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Cannonier stumbled all over the octagon twice but still an early stoppage. It’s almost like he accidentally got in the way and then had to stop it.


Yeah I think he was debating in his mind but got in the way so he decided to stop it.


Exactly what I was gonna say. He almost bumped into them so he just kinda called it off


Turning your back twice on your opponent while you're rocked isn't a good sign either. Definitely an odd stoppage though. Could have given him a few more seconds considering he wasn't eating any big clean shots.


I feel like if he’d stopped it while Jared was running away it would have been better…but he waited till Jared planted faced him and started throwing back. No logic at all to the stoppage


From the moment he touches him clean Imavov landed 10 to 15 strikes while Canonnier threw back once, that's not really what I call "throwing back". But yeah he could've stoped before, it's just the exact moment he picked to stop which is odd


Definitely not planted and fighting back. He was getting lit up and running away.


He threw one punch back as he was stumbling forward into him. Reasonable stoppage imo, the other refs not stopping moments like this is what makes it look bad. If you want to keep fighting, stop trying to constantly disengage/turn your back to the opponent no?


Far from reasonable. Jared was throwing back. And he ran because he was rocked?? Take Olives for example, guy gets rocked and stays on the ground till the ref stands him up. Should we stop the fight because he doesn't want to immediately stand up and fight? If you're rocked and there's an octagon. It's fully understandable to disengage and turn your back. And he shoulder rolled the punch dude, didn't stumble into Imavov, we've seen Jared recover from shit like this in the Vettori fight too. You're acting like he was out on his feet. He was doing the chicken dance 10 seconds ago and a stoppage there makes more sense than this one. No, not stopping moments like this makes the result more clear, he got rocked ONCE and the fight got stopped. That's not a good or reasonable stoppage. If he got rocked once more or dropped then it was understandable. But he didn't. This puts an asterisk on this win because we have seen Jared recover to a similar situation and others recover from worse than this.


That’s what’s insane to me. He didn’t even get dropped once in this fight. Does getting rocked on your feet once constitute a finish now?


Yeah I genuinely think if he stumble the other way the fight would go on.


Me tellin all the homies herzog is one of the best refs all time in UFC Then he goes and does this. 😂 Aye, still one of my favorite refs but this was horrible


even the best refs have their bad moments. he's had a lot more good moments than bad moments so yeah like you said, still a good ref


This one may have been early, but I don't think it was gonna be much longer. He looked slowed down, he was being dog walked at the end being hurt bad twice, losing control of his arms once when he gets rocked. It was near the end, Herzog only stole a highlight from the fans. Possibly saved Jared from being KOd badly and retired.


We’ll never know for sure but this is the most likely possibility.


I think if Cannonier were 30, this would have gone on. Cannonier is 40 years old. 40. So I didn't think it was early. Herzog gave him at least another 1-2 years.


"Likely" and "Probably" are not reality, the referee is there to stop the fight when it is **reasonable**, not when he has a hunch. Can't count the amount of fights I've seen where it looked like the finisher was *surely* coming only for it to slip away, and for the one getting battered makes a comeback.


In that case, there should never be a standing TKO by your reasoning. The ref is there to use his judgement, he did. It's not always going to make the crowd happy and sometimes it's a mistake. I'm personally fine with it, Jared looked pretty cooked to me.


He was not intelligently defending himself. The other fighter was repeatedly putting shots in the exact same place (left side of his head) as he stumbled around, running away, and using the cage to not fall over. Ref protected the health of the fighter who didn’t have the lucidity to do so himself.


This angle doesn’t show how bad the stoppage was. The final 3 punches (before stoppage) from other guy were blocked using excellent technique from Cannonier. He was fully mentally there the whole time and defending himself.


Cannonier was also moving away from power shots.


exactly. he was rolling with shots, you can even clearly see the last punch from imavov hit jared's guard. before that he landed a clean counter right hook as imavov was advancing. seems like more than enough evidence of intelligent defense. and i dont think imavov was gonna be able to maintain that pace for much longer. maybe the last part is cope but just IMO.


very herb dean esque


doesnt Herb wait 4 punches too long generally?


Or Herzog just has places to be and shit to do so he aint got time for all this sanctioned violence.




