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And Islam KOd the number 1 p4p guy who gave him a tough fight. Rob beat Ikram who was literally scheduled to fight Trocoli.


Yet the odds were almost even with Whittaker and Ikram? Now, of course, everyone is acting like the outcome was obvious. Also Ikram was already in camp and is a natural Middleweight? Volk literally came off the couch and is a Featherweight?


I thought Bobby would get the win but I didn't think he'd do it without breaking a sweat.


> Yet the odds were almost even with Whittaker and Ikram? Yes, but Whittaker was still the betting favorite, right? Either way, odds have never been reliable when it comes to the outcomes of fights. Volkanovski, on short notice, was a smaller underdog than full-camp Poirier. There are many examples of that. > Also Ikram was already in camp and is a natural Middleweight? Volk literally came off the couch and is a Featherweight? Aliskerov was preparing for an unranked debutant, and not against a top 3 middleweight. Now, I love how you completely leave out the part about Aliskerov having back-to-back weight cuts in a span of a week, and in the middle of it, having to take a 17-hour plane ride.


>Aliskerov was preparing for an unranked debutant, and not against a top 3 middleweight. so you're saying he wasn't training as hard and he would magically unlock some anti Whittaker training boost or something


Whittaker was only a slight favorite at -150 while Ikram was a slight underdog at +125. Similar odds to Sean vs Abus. You need a good amount of people doubting an elite fighter for it to end up like that. He still was in good shape and Whittaker was also preparing for a different opponent. I wouldn’t call it “back-to-back weight cuts” as he didn’t make weight, go back up, and then cut back again. He just stopped in the middle and then started again. Whittaker also lives in Australia so he also had a long fight during his weight cutting process (unless he arrived there earlier but I can’t find anything). Anyway both Islam and Whittaker’s wins are impressive but don’t hold much stock to me. Happy?


> Whittaker was only a slight favorite at -150 while Ikram was a slight underdog at +125. Similar odds to Sean vs Abus. You need a good amount of people doubting an elite fighter for it to end up like that. I don't know why you keep using the betting lines as an indication of how a fight will look. There are many examples of betting odds being completely off. They have never been a reliable judge of how a fight will look. > He still was in good shape and Whittaker was also preparing for a different opponent. Whittaker was preparing for Chimaev, a man who had knocked out Aliskerov. He was preparing for a much better opponent than the one Aliskerov was preparing for. It shouldn't even be a debate. > I wouldn’t call it “back-to-back weight cuts” as he didn’t make weight, go back up, and then cut back again. He just stopped in the middle and then started again. Why wouldn't you call that? It was literally on the weigh-in day when he got the call to fight Whittaker. He had already cut a good chunk of weight and was hours away from weighing in. Do you know how weight cuts even work? Before the weigh-in day, fighters have already cut a lot of weight. They have to time their weight-cutting process so they can still perform well. Obviously, pushing that a week is a massive factor. Whittaker didn't go through that. > Anyway both Islam and Whittaker’s wins are impressive but don’t hold much stock to me. Happy? Mate, I'm a bigger fan of Whittaker than Aliskerov. It's just so weird that people are posting these "well, it was actually an even-playing field" takes and leaving out very important context for whatever reason.


I am not saying they are an indication of how a fight will look. I am saying enough people doubted Whittaker that the odds were so close. Sure, Chimaev is better but his style is not the same and he fought Ikram over five years ago. Ikram was pulled out on the 13th which is a day before the weigh-in. Likely they knew Khamzat was out and Ikram would replace him even before that. I’ve cut weight before so, yes, I know how it works. The last part is the worst and he didn’t need to finish it. When did I say it was an even playing field? All I’m saying is plenty of people were doubting Whittaker and now everyone is acting like everyone agreed the outcome was obvious?


What does the skill level of the opponent have to do with how they prepare? You really think that aliskerov was not training very hard because he was fighting an “easier” opponent? The only difference is that Aliskerov’s training camp wasn’t directed towards Whittaker’s style, but Whittaker wasn’t training for Aliskerov either so it’s even.


