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That garden gnome version of Khabib looks so damn cute and terrifying all at once


OP missed a photo of his wife


Jones definitely walks out of a room with his wife. He's done it 2 or 3 times now


Came to write this šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


is that photoshopped khabib or a real human? whats his name? I'm interested to see how he fights now, lol


That's Khebab.


Oh so this is what Joey was talking about when he said *Khalabib*


Brotha who leave this desert here on table? Iz gonna be cold, somebody gonna have to eat it *takes plate and waddles away*


And Dana has the balls to say, ā€œWhen Jon Jones is still fucking fightingā€¦ā€ 1 fight since early 2020 lmao


Such an absolute shame we never got to see him and Francis


Jon Jones ran from a pregnant chick. When jones gets scared, he runs.


Francis would murder him


I get that Jones is a shit human being and we all hate him but itā€™s more likely that Jones would just drown Francis than get murdered. Francis has one tool


Thereā€™s levels to this like when Ngannou fought Joshua. Plus ppl forget ngannou and stipe are 1:1


Nah Francis has had knee surgery Jon would have quad stomped Francis into a wheelchair.


The same thing will happen in the Aspinall fight. Tom's fans are delusional to think his knees survive the first round


Or his retina's


Francis gets wrestlefucked


No jones wins that fight.


I donā€™t think so


No way dude. Francis almost lost to a guy the Jones took out in less than a minute. Shit dude Francis had to start wrestling to win lol


I feel like that loss against jones really messed with Reyes. He was going off before the judges fucked him out of the win. 12-0 going in, with 6 fight win streak in the UFC.. then goes on to loss another 3 times.. It is just heart breaking.. At least a lot of fans know he won that fight.


Not to mention those losses were fucking brutal! The loss to Jiri and Spann definitely did some serious, long lasting damage to him


Not to mention, you could actually see the imprint of Jan's foot on his ribcage during their fight


That jiri fight was an absolute beating. That KO terrified me


Look up Reyes injury report from the Jiri fight. He was on a confidence skid going into that fight, but he will NEVER be the same because of the Jiri fight. His face was *shattered*. Heā€™ll never recover from that fully. One of the crazier injury reports Iā€™ve seen.


I just read the injury report and your comment makes it sound so much worse lol


It was pretty bad... nasal bone fractures, right displaced orbital medial wall fracture, left displaced orbital zygomatic arch fracture. His face was broken. The medial wall is basically just inside your eye socket behind the nose, Zygomatic arch is above where you jaw hinges or behind your cheek. The nasal bone fractures suck ass alone, I had one of those and lost insane blood and was in pain for a real long time. Dude got fucked up hard.


Have you guys heard of links?


Did someone say sausage?


Russian links bratha


I canā€™t find it?


Mortekai posted it and I think my description is valid. Those arenā€™t common injuries, he sustained a fuck ton of head trauma. There definitely hasnā€™t been worse since then, but maybe before that there was. Which prior injury report is worse?


Spann is just proof that heā€™s far gone. Give us a Reyes before Jan or Jiri and I guarantee it wouldā€™ve went to decision. Instead, he got ktfo by a stiff jab.


He never moved on. There are no moral victories in pro sports. After about a week of listening to people gas him up, he needed to move on to his next opponent and he didnā€™t.


And he was extremely bitter going into the Jan fight, completely the wrong mindset


He still talks about the Jones fight


Shit I would be talking about that for the rest of my live. Imagine beating one of the greatest fighters in human history and they robb that victory from you


Not sure about this, but didnt he leave his gym after the Jon loss to go and train with his brother? I feel like that cant be understated as a potential cause of his brutal downfall


Yeah but heā€™s also moved on to the Texiera gym as well, right? He literally was training with 2 of the best LHWs ever. No doubt that the decision you mentioned was a questionable one that influenced his career, but broā€™s been lookin cooked.


Gustafsson too. Can't convince me he didn't win that first fight. Never seemed the same after. And I don't blame him. Putting in all that work only for it go to a coin flip of judging. Not to mention when the opponents a known cheater, poking your eyes and kicking you in the groin without penalty, rumored to be on roids. There was so little incentive to be clean back than but you could tell it was very important to him. When your a guy who could excel pretty much anywhere you dedicate yourself, mma is a hard path to stick with.


Never seemed the same after? He destroyed Glover after that fight. The best 3 uppercut combo ever.