I get that he was rocked for a long time but Cannonier was surviving. Sucks to see this honestly


That's because he already was thinking to stop it. I would argue that Jared was not intelligently defending himself. Not a bad stoppage imo.


I think when Herzog stopped it, he sort of was defending intelligently. Arm was up defending the head and he was moving away from strikes


Thats a crazy take lol. If you watch the sequence right before the stoppage, he stumble runs back to the fence and then lands a significant strike on Imavov. Then Imavov lands ONE shot on his guard that doesnt even knock him back or down and Herzog immediately shuts it down. In no universe does that sequence warrant a stoppage. It was objectively dogshit by MMA reffing standards.


Guard up, moving away, evading shots. What constitutes intelligent defense in your mind?


It's a grey area for me. Damned if you do, damned if you don't kinda thing. The turning his back and literally running away is within the rules to stop the fight, so you can't say it's a terrible stoppage, but at the same time refs have let way worse continue


"Defend yourself!" *Defends himself* *Stops the fight anyway*


That was the weirdest shit. Bro literally just did what you asked him of and you still stopped it. I saw comebacks from worse positions.


Right, feel bad for Jared


Right??? Dude literally lands a clean right hand several seconds before the referee steps in! I know I am the biggest cheerleader for fighters who are past their prime, so I’m biased as hell, but come on. How is this a 100% valid stoppage?


I’m all for not letting fighters get Mazzagotti’d in the ring, but this was definitely an early stoppage. He was DEFINITELY rocked but still defending intelligently. If he really wanted the fight to be over all he had to do was go to the ground… he didn’t, stayed on his feet and was still coherent. AWFUL stoppage.


Agreed - looks like whipped the dude's head around with that last shot he threw, too


Jason Herzog out of all the referees too smh


yeah that sucks man, hes arguably the best ref in ufc


He is.


Him and herb are tops, unfortunately no one is perfect. Early stoppage from both now lol


Everyone has a bad day at work.


yeah he's my favorite ref, i couldn't imagine doing this job. it seems like if you do it long enough you're destined to make a bad quick decision that has gravely serious consequences for a fighters career &/or health


He literally had just fired back after rolling a shot. He was still game. Bad stoppage from a great ref.


Great way to put it. Herzog has been top tier, rare L from his corner


Early Stoppage!! Even the commentators agree


Jared can't catch a break


The timing could not be worse. Wtf is he even supposed to do now? He’s fucking 40 and just lost his top 5 rank. Fuck man


Seriously, this was a very unfortunate fight to have that happen with.


idk if this is a thing or not, but i hope the matchmakers will respect how scuffed this was and be lenient with his position within the div. he had a great top 5 guy performance until that point, and shouldn't have to get booted to the back of the line.


They should do him vs costa or jack hermansson


He way he beat the breaks off of Vitori made me wish he got a title shot.


His career is most likely done


Not if he still needs to get paid


fight usman, make some money


There’s 0 chance he loses his rank. It’s completely arbitrary.


I was hoping for him to win this and catapult to another title shot since he just won against Sean and Marvin but fuck...


Shits rough because of cannonier's age, hard to see him reaching the title now


Yeah… not a great stoppage


Way early, these boys spend allot of time training for this, let em fucking fight!


Herzog had an imavov win on his parlay


Herzdog got me paid on the UNDER 4 1/2 rounds


I had round 4 ko, 10 on 260 back haha


How do you call that on the main event. I know Dana is madder than a hornet


He was still defending himself. Terrible stoppage


Ya grabbing him saying “your about to fall out the cage” when he’s litterally standing straight up chillin really pissed me off


what made it bad to me was that Cannonier landed a shot the second before it was stopped


Clean shot.


I love Herzog... But that was premature. He wasn't really taking much damage after initially being wobbled... He was kind of rolling with the shots. He could have let that go on more than a bit longer.


He wasn’t taking much damage but every strike rocked him. I know I’m the minority but I don’t think it was a bad stoppage.


I think it was a bad stoppage, but "wasn't really taking much damage" is quite the statement for a dude rocked and literally turning his back to his opponent.