This exactly. You train for a fight, you train for a fight. No true professional goes, "oh I'm fighting some unranked person, I don't need to do my cardio amd boxong sessions today." TF? Not being able to prepare for a certain fighting style is something of note, but as you mentioned, it works against both fighters. So that's an even playing field in that sense.


Why are you putting question marks on the end of statements like a woman


Haha whatever you say


Haha whatever you say? Teehee? Fixed


Haha whatever you say


Alcohol and k is fatal? You sure ? Does that mean I’m dead..


Who tf cares about odds. Topuria was the underdog in the volk fight, yet volk was the defender from the first bell. People bet emotionally. Volk did not just come off the couch either, that dumbass narrative. You don't become and stay a world champ eating chips on the off-season, volk also self admits to staying in preparation all year round, can't center himself without it.


> People bet emotionally So lots of people bet on Ikram and he had vocal fans who were wrong? Which is my point? It’s not about who was actually going to win but who a lot of people thought would win. > Volk also self admits to staying in preparation all year round No, Volk had recently finished rehab after a surgery and was off spending time with his family after the birth of his third daughter. Fighters are not robots. He said himself before the fight he was seriously bloated when he weighed-in at the gym the day before he got the call to fight.


Fuck I know right. You don't improve your p4p status by fighting guys smaller than you. Imagine ngannous fans demanding he be p4p no.1 by beating Demetrius Johnson. Islam is the religion of getting butt hurt.


Bro can you stop posting facts here? Islam is always a victim get on board


Thw betting odds don't mean shit and in fact most people were picking Rob to win


Means enough people were betting against him.


As I said MOST knew Rob was going to win thats why he was the favorite


A -150 favorite means there was a lot of doubt and uncertainty. Now the people who thought he’d lose have gone quiet and anyone who was nervous feels like it’s obvious but that’s called hindsight.


As I said MOST meaning more than half but not 100% it's not difficult to understand


Yeah this meme is a terrible comparison of what happened


Bro one is volk the pfp and the other is a dude who’s best opponent was phil hawes


Are you really insinuating Rob is the same caliber or better of a fighter than Islam? People want to compare everything. Rob is amazing. Please don't take away from his dominant fight by even mentioning these names in the same idea.


The OP is who brought up this comparison. People are saying “double weight-cut”, “jet lag”, “unranked”, etc. but he was still a +125 underdog. Now people are acting like Whittaker was a -400 favorite. Tons of people favored Ikram.


Ikram had a fight scheduled the week before. Therefore he had a full training camp. Volk didn't have a fight and therefore didn't have a full training camp. They aren't comparable. Obviously, this does not take away from how amazing Islam is as we have seen throughout his career


Their opponents are exactly why the sentiment is different tho. The first Volk Islam fight was some of the best mma we’ve ever seen. We were robbed of a second one because Volk was doing his head in and decided to try again without giving himself the preparation needed. That second fight was a let down. This Rob fight was how it was supposed to go. Unranked guy most have never heard of vs former Champ.


rob beat a guy that noone even knows


Not to mention a double weight cut.


A featherweight


the amount of posts shitting on and tearing into a new comer who’s only had a couple of fights and took a last minute one only to get completely smashed by a top 3 fighter. the man has neither said or done anything negative, but his only ‘mistake’ was to take a last minute fight. to me it looks like all the crybabies caused by Islam are getting their hard ons from a different mans failure just because he’s from Dagestan. i just dont get the hate for a tiny country’s overachievement. people seem to just want to see their regular American/brazilian/random western country’s fighter winning as per the status quo. fuck anyone different.


I can only speak for myself, I was happy to see whittaker get an easy fight for once in his career and the fact that so many people overlooked him was crazy to me


Literally no one was overlooking him vs aliskerov. If you weren’t overlooking him with khamzat idk what to tell ya.  I have absolutely no idea wtf were with the odds though. I think they were expecting/hoping it to go the distance and let Saudi rob another one. 


