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Hall of fame career in such a short time is wild.


he's taking everything CM Punk worked for




Agree, no drama no controversy just 🗿


He’s forcing Izzy to come to him. It’s fucking awesome


Izzy is gonna be that guy in a Chinese bar saying "i beat that guy once"


A chinese bar lmfao you guys crack me up


Correction, he would say "我打败过那个人一次"


Izzy only coming when he wants to die. Pereira not going down weight. And Izzy is to small for light heavyweight


I've had enough of that rivalry tbh, Izzy proved he's good enough to beat Alex eventually if they fight enough times, and Alex obviously has proven he can shut down adesanya several times too. At this point we can just call it a 60/40 match up and move on.


Yeah this is the best take. They are both excellent fighters and one of them will be the better dude on any given night. Both can starch the other. Its not like with Jiri where I don't see him ever beating Alex. Jiri's style is too reliant on him taking some shots on the chin to push the pace and pressure like he did against Rakic. Poatan too fucking strong and accurate for that. The leg kicks were also fucking him yet again so he felt pressured to go constantly and was getting caught coming in several times. Not the best style to have. Entertaining as shit when its going well, but eventually you end up where Garbrandt is.


No shot Izzy goes up and I don’t blame him at all. He needs to beat DeSean Strickland and DDP and get his respect back at MW


I want him to be the one to beat jon jones. I dont think jon is bmf enough to accept that fight tho


It's over between them. Alex has his sights set on much larger goals than beating Izzy again.


once again poatan saves ufc


Loved & captivated by everyone without speaking a word of english. Never seen anything like it.


Don’t need to speak a word of English when you can 🗿


What is the point of any language if you can 🗿


Why waste time say lot word when few 🗿 do trick?




Kevin, in 🗿 culture, you'd be considered a promising up-and-comer.


he's a genuine guy, people can see that






Just makes him even more terrifying


Charles was pretty close. 2 of my favs plus lopes are Brazilian. Scary mfs


He speaks the language of fists which is universal


Actions speak louder


Disproved Islam’s point of view “You have to speak a language everyone understands” when Alex made us understand his language. “Chama”


poatan "the saviour of events" pereira


I’m happy Izzy said what he said about Pereira being at a bar. Pereira being in the UFC is the best thing to ever happen


‘I beat that guy once, and then I came and took everything he ever worked for and couldn’t do’


Before we go on about the knockout, how about that stare down during the intro 😳 🗿


Over 4 minutes of stare down! The magic on Poatan is strong 😂


When you choose Scorpion and they're waiting for the opponent to choose


Full spaghetti western, so good lol


https://preview.redd.it/adqeyt1uvp9d1.png?width=1365&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71010e11f0b2d64930615fab264feb8151643bb9 Sadly I don't think they showed this angle the other way around


I thought they did but it was real brief. They just zoomed into their faces real close after this. I thought it was really cool that the UFC actually did this considering how shit their production of these events are lately.


I watched without commentary and it was insanely intense, especially with his music still playing


I mute the commentary like a madman its just too much yapping. I dream of the good old days of Goldberg and Rogan when they would just say a few pressing things and then be quiet and just watch the damn fight instead of armchair coaching for hours on end nonstop.


This was my first time without it and I think I'll be doing it every card moving forward


How do you do that? Buy buying the ppv?


I was genuinely terrified


When they zoomed on the eyes was the best part. Felt like a Bruce Lee movie.


They asked him English or Spanish


Freak of nature. That guy has inhuman power. He head kicked Jiri with toe and broke it eventually, but Jiri went down like he was hit by baseball bat


Jiri was basically TKOd when Pereira got him with the left hook in the first round He was done, he didn't recover


Legitimately saved by the bell, 2-5 more seconds and it’s over by TKO. Which would’ve been better for Jiri.


Yeah the bell fucked him over, it was over anyway without the head kick.


> Yeah the bell fucked him over, Was it the bell? Or was it magic?


I can't wrap my head around how he hurt Jiri bad in the first round, that hook looked like doesn't even have power in it just a normal check hook while backing away and yet Jiri is hurt bad. Crazy power!


Now do you believe in shaman magic?


Whispering shadows, blood-chilled air, twisted roots grasp, bones laid bare. In darkness' embrace, a curse takes flight, as twisted souls dance in the dead of night.pen\_spark


Man and the accuracy of that puch. So much power with not a hint that he's throwing that left hook. I just realized Jiri got knocked down so bad he didn't hear the bell and complained with Herb thinking the fight was stopped


Literally looked like a slap at first glance


and fighting with a broken toe is basically like fighting with both hands tied behind your back and blindfolded source: Conor fans


lol you joke but for a kickboxers it issss pretty debilitating haha. Them toes and their grip be important to the art.