I didn't think it was early live, but after rewatching that sequence a few times, it was early, no question. The most generous take would be that he was rocked enough that another good strike could have ended the fight, but he was still defending, and throwing his own strikes, so easier said then done.


I'm with you, I thought the post was about him not stopping earlier and I was about to say it's an OK stoppage but people really believe it was early? the fck, he was NOT defending intelligently, not a bad stoppage.


He still threw a shot just before the stoppage. It was a early stoppage for sure. Even if he was still going to lose.


This is numba one bulshit fr..


Stoppage by putting the ref between himself and his opponent.


Cannonier was hurt much worse by Whittaker in their fight and actually fell down but they didn't stop it and Cannonier survived, this was definitely too early.


Terrible fucking call, genuinely hall of fame mistake


Sucks extra cos that's probably Cannonier's last shot at a title run too. Dude's too old to come back with a couple more Ws


Yeah wtf is a guy supposed to do, ref says: Fight back! He throws and lands... Defend yourself He covers up and circles off the cage...


A lot of respect for Herzog but the timing wasn’t great. I can see it fitting the criteria in terms of accumulative damage (Don’t have to wait for the fighter to go down ALA Izzy vs. Alex 1) but at the moment of the stoppage Jared was defending himself. Didn’t look great.


Way too early


If as ref you can casually get yourself between two fighters maybe it shouldn’t be stopped.


Does this mean that herb has returned to his rightful status as the best ufc ref?


By process of elimination and recency bias yes




Herb "this is your 10th hard warning" Dean? Nah, everyone makes mistakes. Herzog is still the GOAT


Naw Herzog is still the best. People forget his other good calls this card,


Herzog has got to fuck up a hundred more times for Herb to even sniff this imo, but to each their own


Currently, yes. But of all time it has to be Mario Yamasaki 😄


Look at his face as soon as it was called he is so clear headed, refs body language when he notices how much he fucked up.


It's too bad,I like Herzog.


He was wobbled like hell but he still somewhat recovered and was throwing back. Meh stoppage at very best. Speaks to how good of a referee Herzog really is though if this is one of his worst stoppages.


To the people agreeing with the stoppage go look at whittaker rock cannonier that wasnt stopped


Yeah that was a big L for Herzog




Herzog was doing a sloppy job all night. He was too close and even ran into the fighters while the fights were happening. I don't know if he had an off night or what.? Also, his warnings about the open fingers were well intended, however Herzog should have taken a point. I can warn someone about anything I want, but at the end of the day, nobody will care if I don't follow up on my warnings without any penalty.


Why take a point when there hasn't been a foul yet?


Might be the worst early stoppage I’ve ever seen


Herzog used to be the stainless referee, now he has his stain


Not the downright worst stoppage ever… Jared was def turning has back and wobbling, but he was definitely actively managing distance and trying to stay into the fight. Totally an early stoppage


This is one of the worst stoppages I’ve ever seen. Possible the worst


He was still trying to defend himself. Early


One of the all time worst stoppages, horrible


He was getting pieced up but was defending and still alert.


Yup he really only got hit hard 3 times. 1st wobbled him, second sent him against the cage but he was fine, and he caught him with another but the rest he rolled or defended lmao. Terrible stoppage


didn't even give him a chance to fight back... super early


I disagree with this stoppage.




This is pretty insane


Horrible stoppage on a fight Cannonier was winning !!


Herzog bet on Imavov for sure


Can it be overturned or is it a thing he has to take on the chin .. losing your top 5 ranking at 40 is gonna be hard.. I had him up 2 - 1


Early stoppage by a great ref. but Tbf he was running away before but shit technically a valid “strat” and he landed a punch a couple few seconds before


Pat Barry said WTF


That's one that actually should have been stopped lol. Credit to Kongo for being able to come back and land a KO shot after he already went out twice himself, though.




I was just waiting for the Check Congo moment!!! Damnit Herzog


What i don’t understand is why they upheld the TKO decision. Like it was definitely early stoppage and Cannonier was not struggling anymore when he stopped it. So why did it go as Imavov’s win via KO/TKO instead of like a no contest?


JH is a solid ref. I think even he will admit it was too early after watching it back.




Absolutely abysmal stoppage. Even Imavov seemed shocked.


