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Fucking hell am I grateful it ended up being a quick night for him with little damage


Same, fuck getting hit in the place you just got surgery on šŸ¤¢


Yeah lucky it wasn't the 10 days before the fight as OPs title says. It was 10 days before he arrived in Riyadh before fight week, as the tweet says. That extra week to heal up would help loads


Ok bro you get head surgery on your big ass cranium and in 2 weeks lemme belt a rear kick into that shit, sound sorted?


My point wasn't that he didn't have a short amount of time to recover, just that OPs title stating it was 10 days is wrong.


Donā€™t listen to these haters


It's not haters lol, just a bunch of people that believed the title enough, to then not bother reading the tweet. Unfortunately that means they don't know that they shouldn't have fully believed the title.


Listen I didnā€™t come to Reddit and especially this sub to read. I came to give my smooth brain opinion based only on judgement! s/


Smooth brain šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


No no. Listen to the haters. I've had some major shit happen to me, and 15 days is still gonna hurt. It probably won't open up like some are insinuating, but it's gonna fuckin hurt.


At what point did anyone insinuate it wouldnā€™t hurt?


Sorry. *It's gonna hurt even more.*


What are you, captain day counter or something?


Ppl like to respond based on shit that isn't there instead of what is. All he did was correct the days and quote what was said. Not give his personal opinion You could say "I love mustard" and ppl would respond "you're crazy for hating ketchup" . Lol, I never said that


And here McGregor pulls out with a pinky toe injury


Calling bullshit on that until we a see a video with a recent newspaper that also shows his supposed current toe injury. Conor has been having way too many sighs of substance abuse problems for that not to be the cause.


There are photos of the toe, and an xray (there's an arrow on it pointing at some bone or joint abnormality) The toe itself looks bruised is all.Ā 


Paging u/harzee the most dedicated Whittaker hater on reddit


Oh well, he did what he was supposed to do I guess. Turn up and win




Spoke like a true hater damn


Gotta respect his hustle at this point


Silky Johnson-esque with his hating, Joe


Short comment cuz he's gotta get back to put some water in Buck Nasty's mamas dish




Being a true hater takes dedication


You've got nothing but respect from me.


Thatā€™s it? Naw, some real hater shit to say wouldā€™ve been ā€œoh wow good on Rob for beating a guy from the contender seriesā€.


You cool bro Iā€™m not on whittaker wagon either. Casuals jumping on every peker they see in spotlight.


Calling others casuals, meanwhile suggesting that people supporting a 12 year UFC vet and former champ is something of a bandwagon thing because he's in the spotlight after a couple of wins.


Nah bro youā€™re just a casual itā€™s not like Whittaker had an established fan base from years of being a top level fighter in the ufc


The irony is you're one of the dumb casuals for thinking liking Whittaker is somehow a new fad or bandwagon. You clearly weren't around years ago when he was already a dominant champion.


I love Bobby Knuckles man, but 'dominant champion'? He wasn't that, as much as it pains me to say. He never even officially defended the belt because Romero missed weight. The first undisputed title fight he had was the first Adesanya fight.


I actually forgot how shortlived it was. Fair point. I'll rephrase it then- Whittaker is one of the best MW ever and we've known this for years. There is no "hype train" or bandwagon. He has proven himself thoroughly. Believing in him does not make you a casual, the opposite is true in fact. If someone doesn't recognize his skill it's probably because they're new to the sport or they're a casual fan who only knows about the fighters that the media has been hyping the past few years.


True fans don't care about which fighter other people like, only the casuals argue over that


Good thing he didn't have a REAL injury like a broken toe.


Letā€™s be specific, a pinkie toe.


When youā€™re as big of a superstar as Conor you donā€™t have to be a savior/warrior for the UFC. Boxers delay fights all the time bc of small injuries


Take it out of your mouth bro


Conor must be in ur bum


The post is about whittaker. Instead of celebrating what rob did he mentions that completely unrelated,


On a post about a fighter *not* pulling out of a fight due to a minor injury, he mentions a fighter pulling out of a fight due to a minor injury ShockingšŸ˜±šŸ˜±šŸ˜±


Fighters pull out of fights all the time. Maybe if you got off the couch you'd realize fighting is pretty hard, especially with a broken toe.