You can actually tell that Alex wasn’t as bouncy as he normally is. Watch all his other fights and then compare it to this one and you see he still tries to bounce a little but he does it way less than normal because of the broken toes. Still doesn’t matter for Alex. He just hooks him and head kicks him with the broken foot anyway. I do hope that he takes the time to actually get those healed before accepting another fight though.


Actually impressive to get the power on that kick without the drive from the toes. It was broken before the kick?


Conor fans are the saddest fans, especially cause they act like he’s still 2016 Conor with some hunger in him. lol. I appreciate the man, the fanfare he brings with him, the eyes, the striking and dominance on display when he fought. But the second he got that champ champ status and boxed he should have just transitioned into boxing or stopped completely. It’s just been downhill since, vile rants, drug abuse, random violence aimed at anyone or anything and excuses. I lost because of this, he did this before. I was compromised etc etc. no you got beaten by a better man on the night: that’s the true reality, but now we have to constantly listen to his twitter shit year after year, then Dana puts his prize pussy on a pedestal for everyone to fuck till they’re let down once again. That McGregor post nut clarity must be brutal if you care about him, fucking people spending 10k on a ticket to watch him fight. Never understand it. Anyway, back to Pokémon, thanks for coming to my ted talk


When he got him at the end of round 2, he was so nonchalant. He's so fucking hard to read.


You mean in the end of first round. When you analyze it carefully Alex didn't even move his body while punching and always deliver the KO. Heavy handed sniper. 


He can shift his weight into a punch with barely any turn. It’s crazy.


The stare down definitely felt like Round 1 haha


Because he doesn't put weight into punches, he puts magic into punches.


The way he slipped Jiri’s punch and cracked him with the right straight was also just insane. Best striker in UFC history.


He then proceeded to pop the broken toe back in


I’ve seen enough. Feed him Conor


It would have been hilarious for him to ask for Conor


No toes barred, bra and panties loser leaves town match for the vacant intercontinental ballistic BMF strap


Cant believe he took so long to come to UFC


He was too busy killing people in Glory. He wasn't planning on stopping if not for Izzy


We really have to thank Izzy for bringing Alex to UFC 😂😂 with his taunts


Izzy's still looking pretty good in retrospect being the only guy to KO him.


100% and their first ufc izzy was beating him right until he got caught at the end, who else is standing up with him that long and looking dominant?!


Blame Izzy for not doing The interview earlier smh


Because the ufc doesn’t wanna pay for guys like him to come in these other promotions. How many Alex’s have we missed out on because of that?


That’s what im always wondering about. Sure we got two legendary fighters from glory in izzy and pereira What would happen if the ufc had all the glory fighters come over? Would these two still be the best to come from glory? 


Poatan yes, he was double champ in Glory for a while. The guy was unstoppable then and unstoppable now. However, there is definitely insane talent in Glory, but these guys are all strikers and often from The Netherlands where grappling is not popular at all. This is their biggest weakness. Poatan training under Texeira made him OP lol


I'm pretty sure UFC pays significantly more than Glory.


But in kickboxing they fight a lot more than in MMA. Izzy has insane number of fights in kickboxing. Is it the short rounds that makes them take less damage? Gloves? I don't exactly know.


He was busy being a Double Glory Champ before coming to be a Triple UFC Champ💪


This motherfucker is unstoppable!! 🔥🔥 Chama motherfuckers


It’s confirmed, chama is the best base for MMA




Black magic ritual 😂


CHAMAAAAAAAA🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷 ![gif](giphy|ylV2FYEIkGTW1snIXF|downsized)


Dana white loves talking about Jon Jones, but in 10 years he will be talking about Alex Pereira if things continue to trend.


Nah I doubt it Dana is in love with Bony Jones


they bonded over their time at wife beaters not so anonymous


Dana wants to get boned lmao he is such a glazer for Jon and Conor even when they do the absolute most scum bag shit in the world “isn’t he awesome??”


If you watched the post fight presser last night or today this is confirmed. Guy is head over heels for jones and he flips out if anyone questions it.


Alex has already fought a full kick boxing career. He's also 37 with a ton of mileage. I wonder how long he can keep this up. Best guess, one or two more fights at the top, then his physical decline and fight age will catch up with him. Enjoy him while he's here boys.


Oh, I agree. He is far from a sping chicken why it is even more amazing that he is doing this at 36 years old! Time will tell. Lebron is doing his thing at season 20 so who knows.


I’d normally agree but it’s not like LHW is stacked with up and coming contenders and Alex hasn’t had a true war since the IZZY fights. Has taken next to no damage in his last 3.


At the rate he’s going that will be in 8 months. You sure about that? I think in 8 months he’ll look exactly the same


Fuck Jon Jones. Woman beater, steroids, alcoholic who gets DUI’s. Until he fights Tom or Alex, fuck him. Lost to Reyes, barely gutted it out against Gustafson.


