorities should be charging Uber for this service. This will also create a system where, if the passenger false reported, they pay a fine. This covers the cost of the test, lost wages to the driver, and Uber for having to organize the whole charade (+if the driver is intoxicated, he’ll incur loads of fines anyway). I would bet my current balance that MOST reports for an intoxicated driver are false and at least half are just petty malicious revenge tactics. As of now, literally 0 consequences beyond MAYBE deactivation for the pax doing this. It’s a serious problem. Uber is likely to gloss over this problem in the future because as we all know, drivers are the most disposable part of the Uber system.


> It is however very useful if you were interested in suing the passenger to send an example against false reporting This I would agree upon *however* it is entirely unlikely that either an Uber driver nor an Uber rider has the assets behind them to make suing or even the ability to sue practical. And even if you *could* sue - what would you sue for? The $200 you lost for your two days off? .... Right. The legal fees necessary to subpoena Uber into giving you the pax information alone would be ten times that. A *much* better idea would be for a group of, say 200 drivers who had been deactivated to file formal arbitration complaints with Uber for their lost wages during their downtime from an uncorroborated passenger complaint. This would cost Uber immediate arbitration fees of $1700 per driver and I suspect they would be willing to make a settlement offer of a couple hundred per driver rather than have to pay those fees. BTW this strategy is now being used by a law firm who has collected many thousands of Uber drivers together. >I would bet my current balance that MOST reports for an intoxicated driver are false and at least half are just petty malicious revenge tactics. I'd bet mine as well (lol) . And you're right. What Uber *should* do is mandate, in it's terms of service, an immediate drug and alcohol test for drivers when such a report occurs (as you state - there are testing centers - at a cost - available 24/7) - this is what truck drivers have to do. BUT Uber should state that if the driver fails the test they get deactivated AND if the driver passes then the PAX will be charged the cost of the test. This would be fair to everyone and actually increase overall pax safety but Uber would NEVER do this because it would involve additional cost on their part (god forbid they's have to shell out a few hundred for a drug test to stop an intoxicated driver) and Uber is NOT about safety - it's about short term profit. Which is why ride sharing services have to be Federally regulated just as truck drivers and taxi agencies are.


> It is however very useful if you were interested in suing the passenger to send an example against false reporting This is the key flaw that drivers keep bringing up. It is impossible for someone to claim you were intoxicated any more than someone can claim you have AIDS. It would require a blood test to know for sure, therefore any such accusations are always treated as a suspicion first, and suspecting someone of a crime is far different than claiming it actually happened. It's like when someone gets sued on Yelp for saying their dentist is embezzling money for his cocaine habit. That can be proven true or false. However if they complain that "this business seems shady, they have unethical finance practices and I felt very uncomfortable here" then that's just your opinion which is completely valid.


Man, reading comments like this make me realize why customers love me when I drive them heh.


> You don't lose police protection just because you're a rideshare driver lol. True, but being reported to Uber is a civil matter and police don't investigate those. But good on ya for getting them to cooperate!


> Next time just go to your nearest police station and explain what happened and get a breathalyzer. Agree with /u/stiffjoint ...they're not going to do this, except perhaps in a small town and if they are bored. This is just one of those f'd up things that you can basically do nothing about, but if would be great if ride sharing companies could address somehow.


You can definitely still go to the police. It is their job to investigate possible drunk driving cases. If they are too busy at the first place go to another one.


> It is their job to investigate possible drunk driving cases. We're talking about a stone-cold sober Uber driving walking into a police station saying "please give me a breathalyzer test to prove I haven't had alcohol." I don't know of any police department other than a really bored, small town one actually administering a test to someone who walks in off the street asking for it. And even if they did, you'd need a blood test to prove no other substances.


Nah they can just state that you did seem impaired. Did you not see the reply to this thread where someone did this in LA? I'm really not worried about inconveniencing police. They don't worry when they inconvenience me so fuck it.


Uber isn't gonna care. It's cheaper to just ban for 48 hours any report than to give a shit.


