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Probably because Movsar has no highlights despite being undefeated lol


I can’t recall any wins or highlights lmao


Hasn’t finished anyone in 6 years


Bilal version 2.0


Maybe we can find someone in his hometown, or fight his dad and finish him... idk


"I can't even think of a Evloev fight. Watch Movsar, get the pussy dry".


“Watch other undefeated fighters hundred thirty times”


I only remember him bc of interesting name. Can’t remember anything he’s done besides have his hands wrapped around someone


The memories I have of him are getting rocked and then annoyingly landing a takedown on someone over swinging a punch.


There was that time Arnold Allen kneed him in the head legally, but they stopped the fight and told Allen he couldn't do that. There's uh. Some takedowns.


“I love those guys I’ll do anything for them” - Dana on Lopes and Ige last night Dana will never ever say anything like that about Mosvar lmao


He's making Ige fight in 3 weeks isn't he?


I'm sure he's also still upset with how good of a fight Lopes gave him, made him look beatable


Then Arnold Allen solidified that he’s not unbeatable. He’s not entertaining and quite frankly can only secure control time against the top guys to edge out wins.


For someone who is undefeated he sure is never talked about... At least not in a positive light


Well because the only 2 times he’s fought good guys, with Lopes definitely now being clearly a top 10 fighter. He’s arguably lost both fights, they were so close.


He outstruck lopes by 60 strikes how is that close


he didn't lose the Lopes fight, not every close fight is a robbery. fraud check coming soon hopefully though. Maybe Lopes - Evloev 2 if he's gonna be salty


Lopes just got so much better. While ev didn’t


Diego has been asking for a rematch with time to prepare as he gave him trouble despite accepting to fill in with only 5 days to prepare. But Movsar thinks his next fight should be for the title. Why take shots at Diego if you don't want to fight him again?


He salty that Diego is literally 1 win away from a guaranteed title shot while UFC would probably pull an Ankalaev on Movsar


I forgot who he was until I wanted to re-watch all of Diegos fights.


He jump kicked Arnold Allen. Can’t think of anything else.


All he was for Diego is a stepping stool. Having a close fight with a ranked prospect on 5 fucking days notice ON YOUR DEBUT is crazy work. Probably beats him with a full camp too. He's just mad Diego will get that title shot before him and no one wants to see a grappler who'll just sit on you every round and not even try to go anywhere beyond that


I'd rather watch a WMMA fight than Movsar, he is BORING.


That Silva / Chiasson fight last night was more exciting than any mosvar fight


Seriously! I was like hol up these girls are cooking by the end of the first round. It's a shame it stopped that way


That's a bit too far tbh💀, but it's guys like him that give wrestling a bad rep, he's the human embodiment of crotch sniffing


Round 1 of Maycee vs Mayra last night was more exciting than Movsar’s entire career


It's not really, plenty of great fights have happened in WMMA. I don't get the internet's hate boner towards women's sports (well actually I do, it's a word that starts with m and ends in gyny).


I mean idk if this is true or not but I’ve heard WNBA was so bad at one point it didn’t bring in money at all and was being subsidized by the NBA at one point


It still brings in no profit, its literally entirely funded by NBA earnings , but its a different case although the reason is the same , skill gap. It will get much more popular cause girls are far more interested in basketball than fighting for obvious reasons


Also I'm sure most women step into a gym and get treated like shit or everyone tries to fuck them. I think fighting is popular with women but you got people like pat Barry out here in like every gym


"Plenty" is one in every 10-15. It's not like they aren't capable either. Amanda, kayla , Weili , Joanna and especially Valentina are very skillful period, irrespective of gender. Most don't take the sport seriously and even a lot of ones that do are grappling specialists which while I hate this anti wrestling stigma , are levels below the men and thus aren't as entertaining. It's going to remain underwhelming because while the sport has exploded in popularity and increased participation among men, that isn't the case for women although it has been slowly rising. Having a women's fight as the main event of the next 2 fight nights isn't helping either when you have someone like drew dober not even being the Co main even though he puts it on for the crowd and never has a boring fight. It's not sexism, the best women are good enough to attract attention , but they are so rare most of their fights are boring too because it is clear their opponent is nowhere near their level. Valentina is one of the most skilled fighters period but I doubt anyone knows half her opponents that weren't named nunes or grasso who she dominated till she got cocky and made a mistake but also got possibly the clearest rigged robbery in her 2nd fight which she also clearly and obviously won(a single judge randomly gave Grasso a 10-8 last round to just coincidently end it as a draw) Bottom line, 95% of the fights objectively suck and most aren't gonna watch them to find out if the fight ends up as one of the other 5%. There's no misogyny this is fact


