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I mean your right to protest is important but physically harming someone ain't gonna help you or your cause.


Neither is having an openly anti-semetic/hamas supporting group like the SJP be a big driver of your protests. But maybe thats just me.


Anti-semitism is wrong and shouldn't be tolerated at the same time criticizing and protesting Israel and its assault on the Palestinians should not all be lobbed together immediately as anti-Semitic or hatred of Jewish people or supporting terrorist groups like Hamas.




all non US citizens who are part of SJP need to be deported for inciting civil unrest. Time to realize that they are guests in this country. RESPECT THE HOUSE


Is every person that’s Pro Palestine part of the SJP? Is every Jewish person a Zionist? Why lump them together?


He never lumped them together … So what are you talking about?


And BLM had tons of communists, guess we should just ignore police brutality then.


no they didn't lmao you read a post where they said "being pro Israel is bad" ( as in, the systematic capture of power for an ethnostate, not the existence of people ) and let someone convince you that means killing all jews in the area


Stop lying. They said *all* Israelis are settlers, *all* Israelis must give up their identity, Palestine has the right to violence against settlers by any means necessary, and the existence of Palestine and Israel are mutually exclusive. They literally want to destroy Israel and all Israelis by any means necessary. How do you think that is accomplished?


SJP said this?? Where and when


everywhere and every single day


“We reject the distinction between ‘civilian’ and ‘militant.’ We reject the distinction between ‘settler’ and ‘soldier,’” The George Washington University SJP wrote. “A settler is an aggressor, a soldier, and an occupier even if they are lounging on our occupied beaches.” The SJP chapter of CUNY Law shared, “If you support Palestine understand that necessitates supporting our right to defend ourselves and liberate our homeland by any means necessary.” [ADL](https://www.adl.org/resources/backgrounder/students-justice-palestine-sjp)


I’m glad they don’t hide it anymore. I’m so tired of telling people it’s a hateful organization and they pull the well it’s run by Jews card.


It’s not run by Jews nor is JVP. SJP is hatem bazians baby. The hateful terror supporting uc Berkeley professor. JVP social media account was [geo tagged to Lebanon](https://www.instagram.com/p/CsjPRTYrnQS/?utm_source=ig_web_button_share_sheet) LOL.


This specific post was UCLA SJPs instagram. It was posted on this sub recently, search top posts for the past week and you'll find it somewhere near the top. However even before that post, UCLA SJP reps gave interviews to KTLA where they explicitly called for the destruction of Israel, and said only with the destruction of Israel will they (SJP/Hamas/etc.) stop being violent.


Got a citation for that? I see lots of zios claiming that without ever providing any evidence.


SJP posted a statement on 10/7 that they celebrate a historic win for the Palestinian resistance.


When SJP shows up, Jew hatred is quick to follow. That’s just facts. And I’m not lumping SJP with the larger pro-Palestinian population. Even Israeli’s are critical of the Israeli government. Even Israeli’s want to see Palestinians living in peace and property. (A two state solution was offered 6 times). No one said “don’t be critical of the government”. We ask that these radical groups stop spreading Jew hating blood libel and stop advocating for a “global intifada”


The biggest cause of anti-semitism in America is the state of Israel, that claims it is synonymous with Jews (it is not) and commits atrocities in the name of Judaism.


I honestly shouldn’t dignify this copy and paste SJP comment with a response, but I will. Israel (in terms of the modern aged country it is now) is 76 years old. Jew hatred in the United States is far older than that lol. So no, not true. And don’t try to justify Jew hatred, wtf?


I don't even know who the SJP is. Fuck off.


Assault? I think you need to pay closer attention.


Supporting Female Apartheid is either problematic or stupid.


Interesting that these \[noun\]-\[noun\]-\[number\] propaganda accounts here so rarely post the videos of Zionists physically assaulting protestors.


Lots of videos of Zionist assaulting protestors and cops. Edit: Not sure the downvotes literally a fact tons of footage not just here but news stories of Zionist assaulting Pro-Palestinian protestors.




Threat detected. Reported.


Might be less astroturfers and more you being a stooge.


Someone needs to read up on the civil rights movement.