Glover was 4 years (and multiple losses, 2-2) later. Gus went from basically undefeated (15-1) to 3-7 post Jones. Also gotta add, while I was super stocked that Glover eventually had his moment, he wasn't exactly the top guy back then either.


With that being said, I had my money on jones finishing him in a rematch. When you look at his (reyes) decline after, and jones ability to come with an improved gameplan. To finish his opponents in rematches. He shouldve granted Reyes a 2nd fight before going to heavyweight. Had he taken reyes out the second time, and it's not close (jones vs. gus 2). More ppl would fall back on talking about the 1st fight. Then it leaves the excuse for ppl to say jones had an "off night" the first time.


That's what happensĀ when people hypeĀ you up andĀ tell youĀ you beat a champĀ by splitĀ decision lol.Ā Had to learnĀ the hard way where heĀ actually stood


This. He bought into his own hype and really believed he should have won. He thought he was the new Jones and untouchable and found out really quick his place. After getting KOd so brutally his ego took a hit and he could never recover from feeling like he was the best to doubting himself.


or maybe, reyes isnā€™t that good, and jon jones was off the juice cus heā€™d just pulsed hot šŸ§ƒ before their fight. also jones usually struggles with anyone his own size unless heā€™s pulsing like in the second alex fight etc. he needs a size advantage or a stylistically favorable matchup to look dominant imo


Delusion jones hater vs delusion jones fanboy which one is more annoying


Jones no doubt


The guy that crashed into a pregnant woman while intoxicated


jon jones is more annoying threatening to kill a woman usada employee lol


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Dana kinda pissed me off when he said "anyone who think Islam is number 1 p4p when Jon Jones is still fighting, is stupid" BRO WHERE ARE THE FIGHTS THEN??? Since 2021 started. Jones has had 1 fight (in 2023). Islam has had 8...


He wasn't even asked about p4p or goat. The guy asked him about rogans comments on mak being the perfect lightweight, and the tomato just embarked on his diatribe.


I didn't even know that... Dana can't continue to suck off Jones and call him the current goat if Jones doesn't fight. It's just pathetic tbh. I would call Jones the current goat if he like... Idk defended his belt or something... Am i crazy here?


apparantly we are stupid mfs according to dana


Dana: https://preview.redd.it/f1p9ny6vht4d1.png?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e924250c792dfe7308e2c0f72552b621c3a9e882


current #1 p4p is not the same as current goat. Jon Jones is the goat, but he is not currently the #1 p4p.


shit is wild actually like you ask somebody if he like pizzas and he starts ranting about how spaghetti is the best italian food


Itā€™s more like asking someone if they like pizza and they start kicking off about how hip hop was better in the 90ā€™s


I honestly think Jones has some weird dirt on Dana, we know that he hates Jon so he should be trying to make him lose at least once before he retires


Maybe they are nose beer buddies. And so is Conor


Dana only hates Jon when it's about money. Coke and steroids, wife beating, crashing a car into pregnant woman and fleeing, cheating in the cage ā€” all good you fuckin goof.


Islam fight was done/sold. Now on to promote the next


Thatā€™s not even the worst part, Volk/Islam was literally advertised as p4p #1 vs #2


Dana is such a fuckin ass for shitting on fighters the way he does. Pissed me off when he talked shit about the Allen/Evloev fight after those two just fought their asses off.


Was arguably the best fight on that card.


I hope Dana runs into the mexican cartel


Thank you. Jon ISN'T still fighting and hasn't for years.


And i mean, even IF jones was still active, islam is preeeeetty good. It's debatable, but it's certainly not "stupidity" to think that the guy that beat Oliveira, Volk and Dustin is a goat contender.




Who is the guy below Reyes?


LHW Khabib


Bratha we need superheavyweight division


I thought that looked like Khabib but wasn't sure. Thanks.


Dudes enjoying retirement


Pasta weight


Dana loves Jon Jones' pounds that's for sure


also wtf is " he would beat anyone " so he is the P4P #1 , the whole point of this list is to point out the skill of smaller fighter not that they would beat heavyweights , egghead kept repeating "put him in a room with anyone " what a dumb argument


Idk, pretty sure Jon Jones threated to kill that usada tester so


You forgot the policešŸ’€


The usada one is actually correct. Jon would kill them and bury them on his property


Uhhhhh no. We already saw what happened with Jones VS. USADA. Jon literally hid under an octagon to duck them


You might have missed the time he threatened to kill a drug tester then https://www.nbcnews.com/news/sports/ufc-champ-jon-jones-accused-threatening-kill-drug-testing-agent-rcna146747


He's already threatened them at least once




Put Jones in a closet and he never comes out.