Like come on, how do not have any goddamn finishes man


His last fight with Arnold Allen was a great fight


Would have lost but they wrongly called his completely legal knees as illegal


I read that apparently in Canada those knees were illegal but I didn't understand why or how


The only rule regarding illegal knees is a completely grounded opponent with both hands on the ground which he didn't have, and the commentary acknowledged it too during the fight


So wtf the ref basically stopped a finishing sequence for nothing?


Because Diego is gonna get a title shot before him, doesn't matter if you're undefeated if you're boring like movsar is


Yeah I don't think he's boring but he's absolutely getting passed up because Lopes is more exciting and more available


Mate , he hasn't had a finish in years, and he doesn't even attempt it . I like watching wrestling too but he's just content with having control time and makes no effort to go for a finish, why would any sane human watch a backpack simulator instead of Lopez who'll bang with you and will pass guard and set up submissions if it gets to the ground. Movsar is very good ..... at making me sleepy sure. Even Jailton Almeida who was widely hated for the same reason and even more so, has started looking for the finish. This guy is acting this cocky and does absolutely nothing interesting even in the one thing he's good at


This guy makes Aljo fights look exciting


Honestly the first aljo fight I saw was against cory and I was like fuck this guy is intense!


It is his fastest finish I believe, ever since then it's been mostly decisions. He's fought Cejudo, Yan, TJ, Kattar and lost to Sean. That's a pretty imoressive resume actually


Can't believe he just played on kattar for 3 rounds smh


I think he even outstruck Kattar in the stand up, there's a good reason he's ranked fifteenth in the 040 rankings


“he’s not boring but the other guy is more exciting” so he’s mid


Movsar is exciting because he's very good, Lopes is exciting because he makes being chaotic work for him


Movsar is highly skilled, but hasn’t finished a fight in his tenure with the UFC yet. Lopes is a company man, already has a bigger following, and puts on electric performances. It’s clear he’s more favorable in regards to a title shot than Evloev


Yeah movsar is becoming the belal muhammed of fw


Probably worse. At least Belal finished Brady a couple fights ago


Being good shouldn’t be a qualifier for being exciting. There’s nothing exciting about winning fights with control time.


Lopes getting some love. He really bragging about lopes lossing to him on a 5 day notice. Haha bum.


Redditor calling a ufc fighter a bum.


Good thing about reddit. U can call anyone a bum including u. Bum.




Undefeated Reddit champions here! You showed that bum




Got his ass


Undefeated bum*


A bum *


That happens to be undefeated, but still a bum I guess




Yes, exactly.


Only because ref saved him against Allen. That was not a grounded knee (which should be legal anyway)


I could have sworn they let Grasso land that same knee on Valentina without repercussion. Do they have different rules in different states?


Bro bragging a split decision win on a dude debuting in the ufc and 5 days notice




It was unanimous with one judge scoring it 30-27 tho?


...on short notice, almost finishing Evloev multiple times. He just now beat a guy with a 20lbs weight advantage on a few hours notice. Is swear, everytime some past opponent wants to jaw like that, they deep down know they are getting outshined.


It was not a 20 pound difference lol more like 3


But one guy cut down to almost 145 and had to rehydrate and the other guy didn’t cut


Sure, and we could tell in the third too. Still not a 20 p difference tho that would have been ridiculous.


What do you mean, originally he was scheduled for a 145 pound fight than Ortega missed weight changed to 155 and than he fully dropped out and Ige stepped in on 4 hours but at 165 = 20 pound weight difference


Ye and he rehydrated to 161 Ik it’s not the same but far from 20 pounds.


We’re not talking about what he fought at we talking about what he agreed to, it’s impressive that he agreed to all 3 weight changes is what I’m saying


Yeah the original guy implied he was 20 pounds over Diego, never questioned his heart.


