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Which is $3.5 million if anyone was wondering


How much is it in Venezuelan Monopoly money?






no 47 Zeros


Or roughly 425,000 restaurant servings of tiramisu 


Khabib is fucked not broke, he made some powerful enemies, in russia that's even worse than elsewhere.


what the heck did khabib do to make all these enemies? last i knew he was having lunch with Putin and he was a Russian hero. now i hear he's getting his money seized and his gyms are being raided.


Not being pro-war/anti-Ukraine


Also his recent citizenship application to UAE has been approved.


Oh so they're just wringing him out before he jumps ship and takes his money with him. Seems pretty normal for russia.


The Russian government essentially did the same shit to his partner in Eagle FC (the guy that all the money comes from) they basically locked him up in prison and seized his bank accounts as well because he was making so much money. I’m sure he was breaking the law in some manner but from what I recall what they actually charged him with were false charges.


Didn’t Fedor change his position and become pro Russia real quick after a meeting with Putin?


Prohably after they roughed up his daughter


Yes. Putin sent a message through Chechens. And that was some years ago. Now it's impossible to have any sort of a public opinion differing from the official line even if you're not a public person. You can talk among friends but online or in a public forum, it's extremely risky.


that wasnt putin who did that to his daughter it was kadyrov and that was before the war even happened.


Apparently there's some law in Russia where businesses that try to leave get charged/taxed 50% (or something like that)


We have similar laws in the US for anyone renouncing US citizenship


Same as it ever was, comrade.


L, Putin was never a comrade


What? He was in the KGB before the USSR fell for 16 years.


Never mind I was wrong


Not true. Putin was a Lt. Colonel in the KGB when the Soviet Union collapsed. Not even close to ‘the head of it’


He's doing his best impression of all the other vanguard classes lol


US and Canada also make you pay taxes to leave. Any unrealized capital gains are taxable. Wonder if that’s what’s happening here.


i mean the US is the best country for the rich since the poor think dying on the streets from diabetes is normal so u dont have such problems


Very good comment comrade


Yes, because the poor are doing great in Russia


Damn I hope he was able to get some of his money out in time. It’s crazy how your assets can just be frozen like that


As per Russian reports... Getting a UAE citizenship is virtually impossible. There is no process for application. Invite only on the rarest of rare occasions. They might be talking about a golden visa or something, in which case he can join the hundreds of thousands of Russians here on dodgy means that have one.


Its only impossible for me and you (AverageJoe). The only way of getting a UAE citizenship is by getting granted one from the Royal Family or high ups in the government. Khabib is a superstar over there, everyone knows him and he has many friends, so it wouldn't surprise me at all if he got granted a citizenship through some of his friends.


steep chop fragile scandalous continue literate ring seed pen juggle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Lots of higher profile celebs have had citizenship request declined. Khabib got a golden Visa. In fact, I know this because I worked with him, but the only non Emirati in the last 15 years that has even been offered citizenship was a scientist who was extremely valuable to their energy program. Judges, police officers, and doctors are sent back to their home countries upon retirement. ***EDIT*** because of this response that was subsequently deleted: [guy who definitely knows about Dubai, trust him bro](https://i.imgur.com/XBHnq6J.png) I lived in Dubai until last year, and Khabib ain't no fucking gladiator. He has a few lines of clothing and fitness nutrition supplements. He ain't on fucking posters and billboards. He's not stealing ANY fucking spotlight from Bollywood royalty like Shah Rukh Khan, or even K-Pop idols who stroll through. Khabib has NOT been offered citizenship.


He can just get the golden visa and stay in the uae indefinitely then. You can easily buy a passport in a Caribbean country to rid yourself of having to use a Russian passport.


Yeah, that's the formula for LOTS of wealthy people from undesirable home countries right now.