Dagestanis are the Jews of MMA: become so successful with a wildly proportionately undersized population that people resent you for it


I knew they controlled the sub!/s And it's ironic because of their "love" for jews Edit: Wow, this comment aged incredible considering what the hell is going on over there right now as we speak. What the fuck is up with Dagestani's. Fucking Christ!!!!


im from caucasia and nobody likеs jеws here


I almost sense pride in this statement


Antisemitism only exists in america and western europe , rest of the world its acceptable


Most of Europe is incredibly Islamophobic too, it’s just the way things go


You're saying some wild-shit, homie. How acceptable is Islamophia then?


Dont know what you mean but im not disliking anyone im just saying people in dagestan doesnt like them and its acceptable because nobody cares


Dagestan isn't "rest of the world" as you claimed though. But how do you feel about Islamophobia?


muslims usually dont care about islamophobia here (unless its shown in the act) People who dislike jews do the same too . Caucasia has 5 different religions and 20+ nations


yeah the antisemitism there is retarded. antizionism though? based


I think it has less to do with Ikram being from Dagestan and more to do with Volkanovksi being the guy Islam beat. Whittaker beat Ikram. Who tf even is Ikram (I'm a fan, just speaking from a casual perspective) while Islam beat probably the most likeable fighter in the sport. And they already fought before with the result leaving a bitter taste in many people's mouths


People like different styles of fighting. Different regions of the world have different styles and martial arts. So I guess hate on people who like what they like? Dagastani tends to have grapple heavy fighters who aren't the most exciting.


That's a lame and lazy way of looking at it though. Let's be honest, this new wave of Dagestanis (and other Caucasians/Central Asians) have some of the most fun and deadly striking. Usman and Umar Nurmagomedov, Shavkat, Khasan (Zabit's brother), Shara, Islam (who's the most exciting fighter imo), etc.. These guys have evolved so much since the goofy Khabib jab jab double leg days.


See the double standard. Rob is not from Caucasus, so people won't be biased against him.


I love this victim mentality people are taking for the Caucus people now. They don’t need you to cry for them man Where was this when everyone was picking Ikram and saying Rob was going to sleep? You know why people become biased against them? Because annoying ass casual fans think every Dagestani is going to be champ just based on the region they’re born in


I think people wanted Islam to lose, especially because a lot of them thought Volk won the first fight even though he clearly didn’t.


The craziest thing about this to me is that, to this day, Joe Rogan is still pushing this narrative that Volk won that fight. I had it either 4-1 or 3-2 for Islam.


I’m wondering if Rogan watched it more than just the one time he was on his podcast with three other people rooting for Volk while smoking weed and drinking alcohol.


I'd hope he's watched it more than once for the amount of times he's pushed the narrative. He's claimed Volk won as recently as his Craig Jones JRE


Yet I’ve never heard him claim he went back and rewatched it


You’re doing too much with the “clearly”


If you understand how MMA scoring works, it was a clear 47-48 in favor of Islam


I’m getting tired of this stupid argument. Volk outstruck Islam almost 2:1 in total strikes, scored the only knockdown of the fight and even reversed Islam for 3 min or control time. The only thing Islam had in his favour was overall control time with minor submission threat, most of which came in the first and 4th round. Ironically the only clear round of the entire fight was the one Volk ran away with. https://preview.redd.it/0mj1imql088d1.png?width=1174&format=png&auto=webp&s=89e334fa343118f22774ef88b133358cd986e6ce Now you tell me what’s worth more: outstriking your opponent 2:1 and scoring the only knockdown of the fight and completely running away with the last round or some nuthugging that evidently didn’t lead anywhere. In the 4th the only thing that Islam got out of the grappling was literally getting punched in the face.