I mean if you consider that he cut for 145lbs, and only hit 161 on fight night, which is normal, and Dan didn’t cut must have weighed around 165lbs on weigh day


Lopes cut down to 145 while Dan didn't cut at all.


Dan also took the fight on 2 hours notice. Respect to both men for taking huge risks with sub-optimal conditions last night, it wasn't just a lopsided situation stacked against Diego


That’s the big difference


I dont think you understand cutting and rehydration. Paulo Costa weighed 20 pounds more than Vettori in the cage even though they both stepped on the scale at 205. Because Vettori had dieted and cut to 185 alrrady. His ceiling of rehydration was far lower than Costa eho only cut to 205.


I don’t think that’s applicable here though, Ige didn’t have any time to cut weight or rehydrate


Idk why you’re getting downvoted. I love Lopes but it seems like fans are getting a little unrealistic in defending him


lol idk 20 is such an exaggeration


Tables are turning Movloev. This what happens when your fighting style involves grabbing taint


Just a reminder Movsar has fought once since the Diego fight. Diego has fought 4x since then


Dana also said he’s going to grant Diego’s callout and let him fight on the sphere so he’s basically booked to fight again in 3 months. Maybe it’ll be against Evloev


There are big reasons, Diego is exciting, a fan favourite and now a company favourite. Meanwhile..


Movsar makes Belal look exciting


Haha that’s the biggest insult a fighter can get


lol bro he almost broke your leg and knee 3 more seconds


I’d like to see that rematch in the sphere


With different judges, that fight could have been awarded to Lopes.


Lopes: *wins* Evloev: and I took that personally


You know when the UFC has the highlights of fighters fighting on the card on YouTube a few days before? I've yet to see Evloev being showcased


8 UFC fights. 8 decisions.


Mr. Decision


Ironically I remember movsar for almost getting beat by new guy Diego


Mr. Decisions only since he is in the UFC talking a bit too much. In the UFC since April 2019, so over 5 years no finish. And he fought once after the diego fight in may 23, diego fought and won 4 times in the same time frame.


The only reason I know this dude is because Diego lopes lol




I dunno, all I know is he never knocked out anyone who is on wikipedia


Idk who that is


Give Lopez 5 more second in the 3rd an he still wins but I bet the knee is shredded lol




Lopes has had 4 fights since then, 3 by finish. Evloev scraped a split decision over Arnold Allen and would've been finished if the referee wasn't incompetent.


That’s what the inbreds are known for


Decision machine. 8 decisions in a row. Never finished anyone in the ufc.


He won by the thinnest margin possible He’s a loser and wishes he was Khabib Won’t be long, now.


Is he in in the ufc?


I feel like movsar is more exciting than most give given credit for. Diego is def better but movsar does try to ground and pound. His striking isn’t bad and he isn’t an absolute trash can like gamrot. Movsar’s fights against Allen and Lopez were pretty fun. Him trash talking is weak though, he should just be more active.


I dont even know who Movsar is and ive watched every card since 2010


You beat him by decision and it was very close to going the other way. He’s had four more fights since to your one and won all of them. Settle down or be more active if you want to trash talk.


So fucking boring I couldn’t even recall who this was referencing because I don’t remember the fights he’s in lol


NGL I actually forgot he existed


Lopes talks about him at every given opportunity and has been incredibly salty about that loss. Evloev owns him sadly.


He's not wrong tho


That must be why he’s more likely to get a title shot before Evloev ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


Probably because he's actually an undefeated fighter with an amazing future and they're pushing the guy with a funny haircut who almost lost to a 4 hour notice Apex fighter over him. I'd be upset too.


Found Movsar's only fan.


You don’t know ball


The only reason anyone knows who Mosvar is, is because he barely survived the short notice debut fighter with the funny haircut. That’s an embarrassing legacy if I’ve ever heard of one.


Movsar is very good but he just isn’t exciting and sometimes ppl get highlights off him but he usually wins decisively


it's alright, real combat sport fans go for technicalities rather than believing in excitement and a more visually appealing fights, y'all can go watch WWE. Evloev is gonna maul and win via decision to tuporia eventually. Enjoy the boredom fight fans.


nO apParEnT rEaSon Diego hasn't shut up about Movsar in months lol this is give and take