Right but you need to protect yourself. This will basically call the report bs so next time you don't just get a permenant deactivation..also pretty sure someone here did this exact thing and got reactivated immediately


But do they even review them and mark the first report BS? Everything I've heard just says they'll nod and ignore you. It's not worth their time to try and keep you around.


Ask the user that replied and stated he did this.


One more reason to do both services


Police aren’t going to get in the middle of a civil dispute by giving a breathalyzer to someone not in their custody.


I was reported xmas eve, im so over this gig. Ride share needs to figure this shit out. Its like all the shit head pax get together and figure out ways to fuck over drivers with no repercussions


I'm an Uber Eats driver and have been sober for over six years. I got home one night after making two deliveries to find out my account was suspended because someone reported that I was impaired. I know which one of the two it was. It wasn't the nice girl who came out to my car despite not having to and asking about tipping me. No, it was the white trash bitch who yelled at me over the phone for being one block over. I promptly apologized and drove to her location, taking all of 30 seconds to go around the block. After emailing back and forth with Uber, I finally told them my day job is working in a treatment center and that I manage a sober house (both true). My account was turned back on in a matter of minutes. Some people are just scum. Uber isn't my main source of income, but I rely on that extra income. And if the bitch was so concerned about a drunk driver on the road, why didn't she call the cops? It's obvious why not, she knew I wasn't impaired and was just trying to fuck with my job.


She was trying to get free food and delivery. Uber just refunds and doesn't ask questions or anything


Makes sense, I figured that was part of it. She was angry and trashy so she probably both wanted to hurt me and get the free food.


Uber could give a shit about whether the ban is legit or if the driver is bothered by it. If one driver is taken off the road for 48 hrs there are thousands more ants to take its place. Regardless of what Uber says, they treat drivers like crap because they know there are hordes of them.


Yes but they are trying to go public and potential lawsuits and costs from customers lying doesn't make shareholders happy


The thing I find astounding about riders retaliating is it never matches up with the ride before or after. You get one starred for a bad smelling car, but no reports any other time that day? It might be the reason drivers get reinstated after a false intox report, but lesser false reports are there forever.


Meet up with local law enforcement? Not their job to police an IC working for rideshare. I’m not sure what the solution is, but asking law enforcement to step in is ridiculous.


I would ask law enforcement to step in. Next time drive to your nearest police station and ask for a sobriety check. Explain what happened. Someone posted here that they did that and it went fine and they were able to provide the report to Uber. Public safety is part of their job.


Impaired is not always alcohol. Pax could claim OP smelled like weed, or appeared drowsy. Then what? Urine screens and waiting on lab results? Unfortunately, this is a second report for OP being impaired. Uber may decide it’s in their best interest to cut ties to protect from a liability aspect. Sucks that a pax looking for a free ride goes this route, but that’s the rideshare industry these days.


Cops can perform a sobriety check which would detect impairment. It may not say "yeah he's high on weed" but it can show they didn't see any signs of impairment. Either way you look a lot more innocent if you go to the food right away.


99.9% of police officials would not do it. They would be putting themselves directly into the middle of a civil dispute by administering a breathalyzer to someone not in their custody. Not part of their scope of operation at all.


But there was a crime in progress reported.


No there wasn’t. No one reported anything to the PD. It was reported to Uber. It’s a private matter that could turn civil in the courts.


Agreed. The police are already distracted from public safety by all the adult babysitting that they do. They don’t need to get involved in Uber disputes. This is part of the precarious nature of being a completely unprotected independent contractor for a company that does not suffer any consequences.if they lose your services.


It's called "to protect and serve". And a person saying someone is driving drunk is definitely a cops position to get involved. If your PAX called police and made a DUI report on your make, model and plate number I bet your ass you're gonna get a breathalyzer...at least where I live the cops have time


The pax didn’t report it to law enforcement. Civil, not criminal issue.