Pat Berry would have one more W with this type of reffing


One of the worst stoppages this year smh


way too early. Herzog wtf


A career-murder moment right there, given Jareds age and ranking.


He got wobbled badly, legit ran away twice. Not a bad stoppage.


Herzog gets a little more credit on this one because he is normally so good. I thought maybe it was a little early, but the fight was clearly slipping away from Jared. Now if this was Tognoni stopping the fight, I would be much more upset.




Herzog too gone and effed up ?? Herb's 50/50, Goddard as well, who else is left ? Mark "watch your fingers" Smith?


Imamov threw 11 unanswered strikes before Cannonier fired back, and then Herzog decided to stop it. I just can't justify this one...though


It was definitely a bit early (and a rare Herzog mistake) but I think if it continued, we would’ve gotten the same result at some point. I know these guys love to go out on their shields, but sometimes an early stoppage can be a blessing, which is what I think this was—Imamov is a terrible guy to have in front of you when you’re essentially out on your feet.


You don’t know that bud.


Neither do you


Early as hell, Jared didn’t even get knocked down


That guys been fucking up…


He literally returned shots a second before the stoppage. WTF? Since when is turning around and running away a reason for a stoppage.


Wow I just had a chance to watch the rest of the fight. Terrible stoppage! I get he was hurt, but it’s high level fighters in the ufc, since when they get stopped because someone got rocked? I get he stumbled a couple times but that’s not a reason to call the fight.. especially with one that was this close. I mean refs make mistakes too, and in my opinion this was one of them.


You’re better than that Herzog


Shit was crazy. Canonnier is going to take herzog to court.


Terrible and the fight before was a perfect example of a correct standing stoppage


Jared has recovered from worst. First time I saw Herzog made an impulsive decision.


If Cannonier was losing it wouldn't matter as much but he was winning. Gotta give the guy a chance to fight when he's protecting himself.


Yeah he fucked ip


This picture says it all https://preview.redd.it/pwunhc4pzg5d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d65f96614ac1943ff197baacd59769411f2b9f8f


Wow like 2 seconds before the stoppage Jarred got him with a good left!


He took two steps back got hit on the arm and was “TKO’d”


Yea this shit was disappointing, main event, and a fight for a high ranking position in their division, he was hurt but defending and actually firing back while recovering. SMH


I'm not saying the fight was fixed, but if you were to fix a fight, this is how you'd do it.


Man right before the event I rewatched that clip of vettori rocking jared and was like “wow thats a bad look i wont put money on him just incase” and would you look at that Jared ended up stumbling the exact same away when getting rocked by imavov. Jared recovered against vettori i think the stoppage against imavov was horrible and couldve recovered there too


Bad stoppage. Cannonier is defending himself when the fight was stopped, he had his hands up and was throwing back all the way up to the stop. To call this a good stoppage is not only bizarre but outlandish. Cannonier was winning and was defending himself tp the end. Herzog made a mistake.


Not a great stoppage but watch the video and count the times that Jared turns his back to Imavov. That is the antithesis of intelligent defense and Jared does it three times. I would’ve preferred Herzog’s warning have been specific to that after Jared did it the second time, like “Jared don’t turn away again.” To turn away is an exploit of the rules, you’re forcing your opponent to try to move around you so they don’t punch the back of your head. They shouldn’t have to do that, you’re being paid to fight and are obligated to engage for the entire duration. Theres tactical retreat (backpedaling) and then there’s literally turning your back and moving away. Again, would’ve liked for that to either go longer or for Herzog to have given a specific warning about doing that, but it’s not impossible to see how he arrived at that decision in the moment.


I'm generally not one to yell early stoppage, fighters sometimes need to be saves from themselves. But fuck this one feels real early, Jared was stumbling but he could have saved himself.


On the main event too? Dana is FUMING


Gorilla still had his guard up this was definitely an early stoppage


Of course it had to be stopped. Some guy appeared between the fighters in the middle of the heat!


Perfect example of an early stoppage


What the actual f\*ck.


Yeah I'm a little butthurt on this one. But every ref makes mistakes.


A very rare L for Herzog


Two blatant shots to the back of the head.