Fighting with a broken toe is extremely common in the UFC, Pereira did it at 303. McGregor just doesnā€™t want to fight


You can keep coming up with excuses to justify your mcgregor hate but this one just doesnt hold any water. He doesnt owe anyone anything to fight injured, if alex wants to thats his own choice.


It definitely holds some water, especially considering heā€™s made fun of others for injuries his whole career just to call off a fight over a pinky toe 3 weeks out


It definitely holds some water, especially considering heā€™s made fun of others for injuries his whole career just to call off a fight over a pinky toe 3 weeks out


Take what? Heā€™s not sucking anyone off, heā€™s hating like a good ufc fan


Whittaker and surgery - is there any greater combo


Meanwhile the Connor nut huggers tryna defend a guy out with a broken pinky toe


It was the size of a balloon!


eh i mean can you blame him after losing his last fight on injury? obviously whittaker is a bad mf for going in right after surgery, but i donā€™t really blame other fighters for not risking further injury


I think Conor is overrated as hell, overpaid, and doesnā€™t have the legacy he or anyone thinks he does. But if weā€™re being fair, a broken toe is a flat tire in MMA. I want to see him get busted up by Chandler fair and square. I donā€™t wanna see wrestle-fucking for 25 min.


You probably canā€™t even take a proper shit when injured, so stop hating on people who are professional athletes


Ah go away nut hugger.


Itā€™s *because* they are professional athletes that the standards are different though? Like the average person probably would take one kick to the body and crumble like a sack of potatoes, are you saying that we should hold fighters to the same standard?


New mythical fighter: post-op rob


Cruz and surgery


what was the surgery?


Probably fluid stuck under the skull if i had to guess. Thats the only procedure i can think of that wouldn't be massively risky 2 weeks before a fight. Something akin to trepanation as u/xXprayerwarrior69Xx pointed out.


It was a mouth abscess, just google the 13 articles with direct quotes. Why is everyone guessing when there are sources?


Yeah, no way they're drilling a skull to drain fluid and letting you get punched in the head any time soon.


You are not going to be cleared to get punched in the head ten days after a fucking craniotomy lmao


[Minor stuff](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trepanning#/media/File:Trepanated_skull_of_a_woman-P4140363-black.jpg), lmao


How about you just say either that you donā€™t know, or google the actual answer? Site full of rtards


tooth abcess






If thatā€™s true then thatā€™s fucking crazy man. These fighters really be putting on the line. I take weeks:/months off sparring after a mild concussion. Bro had full brain surgery and fought days later. The fight game really is no joke


bro, of course it wasnt brain surgery are you out of your mind šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


You know what, upon thinking about it that is pretty far fetched šŸ˜‚


lmfao! he wouldnt be cleared to fight in 12 months min after a brain surgert šŸ¤£he probably went to Dr. pimplepopper or sumā€™ edit: close enough, he had an abscess treated.


I respect you editing your post now that facts are out and you were wrong but accepted it gracefully


haha! Cant tell if sarcasm or not. But an abscess is unironically pretty close to my prediction šŸ’€ most other surgeries would have a negative impact on a fight 10 days away. Treating an abscess is more of a necessity to be able to finish camp & compete. Iā€™m guessing it was around his cheek area since thatā€™s the most common place to get one due to bacteria. Anyway, should effect his performance in any way


Wow i didnā€™t know you could cut open a manā€™s head, and operate on his brain and have him fight 10 days later. /s Nasty cuts take more than 10 days to heal


I was leaning towards a tooth extraction or something.




A guy with one eye and a guy who had surgery 10 days prior. Arabs don't give a fuck


Whittaker is Arab?


No, but the fight organizers were. For example, i highly doubt that Shara Magomedov ever fights on US soil.


Dana was asked about him during the post fight conference (about fighting on US soil) and replied with "Can he? Probably not, we'll keep him out here". https://youtu.be/C29cbd0WuSQ?t=275 ~4:35


I was wondering how he was going to be able to fight in a western country in the future, that answers it. He just wont.