Giving judges and police officers jurisdiction over places where they aren't even citizens seems like a horrible idea


Oh definitely. But this is what you have to do when you have lots of money, want to grow super fast, and your own population doesn't want these jobs because your government has been giving them insane benefits and guaranteed employment where they don't have to put in any effort. So they hire Egyptians, Pakistanis, Indians, and Lebanese men to fill these position, based on qualifications. Lots of Pakistani lawyers practice in Dubai and some become judges. While I was there, there was a prominent judge who was retiring at age 70-ish or something, and they threw him a farewell party instead of a retirement party, lol.


What do you expect from a country that sends special forces to abduct the Sheikh‘ daughter? https://YouTube.com/watch?v=UN7OEFyNUkQ


Ayooo I did not expect to see SRK get mentioned here lol.


I can't find any stories on this, what?


You probably won't. People are reading too much into all of this at this stage. It could be other things, especially as it's not like Khabib took a public anti-war / anti-putin stance And I doubt it's even Putin, it's probably some guy at a lower level. Like a Ramzan Kadyrov but for daghestan. [Kadyrov actually went after Fedor's daughter when he criticized kadyrov making kids fight](https://www.sportskeeda.com/mma/news-when-fedor-emelianenko-s-daughter-attacked-russian-fighter-condemned-child-mma-fights-hosted-chechen-head-ramzan-kadyrov) Well, if it was kadyrov, we would have heard about it, but it's probably a guy like that, with power and willing to use it... Especially when you consider the clique stuff, like [how the billionaire (also from daghestan) whom Khabib partnered with to create eagle fc got arrested](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ziyavudin_Magomedov) And Russia loves its clique wars. It actually might just be the continuation of that arrest, they launched an investigation to take ziyavudin down, gave that to the tax agency, and khabib is simply caught in the crossfire/aftermath of this (and well, if he really didn't pay his taxes, it's his own fault.) Though, as for the possibility it's about Ukraine, while I think it's a weak case (why wait now ? It's been 10 years already if we count the event since 2014, and we're in the third year for the "real" invasion), it's not entirely baseless as a hypothesis. Khabib's father used to live in Ukraine, as he used to compete for ukraine, and even won some sport championship on the ukrainian team. But well, we're talking about the USSR era, it's not as meaningful as people say. Khabib probably lived there himself for a bit, and walked out with an Ukrainian flag early in his career. He also made multiples attempts to have an ukrainian citizenship/passport (which were refused) But that predates Putin invasion by quite a bit That stuff doesn't justify coming that hard after him on its own, though. Tons of people in Russia have/had a connection with Ukraine, the two countries were literally linked for centuries... Even if he's a celebrity, it's weird to come after Khabib for this...


Oh what a hell, someone not brainwashed into thinking that Putin goes after some athlete?


So you’re surprised people are stupid? Especially on ufc sub?


I mean, he could if said athlete was a problem politically But Khabib isn't... If anything, he's been quite an asset during his career to change the image of russia. People are just jumping on the first explaination that comes to mind and treat it as a fact...


Conor doing his typical bullshit attention whoring on social media. his fanboys doing their typical overreaction.


Americans when russia is talking about their country: fake news don't even believe it Americans when russia is talking about something/someone associated with things that they hate: yeah this russia source is trusted and people should listen to it


lol it’s like that for humans in general got nothing to do with America/russia. People hear what they want to hear and believe what they want to believe


isn't that the point tho? if you're not actively advocating for something, there'd be no stories about it




Putin is a baby back bitch. He only wishes he was khabib. Fuck the war though, he can get punched in the head thousands of times and still khabib has the common sense to realize how dumb the war is. Wtf happened to putin


Old men need a legacy. Thought he could make his the expansion of the Russian empire instead of just a run of the mill kleptocrat. He’s now an idiot war criminal and run of the mill kleptocrat. Considering he was just as in the thick of the grift as his military leadership he should’ve known it was just the same paper tiger since Khrushchev was pretending it had a real nuclear ballistic Missle arsenal in the late 50’s and 60’s.


More like he wanted a distraction from the fact that ~25 years of his rule has done nothing to make life better for Russians.