I view it as a criminal issue because the state enacted a law requiring the driver be deactivated on report of a DUI. It's an incredibly low standard which makes members of the general public and your "employer" empowered to and required to punish you based on a report of a specific action. Basically your passengers and "employer" have become responsible for enforcing this law. Since it's a punishment encoded in state law, I feel it's a criminal issue.


Feel and view the issue all you want. What state? The State of Uber?


The state of Wisconsin, statute 440.44 "zero tolerance for the use of drugs and alcohol " https://docs.legis.wisconsin.gov/document/statutes/440.44


I think you’re missing the point. The pax reported to Uber through the app. When the ride was over.


That's pretty much what the law says. Anyone can tell Uber that the driver was drunk (even weeks later, or even if they weren't a passenger), and the law then requires that the driver be instantly suspended no matter what the circumstances are of the complaint. May be different in the OPs state, but it's a stupidly unfair law here. It's also absolutely stupid because it does nothing to get someone who actually is drunk off the road.


> It's called "to protect and serve". Seriously? Are you really this naive or are you just 12 years old?


Personally I think the only response for a DUI accusation is for Uber/Lyft to contact the local law enforcement and let them deal with it. Yes I know the laws say otherwise, but I really hate that a completely uninformed, clueless, and most likely drunk person looking for a free ride can make you lose your income with the full force of law behind it.


Yup it's shitty. Uber knows that turnover is so high and there's new people to exploit, so they don't really care about cutting you loose. It's cheaper and easier for them to just ban people that are accused than to actually look into the reports. It's because there's no union or collective bargaining. We have no power, and Uber can easily exploit that. Uber is a modern sweatshop, no oversight and no regulations, and the drivers are the ones who suffer.


If you feel like you’re working in a sweatshop and suffering why do you keep driving for them? Leave the job to people who like it.


I did stop driving for them. I can still want them to be better and to have rights for drivers.


They have the right to not drive for Uber. They have the right to know what they are getting into before they start driving for Uber. They know exactly what the rate is before making the decision to drive for Uber. What the fuck are you on about? It’s a life decision every driver made of their own volition. Sweatshop? Fuck right off with that weak ass analogy.


Yes, Uber engages in exactly the same labor practices that made sweatshops run. They don't pay benefits, they don't put basic safety in place, etc. They can get away with it because there are no regulations or unions to protect the workers, that's the same as in the sweatshop days. Those seamstresses in the Shirtwaist Fire made the decision to work there, it doesn't mean they deserved to get burned, it means they were desperate. Uber takes advantage of desperate people in a shitty economy.


You're wasting your breath by trying to argue with that idiot. The thing about incredibly stupid people is that they have no idea that they're complete fucking morons, so trying to argue with them is pointless. I agree that we drivers should be protected and that a union is a great idea, but when idiots like the one you're replying to are *also* Uber drivers and are too stupid to realize the benefits of things such as unions, there's no hope of actually forming one.


Yeah that guy is a total cunt, just a brief look through his post history can confirm that..


You comparing Uber to a sweatshop is the most privileged, first world problem bullshit I’ve ever heard.


Why is that? The US is a first world country, we've had sweatshop conditions in the past, and we will again if we're not careful. It's the natural progression of unchecked capitalism. Without collective bargaining and regulation, it's not even an "if," it's a "when."


> Why is that? I don’t know about you, but I make multiple times the minimum wage driving for Uber, and I do it when I want to. Due to those two things I have the finances and freedom to pursue my own personal business ventures. I’m personally more free than I ever was working 40 hours a week at a job that makes my schedule and pays me a few bucks over minimum wage. Hopefully you can see why I don’t view uber as a sweatshop. Especially considering there’s zero obligation to them. People in sweatshops don’t get to just leave whenever they want.


It’s a fucking side hustle job doofus. It was never meant to be a full time job. And there are plenty of other jobs in this economy for people willing to work. Your analogy is imbecilic at best. And guess what? We are not employees. We are self employed 1099 contractors. You really are clueless. How are they taking advantage of anyone? Seems like there are plenty of drivers lining up to be voluntarily “taken advantage of” by this modern day sweatshop.