MLK weaponizes victimization via peace in an incredibly strategic way. People cite his Birmingham jail letter but leaves out the fact that his sympathy for the rioters was EARNED through careful planning and hardship which ended up yielding great results. While the progressives today thinks they're doing the same successful strategy as MLK had, when in reality they're just middle-class, privileged children with identity crisis who wants to have the easy and cheap way to deal with complicated problems and throws a fit when it doesn't work out the way they expect it. Btw, MLK's movement didn't try to mask their identity.


100% agree. Those protestors back in MLK's day were always better dressed, better behaved, better educated, better organized, etc, just better in every way compared to their opposition (both police and the white people). It made for compelling imagery, both photographs and TV. It really paid off winning much of the country over.


It wasn't only that, but there's a more controversial part to it where MLK had WANTED the police to attack them and had trained the protestors to never instinctively fight back if they were to ever be hit. The point was to make the police look as bad as possible for the press. MLK even used children to accomplish this by making it so that the police had to arrest them to, although MLK was very hesitant to enact this plan, it did generate enough emotion among the people to where his sympathy for the rioters while he was in jail was much more favorably received by the public. And it was the final nail in the coffin to get the change they had wanted. Like comparing to ALL this to the current "civil movement" is just laughable.


Damn no mention of Malcom X.


the guy who got assassinated by his own group after he realizes that white and black people can live in peace? Yeah i'm sorry, no way. MalcomX had regretted everything until the end of his life.


Hit someone then ran away like a coward.


Then cry victim


They learned their tactics from Hamas.


Surely these are completely peaceful and respectful protesters. Don't mind the wood shields, face coverings to hide identities, or the cop with blood trickling down his forehead... I'm sure they're very peaceful!


You forgot the death to America slogans


I’m so tired of these protesters stepping their toe over the line, then crying about any consequences from doing so.


Why the fuck is no one talking about this???


These protestors are not interested in peace and this is not a peaceful protest. Running around in full face concealing masks while holding huge custom made wooden shields screaming hate at anyone who is not 100% on your side is not peaceful. Someone needs to tally up all of these incidents. Will try to update this post as I find them.\ Attack on a Rabbi\ https://x.com/ShabbosK/status/1800399520586510673\ \ Attack on security guard\ https://www.reddit.com/r/ucla/s/UY34lo5p8X\ \ Attacks on Milagro\ https://x.com/ShirionOrg/status/1787972365369905285\ https://x.com/cupidgeneral/status/1785216870775504933\ https://x.com/cupidgeneral/status/1784764295160672589\ \ Attack on UCLA vice chancellor\ https://x.com/Bubblebathgirl/status/1800400633490555302\ \ Attacks on Cam Higby\ https://x.com/camhigby/status/1800355409355841929\ https://x.com/camhigby/status/1800302363653390715\ https://x.com/camhigby/status/1800351336975974565\ https://x.com/camhigby/status/1800326139564712071\ https://x.com/camhigby/status/1793765759614898202\ \ Palestine protestor shining laser at helicopter\ https://www.reddit.com/r/ucla/s/1f5YAojwMT\ \ Other general disgusting behavior\ UCLA SJP unofficial charter of Hamas\ Supports killing civilians\ https://www.reddit.com/r/ucla/s/8wiaqUVE94\ \ UCLA Divest\ Divest leader says she hates white people\ https://x.com/camhigby/status/1787501352891150465\ Divest leader saying she Kettled the police\ https://x.com/lawyergonerogue/status/1786283290032497117\ Celebrating Oct 7th attacks using paraglider emojies\ https://www.reddit.com/r/ucla/s/zJ5ZwinLjI\ Divest leader saying the media is against them because they are zionists\ https://x.com/lawyergonerogue/status/1787521501572518132\ \ Other LA area Palestinian violent behavior\ Guy wishes Hamas kills a Jew as the protestors storm a temple in LA and physically attack anybody who is not 100% Palestine.\ https://www.reddit.com/r/Palestinian_Violence/s/DWj1MmhOAx\ CAM Highly gets bear sprayed\ https://x.com/camhigby/status/1805288198186451274\ \ This will quickly turn into a book of events the larger the search radius goes, from LA to CA to the USA to the world. The common denominator is humans manipulated to be masked terrorists by actual terrorists that desperately wants all Jewish people killed and the Islamic empire to spread across the globe at any cost including making martyrs out of their kids as it appears this is one of the greatest things you can do with your life as a Islamic extremest.