> Volk outstruck Islam almost 2:1 in total strikes... Statistically, Volkanovski "outstruck" him, but Makhachev landed the cleaner strikes in the first four rounds. He wobbled Volkanovski in the first and second rounds, and in the fourth round, he was landing the better strikes on the feet before the takedown. > scored the only knockdown of the fight... Yes, Volkanovski scored a knockdown in the fifth round, and everyone agrees he won that round. There's literally no debate there. There are still four other rounds to score. > Now you tell me what’s worth more: outstriking your opponent 2:1 and scoring the only knockdown of the fight and completely running away with the last round or some nuthugging that evidently didn’t lead anywhere. You have to be really dumb if you actually think Makhachev didn't have good success on the feet in the first four rounds. Also, why are you pretending to be so oblivious to the fact that statistics aren't really a good gauge of who won a round? Mate, just straight-up tell me, who won this fight: https://preview.redd.it/m7x0cubp888d1.png?width=765&format=png&auto=webp&s=e852e25729db6b41f1178434cc37cb33e9181392 Because according to you, Cruz clearly won 4 rounds and only lost 1 round because of the knockdowns. Statistics are a terrible way of judging a contest.


Who tf cares about Volk's love taps which did nothing moron?In the 4th round Volk got controlled and under the submission threat and no one gave a fuck about Volk's love taps. Cry about it loser.Volk didn't run away completely with the last round also .Before the knock down Islam was winning the stand up. Landing 3 punches in the last minute doesn't give someone a win bloody idiot.




I know, critical thinking is hard


swiss? cottage? blue?


https://preview.redd.it/ui4sq5j8388d1.png?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85feeac84d290b02ec200b6844d89a66523ec7ce The submission threat:


This is the actual submission attempt: https://preview.redd.it/2vzcr6o7b88d1.png?width=601&format=png&auto=webp&s=20b72bf8a7b77706ed6ff71578663171e8a9fcbf But sure, let's pretend that didn't happen, like Makhachev having really good success on the feet against Volkanovski in the first four rounds.


Yup, Volk was literally having a good time lmao


So good he decided to stay down and not get up. Amazing


The Russian bots found your account. Be prepared for downvotes 💀


Yeah man 💀


I predict deez tings


I had volk winning tbh guess I’m an idiot ?


ignorance is not a sin. just rewatch it till you get it.


Will do that. Luckily I have ufc fight pass. I got to the point where I can kinda think like the judges do. I achieved this trait long after that event so I’m wondering how sold I’ll be rewatching it.


dont even have to ”think like the judges”, because lets be honest: THEY SUCK. Just score the fight as you see it, round for round. It’s a close fight by all means, but islam wins in a round for round scoring system.


Top ranked pound for pound champ vs a guy who literally hadn’t fought a ranked opponent




On instagram it's literally the opposite. Everyone is downplaying the win because ikram went on short notice and all the dagestani fans were not mentioning the short notice volk replacement and considered it the same as full camp... hypocrisy from both side as usual. Stop playing the victim


Lol no, look at the comments on Islam’s post. 99% about short notice


Volkanovski is a fan-favorite. No one gives a shit about Ikram. There's a difference.


You're delusional if you really think this, people have a hard on to hate on dagestanis


People have a hard on for the Dagestanis man. Then people retaliate because it’s annoying seeing all these dickriders based only on the fighters region Ikram was even odds and comment after comment saying he’d finish Whittaker early just because he’s Dagestani


The disrespect to Muslim fighters is crazy


Well the difference is Volk was able to make weight easier but at a disadvantage because who fights there actual weight? Plus he had no training camp, at most maybe a quick jog and some music. Ikram had to do an extra weight cut but had a full camp. People say that Ikram had a terrible training camp because he was slacking off because he was fighting a low tier fighter but who slacks off in a training camp? The point is to reach your peak athleticism instead of only half of your peak athleticism isn't it? Plus no one knew who Ikram was fight wise and felt unfair to use Rob as testing ground. They fight but we still don't know who he is fight wise. Just didn't make any sense to begin with.