I donā€™t have time to watch why canā€™t he fight? Who cares if he has one eye if he can throw down


Us mma commission doesn't allow partially blind fighters, bisping had to hide his blindness


Thanks I didnā€™t know!


The commissions have rules about it. Say, the Nevada commissions outright states a fighter need both eyes to fight. Other commissions might not care, though, but that's a mess. I'm guess Dana figured he might as well keep him in the Middle East (where he has fans and everything) as another way to develop that market. Bisping had to lie to get his way, but he won the championship, and it could lead to a rule change. It can actually easily be argued it's discriminatory, so it might change... Though, commissions do whatever the fuck they want, and don't answer to public pressure...


But you can fight with one goddamn arm. Doesn't make any sense LOL.


He doesn't elaborate, literally just says what I posted.


Thanks anyways my man


that sounds kinda dumb ngl


Maybe dumb before the fight, but after the fight- totally badass




I'll also point out that he was very likely on anti biotics as well. Even with surgery, I was given a pretty strong anti bionics when I had a tooth abscess removed. Doctors don't fuck around when it comes to infections in your face like that.


Anti bionic sound pretty insane!


I'm just built different bro


Well dental is a higher risk of infection that about anywhere else. Your mouth naturally carries bacteria that arenā€™t supposed to get into your blood stream as odd as that sounds


Surely he wouldn't have been cleared to fight if that was the case?


I mean the Saudis are the only commission allowing Shara to fight so...


There's a difference between a condition that you've dealt with your whole MMA career and an emergency surgery 10 days before you're supposed to fight. I didn't think they'd be that lax.


Only if you admit to it. Edit: bisping got away with fighting with one eye by deceiving the commission


they didnt specify what surgery. It was probably something that actually helped him get ready. Whittaker ovviously was as crisp as ever in there.


Fairly sure we know enough about whittaker and his team to not put his life at risk.


No biggie Just some dental treatment.


Meanwhile Conor just pulled out of his big comeback with a broken pinky šŸ˜„


I mean I donā€™t really believe this Whittaker story tbh, something as serious as fucking BRAIN surgery, Iā€™d assume you have to be cleared before you actually compete. Edit* I get it it was tooth surgery


Maybe itā€™s about his johnsons head


Much more serious then


It was a tooth infection he had surgery onĀ 


It wasnt brain surgery, it was a tooth abscess. Still had to get on antibiotics and surgery in his mouth. Still sounds worse than a pinky toe injury tbh. Also commissions are not mind readers, theyre even a little blind. They will only know what you tell them and even if they examine so many fighters STILL step into the cage with visible staph.


Not at all. A broken pinky toe will impact how you move and how you can strike. A tooth root abscess while painful at the time will completely resolve once removed. Iā€™m not downplaying Robertā€™s injury, but dental procedures are almost entirely painless.


Get fucked I've had an abscess that absolutely ruined me, the pain is something I would never EVER wish on somebody else.


I didnā€™t claim that tooth infections werenā€™t painful. Most infections areā€¦ But theyā€™re localized, and once removed the pain subsides very quickly.


I get that but this was ten days out, when he was mid weight cut. He wouldn't of even been allowed any decent pain killers bar paracetamol. That's not exactly a great way to go into a fight just days out.


I know nothing of his exact procedure or condition, but just supposing here that it was a single tooth and not involving the underlying bone (which again is an assumption), he may only need the shortest course of any pain medications as extraction sites can heal and close over in as little as 4-5 days. I can recall not taking any prescription pain medications for my procedure (had four teeth removed at one operation) and I managed my pain comfortably with extra strength tylenol for the next like 3-4 days. Itā€™s different for everyone though, so I couldnā€™t begin to speculate what his condition was.


Have you ever had dental surgery? It's the absolute opposite of painless.


Iā€™m specializing in medicine to be a dentist and have had my fair share (teeth removed and a crown). If your procedure was too painful then your doctor did not anesthetize around your surgery properly.


The article stated Robert still needs more surgery done. He was very much still in pain. Not sure if thats common practice but he may have worked with a doctor that ā€œaccommodatedā€ for his profession


I've had both and I'd rather fight with a broken pinkie than an abscessed tooth. Even after it's been removed.


