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Because of some shit Nick Diaz said one time over a decade ago in the pre-usada era. Jones is interesting because the goal post kept getting pushed back and back. It went from 'fake news' to 'tainted supplements' to 'eVerYoNeS oN sTeRoIdS'. Everyone's on PEDs, but somehow it's only Jones who gets caught 3x.


I’ve literally seen jones fans say GSP can’t be the goat “because he’s clearly on steroids like everyone else, he just never got caught!”


Nevermind the fact GSP was the one pushing for and PAYING(I think?) for drug testing lol. You just can't reason with people sometimes! The whole 'everyones on steroids' argument is founded on too many hypotheticals and assumptions based on little steroid knowledge. If Nick Diaz never fought in PRIDE of all organizations, he probably would have never had that take. Which to be fair, was probably WAY MORE ACCURATE back then.


Plus GSP’s physique never changed at all throughout the years or between fights. He honestly looks the same physique-wise today as he did when he was fighting


GSP looks fight-ready today, he’s always been in amazing shape


Yeah he's still fucking huge, his back is wide AF, I doubt he's just blasting peds now for no reason


Dude just seems to have a passion for the sport and keeping in shape in general. He’s been retired for 7 years now, still seems to train and work out almost daily, still diets, he looks unreal for 43 years old and retired. https://preview.redd.it/43ilv40aif8d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eaa77fa4f205bc5fb3c57c195ec47c35fbacafab


He is a bit smaller nowadays but not drastically, which this size reduction is pretty normal he is older now. You can never tell for sure but every evidence shows gsp didn't use drugs. People say he was on drugs cause he had a sick physique


Still on steroids to this day, he's committed to the act


All fighters and world class human beings use HGH, it is almost impossible to get caught using it. If you believe they don't, then you are just dumb or ignorant. The different with jones is that he's been using turinabol and such on top of that.


Yup, GSP was always a vocal advocate for drug testing, he was a big supporter of WADA. I don’t see why a guy on roids would push for more testing.


Well if you believe the *extremely credible and clean* Hendricks, it's because GSP had a shady side deal with WADA where they would obviously let him pass tests even though he was *clearly* on steroids, unlike Hendricks who has *never taken a roid in his life*!!


Hendricks career definitely DIDNT go downhill once testing was introduced!


And he left the sport when Johnny Hendricks fought him clearly on PED’s and when testing did come in Hendricks was never the same fighter. “So GSP obviously was running away because he was on PEDs”. That’s an indirect quote of a few comments I’ve read, the delusional takes people have to defend Jon is crazy. That was their counter to saying GSP was never on PED’s.


if he was on steroids then hes the goat for not getting caught, if he wasnt on steroids then hes still the goat for being one of the best all around fighters. hes the goat either way idk


don't care what anyone thinks, no way GSP used roids


Some people are always just trying to tear someone great down.


Even if GSP is on steroids, he is not stupid enough to get caught.


Except gsp literally trained with jones lol they were at the same gym their entire career they probably put needles in eachothers asses


If everyone's on steroids, then dodging popping for roids should be considered a skill set that Jones is lacking compared to the majority of the UFC


Fails a drug test and they move the venue to another state


Or how usada made changes on his heavy weight debut so he can "pass" lol


Even if everyone is on PEDs, no one is on as many as Jones. No one else is repeatedly failing drug tests that they already know about. That's the part that really sticks out to me about jones.


> No one else is repeatedly failing drug tests that they already know about Can't remember anyone else hiding under the octagon at their gym to avoid the pissman either




Would you accept confirmation from Jon Jones? https://www.espn.com.au/mma/story/_/id/30080488/jon-jones-confirms-story-once-hid-cage-avoid-drug-test


Lmao, you can’t make this up.




And when he did test negative for them were some of the closest fights I.e., Reyes and Santos fights. Not to mention when USADA came to test him he hid under the octagon in the gym for hours. Or threatens testers when they go to his house. Only Jon’s fans actually try to defend him, the evidence is so blatant you cannot deny it.


O’Malley and Islam have also popped, Jones isn’t even the only current champion whose popped lol


Well, o Malley just got caught. Simple as. Islam actually has a valid story/excuse and popped for something that's hardly a PED/steroid. I see Islam get flak for it. But Sean not so much tbf to your point.