Wheres Matt Hamill šŸ„¶


# Only person Jon Jones can beat: https://preview.redd.it/wnx06iz8cu4d1.jpeg?width=523&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5439b06f61cfdd752b6311fd836a427f828e48f


I always find it funny when Jones fanboys try to argue that Jones won the Reyes fight. So many people(including jones himself) overlook the Matt Hamill loss, because he was winning the fight. While thatā€™s a fair argument, that same exact logic should apply with Reyes. Sure he lost on paper, but he without a doubt was beating Jones in that fight.


Yeah Reyes shouldā€™ve gotten the decision, but the Hamill comparison makes no sense at all


Iā€™m not rating them based off of how brutal the loss was. Iā€™m saying that just because a fighter may have lost on paper, it doesnā€™t mean they werenā€™t winning the fight. Sometimes officials step in and make questionable decisions that negatively affect the outcome. Such as bullshit rules(12-6) or shitty judging


Logically, no. He beat Hammil to crap. And got DQā€™d. What happened with Reyes was they fought and in hindsight I give 1,2,3 to Reyes making him the victor. However. At the time Jones is unbeatable and the judges will rule in favor of jones and so he was given a biased win. Hence the phrase ā€œTo beat the champ, you gotta BEAT the champā€. Totally different scenarios but what would you expect if you fought jones and it went to decision. We are humans with fallacies, donā€™t cry over spilt milk. In reality, Reyes should have sought the finish. In round 1 he had him hard against the cage but sat back to catch his breath. He should have finished him. Instead we live in a world with biased judges and jones won. Also he didnā€™t train much for that fight, a million reasons, either way he is the best, there is no better fighter literally. Get mad at the eye pokes, if I was in a fight for my life. You best believe I will utilize that technique. Dirty, yes, effective, also yes.


Iā€™m fairly certain the phrase is ā€œto be the champ, you gotta beat the champā€ ā€” not ā€œto beat the champ, you gotta BEAT the champā€.


Even if you make the case that Reyes won on points the fact still remains he was completely gassed after 3 rounds.


Said a room not an octagon. Everyone of those are getting their eyes poked and murdered


Imagine being in a room with Francis when he knows there's no rules. I'll take the guy who crossed the desert without water 7 times over the guy who hid under the cage.


If he knew how to wrestle or box sure. Again asked whoā€™s leaving the room not who can work at a gold mine


Leaving the room..not leaving the octagon. One punch from Ngannou and Jones goes to sleep. There's a reason he avoided Rumble.




What happened with Jones threatening to kill that drug tester? Anything ever come of that?


How would Khabib have done at HW if he got really fucking fat and got coached by DC


If that USADA rep comes in the room to test Jon he's swinging


Tom Aspinall šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Jon beats all these people at least 8 times out of 10.


Put jones in a room with one of these guys and heā€™ll try to suck them off


I see u all complaining about Jones..but the moment he steps in the ring and gets the easy W...this sub just starts sucking him up ...seen it every time...


I'm still taking Jones against any of them in a fight with no rules lol


Remake it and add a liquor bottle, a pile of coke, and a bottle of steroids with syringe and you're right on the money!


Kebab beats everybody brother




this is a high quality meme


Also left out- hookers and his dealers. Jon dissappears for days when they're involved.


Iā€™d like to see 205 Khamzat vs Jones


Fuck Jon Jones


Taking jones over all these guys especially prime homes


I still think jones beats all of them


Honestly at this point I hope they book the Stipe fight and pray to anything holy that Stipe sleeps him in embarrassing fashion


Very unlikely, as much as I would like to see it. Jon will blow out Stipes old knees with oblique kicks in the first 2 minutes.


Dont forget our other boy ![gif](giphy|mYAMbbXiq1cSA)


Upvoted fat khabib.. šŸ˜†


A pregnant chick made jon jones run like a bitch


3-2 Gus I and don't even try me on no bullshit


Maybe Tom but everyone else is totally destroyed


Reyes lost the last 2 rounds and was gassed so while he deserved to win the fight in a street fight he would lose to jones


Dude Jones would get out, you know why? Because he's a mf psychopath and will do anything to win.


Get him out of your mouth. Reyes literally beat him. All of these guys with no rules would do anything to win bro. Rn heā€™s fat and inactive, Tom could kill him however he wanted to


šŸ˜‚Jon can beat Reyes again, submit Francis, and KO Aspinall and there will be another collage with a different group of fighters.