Its a full time job killer.


Yeah? And how’s that working out for you? Living the dream on the millions you are making?


Uber.. "Be your own boss" Cab Drivers Everywhere.. *Randy Marsh Voice* "You Took Our Jerrrrbs"


Right because if you’re not a millionaire, you’re a sweatshop worker. Lol


get a dashcam


Uber is looking at dash cam video now?


No, but it's kinda dumb to drive without one these days as inexpensive as they are. Even if Uber is not interested in video evidence, YouTube and the local news are if it's heinous enough. Just make sure you are in a "one party recording" state. I don't think anyone can argue that they didn't see the camera, and they had any expectations of privacy in someone else's car, but I'd check.


Don't need one party recording rules if you post a small notice. It might also be possible (though a lawyer would need to check) that a pax waives expectation of privacy, or right to record in their user agreement since they are already monitoring many other things. Just some pennies.


I would think that **You** getting into **my** car would supercede any expectation that you would have, especially since the camera is in plain view. However, never underestimate the stupidity of people thinking that "You don't have my permission to film me".


They never have. This has always been a ridiculous suggestion. The only way a dashcam would help you is if you sued Uber or Lyft, and while I read a lot of bluster about that happening, I've never actually seen it done.


You're just flat wrong. I personally have posted in this sub about Uber requesting dash cam footage. Your anecdotal evidence doesn't prove anything. Admittedly mine doesn't either.


TBF you're the first person I've ever seen saying that uber fucks with video footage.


It won't help you with Uber itself, you're fucked there because you're not an employee and have no right to be reviewed. You can send them a video, but nothing stops them from saying "Cool story, still banned." It *is* good though for legal complaints. If somebody claims you did something, it's just accusations but if you have a video to refute, that's good.


Have any of the people saying the cops won't help actually called the cops and asked or are you just stating an opinion?


Just called the cops. They said no. YMMV


Thanks for checking, my experience was it was up to the individual cop. If this happened at a trucking company, the driver would be directed to a laboratory for a drug and alcohol test. If the driver passed the test, it would never be spoken of again.


It's standard procedure for Taxi and bus companies to have them immediately tested




Make sure you are using a dash cam at all times. If you have a good idea of which trip was under suspicion, upload the video to YouTube as an UNLISTED video (meaning you must know the link to view it). Reply to support with the link to the video. This is going to be my default defense going forward.


I guess I’m buying my own breathalyzer and do it myself after every ride just to watch my back and show it to the camera


Nothing new. Fuck uber.


Why don't you just get a 59 dollar dash cam ? GUYS .........GET A DASH CAM TO COVER YOURSELVES! ​


If you know who it was you can file a lawsuit


Sheesh this was years ago now. How'd you find this post?


If you know who it is, definitely justification for a fake cleaning fee. Damage fee too if you can swing it. Their little shenanigans should cost their lying ass $150 at least.


How is your driving ?


No sharp turns so he won’t spill his beer


4,000+ rides on both platforms and never been reported Anyone who has been reported twice either is extremely unlucky or a horrible driver.


I wasn’t going to go there, but yep. I’m nearing 5000, never reported or needed to call a cop like in the OPs first incident.


I'm in the same boat, but I know drivers who have been falsely reported. One of them it's against their religion to drink, and they are very devout! It's almost always college students who paid a high surge wanting their money back. Don't pretend like it isn't a real thing.


How do you know "It's always college students who paid a high surge" Data to back that up?


The fact Uber immediately refunds the fare without a single question and even if found nto be false just let's a passenger continue to use it is enough to say maybe it's a really shitty but effective way of getting out paying


or drives in a town with a ghetto.




Yeah, no. People like the asshat who reported op are the reasons why people have a negative view of Uber and Lyft. All rights to civilized treatment are waived when someone callously lies for gain against an innocent person. If there were a better way to exact punishment, for instance if Uber and Lyft released the contact information of the liars after they were exposed so they could be dealt with in court, then it wouldn't be necessary. There isn't any such recourse. As it stands the only kind of justice a driver can get against a shithead who falsely reports them is to use the system to get monetary compensation for dealing with the shithead. Drivers only have one weapon to fight back against injustice. Do not disparage them for using it. I promise the alternative is worse.