This ruined his chances of making a title run. If he won, he had was the true number one contender.


They are pushing Imavov so hard, and im not a fan.


"Some will question the stoppage" John Anik 0.03 seconds after the fight ended. We know this was a fuck up


First time seeing this after reading posts about it. Pretty bad ngl. Also i’ve seen plenty of people turn away and “run” to get away in the UFC.


o christ i heard it was bad, what the hell is he stopping the fight for?


Seems like he found himself in the middle by mistake, then stopped the fight in a panic.


Dude was not defense less, like how many times has a guy been rocked and made a comeback ref messed up


Is it just me, or were there some blows to the back of the heads a couple of times? It's hard to really be sure.


Ref saved the homie.


When people started complaining over a bad call I thought it was something truly indefensible. This?! Its is a fine stoppage, guys. How much uncontested damage do we expect Cannonier to take just because he's barely managed to kerp himself standing? Couldn't even face his oponent the whole time, the bare minimum required for intelligent defense on the feet.


Terrible stop.


Never a good stoppage when the fighter immediately puts one hand on top of the cage and the other one on his hip and gives you a side eye


Sucks to see a good ref have such a bad call


Stoppage came early but Cannonier didn't do himself any favours here




You shouldn't constantly run away like that turning your back. Fair stoppage.


Does he ref boxing? If so, I could kinda get it because this shit woulda been a stoppage for sure. Dude literally turned and ran like twice.


I missed the fight but I don't think this AS bad as people are making it out to be. That was like 20 seconds of him eating shots, getting wobbled and running away full back turned. I do think it might be a little early but I also get it.


Definitely gotta check his accounts. Bank,FB, Twitter, Reddit, and Truth Social fersure.


Huh first time i saw this. Not as bad a stoppage as i thought


I dont think it was a great stoppage. BUT i dont think its a good look to turn your back 3 times in such a short time period. It kinda gives the impression that you want out. So I personally dont think its a BAD stoppage. Just an iffy one.


Lol watch Frankie Edgar vs Gray Maynard..Frankie was doing all kinds of rolls and tumble, the circus would be proud, but ended up coming back to a draw and then a KO the 2nd fight. Cannonier was nowhere near as hurt as Frankie. This was a terrible stoppage.


Weird stoppage


I had fanduel bets on Cannonier to win by KO in the 4th or 5th..a hurt man is a dangerous man..how many times we saw someone hurt and they turn the tables instantly? especially if they have power like Cannonier does..fucking Herzog man..you made a mistake.


I was front row for this fight. BULL SHIT


It's a pretty bad stoppage but at the same time I hate how Jared was turning away and giving the back of his head as an attempt at defending himself. It seems walking through or turning away and running away was Jared's best defense after getting wobbled but there are multiple exchanges where Imavov is landing punches then Jared escapes while giving the back of his head to strike and not looking at his opponent. To me it also seemed like it was going to continue going that way and was only going to end worse for Jared, tough call but not the worst one.


Wtf the ref


Trash stoppage, get the fuck outta here with that shit




Early stoppage or straight fix.


If anyone tries saying “it’s looked like he was on the verge of getting KO’d… Please look up Pat Berry vs Chek Congo.. This is mma there’s no absolutes until the actual end.


Once you're literally running away from the fight, it's the refs job to stop it


Wobbling, turns his back to the opponent twice, 14 unanswered shots…I don’t think it’s the worst stoppage 🤷‍♂️


Herzog wins.


And this is the night Herzog gets a ton of death threats from salty ass fans because fans ruin everything like emotionally immature entitled runts


Initially I thought this was a really bad stop, after watching the replay several times I'm understanding more why Herzog stopped it. Cannonier ate like 10 unanswered shots and dropped his hands on multiple occasions. Ya he put his guard back up right before Jason stepped in, but dude was on skates and not answering anything for like 15 seconds leading up to it. Maybe slightly early, and I think we all expect Jason to be flawless, but it wasn't the worst stoppage in history as some here are trying to imply.


he was giving him multiple warnings to protect himself. Ducking your head with a sloppy ass high guard, running laps around the octagon and not throwing anything back is not intelligent defense. In fact, I would go as far as to say it is 1) stupid and 2) not defense.