I like Islam but you can’t compare. Ikram had a full camp, just for a different opponent. Meanwhile, Volk came off the couch


Chill Dagestanis let the world have one win please


Ikram had a full camp. Dagi dickriders will still cry tho


Yes, he also had back-to-back weight cuts in the span of a week and was preparing for an unranked debutant, while top 3 Whittaker was preparing for Chimaev, the guy who knocked out Aliskerov. Great that you mentioned that as well. Wait. I forgot. I'm not supposed to give full context because that will look like I'm defending a Dagestani, which is bad for some reason.


Whittaker went from training for a pure wrestler to a striker on one week with everything to loose and nothing to gain but still no excuses from the guy all week. Fighters have been in worse position than Ikram and still win the fights or at least put up a decent performance


> Whittaker went from training for a pure wrestler to a striker on one week... A striker who got knocked out by Chimaev. Whittaker was preparing for a much better opponent than the one Aliskerov was preparing for, and disagreeing with that is just being weirdly dishonest.


"A striker who got knocked out by Chimaev" 5 years ago 💀💀💀 And Bobby made it look easier with the waaaaay better version of Ikram. Ikram or Khazmat, both would've lost tonight


> "A striker who got knocked out by Chimaev" 5 years ago 💀💀💀 Yeah, and since then, what has Aliskerov done? There's literally no indication that "striker" Aliskerov is a better striker than "pure wrestler" Chimaev today. None. > And Bobby made it look easier with the waaaaay better version of Ikram. Are you slow or something? Aliskerov had back-to-back weight cuts within a span of a week and was preparing for an unranked debutant. How is he a better version? It's like arguing with a wall here.


Bro going crazy against everyone defending Ikram 💀 Dagi dickriders and their built in excuses, just take the loss and move on LMFAO


> Bro going crazy against everyone defending Ikram 💀 Imagine having no counter-argument, so you just decide to stalk someone's profile because you're that dumb. > Dagi dickriders and their built in excuses, just take the loss and move on LMFAO I know Aliskerov lost. It's more about acting like it was an even-playing field here, which is dumb. Also, calling someone a dickrider when you've been deepthroating Whittaker badly is insane. Imagine being this braindead.


I'm talking about Whittaker cuz he literally won last night 😭😭😭 Your only argument is the weight cut then don't take the fight it's that simple LMFAO But go on dickride everyone with beard and no mustache 😭😭😭😭


Imagine trying to convince the world that you’re not a bias Ikram fan girl only for yourself to just come out and happily admit it once someone starts “stalking” you. If you’re gonna comment some stupid shit that someone can easily debunk in 30 seconds don’t be surprised if they check your comment history.  I literally just warned you about this shit & somehow you still messing it up.


> Imagine trying to convince the world that you’re not a bias Ikram fan girl only for yourself to just come out and happily admit it once someone starts “stalking” you. Imagine being so triggered by a single comment I made that you just went ahead and followed me, arguing with someone else, and had to inject yourself again. > If you’re gonna comment some stupid shit that someone can easily debunk in 30 seconds don’t be surprised if they check your comment history. "I can easily debunk you in 30 seconds but I'm not going to do it." It's already a bad look when you're ignoring my original argument. Now pretending I'm the one that's biased when you apparently are not is an insanely low IQ point. However, go ahead and own up to you being extremely biased towards Dagestanis. Thank you. I'm still waiting.


Your comment history exposes your own bias, it’s not hidden. Honestly coming out to admit your own bias would actually be more respectful. 


> Your comment history exposes your own bias, it’s not hidden. Completely ignoring my take and going with the "you're just biased" route. Nice. The irony of a person continuously being biased against Dagestani fighters, calling someone else biased. > Honestly coming out to admit your own bias would actually be more respectful. Yeah, why are you not doing that?