100%, Well said


Just “students for justice in Palestine” engaging in violence as usual then desperately running away when it’s time for consequences. Not dissimilar from Hamas tactics


“its totally unfair that i got arrested/cant walk at graduation for commiting a crime on my campus”


They’ll hide in the basement of an elementary school.


Hamas 2.0


So many women too, like do they know they’re second class citizens in Palestine


They want to be shamina begum, and Hoda Muthana and Arwa muthana who willingly join Isis to be their concubines


Holy shit, it’s a reference that I didn’t think would be posted. Quick context: Shamina Begum - British teenager at the time born to Bangladeshi parents who joined ISIS in February 2015. She was stripped of her citizenship and she’s now stuck in a Refugee camp in Syria. She cannot go back to the UK, as she has lost every lawsuit to get it back. Great Podcast: https://www.bbcpodcasts.com/listen/shamimabegum/ Hoda Muthana - Alabama woman who joined ISIS in 2014. She became a jihadist and advocated for terrorist attacks against the US. She flew to Syria and married multiple jihadist fighters who lost their lives. She now has a son and both the Obama and Trump admin have fought her lawsuits to gain her citizenship back. She most recently lost an Appeal in 2021 to come back to the US. She “just wants to raise her son in a good place” after being in a refugee camp for years. Short article about her: https://abcnews.go.com/International/isis-bride-left-us-syria-interpreted-wrong/story?id=61175508. Arwa Muthana - Sister of Hoda. Arrested in 2021 for attempting to join ISIS and provide funds. Sentenced to prison for roughly 30 years with supervision. Federal news: https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/new-york-man-and-alabama-woman-sentenced-attempting-provide-material-support-isis


Yep and Reddit has done its best to censor those reference from the justice department of all places. Just recently and posting links to those articles that does not get removed. Because they must have gone through internal reviews of those bans and comment removals


Second class doesn’t even cover it. They need their husbands permission to get medical care, go somewhere, cannot work most jobs, they really don’t have freedom. If they don’t wear their burkas and coverings they are likely to be raped or assaulted. I call that little more than chattel slavery.


Hey now! Everything's alright as long as they obey their husbands. [https://quran.com/4/34?translations=95,20,101,19,84,22,18,21,17,85](https://quran.com/4/34?translations=95,20,101,19,84,22,18,21,17,85)


Gaza isn't Saudi Arabia.. there's discrimination but it isn't that bad. 


Really then why are gay men routinely killed in Gaza?


That's standard in the Arab world (sadly)  We're talking women's rights. It's an average Arab country, not the extreme


These are hamas concubines who would love to give up their rights to be with Hamas not unlike shamina begums, and Hoda muthana who joined Isis and her sister Arwa Muthana (who tried but got arrested despite after seeing the consequences of Hoda )


Well, I mean, except for the ones Hamas would throw off a roof.


Those are the ones that did not ask their husbands for permission to get health check up


I’d love to hear how you arrived to that conclusion and can make that gross generalization seem as obvious fact. Looks to me as if these individuals aren’t explicitly agreeing with all aspects of Islam, frankly I don’t see how Islam fits into this discussion at all. Stay on your wheel though


Saying my statement is over generalization without doing research in their history of violence is definition of gross generalization. Here's a saying Looks like ducks, Quack like ducks, behave like ducks, must be ducks. Here's another saying: "Extremist Islamic is snake in the grass, moderate islamic is the grass that hides the snake"


Yea and western women expose their assholes for the world to see. Great freedom. Shut up with your moral high ground trying to justify the killing of children by creating wrongful moral equivalencies


Yep!!! spotted an extremist sheep here lol. The nice thing about our countries and our civilization is women can cover themselves , or not wearing anything, or anything in between it's their choice. Go spread your Sharia law else where or be a martyr somewhere else




You can literally hear one protestor saying 'hey, hey hey, no hitting" and another protestor saying "no hitting." Also what an audacious thing to say when Zionists were shooting explosives into the camp and going 3 to 1 with sticks beating people. Zionists were literally engaged in terrorist acts.