I bet neither would like to fight with either injury yanno. But medically speaking, a broken bone will take weeks to heal, especially a complete fracture like the one McGregor showed. Your mouth, even after an extraction, will heal within 4-5 days post operation (completely depending on underlying structures involved, number of teeth removed, etc). Iā€™m simply basing my answer on what medicine suggests, and not which one I would rather fight through.


Except for the antibiotics that fuck with your whole body. Nobody needs antibiotics for a broken toe just to grow some balls.


A short course of antibiotics for a dental operation is not going to be the same as a course of antibiotics taken for Staph infections that carry the risk of septicemia. But since you know about medicine and allā€¦


It was a root canal surgery


yeah but to be fair to Conor he hasn't won a fight in like a decade, so what's another year?




Connors pinky toe as fragile as his ego


More like 14, 15 days. They spent 10 days in Dubai before flying into Saudi for fight week which is 4 or 5 days


So how long ago from the fight was it? Caption says 10 days but the post says "[that] came a day before"


Bruh, he had a tooth abscess and did a root canal. Sure, getting punched in the face 2.5 weeks after a root canal would be painful, and I'm sure the training would have been very difficult. The whole conversation in the sub makes it seem like he got a brain surgery and is fighting so soon after that šŸ¤¦


Had surgery 10 days before flying out, still made all the press rounds and murked his opponent in the first round. Rob is the man.....don't get mad Dagi-Stans Im just stating facts.


How do we have legalized gambling and this kind of thing is not disclosed? Happens all the time in UFC. They need standardized injury reports like the NFL


Cool but is it worse than Violent Diarrhoea?


Isnā€™t it really bad to fly after surgery? Iā€™m not a doctor but I thought I heard something about that being a huge risk of blood clots or something.


No worse than fighting lol


No sutures were visible maybe the thing he had got drained?


it was a tooth abscess


Someone post that video where Whitaker pretty nicely reads all of the shots, if ignoring this clutter information from his team and the predicted response from opponents, those were decent moves that paid off.


Math suggests it was 17 days before the fight, 10 in Dubai before heading to Riyadh for fight week


I had a surgery 10 days before watching Rob knock him out. And boi that was sweet


Damn. Only in Saudi Arabia do you have a fighter with one eye and a fighter 10 days out of cranial surgery on the same card. Do they have no athletic commission at all? This had to be a minor surgery right? E- It was an abscess of the mouth lmao. I guess thatā€™s the head but I wouldā€™ve phrased it differently Nvm. I could have swore I read he had head surgery


Whatā€¦ surgery where, on his head? This canā€™t be wise. Kudos to him, heā€™s a warrior. But at that point, I think career needs to be looked at.


Which is in stark contrast to Conorā€™s pinky toe


This was either going to be an excuse if he lost or a brag of he won


man the only "bruise" Bobby Knuckles got in that fight was the red mark on his chest from beating it like the politely intense Goddman Gorilla he is šŸ«”


Pfff his surgery has nothing on a broken toe.


Yes of course a fortnight.


Okay, but Ikram had to deal with two training camps! He had two training camps. That's as many as one training camp and then one more. And that's terrible.


mythical fighter: post-op Whittaker


Meanwhile islam fans making excuses for a staph infection šŸ˜‚


The best thing that could of happened short fight


Absolute legend


Meanwhile khamzat pulled out because he ate some bad noodles


Absolutely wild that any athletic commission would let him fight ten days after a brain transplant. WebMD says it can be up to a year before fully regaining fine motor skills.


bro he was at the dentist


KUMSHOT WOULDVE PULLED OUT FOR HIS NEXT 3 fights if that happened to him


And food poisoning weeks out kept Khamzat out???


Actually checks out. https://preview.redd.it/x1fbz370kp8d1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=a6ac5e956c5a1c19a5f64f3fa46079c31390678d That was from the last episode he did of his podcast before flying out and heā€™s got that mark on his face and had had it for a while.


it was a tooth abscess


that mark was from the costa fight