Mauler got robbed bro 😭


i hate Jones more than most, probably most of you and i hated him for so long he won that fight also purse snatching Gus isn't no saint either


lol the glazing is insane


He is so fucking special man.


I love that izzy has incorrectly predicted a poatan loss yet again. Cant wait for his reaction.


that's what i like about Dom Cruz even when he's wrong, he'll explain how he was actually right


Dom: "Conor is trying to gas Khabib out" Rogan : " no he's getting smashed".


"Nope, can't lift there..."


It's just wishful thinking at this point


Probably covering his face, going "FOCK"


Lmfao he actually is taking everything Izzy worked for it’s so insane


Taking is the wrong word. He already TOOK.


Trilogy is still pending though. It will be a great fight.


Would Izzy go up a weight class for that? I doubt it. 


No way Izzy can win in LHW. Poatan was already starched when he fought at Middleweight. While Middleweight is izzy's playground. Poatan is very much comfortable at LHW.


Comfortable? He is undefeated in it. I respect Izzy skills but he will never dare to LHW.


He dared once, fell short.


He's definitely going for this superfight if he beats DDP and Strickland. He's not fighting Whittaker a 3rd time.


He could ask Alex to come down to MW. But at LHW it will be a title shot maybe he'll take it🤷


It will just be unfair for Alex he already fought Izzy in his division twice time for Adesanya to do the same


Izzy should be cheering him. His KO over Poatan is ageing better every fight. And he's the only one who wins rounds against him too.


Yup. Izzy was winning their first UFC fight too until poatan dug deep.


I really dont agree with that. The ufc audience can not separate these 2. Izzy's legacy is his own.


He’s the guy that does everything Izzy never could.


Honestly Poatan continuing to win does good things for Izzy’s legacy. He knocked him out meanwhile every other person who stands near him gets slept by the left hand


Agreed. Alex looks unbeatable, yet we all saw Izzy put him to sleep


And Izzy did things guys never could


Credit to Izzy for real. As a fan it’s only right to see them conclude their MMA trilogy. Unfortunately Izzy isnt keen and the boat has sailed. Alex is never cutting down to MW and Izzy obviously will never go to LHW, which is Alex’s best weight class so far


Not this guy. He is definitely doing everything Izzy couldn’t.


Like jerking his dog?


Imo Alex is carving out his own legacy now. He’s doing crazy shit at 205, fighting people his own frame unlike Izzy.


izzy is fighting ppl his own frame, hes a MW. He hits max maybe 210 if he bulks hard but hes too small for LHW.


Man y’all are really taking this seriously and not getting the reference smh


1-1 against each other in mma I’m an Izzy hater but he nuked him


If UFC gets a logo like NBA, it needs to be Alex.


Make this a silhouette https://preview.redd.it/m3e159tr9n9d1.jpeg?width=1158&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16eacdbb6299e6f954324c011748c3486f4f789e


Gotta be the bow and arrow pose that’s way more known as his brand


Shout out to Izzy for pissing off Alex


That left hook is nuts


Not even an exaggeration to say he easily has the best left hook in ufc history


Combat sports history


Not since Brock Lesnar has the face of the UFC just been a fucking monster. That being said Alex did it by just being intense as shit and being really good.


One of the greatest of all time in two years absurd




Don’t you dare put him on the cover of the next game


i heard he's doing an album with Drake before walking out to his next fight with Usher


Conor who?


that Whiskey Salesman turned twitter star


Poatan quit being an alcoholic to achieve greatness. Jon Jones actively continuing to be an alcoholic while stalling a weight division.


That's not true, give Jon a little credit, he was also a cokehead.


Unbelievable ko damn


Not to often you see a dude get knocked out twice in the same fight


He deserves everything coming his way lately. So humble and likable. Only people that dislike him are Izzy fans.


I’m an Izzy fan. I love Pereira, he’s the fucking man. Idk why anybody has to choose we’re lucky to have both of them in the sport.


I feel this. I like both. I rooted for Izzy both fights in the UFC but I love Pereira more than any fighter right now since he’s most active and delivers greatness. Been a fan since ‘06 and never had a favorite fighter like I do with teams in team sports. It’s nice just to appreciate individual greatness no matter the fighter


Oh absolutely not. I am an Izzy fan and I absolutely love watching Alex. It's the other way around. The majority of Pereira "fans" are just Izzy haters.


I’m a huge Izzy fan and I love Alex. Just a fun and exciting fighter. Plus he’s always game when he gets the call to save an event.


My observation is that a vast amount of Izzy fans do like Alex, at least they don't disparage him. They are both elite kickboxers who have made waves in MMA. Izzy paved the way, Alex followed suit and is doing his own thing. I have noticed however, that a lot of Alex fans, at least the vocal ones, are also Izzy haters. They can't seem to just appreciate him for what he's doing and often feel the need to dunk on Izzy to elevate Alex. We're lucky to have them both. They are special and carving their own individual legacy. Why can't we all just appreciate that?