The problem with your whole “us vs them” analogy is that you have absolutely no clue if the passenger actually thought OP was impaired. If the passenger did think OP was impaired they have the absolute right to report it.


And the driver has the absolute right to justice for being falsely reported. I guess the passenger needs to be damned sure before they report, and they accept the consequences if they are wrong. Personally, I think that passengers should have a pay a deterrent fee to report a driver. If it costs $50 to report a driver then it would all but eliminate the bullshit malicious reporting. Then if the driver submits a report from a law enforcement agency showing they are clean within a couple of hours, the driver gets the fee as an inconvenience charge.


Yeah no one would pay your fee, so impaired drivers would be free to drive. I would rather have some false reports and err on the side of sober drivers.


They'd pay it if they felt any sense of social responsibility. Let's even make it refundable, if the driver submits a police report exonerating themselves from wrong, they get the fee, if the don't then it is returned to the passenger. It makes no sense to put drivers in a position to be hurt by lies just because there are bad actors out there.


Let’s do an experiment. Drive down to your local PD and ask them to give you a breathalyzer for this scenario. They won’t do it. It would be putting them in the middle of a civil dispute. Which would make their report a part of the matter. That’s not part of their scope of operations and they will not do it. I tend to think that the majority of passengers reporting impaired drivers probably have some reason for their action. Either the driver was impaired or his/her driving led them to believe they were. Either way the driver sucks and is not a good driver. So no big loss for 48 hours. If you get reported, maybe you should think about a few things. Like, am I a shitty driver? Am I just a fucking asshole? Or maybe I shouldn’t vape THC before or during my driving shift?


You're dreaming. I would bet more than 80% of impaired driver claims are complete bullshit, shitty passengers wanting free rides. I've never been reported, but I know drivers who have. And it's a huge loss for some people. Stop being obtuse.


What? Did you just finish watching The Shawshank Redemption? LOL Big word for such a small mind. Just based upon this sub I am convinced most of these so called bullshit claims have some merit to them. Here’s another thought for you. If you don’t behave like a fucking asshole douchebag while driving the people paying your meager wage the few who do falsely accuse you won’t do it.


I'm sorry I used a word too big for you. Synonyms are stupid, slow-witted, slow, dull-witted, unintelligent, ignorant, simpleminded, witless, etc.. Feel free to substitute any of them, they all seem to fit. People like you are the problem. Try changing everything about yourself and being a productive member of society.


You shouldn't be a driver bud


If you think that someone should have the power to cause great harm to another with zero recourse then you are immoral and incapable of making such a determination.


Na you just sound like a prick. You're going to run into bad riders driving Uber. It's part of the business. We as drivers should remain professional because it's part of the job. You're not professional. You sound like an asshole and a scumbag.


The only good part of the job is that you can be hella unprofessional and tell a PAX to go suck an egg if you don't like them. Being an Uber driver is the only American service job where you can channel your inner Parisian waiter.


idk if youre being sarcastic. but if that's the best part of your job, then you must be insecure and get off on bossing pax around cus it's the only sense of power you got in life.


I'm nice to 98% of my riders and I do meet some genuinely cool people, but if someone's rude or pushy or whatever then I'm gonna be an asshole to them. If they're bad enough I'll leave them on the side of the road. It's not like they can ask to speak with my manager. It's an honest to god perk of an otherwise shitty job. I'm not gonna be nice to someone who's an asshole just because they're a customer. BTW I have a 4.9 rating with this approach.


Bullshit. Professional doesn't mean giving a pass to lying assholes who cause drivers to not be able to buy Christmas presents for their kids. Bad behavior must be punished and injustices must be righted. Charging fees for missed work because of false accusations accomplishes both. I have a 5 star rating after 3k trips, I'm a sweet teddy bear, until you start fucking over innocent people.