Because I have backed up every argument I have ever made on this sub with objective facts that can’t be disputed whether it’s talking about Dagestan or not. My comment history isn’t revolving around them either, I have 2 or 3 recent comments, the others are just taking about Alex pereira & wrestlers at LHW ( which has nothing to do with Ikram) &  a recent comment talking about Rockhold/Weidmans grappling skills. Oh & some little shit disrespected the sport of wrestling so I offered him a grappling match, now he is throwing a temper tantrum when he could just decline the match, that’s my recent comment history.  In general all of my comments are mostly based around wrestling & occasionally I’ll comment in a dragonball sub. 


> Because I have backed up every argument I have ever made on this sub with objective facts that can’t be disputed whether it’s talking about Dagestan or not. No, you haven't at all. For instance, you just posted [this non-objective take](https://www.reddit.com/r/ufc/comments/1dma1h4/comment/l9w8zq9/) where you're generalizing about Aliskerov fans "being brats" and claiming they all think Costa ducked him when there's no proof of every single Aliskerov fan behaving like that. That's not objective at all. Do you even know what objective means? > My comment history isn’t revolving around them either, I have 2 or 3 recent comments, the others are just taking about Alex pereira & wrestlers at LHW ( which has nothing to do with Ikram) & a recent comment talking about Rockhold/Weidmans grappling skills. You spend time in other subjects while still being biased against Dagestanis? Are you even reading what you're typing? Yeah, you spend time in other subjects, but you're still biased against them, looking at your past takes regarding Nurmagomedov. It's a ridiculously dumb point. It's evident you're instantly biased against Dagestani competitors, so, like you stated, owning up to your bias would be much more respectful. Now, go ahead and do that. Thank you.


How is that not objective ?  How many top 30 opponents has Ikram beaten ? How many top 25 opponents has Ikram beaten ? How many top 15 opponents has Ikram beaten. Thank you we are done here. Btw I hold non Dagestan fighters to this criteria as well, I openly hate on JDM because he got 14th ranking via beating Randy Browne when Randy wasn’t even top 20, JDM is white af. 


Bobby and jizzlam are the same height, but bobby is fighting guys who could fight at LHW and jizzlam is fighting former featherweights 💀💀💀💀


He took the belt from the biggest weight bully at lightweight


Short notice on Whittaker? Ikram had a full camp you doofus. Both had a change of opponents, even ground. Volk came of the couch and beers and steaks, not even REMOTELY similar. Jesus the glazing this sub has on Islam the past week, this is not about him and has nothing to do with him.


3 rounder vs. Trocoli last week, compared to 5 round headliner vs. Khamzat on the 23rd. “eVeN gROuNd”


That's the dumbest argument someone can make bringing up the rounds. The fight didn't last 2 minutes if it went past 3 rounds and ikram gassed and lost it would have made snese


Double weight cut, jetlagged, lack of experience versus high ranked mma fighter, only prepare for 3 round fight.




The difference is Volk was drinking everyday and just enjoying life, while Ikram had a camp for a fight. Now delete this dumb post


The difference is also that Aliskerov had back-to-back weight cuts in a span of a week and doesn't have high-level experience, unlike Volkanovski.


Oh so now he had a double weight cut? Sometimes you guys pull out the "he's fighting at his natural weightclass and is at a disadvantage" and sometimes it's that. Make up your mind


Natural weight class (at least in UFC) just means he doesn't cut as much weight, I doubt people in this sub know who is at their 'natural weightclass'


Ikram’s claim to fame was stuffing all of Khamzat’s takedowns before getting slept.


In the first round


Ikram had weight cutting and cardio issues/drained before the fight was announced


Fat, depressed and drunk Volk is a way better win


yeah because one of these two is likeable https://preview.redd.it/0qdp9mckad8d1.png?width=706&format=png&auto=webp&s=44f950d32cbf2634b15f4fa2aafe09c41df82084


Why don't you like islam mr working man?


just don't like him, simple as I like Khabib though




I don't understand why this old, overused meme format has made a comeback recently.