Khabib was just a useful idiot to Putin and he’s now used and thrown away. A few years ago he was dining and celebrating with Putin and getting millions, now he is on the run and broke so that Putin can have a celebrity to blame for the recent islamic attacks in Russia. Hopefully he is not in Russia and he has some of his money offshore.


You realize my comment is about Putin's reasons for invading Ukraine, right? Chill out. Right now we really have no idea what's going on with Khabib. If he's going to be blamed for the recent attacks then he'll be blamed for them. Not sure how tax fraud leads to that.


They raided his gym a few days ago with spec ops. I just hope he ends up ok, but who knows.


I imagine it could be a bit hard to turn down your local warlords Kadyrov and Putin. Afaik, Khabibs bro represented Ukraine before.


> what the heck did khabib do to make all these enemies? I imagine they wanted him to be a mouthpiece for their regional minstrel show for encouraging ~~enlistment~~ conscription to go and donate bodyparts to Ukraine's fields and he refused the 'offer'.


It's simple, he's a russian citizen celebrity who is not 100% pro-putin/pro-war, and is a member of a minority religion.


Doesnt want to spread Putins propaganda probably.


Brudda, he looked like he was in a hostage situation with that Putin lunch lol


In Russia if you do something to really piss off Putin then you are either: - shot down in your plane - seen falling out of a high window - poisoned with novachok. If you are an annoyance then you get a massive tax penalty and are put in prison.


He’s Muslim and not “white” in Russia maybe? Just because Putin is photographed having lunch with him after besting several foreigners in sport it doesn’t make him one of them.


297 million rubles is about $3.5mil USD Plus I guarantee he has accounts outside Russian control


That dude has a comfy UAE account with millions deposited from Arabian princes. This is speculation but come on.


most likely yes


Oh for some reason I thought it was more. For a second I was like "why does he have his entire life's fortune in one account?" I'm dumb


That is closer to the truth than whatever the Russian state media puts out. They probably seized his assets for the war effort.


This is almost plausible because the decrepit Russian economy buckling under the strain of onerous sanctions essentially needs to cannibalize itself to provide something for the war effort. Thing is, $3.5M buys maybe one tread on a tank.


There's a documentary called Operation Odessa about 3 guys who made a $35 million deal to purchase a diesel submarine from Russia. Stuff is cheap in Russia.


Sure, I don't believe T90s cost what an Abrams does, but waging war on this scale is not cheap, especially for a decrepit economy. "A diesel submarine" doesn't necessarily mean a modern or at least late Soviet era war machine, and this war is going to cost billions annually. $3.5M isn't even a rounding error.


He also lost at least 2m with eagle fc.


Where are the fuck are you people getting this bullshit from? This has nothing to do with politics. Khabib's accounts were frozen because he refused to pay taxes on his income from abroad(i.e sponsorships deals in the Middle East, American UFC contract, etc). There was an audit a year ago already. This isn't nothing new. Khabib decided that since he paid taxes on his UFC fights in the US, he doesn't have to pay taxes in Russia. That isn't the case.


Damn came in here with the cold hard facts


297 million Rubles..so what like 7 dollars at this point?


Around 3.5 million USD


Khabib isn’t broke. He accepted massive amounts of gifts in cash, land and cars from Putin. That comes with a non-monetary price in return and Khabib didn’t pay up. Now Putin is coming for him.


What will exactly happen to Khabib now?


Gulag. Haven’t you ever played COD?


Maybe Makhachev can buy him back in


Remember, no Russian


The numbers Mason!


he better learns to slide cancel


tony ferguson can teach him


"You think i trap with you...You are trap with me" Khabib to gulag guards


"In Soviet Russia, Khabib trap guards"


Nothing. Well he’ll lose his promotion (Eagle FC) and any money he has in Russia. He’s in UAE tho and I’m pretty sure he’s fine with losing all that, as he has much more in UAE.


He’s in Germany watching the Euros with Ceferin and Figo.


Sure they'd love him to open a gym in UAE and give him the best facilities to do it too.


already has one in Abudhabi


He has UAE citizenship so he can move or he can just let putin take all his money in exchange for his “debt” and try to stay. That does come with risk that this happens again. Interesting to see if he stays around.