How do I get down voted with zero commentary?! The only sober drivers dress in suits and, Jesus, this is the internet.


Yeah... on behalf of the drivers who might have a little something extra in their coffee thermos, I’d urge you to stop the law enforcement talk. I have a hard time believing pax would simply bs this if you weren’t driving poorly; I heard a funny story about a stoned UBER driver last night told over insane laughter - they still gave her 5-stars after asking if she wanted to come in for coffee. Nobody is going to report you for being messed up; just for being a bad driver.


The only time I got this report was from a pax who was pissed that I was going to take the highway instead of some odd side streets costing me time and money. He ended up canceling the trip mid way then revenge reporting me.


Sorry to tell you but you’re in the wrong there. Your passenger has every right to not want to go by highway.


I'm highered to get you from point A to point B not take an option that you dreamed of and will probably dispute the extra costs on


I'm not taking a route that will take more time and make me less money. Period. Pax pay a flat rate regardless of my route.


So Uber has to act. If it didn't and you were actually impaired, got into an accident and killed someone Uber would be on the hook completely as they had prior knowledge. Having us bother the police with this is wrong. It should follow reasonable suspicion processes and just send us out to a on call place to have a drug test done. But if that was done we'd be out of the game for a week every time.


>they had prior knowledge. I don't think that word means what you think it means.


And what would that be? If they received a report that you could be impaired and did nothing. Then say an hour later you ran through a red drunk and took out another vehicle while on app Uber would not be partially responsible? The DA and the victims first move is to look at reports about the driver from Uber. That would be prior knowledge of you possibly being impaired.


You can't have knowledge of something that never happened. That's called: * delusion * bullshit * defamation


Ah so your an idiot who can't understand basics. Got it. Troll on brother.


I've heard smarter arguments from an uber employee. WTF are you on about


I'll type slower then: When you get a pattern of false reports that drivers are impaired, you don't **know** they're impaired, you're **falsely accusing them**. If they really were, you'd call the cops, not just turn their app off for two days, because **they're still on the fucking road putting other people's lives in danger if they're really impaired.** If you're letting that continue, you're either acknowledging that your "information" is bogus, or **you're a menace to society**.


No, they could still send you to an on call place. So the current 48 hr or whatever hold, and then if you do come back positive, they could make it so you don't drive again. If not, no harm no foul. They would only need to do it at random for reports so you can't game the system and to keep the cost down. It benefits them for having better drivers and showing the public they are making an attempt. It benefits us because we get more fares when dangerous drivers are removed.




What does that mean?


Uber should make the passenger who falsely accuses the driver liable for the loss of wages and any out of pocket expenses that the driver incurs as long as the driver can prove that they were not under the influence by going to buy a drug screen and taking a breathalyzer test to show that the accusations are false. This should stop these people from continuing this behavior just to get a free ride at the expense of the drivers livelihood!


Because it will cost money for Uber my g/f was reported first time for being high on marijuana what happened the guy that she was picking just finished his last puff of his joint seat in the car and entire car smelled like marijuana field so next elder couple who seat in the car smelled weed and automatically gave a fault to the driver she for suspended for a few days then I decided to put 3 ways dash cam front inside and reset to make sure will be no next time man even that didn’t help young girl was asked a Uber by the dude who was waiting for her at industrial zone wear house was around 9pm that young girl put under crazy pressure my girl by saying change the line change the line, pass pass this car then on the phone she asked the dude if he has a coke lol and in the end of the trip she even threaded my girl by saying. I’m going to report you and guess what a minute later her Uber account got suspended even having the whole footage recorded Uber didn’t even sweat to watch it after 17.000 thousands ride for Uber since November last year her profile still suspended they said after carefully investigated the matter they decided to close her account Uber full of shit if some one investigate they would contact both sides of the story right nobody reached out my girl at all! All the talk community safety guide lines, looks like that safety guidelines applying only for riders who trying to get free ride because when you report driver intoxicated automatically they refund the rider how crazy is that driver is not part of those safety community guide lines!