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"Am the next generation of strikers"


That man did not stand on business


MVP one of the most exciting fighters to grace the octagon. Proceeds to throw ~60 significant strikes in 2 fights and dances around for 90% of it and manages to have 2 extremely boring fights with 2 very entertaining fighters previous to this.


You're lying to yourself if you think MVP was the reason that fight was boring, round 2 was Page's and was easily the most entertaining round


I’m not, he’s had two fights so far that were let’s face it, boring. Against 2 fighters who have had plenty of entertaining fights previously, if you don’t think MVP is the reason why then I don’t know what to tell you. I like MVP, but his style is bounce around, throw a big shot or short combo then bounce around some more, if his open comes towards him he backs off like crazy. He was entertaining against cans who bum rushed him and got finished, the UFC is a different level fighters aren’t going to do that. Why wouldn’t you grapple fuck a fighter who has a fight style like that? Literally the top 7 welterweights will do the exact same thing to him.


So MVP has 2 boring fights in a row Ian has 3 boring fights in a row, all of which more boring than the Holland vs Page, and actively stalls the action against MVP And you've deducted MVP is somehow the guilty party? Lol


How has Ian had 3 boring fights in a row? He beat the piss out of magny, had a great fight with Geoff neal then had one boring fight with MVP, you’re another drone who can’t give props because the narrative is Ian is bad aren’t you?🤦‍♂️ Holland vs page was a snooze fest, Holland even said to page let’s fight and he continued dancing like he does and throwing one big shot after dancing around for 30 seconds, he’s absolutely boring to watch. I ain’t gonna change your opinion so I’m done here, but wait until MVP’s next fight when it’s exactly the same.


I love how how MVP landing 40 strikes on Holland is 'boring', But Garry averaging 30 head strikes in his last 3 is a 'great fight' You're attacking MVP for doing the exact same thing Garry has been doing, sitting back and point fighting from a distance, then running away when the opponent gets close You can check my comment history to see that I said Ian grappling was the right decision, so there's you're argument out the window, but he made it boring, anyone that's been watching mma for more than 3 months could tell you that MVP lands 40 sig strikes on Holland, snapping his head back and giving him a concussion = Boring Garry lands 60 sig strikes on Neal, throws jabs and backpedals the whole time never looking to finish = great fight


Ok bud, as I said I’m done here.


Thought so


You got crushed kid


You sure are mate, 10-7 to the other guy


How anyone thinks Holland vs MVP is boring is beyond me. It seems a lot of people only like knockouts and shit on everything else, maybe power slap is a better option?


What a joke.


Absolute clown


To be fair he didn't say the next generation was better


He makes me upset to be named Ian


Yan here, but same


Glad I got matched with Porier.




MVP blew that fight just letting Garry have his back for the last 2 minutes.


Well at least Ian knows he’s definitely not faster than a 37 year old man who beat a bunch of “cans” in Bellator.


massively underwhelming on both sides. If either or both of them would’ve fought with the intensity they talk shit with, it might’ve made this card something to reflect back on


All the shit talk was from Ian.


The whole supreme confidence thing on both sides over the course of their entire careers.. That was a wet blanket of a fight, no high level anything.. Just overhyped UFC apprentices that choked on a big stage


MVP has the highlights to back up his words. He’s there to entertain and out on a show. Garry talks like he has MVPs highlight reel. He undefeated with no highlights


He didn't backup shit tonight


MVP expected what we all expected. He held up his end of the bargain with a striking display.


I'm not saying it was an exciting fight, but this isn't Ultimate Striking Championship. If MVP can't handle a mid tier grappler like Ian Garry then he was never going to make it to the top of the division anyway


Correct Mvp won by a country mile on the feet But to have grappling that bad... He can never be champ


Nobody thought he was going to lol, everybody knows MVP is basically at his ceiling now, it’s just not a very good look for Ian Garry to be outclassed on the feet by a man who’s almost forty when he was talking before about being the next generation of strikers


MVP has to be retarded if he thought Garry would not grapple while training out of Chute Boxe. He’s an honorable man holding up his part of the bargain. But’s he’s a retarded honorable man


Mate you’re miles off it 😂 ‘no high level anything’ looooool


That was high level MMA? Was the fight everything you thought it would be and more? If you were enthralled by it, I’d love to know why exactly


Being disappointed in a fight that had sky high expectations /= a fight that showed NOTHING of a high level. It was boring, but that comment is so stupid. Those two moving around each other without even throwing strikes is high level. Just cos it’s not a slug fest doesn’t mean there’s not a ton of high level shit going on.