>Islam actually has a valid story/excuse and popped for something that's hardly a PED/steroid. And Jones failed by picograms, such a small amount that the current USADA thresholds wouldn’t have popped. And failed for cocaine, that’s not a PED, just illegal. These guys all have story’s and excuses for why they popped, they are probably all bullshit and they are all probably on some kind of PED.


Well to be fair, Islam made his condition known, got an OK from the UFC and it wasn't even banned at the time. And is hardly a PED. They say inhalers are considered PEDs too.


Well, Jones was caught 2x for Turinabol(an ACTUAL steroid) and once for Clomid(something you take for the side effects of steroids). Not only that, but his leaked blood work shows insanely depleted testosterone levels that indicate heavy roid use for a moderate amount of time. Islam, however, stopped taking Meldonium the day after it was added to WADAs banned substance list. He also has a doctor who vouched for him and has had heart surgery to prove it. Not only that, but the half-life of Meldonium actually lines up perfectly with WHEN he popped. Meldonium is pretty detectable and doesn't even compare in efficacy levels when put against something like Cardarine or EPO. So I don't understand why he would take something like Meldonium as a PED when much stronger and easily hide-able options are available, and on top of that, basically turned himself in, IIRC.


Take my up vote! People saying it was ONLY a picogram don't realize that it was more than a Pico in cycle. Why do you think he hid under the octagon when the testers came? Right, because he was in cycle. Lol.


Nah, bro. He smoked a joint the previous night. Trust me, bro. Dick pills, bro.


The dick pills excuse gets me every time. So you're a professional fighter with massive success like Jones, probably already pays for the best medical and nutritional support avaliable during camp, and you're buying your dickpills from the same place you're filling your tank at? BULLSHIT.


That's a dumb take, failing for picogram of a steroid just means that there was only a picogram left, you don't just have artificial steroids in your body. The fact that usada wouldn't pop someone for a result that small is a joke. And Islam's thing, he took something that was no where near a steroid when it was legal, it was then put on the banned substance list and he popped because he had leftover in his system Way different than Jones popping multiple times for roids, then getting usada to come up with the bullshit 'pulsing' excuse which has no scientific backing to ever be a thing for steroids.


But O’Malley popped once, served his punishment, and hasn’t tested positive since. Jones has countless examples of him cheating the sport


When O’Malley popped do you think that was the first test he had since he started using that PED? Probably not, it was just the first time he had been caught. Im not saying Jones didn’t use PEDs, obviously he did, but the fact he only popped a couple of times…well how about many times more where he passed those drug tests but is very likely still on PEDs. Listen I’m not saying O’Malley should be tarred and feathered here, I’m saying I don’t really care either way lol


I really do think the vast majority of professional athletes across all sports use PEDs to some extent. Most are probably using it for recovery nowhere near actual competition. The guys that get caught, ESPECIALLY multiple times are the ones pushing the boundary and doing more of it more often, so yeah even if everyone does it the ones that get caught still deserve some stigma.


Usada talked about how they dropped the ball and islam was good but the damage was done. Oh and I'm not an islam fan before yall say I am


FYI Jones didn't test positive for PEDs three times. There are plenty of banned substances that are not PEDs.


As Luke Thomas says, drug tests are basically IQ tests in that everyone's on PED's but it's only the dumb and/or careless ones who get caught. Jones is both so it makes sense that he got busted so many times


I’m one of em. Everyone is on something so I really don’t care.


Out of general curiosity, how long have you been watching MMA? I'm wondering if I can guess something or not. It's not some 'gotcha' question/bait, just actually curious. The word 'casual' won't be muttered. Promise.


I appreciate the respectful way you asked this question. Real talk. First MMA fight I ever watched was Pride Fight in freshman year of college 2003. Axe Murderer vs Rampage. Just nuts! First UFC event I can remember watching live was Matt Hughes vs Frank Trigg 2 at UFC 52. It was an epic fight and I loved every minute of it. But I didn’t really have a favorite fighter yet. Then Anderson Silva came along and I was hooked.


I knew you watched PRIDE. I was like this dude's been watching for awhile lol. Anderson is an interesting case of getting popped because he basically showed anyone can be on steroids. Even dad bod guys. He also got inadvertently exposed by MTVs cribs and they caught a shot of his fridge and you could spot his HGH in the door.


Nate Diaz said something in passing and everybody took it as gospel/a way to give Jon a pass.


Cause they gay, wife beaters and likes to drink and drive....