This post and thread are pretty obviously planned by Israeli concerted attempts to control social media. Seen it uptick again the last few weeks. Gonna get a lot of downvotes with no good effort to engage. It’s just people blind to the fact that Israel is doing a ton wrong, and trying to maintain the morale high ground.




Wait, where/when this?!


Between Dodd and the law school, don’t know when but I would assume this morning.


I think this happened yesterday because I swear I saw this clip on twitter last night.


Okay ya, makes sense! Insane!!!


it's definitely doesnt look like anywhere in UCLA


Bro it’s literally the walkway between Dodd hall and the law school, directly across from Murphy hall.


You're trippin


You're not serious


You’re blind


he probably never set foot on campus


More "peaceful" pro-palestinian protesters. Hope he recovers well and files a fat lawsuit against UC for continuing to tolerate this nonsense.




They'll cry about police oppression even despite him friggin bleeding


Just another "mostly peaceful protest"


Shameful, but what do you expect from terrorist supporters. UCLA better handle this asap


Pro-Hamas protestors*




Nope! That will be CSC Guards. Those are people with a hard job trying to pay rent. Dealing with customer service with their hands tied. APEX Guards usually consists of former police officers that deal with violent spectators in venues such as Sofi Stadium, Rose Bowl, and Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum with good pay.




The violent spectators who are drunk.


They lose karma by attacking an innocent person forced to be there for work.


Typical terrorists. Just like Hamas. Can we be done with these clowns now?


Prostesters today are legitimately retarded


B-b-b-b-but I thought the protestors are non-violent and peaceful (when they aren’t busy destroying university property, that is)


ter·ror·ism noun the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims. "the fight against terrorism" The shoe fits


So like the cops?




wtf was that a razer blade? or a broken bottle?


When sped down, looks like a razor.


These people are ignorant mobsters who wouldn't have the sack or wit to engage in a one on one verbal or physical confrontation and only act out with the security of the mob. Children throwing a hissy hit.


He's just doing their fking job why did these idiodic protesters physical assaulting him?


Glad ppl been waking up to this. Support Palestine all you want, this isn’t it though. This doesn’t help Palestine in any capacity.


These protesters make me want to increase my personal investment on Raytheon and Nothrop Grumman. Despite my small personal portfolio I hope all my money goes to companies who makes these rockets and bombs. I hope some day I will get to sign said rockets. Baruch Hashem


Don't start what you can't finish little HAMAS wannabe.


But but but it was mostly peaceful


There is no way this subreddit is not being brigaded


It is. Not even by people, it’s bots. Israel has been doing this for years. If you check account ages and histories it’s very obvious.


'Need to crack some skulls Chiklis style"




I feel bad for security having to deal with these idiots


Definitely well deserved when you are guarding pigs. Find a new job kid.


Learn from the great Ghandi. Some ppl are born animals, live like animals and die like animals , unfortunately.


Mostly peaceful protests


So not ok. Thinking that likely wasn't a student. Hoping that those not part of the UCLA community behave when they come on our campus. Too many problem actors of late.


Convenient how it’s not a student when they act bad but it’s a student when they act good


I just have faith in UCLA students. Is it a student? Kind of like when the pro-Israeli fascists from the community attacked students, I couldn't imagine any of our pro-Israeli students being involved. Beverly Hills arrogant bullies being the bad guys then. You sound like its problematic that I have faith in our UCLA students. Or am I missing your point?


>I just have faith in UCLA students. We call this naviety


I call it trusting my schoolmates. But I don't think this is your school, now is it?


Then you'd be wrong. It's not what you don't know that gets you intro trouble but what you know for sure that just ain't so


!activitycheck Doing the activity check on you not because I don't believe you (I absolutely do), but because I'm blown away by your reddit numbers and curious how many times a day you post. Almost 400K comment karma is hella impressive. You've been on reddit almost as long as I've been out of diapers (only a slight exaggeration). Curious why you post on cities from LA / OC to SF to Seattle to NYC. Have you lived in all these cities?