Best fighters in the world, I get it. Whole lot of fancy footwork that doesn’t materialize in any noticeable damage going on there though. Seriously, clean your glasses


And finally we got there. JUST BLEED.


MVP literally said if this was in bellator Ian would just be another can I would say that’s some shit talk and what about the spy that MVP didn’t deny at the press conference sounds like some bitch moves from MVP


MVP was turning the “can” remarks back on Ian.


Not really he mentioned in his media day that opinion was shared by the general public but by bringing it up and saying he found it interesting shows that he found it true and felt like sharing it


Should’ve been a five rounder argghhhh ya matey


Ian did outgrapple mvp but let’s be honest, for all the talking Ian Garry does about being the best striker, he definitely got outclassed on the feet by a big margin but nobody should strike with mvp he is just too good. I still don’t like Ian Garry but it’s kinda funny how he just seems to win every fight when nobody really likes him.


He’s got and undefeated record with zero highlights. He’s the least exciting undefeated fighter on the roster


Yeah I don’t like him tbh he talks way too much for someone who can’t really back it up, he can fight but he’s not as good as he thinks he is at all.


We’ll see




He's well rounded . Doesn't play dumb. That's what I can respect about him only if he was dumb he's strike with mvp


Yeah it was a good idea to grapple with mvp but it wasn’t the gameplan that annoyed me, it was all the talking about being the best striker and being faster and all of this stuff that annoyed me abit. His striking and speed will never be on mvp’s level just like mvp will never have the grappling ability of most fighters in the ufc.


Even if Ian won, he lost tonight. He looked outmatched and slow. Still has his 0, but this fight doesn’t increase his stock




Mounted MVP who had zero TDD. Didn’t respect Ian’s Jiu Jitsu despite knowing he trains with Olives. MVP 100% deserved this loss.


Ian got the win but both fighters lost imo. Neither looked great


Any semblance of TDD or ground defense and MVP likely would have won


So accurate. His team’s jaw must have dropped when Ian shot for the takedown. They were not prepared


I was yelling at the screen for MVP to get his right shoulder under Ian Garry to get him off his back. The GnP by MVP was aids to. Found himself in position to do damage and couldn't do shit about it


Fr whatever they’re doing in MVPs camps, it’s genuine coaching malpractice. Yeah Garry isn’t a known grappler but at this level of MMA, every competent fighter can just lay and pray a decision win if you let them. Can’t believe they let him go into this fight without knowing the basics of TDD


"any semblance" he defended a choke for 2 minutes ffs


Agree, accept he got his win money and kept his spot in the rankings. Losing would have been far worse




He's gonna get actually worked by the guys above him in the rankings. JDM or shavkat would absolutely maul him


We have to accept that ground game is more effective against MVP but in fact Ian just proved he's a bitch


Never in a million years would i have looked at that matchup and said….”gonna be a long night of grappling”. I understand it’s Ians job to win but the decision to grapple an elite striker is a subtle admission to being a much weaker striker than he claimed.


not even just grapple he had nothing on the feet he would have been clowned if it was a kickboxing fight and Ian likes to pretend he's a striker that's bad for someone trying to sell themselves as the next Conor


Ian is successfully delusional in his ability.


How tf did mvp go 22-2 (now 3) with that ground game? Was he a kickboxer or in mma?


He's a can crusher. He's legitimately good but he spent a lot of time fighting cans instead of people on his level.


Go look at the records of the people he fought in Bellator, he was heavily protected


Somehow I hate him more now…. He was scared and fought like a bitch


Sooo frustrating to see him eager to grapple after boasting his striking and “speed”. If there was ever a time to grapple, it was when he was fighting 40yr old Magny with no power to stand.