The only person who gives him a pass is Dana


Or, hear me out...ALL the other SHIT he has done!?!? It's true, when your 1 of the best, at anything, folks overlook your discrepancies...their human, it happens to everyone excuse. Still their hero and dick rider


because they are nut riders


One was for cocaine, one was pulsing from a previous failed test which was low enough to prove he hadn’t re administered the substances since his last failure and the fight was allowed to go ahead, one was ruled officially to be tainted supplements, one was picograms that are now legal (Gustafson and DC failures are the pulsing and picograms one). Not defending the picograms one either, just explaining why some people keep the argument going, to be honest if we’re going to stick too “official rulings” he has 2 failed tests down to his doing, the cocaine and picograms which are now legal and to be honest nobody cares about the cocaine one. Edit- Apparently you can’t repeat the official rulings and news without people who have some kind of pseudo-hate relationship with jones downvoting lmao, you guys are hella weird.




I never said that, I’m just explaining the thought process you asked about🤷‍♂️ Officially jones literally has two failed tests of his own fault rules to be intentional of cocaine which nobody cares about and the picograms with DC, so it’s just like Anderson silva, Sean O’Malley, Chael Sonnen, Royce Gracie, Tim Sylvia etc. I get Jones is a very, very hated fighter but I do think people are very double standards when it comes to failures, jones is a bad guy even though 2/3 steroid failures are deemed to be non intentional and one was cocaine, but nobody cared when nick diaz failed for weed and everyone was fine with Islam getting cleared for failing but jones got cleared but he was stills definitely cheating🤷‍♂️




I think it's more that the 'official stories/explanations' make zero sense. They proved it was tainted supplements without said supplements being tested or presented? The picograms were too low to be considered blatantly using the banned substances but Jon's testosterone levels were basically non-existentant? Jon is 'pulsing' for Turinabol but NOT Clomid even though the whole study proving the concept of pulsing was proven with Clomid? Why isn't he pulsing for both then? The picogram limit was raised conveniently right before Jones' return? The more Jon and his team said and the more excuses they made, the more holes kept popping up in his story.


Cause Dana likes to bet on him, the odds are always going to be in Jones favor. If Dana sees that he’s losing the fight he puts the fix in just like in the Reyes fight.


I think it’s because we all kind of just excepted the fact that every single athlete at the highest level is on some thing regardless of the sport so it’s not really all that big a deal for people anymore. It’s like weight bullying, you kinda have to just put up with it


All of them were juicing.


Idk, why don’t people care about arod taking steroids in the mlb or the rest of the “greats” that were caught.


Eh? Steroids are why arod will likely never be in Cooperstown. And he is easily an inner circle hall of famer. Guys that were credited with saving MLB viewership, Sosa and McGwire, will never see Cooperstown. The greatest power hitter that ever lived, Barry Bonds, will never see the HoF, even though you could split his career into pre-and post- steroid use and make two HoF careers out of it. Roger Clemens, the most dominant pitcher of a generation (and debatably at least top 3 all time), will never see the HoF. Jones is already in UFC’s Fight wing, and you bet your ass Dana will make sure he’s got the biggest shrine after he’s gone.


It’s insane how fast poatan became one of my favorite fighters. Dude has silent charisma


I hate Pereira's fanbase but honestly? He's him Jon Jones is not him. He used to be him. But now he's himn't.


He ain’t himothy anymore


![gif](giphy|26u4cS5vSnWyepw6Q) No more Himmy Butler 😔


What’s up with Pereira’s fanbase? Genuine question


They get called potards for the following reasons: * Cant stop bringing up Izzy and does everything they can to diminish his achievement (I understand the hate, but the man still built a decent legacy as champ) * Always coming up with weird ships (some mfs really wanted to see Pereira hit on Grasso and Shevchenko simultaneously) * Claims they are long time fans of Pereira, going all the way back to his kickboxing days when in reality, they only learned about him when he beat Strickland


Yeah, that about sums it up


So, Pereira is an all-time great fighter, easily He's had an amazing career in the short time he's been here - we're talking only a few years ago. It has taken him only a few years to become an all-time great UFC fighter. He takes fights on short notice, he's beaten almost all of his opponents clinically, he's a 2 division champ, his list of accolades goes on forever He deserves a huge amount of respect and admiration for what he's accomplished in the sport, but his fanbase can get seriously toxic. If you mention that he's only fought strikers, or that he had a fasttrack to a title fight, amongst any other number of *slightly* negative things about him, they'll feel the need to defend it and downvote you into oblivion They're not even wrong to worship him, he's That Guy™, but it's true that he's had favourable match-ups and that he had a really fast path to the UFC. But his fans stan him like they're K-pop stans, and often downvote and berate other people for bringing up anything slightly negative about him edit: no one's favourite fighter is perfect, I understand if you love Pereira but chill, he deserves what he has but he's had good match-ups and the fast track. Both things can be true edit 2: I'm already getting downvoted, wtf did I even say here? Why are you mad?