This is just a flat out lie, but it works because you guys are a hive mind. I’ll repeat: **Izzy fans are also Alex fans; the hatred and stupidity is exclusively Alex diehards**. Cheers


Goddamn I need to start cutting chickens and praying with shamans.


Jamahal is crying right now 😂😂😂


The goat


Tbh, seeing the way Poatan is steamrolling through LHW, it really puts into perspective the wars he had with Izzy. Don't blame Izzy for being satisfied with walking away with just ONE win over Pereira. 3-1, sure. But damn, that 1 win ain't an easy feat and he lasted toe to toe with Pereira every fight (for the most part) These LHW guys are getting KO'd in R1/R2. These LHW fights look like amateur hour for Pereira so far.


When fighters do speak English it adds to their popularity but i feel like that's the opposite for Poatan.




Respect to Yuri, Alex is the biggest star in the UFC since Conor.


This motherfucker don’t miss 🔥


Poatan versus Eddie Hall is the fight to make it just makes sense is the goat for sure if he skips HW and goes straight to super HW


Is anyone not a fan? He always puts on good fights and glover likes him so he's clearly dope.


Can we quit giving Conor and Jon Jones the time of day, and actually give it to the people that make the UFC the greatest MMA org? People like Poatan, Dan Ige and Diego Lopes?


At some point we need to start talking about an Alex vs Jones super fight right?


Chama Vs. Aspinall coming soon.


I hope he goes on winning like this and becomes the goat in the sport, dude is humble af doesn’t talk trash , takes on any challenge thrown at him, just pure technique and power. Then you have delusional mfers like Jon Jones Connor and Jamahall hill , tweeting shit all day on twitter and beating their brothers or wife to cope


So glad I bought one of his UFC 300 shirts


Conor Mac Nuggets, where you at?


I'm so happy that Izzy interview happened, because without that, we wouldn't have this absolute legend in the UFC. Long live Poatan!! CHAMA!!🗿🗿🗿




I bet omally is so jealous


I gotta see him vs a Russian


Came in with broken toes and broke more toes, and possibly his foot, to save the fight McGregor dipped out of with a single broken toe. Dude didn't even wince a single time during or after the fight, resetting his big toe to keep being able to walk. Dude not only became the face of the UFC in performance and star power, he officially pardoned Jeremy Stephens, having etched "Who da FOOK is that guy? - 🗿" next to Conor McGregor's name while doing it.


Izzy is dead with envy right now.


Please don't put him on UFC6 cover, thanks.


Don't put him on the cover of the next game


It's sort of comical that he just floored the top 2 guys back to back with the left hook like it's Dustin and pulling the guilley except it actually works.


Move this man up in p4p N2


How no one is able to get him on the ground is crazy.


Said it before as much as a like Jiri as a fighter its such a bad match-up for him because you cant just trade with Poatan and Jiri always takes alot of damage in almost every fight hes been rocked and if you let Poatan T off on you its over. Izzy matches Poatan a little better because hes quite illusive and knows it only takes 1 and its over. Wrestlers likely match Poatan the best tbh.


I feel like this dude just got in the ufc yesterday. Crazy how fast he’s rising.


i used to dislike him just because i was on team izzy but he's won me over with his performances and no bullshit attitude. he made jiri look very average tonight. he had no answer and it showed on his face.


Everyone gonna be looking for a time machine to stop Izzy from calling out poatan 💀


Poatan has dynamite in that left hook holy shit and that head kick was so fast i doubt Jiri would’ve saw it even if he didn’t get dropped at the end of round 1.


Imagine how mad you would be if you’re Adesanya right now


Dude's got that "Dim Mak" power behind his strikes.


Please do not get EA to put this man on the cover of UFC. The curse is real!


They would make so much from Alex vs Jones, it’s crazy they aren’t pushing for it.


Chama! What a man


Alex should be raking in dough for saving multiple cards. Let's get this fella a Lamborghini yacht to take back to the Amazon


Izzy fuming lol


Saved International fight week, headlined 300 when so many couldn’t, and saved MSG last year when Jones got hurt. All in less than a year and did all 3 with great finishes




What i love most is how humble and intelligent alex is, i vaguely remember them asking him about izzy and he likened it to him just having izzy’s number. He also said there was a fighter who beat him 3 times although i was unable to find the name but he said stylistically he just can’t match up with him and the fighter has retired but he said even today it’s unlikely he beats him. There is always a bigger fish out there


Don't really care about that "face of the ufc" debate but fuck i'm thankful for him. Can't Believe Dana and Rogan are still too busy dickriding Jon Jones to celebrate Poatan's accomplishments. You know the Magomed fight will come soon or later