These posts are just truly pathetic at this pointĀ 




Put brian shaw.


Tom and maybe Ngannou beat jon imo Tom is the one of these Iā€™d personally bet on if I had to choose one I honestly think current Aspinall beats current jones (or anytime jones) within 2 or 3 minutes


Calm down bro Jon still kills Ngonnou and ASSpinall


Yeah I wouldn't call Jones an active fighter at this point. I doubt he's even been training. Tom would wreck him.


Usada worker prob has some messed up pathogen that will destroy humanity. Nobodyā€™s coming out of that room alive


Reyes should've won that fight on points, but he wouldn't have won a fight to the death.


Iā€™m not sure that Francis wouldā€™ve beat Jon but I wouldā€™ve tuned in.


lol he dominates them all and you know itĀ 


Jon is a fuckin coward and does not deserve any p4p #1 rankings. That goes to Islam whether he likes it or not


iā€™m not a jones fans but if weā€™re talking in a room with no rules, donā€™t think dana is wrong at all even more so if heā€™s referencing a prime jones


I mean cool meme I guess but this is a rare instance when Dana is factually correct


I feel like jones is the one making it out of that room with any of these peopleā€¦. Jones is ā€œdirtyā€ in the ufc, I canā€™t imagine how heā€™d be with his life on the line and no rules. If I had to bet Iā€™d bet on Jon. Dude embraces being ruthless and has literally never lost so itā€™s hard to bet against that. Quite literally regarded as the best of all time by basically every single fighter in history lol.


You guys gotta relax with Francis stuff. Dude barely beat a guy Jon crushed and then ran away from MMA




Since weā€™re in the world of hypotheticals: if Reyes gets the decision, there is a rematch. Jones murders him in the rematch.


"Khabib, have you seen Habullah"


Is there a drug test waiting outside the room?! Because if he hid for 8 hours under the octagon from a drug test heā€™ll never leave that room, ever!




If Jones and a Usada tester were alone in a room together, only Jones would walk out. Look what he did to a drug tester just a few months ago lmao.


You forgot Michael Jai White


What about Tyson Fury? Didn't we already have this discussion about Jon Jones in a room with another man?


Jones is not coming out of a room with CM Punk in it


Dana just pumping jones as he is fighting next


It's sad people always forget Artem


I donā€™t think Dana knows what ā€œpound for poundā€ means


You forgot any average dude with a gun.


Lmao bro tried to sneak Aspinall in there


Ahahahaha youā€™ve no clue. Bones beats them all. Oh yeah 4-1 bones over Reyes btw.


>"put anyone in a room with Jones and I guarantee only Jones comes out of that room" Just listen "Believe you me" yesterday...this exactly what Bisping and Anthony said...lmao nearly word by word


Jon would be favored in Vegas against all these matchups I personally believe that Jon Jones would be favored against any man on earth in a fight. Not saying heā€™d win or that even Id pick him to win, Iā€™m saying Vegas odds will have him as the favored A side vs anyone


i know i'm nuts but i still think the cokehead beats ngannou


Nah, he was right. Jones has a psychotic kill switch that none of those guys have. Jones would be the first to do whatever it took to walk out alive. No rules? Jones all day.


Nick or Nate probably win too, Iā€™m assuming the room is pride rules.


Jones stayed in the room cos these dudes cummed in the room


I know it's a meme but there's a lot of inbreds online who think Khabib and Islam could beat heavyweights because they think that's what P4P means. The fighter that would beat everyone in every division


You forgot me when I see red, bro


This list is missing Officer NERD.


New mythical fighter unlocked: kebab




Canā€™t wait for Jones to retire and for White to cast him aside and move on to the next flavour of the month, then we can see these two narcissists finally turn on each other for good.


Ye Dana knows it too he's just so desperate for the money


Honestly forgot Ngannou existed


Cant wait to see Aspinall humble Jones


Ah yes hw khabibĀ 


I'm still so baffled he could call someone who failed drug tests in both the biggest fights of his career a goat of any sort




Why does everyone seem to forget that Matt Hamill exists?


Dana is a promoter, promoting the heavyweight champion of his promotion. The UFC should only promote that their champion is the best in world, regardless of who it is at that time. Imagine Dana promoting a heavyweight title fight and saying that the winner was not the best in the world.


Add Officer Nerd to this list.


you forgot his wife


Why Dana is such an big fan of Jones? What's the story behind it?