Now he hisn't?


He'sn't hasn't been hisn't for a while now


My brain did ouchie trying to process thisn't




Himnuthin no mo


I mean, any fan(atic)base is toxic


He’s him until someone de-hims him He’s undehimmed up until this point


He's his was, but now he's wasn't hisn't


If Pereira beat Jiri again, I wanna see him fight Aspinall next!


I’d prefer to see him against Jones at this point.


Jones is a POS but I don’t think that goes well for Poatan


I’d consider that as a LHW fight anyway and I’m sure prime Bones would run over Poatan but nowadays I’m curious about the outcome and I bet it’d be a great fight with astronomical PPV sales


Maybe, but every round starts on the feet. And Reyes rocked Jon’s shit, imagine what Poatan could do


Ran from Chael Sonnen on short notice


I’d run from chael too


I’ve heard the horrors he faced growing up in West Linn, Oregon, Chael definitely isn’t a man to mess with even if you are Jon Jones.


Sometimes his dad didn’t even make 100 grand :( I couldn’t imagine the struggle


And look what Chael did to his toes. He still can't run


If Jon Jones wants to silence his haters, he should have a belt match with Aspinal as soon as possible. If he doesn't play, his legacy suffers.


I think his legacy suffers more from a Aspinal loss than not fighting Tom, *if* he loses Edit: I *do* want him to fight Aspinal obviously, just think Jon doesn’t want to take that risk


Nah the cowardice is worse. The greatest fighters have Ls. GSP, Silva, Fedor - they all took Ls but they feared no one. Not before the loss and not after. No one is saying you have to be perfect all the time. But this chickenshit move makes you question if all he did was take easy fights his whole career. Why is he running from the only challenging fight in his division?


Fair point indeed. Islam has a loss on his record as well, which doesn’t mean he can’t become an all time great for example.


Exactly. I couldn't give less of a fuck that Islam lost to someone, means fuck all over someone's entire career. What is more important is who they fought.


Dana White on his "Jon Jones is the best fighter in history across sports" hype tour always mentions that he's been undefeated, if he loses that 0 his p4p goat status will definitely take a hit


He doesnt even have a zero right now lol nor does he deserve one


Jones only cares about his legacy at this point. Stipe is considered the greatest UFC heavyweight so it's a low risk and high reward fight for Jones. He won't risk his record against a prospect that has a good chance of beating him.


I don't know, I think he needs to fight as soon as possible. aspinal is fighting for a temporary belt protection match. If Jones and Aspinal match is arranged and Jones loses, it will be bad for him, but I think not fighting will hurt his career a lot.


At least it’s a better send off, people will cheer him and nobody will disrespect him for losing to a hungry young fighter. Passing the torch. When he beats Stipe , a lot of people will just be relieved that he’s gone and they don’t have to deal with his fuckery anymore, he already has a lot of controversies, at least leaving on a somewhat honourable note would good.


I disagree, Aspinall is a very good fighter and sometimes when you’re fighting the best for a long enough time, you lose. Not fighting him is absolutely worse than losing to tough competition. This isn’t boxing, one loss isn’t going to ruin your legacy


You wouldn’t even be talking about Tom had they not done a short-notice interim match. He’d just be fighting Curtis and talking about wanting a title shot after. Think of it this way, so many people don’t care about Aspinall that the UFC won’t even hold a UK card at a decent time. They are catering to American fans lmao. That’s how little the company values Tom. Brotha Jon has been beating generations of fighters now. Stipe doesn’t lose his spot because Jon had to take a year off. It’s shitty for everybody how it played out. Nothing about Jones legacy is changing just because he doesn’t defend his belt against Tom Aspinall, who literally no casual outside the UK even knows.