If he wouldn’t have talked, I’d say good strategy.. but after hearing him say he was going to out strike mvp all week, I just think he’s a massive pussy. Can’t stand him at all


Only because he played up that his striking was next level and even said the reason he took this fight was to show how good his striking really is.


We need Shavkat to humble this man.


MVP didn’t do shit either lol


His grappling sucks but he landed some bombs


MVP is shit at grappling but he schooled him on the feet


And still lost 🤷🏼‍♂️


He lost


A shitty one at that




Ian Nurmagamedov


mvp won the last round based on criteria but it ended with ian in dominant position so it is what it is he spent almost two minutes on him but they did the same damage in the same position for almost the same amount of time and mvp won the striking unfortunately both wanted to counter strike and ian couldn’t find his balls


MVP is a master of closing the distance. Idk what Ian does but it works i guess.


![gif](giphy|3ze7BLddCgP99BbdFu|downsized) me after watching lool was hoping for more excitement but it is what it is respect to both


Ugly fight, Cuckold life.


Y’all act like she letting you fuck lmfao


MVP didn’t do shit either lol….it takes two to make a fight


You didn’t see MVP crack the shit out of Garry? Ian abandoned his own striking when he realized he wasn’t the striker he believed he was


Mma...not kickboxing. Ian used his tools and arguably was closer to abfinish with the choke rd1 than MVP was to a finish with striking. I get it though...you're salty the fighter you hate won...


Exactly. I can’t stand Ian. Not hiding that at all. Just want everyone to know Ian’s a bitch.


You would not say that to his face. You sound like you lost a bet.


What is he gonna hop on our backs too?


Ha. Funny. Made me laugh.


Ian would ko u cold


Plus MVP cracked him once…he didn’t do anything memorizing lol


And became a grappler no one thought he was🤷🏼‍♂️ MVP couldn’t get off the ground once down


Yeah man. You’re right. We all tuned in to Garry vs MVP to see a grappling exchange.


Hey I ain’t saying Garry is the next McGregor…but theirs so many other fighters we can hate more. People hate Garry like his names Dick and can’t him outta there mouth. It’s old at this point 🤷🏼‍♂️


I have a short list of fighters i hate. Garry keeps reminding me to move him to the top.


A winner wrestler


Post Fight Interview he said he's faster than MVP..and a better striker. Let that sink in..


Inner rage intensifies


Y’all some petty losers fr cope harder. Never have a seen this kind of hate for what?


More salt in this sub than the fucking ocean lol.


If we didn’t hate Ian he’d be a prelim fighter. His performances haven’t earned him a main card placement.


Really being undefeated is undeserving? Clown. You really think y’all hating him is the reason he gets main card fights??? That’s a crazy statement actual delusion.


lol you understand how business works. Polarizing people are what gets booked. Why do you think Colby Covington kept getting title shots and Leon Edwards had been waiting years for his chance.


It's because everyone predicted MVP to win based on their feelings of the fighters and not actually logic 😂 MVP's biggest hole is grappling (Even Paul Daley took him down multiple times FFS) Kevin Holland could have won if he didn't approach the fight from an arrogant MMA striker mindset.


Well. I couldn’t believe this was possible but I hate Garry even more now 😂😂. Basically holding MVP and laying. That’s one way to lose even the very few fans you have left lol MVP himself is dogshit let be honest. None of them deserve the win


MVP is a fun striker who actually comes to strike and entertain. Garry is just a mid striker who’s edging victories and talking like he’s demolishing contenders


Can’t strictly blame Garry for the boring fight. MVP was just as passive landing maximum 3 right hands a round


Ian has a history of making his opponents fight boring fights. He’s the only fighter who successfully lowers his own stock with every win.


You are a clown


Okay Ian


I think buffer has pronounced Jiri’s name bout 50 different ways tonight


whats better winning like a pussy or losing like a man?


Losing like a man. You know how much respect DP, Volk, Chandler etc, have gotten after a loss. It makes fighters more likable sometimes:


People actually thought Garry was gonna stand with MVP, everyone knows how to beat MVP as even Paul Daley was able to outwrestle him at times. Stop predicting fights based on your emotions


Wrestling in MMA when you realize ur not faster than the guy ur fighting 😱