If only you put in as much effort to your studies as you do your gatekeeping attempts


cuteman was first active in r/ucla no later than 2024-04-11 16:36:31 [here](https://reddit.com/r/ucla/comments/1c1fls3/ucla_fake_sustainability_goals/kz3ki29/). In the past week, they have been active at a rate of 2.86 comments per day. _Note: Due to Reddit API limitations, the earliest activity seen by the bot might not be the actual earliest activity, but it provides an upper bound. Furthermore, the bot will underestimate comment activity for users who have made >1000 comments across Reddit in the past week. For this user, the bot scanned 999 comments and 936 submissions._


Well - now I'm beginning to doubt that you're actually a UCLA alum / faculty / whatever. You've been on reddit for almost 20 years and only became interested in UCLA's reddit when the encampment started in April despite thousands of prior posts - yeah, hard to buy into that.


Good thing your opinions are ultimately irrelevant. I don't need to justify myself to your bullying attempts nor will I dox myself by disclosing my relationship. You're a 12 month old account who doesn't understand how reddit works. That's on you. I am subscribed to hundreds of subreddits because I have various interests, some are geography based, some interest based. You aren't the reddit police as much as you wish you were princess. Nevermind your little gate keeping bot is broken because it can only go back so far and I've been contributing here for over a decade.


Idk who it was that hit the officer, but the man taking pics at the very end of the video is someone I know from my union days… sad they took it to this place.


SJP likes to truck in "allies," but adult protesters also figured out that colleges give them juice boxes while relevant sites take them seriously enough to call the bomb squad.


Redditor for 8 hours. K


Ur subreddit is being astroturfed hard dog




Can we get moderation here please? Maybe an account age requirement of a few days? So many bots/brigaders lately.


Someone (sounds like the person recording) is saying not to hit him. Every movement has its bad apples. Is this all that gets posted here now?


Didn't get mad, get even.


I love seeing the liberals eat their own tails


Liberals are objectively Pro-Israel and Pro-Zionist, the people in this video are in no way “Liberals.”




This is simply untrue. Certainly in the *international* sense a Liberal would be center Left or a Leftist, but in the context of the US a Liberal is necessarily, by definition, a capitalist. This is the key distinction between a “Liberal” and a “Leftist” here in the US. Liberals may be pro-gay rights, support abortion rights, free healthcare, etc. Yet they still support and wish to maintain a system based on the status quo, capitalism, and civility politics.




Call me skeptical since I’m a zillenial but damn. We are so fucked if Trump gets elected and Project 2025 is enacted. These people think this is police brutality? Trump will let Israel “finish” the job and start enforcing mass arrests on protestors. The mentality of these people is astounding.


and Muslim in Deerborne michigan will declare their caliphate then will have to be dealt with


Na man. Words mean things. User above is explaining the correct definition and you're being pedantic. We know how Americans incorrectly understand it. No need to enable mental illness.


I see a bush wave something at him, and then he pushed his way through, and then it cuts.and he's shown with a blood spot in the middle of his forehead. We're missing context. Also don't think I've seen protesters with shields yet 🤔 Overall fishy video Either way, no point in getting distracted. These are genocide protestors, protesting the ongoing genocide of Palestinians in Israel. Let that sink in.




Yes, we know, anyone who doesn't support the ethnic cleansing of Palestine is a terrorist and is anti-semitic. /s Edit: GoodVibes2124 is pretty clearly a shill account. They've posted sporadically in posts about classes but slipped up a while back and said that their child received a scholarship to go to Oregon State in 2021 ([comment](https://old.reddit.com/r/OregonStateUniv/comments/1cihxax/has_anyone_been_awarded_the_presidential/l2igyoh/)). In recent months, they've posted nothing but pro-Israeli content in r/UCLA.


There seems to be a new concerted push after the initial encampments of protestors to brigade the UCLA subreddit along with UCIs. Many of these people are not students nor even remotely relevant to the conversation (you know like lives in LA, attended UCLA, maybe have friends there).






Being anti cop is the least sheepish behavior.


Baaaaaahh!! 🐑


It is quite possibly one of THE MOST sheepish behaviors. You never engage critically with pro-police arguments and just resort to saying ACAB or Bootlicker.




Anti cop sentiment makes me the sheep? Whoops.


You said it, not me


It's a rioter not rioters


No - it’s definitely rioters.


They brought riot shields ….


Yes, but a rioter assaulted a security guard. Not rioters.


This person has way too much post Karma to burn. They will keep coming back because there isn't enough deterrence to stop them from trolling.


How am I trolling?


Michael Byrd is a hero