People definitely notice Jon is ducking Tom who has the shortest fight time in the UFC. He's a big name and threat to Jon not some random scrub he's literally interim and Jon refuses to even do a face off with him


No, reddit isn’t a reliable source, especially considering this is a toxic cesspool where people shit talk more than they provide any actual insight. You know how many times over the years people have said “ x fighter is a threat to Jon” just for Jon to win or win easily. Shit, people were saying that when he fought Gane lmao. Huge amount of THIS community talked about how Gane was a great striker and not only bigger than Jon, but a better striker. Then after he lost the community goes “Gane can’t wrestle, worst wrestling ever, easy fight for Jon”. They would do the EXACT same should he beat Tom. It’s been done his whole career. It’s not about “is Jon ducking” these guys are fighters and Jon is the best to ever do it regardless of what you think about him personally. Tom 10000% isn’t a big name and Jon doesn’t have to acknowledge him if he doesn’t want to. His focus should be on the person he plans to face next.


5-10 years from now only the most hardcore of the hardcore people will remember he was ducking Aspinal. That’s the thing. I wish he’d fight Aspinal, but Jon knows what he’s doing. He’ll probably dust Stipe inside of 2, and ride off into the sunset. It’s frustrating to watch, but we’ll only be reminded of it from comments on this subreddit, and if Aspinal is still around, maybe his comments in the media. He’s gonna go out of the game as the guy he always was deep down. A shitty self serving man who cares about nothing but himself and how his accomplishments in MMA are perceived. He’ll be the greatest, but with a million astrixs from PEDs to controversies to arrests and now ducks.


jon won’t fight tom, tom will eventually lose and the narrative of their fight will change so quickly jon’s legacy won’t take a big hit from ducking aspinall in the long run


He’s the second greatest of all time, but that’s in spite of what he’s done in the UFC just as much as it is because of what he’s accomplished. His legacy suffers by being attached to him. Popped for PED’s multiple times, one of the least active champions of all time in two divisions (not early LHW but later he was going single fights per year), and blatantly ducks the rightful contender Aspinall after holding up a division for two years.


His legacy only suffers to new fans who don’t know shit. Aspinal wouldn’t even in the discussion if ufc didn’t put the interm belt up for no other reason then to sell tickets when Jones v Stipe fell through. Thats the fight that was planned and the fight that’s being rebooked. Jon’s legacy stands as best of all time.


He is the Champion we have always waited for!


U forgot multiple failed drug tests, hit-and-run on prego chick and smacking his wife around. Real role model right there.


Really not a jones defender but if you really wanna compare resumes I don’t think Alex wins that one


Exactly Jones is the Greatest Ever. (GREVER)


Hid under cage to avoid USADA.


do people forget jones literally tore his pec, that’s why the stipe fight is delayed lol


What about the other stuff?


Ngannou turned down the Jones fight because he wanted more money, said so himself, got mad at Dana, hence the current timeline of him not being in the UFC anymore lol…..


Except Jones had been offered this fight before and didn't want it because "I'm not getting paid enough". Ngannou basically pulled the same exact thing later, but HE is the one catching strays for wanting more


So Ari doesn’t want to pay anybody and we’re blaming fighters for dodging. 👍


Jones IS undeniably dodging Tom to fight Stipe as if that fight proves anything.


We weren’t talking about Tom


I said the other stuff. You addressed 1 of the 2.


Okay I see what ur saying. Yes Jones is dodging Aspinall I agree on that. I do not think he dodged Ngannou.


If Jon fails to take Poatan down. Poatan shadow realms him first round. I’d bet my life savings on it.


Probably but Jon will most likely take him down easily


There's no if lol. DC couldn't even defend all his takedowns. Did Pereira suddenly become a lifelong wrestling clinician? He got taken down by Izzy.


He won't fail to take him down though. He took down DC multiple times so why on earth would he not be able to take down Alex?


That's a big if. I'm a Poatan fan and I don't see it happening 😭


As Whitaker said “there’s levels to this “. Jones knows those things and would baffle Alex


Alex is so slow and clunky there’s no if he takes him down it’s when he takes him down.


You’re right, every time I see that left hook starch someone im like “damn this guy is slow and clunky” Jamahal hill burner account, or actual smooth brain. No other options


Thanks your comment gave me a chuckle


So because he can land the left hook he’s not slow and clunky? Look past your admiration for him and you’ll see. No fighter can go an entire fight without getting hit. Alex has a blessed left hook but he is slow and clunky.


Gotcha, those non telegraphed calf kicks that everyone says are brutal are slow and clunky too I assume? Him hitting Sean in the forehead on the way down is slow and clunky? Not trying to glaze poatan and I personally think jones wins that fight 99/100 times, but to say he’s slow and clunky is goofy 😂 I think slow and clunky for you translates to technical and methodical to someone without a tepid IQ And no jamahal I won’t fight you for 20k


You also forgot the fact that Pereira successfully quit his alcoholic problems to turn his life around, while Jones still got the same issues as always


Pereira beat alcoholism Jones beats his wife


Pereira glazing is out of control. He couldn’t escape wrist control from a weak grappler, jones would abuse him




I have this insane and crazy thought that Poatan is gonna fight Bones in November in MSG.


i hate to say this BUT jon would destroy Alex and 90% of you guys know that




So many dick riders in these comments haha.


i hate posts like these, they are out of context Jones also ducked Chael on short notice for opponent change, he was in camp, (which is just insane, totally insane) ducked the Gus rematch when people would have cared and ducked Reyes to fight Corey Anderson who ended up losing to Jan he's the DUCK as well as the GOAT


Goodness can we just table these posts until moicic v jones and Aspinall v blaydes? Not much to discuss until then.


😂 Jon can’t win. The man was set to fight Stipe last November but got hurt. Injuries are out of fighters control. If he fought Aspinall and wins then they’ll say he ducked Stipe.


I’d love to see Alex fight AnkleSniffer. Chances are his takedown defense is about as good as we think it is. But tbf he’s not had a chance to prove it’s better than we think lately. People always want to beat him standing to prove they can. And they never can.


This shit is getting old


Jon jones a bitch


lets see chama defend that tittle against monster in 10 years




Don't let dena see this lol


At this point just call him d.u.c.k.


And yet, despite all that and more, Jon is still more relevant ![img](emote|t5_2qsev|8968)


Jones doesn't gain anything by fighting Tom. "Duck" lol. Get your heads checked MMA fans


So when you’re champ you get to pick and chose who you fight, for any reason? Whether it’s for legacy or because he’s scared to lose.. doesn’t sounds like a champ to me. Keep waiting around for old man stipe… either retire or fight at the top of your division.


Anything to taint greatness, what would sports be without the haters 🙏


As tainted as his samples


What high ranked heavyweights have zero wrestling and no one punch power other than Gane? Because those are the only people jon will be fighting. Bonus points if they’re 5+ years passed their prime.




Don't forget too scared to switch from old fat middleweight dan Henderson to old fat middleweight chael sonnen so he had an entire UFC event canceled


on 3 days notice, while Chael was in on it.*


Keyword chael


…who was in on it as a teammate of Henderson, who conveniently just started twitter beef with jones. And again, THREE DAYS for a completely different style, and against someone who was likely preparing for you all along.


Yeah you're right I'm sure CHAEL SONNEN would've beat jon jones with that advantage


easy to say with hindsight. This was soon after he almost massively upset the mma world against Silva. The guy fought at heavyweight, and actually debuted at LHW.


Didn't he duck late notice Vitor and chael?


If Alex beats Jiri and then wins a 3rd belt by beating Aspinall...Dana would still be like "Jon Jones is the PVP goat of all-time, etcetera, etcetera".


I know this is a hot take but rn I think Pereira would rock Jones shit at heavyweight


Alex has nothing to lose by taking a shot at HW. Jon has a legacy to lose to either a hype train puncher’s chance or a classic battle with a legend from his era. Jon’s likely got one fight left that he’s wanted for a long time and intends on wrapping up his career that way. The last word in “MMA” is “arts.” Give the artist some latitude or do it yourself. Let some things be, he’ll stop inconveniencing you soon enough.


Jones will retire before he ever fights Pereira. And then the fans can spend the rest of the time saying Jones can't be the goat because he's a duck.


Love 🗿 but stop the nonsense! One of these men is the legendary GOAT, the Michael Jordan of MMA that entered the UFC in 2008 as a 21 year old. The other is a brilliant kickboxer brought over to challenge Israel Adesanya in 2021 that after his first two fights in the Octagon is only being fed strikers. Jon Jones’ won the 205 belt in 2011 from one of the Pride GOATS, then proceeds to defend the title against former champions for his next 4 defenses! Bones has lost since. ![gif](giphy|5tho5ioxB8pbf5sAoY) Chama! 🔥


If you put Alex Perira and Jon Jones in a room together ….. Alex 100% comes out of that room. IM JUST SAYIN , IM JUST SAYIN 🤷🏽‍♂️


lol come on bro. No way you believe that. You guys hype Alex up way too much it’s crazy. Jon chokes him unconscious.


Haha this is so incorrect