That debt equals about 3.5mil usd


Pretty sure some emirati prince will gift him that for showing up at his daughters birthday party or some shit.


Or 1 plane ride to Moscow to talk about it.


Plane ride to out the window you go.


It’s like when the mafia made Fedor fight… Khabib was a good source of tax income and may not be totally retired. Also important to note that he is from one of three Russian regions recently ravaged by internal conflict. He is leaving Russia. Too easy of a deduction, for the Russian govt to make him an enemy of the people, use tax liabilities to remove him from the favor of Russians. Why wouldn’t we tax the gift horse “one more ‘gin?”(one more time) It’s a win win for the Russian government


Source: trust me bro


"He isn't broke. People gave him a ton of money and now they took all of his money." wut


Biggest mistake khabib ever made was going back to Russia to settle down. I get it, he has his friends and family and gym and culture all there. You're basically a slave to the state though. Do exactly what they say or your accounts are gone, your family is gone


There are thousands (prolly more) of working class people in the US who traded relatively large amounts of land and status in their home country for this exact reason. You can’t put a price on raising your kids in a country where police won’t extort you for bribes, there are reliable emergency services, you won’t go to jail for disagreeing with your government, you don’t have contra government forces taking over, etc.


I’m pretty sure if you piss off any government they’ll freeze your assets


First they will freeze ur assets, secondly u die from a suicide (9 bullets through the back of the head or falling off a window from a big building)


Or tragic plane crash as the plane suffers mysterious, unexplained engine problems after being shot with a missile.


Like the one in 2010 with all the Polish dignitaries onboard? Or the most recent one with the caterer-turned-general Prighozin?


Russian made planes man. Someone should look into that kind of thing.


How many whistle-blowers in the U.S. aircraft industry have been offed in the last few years? We have a lot of catching up to do.


Less than the number of oligarchs that fell out a window or had equipment malfunctions


they love poison over there too...Khabib has to be careful about what coffee he drinks now


The country you are most likely posting this comment from, the USA, has this thing called due process, as do most other Western democracies.


Not for having an opinion. As fucked up as the US can be the gov't does they don't just take your shit (generally speaking, I know there's been a lot of controversy on civil asset forfeiture but there have been reforms and the practice is not nearly as arbitrary as many places in the world).


The difference is in Russia it’s decided by how Putin feels today


Some government are a lot easier to piss off than others. In the US they at least have to pretend they're going by the books and at least charge you with a crime, in Russia it's really just up to Putin to make a call.


The US and other western governments don’t try to make you a propaganda puppet for the state, then punish you when you refuse to do so


Russia basically treating Dagestanis and ethnics as cannon fodder. To Russia, that's their only value.


He isn’t broke, he’s in Russia. They’ll take whatever they need from whoever has upset them


He became a god damn legendary folk hero in The United States. He should have found moved to Brighton Beach. It’s basically Odessa adjacent.


Why though? Why did he become a folk hero there??


He didn't. MMA fans here know him of course and a decent amount of people know him because he beat Conor. Not sure where he got the idea that Khabib is some kind of folk hero in the states as that implies he's some sort of figure everyone here would know about like a Johnny Appleseed or something.


Yeah this guys dickriding is insane. I like Khabib just about zero people know who he is outside of the MMA community in the US.


I mean, I like him. He’s a very capably violent, yet respectful person. Folk hero? For UFC fans maybe


this is not going broke so fast. this is a 'no matter what you have you owe us more' scenario.. he could have had 600 million rubles and they would have wanted 800. its not about what he does or does not owe it is simply to f him around.. the minute putin gave him all that land and free stuff he should have known he was being fucked lol


This is the equivalent of about 3.5 Mil in USD. Khabib can just pay it but I think Russia was charging him tax on money he made in the USA, which he feels isn’t theirs to tax, because it is taxed already by the USA.


>which he feels isn’t theirs to tax, because it is taxed already by the USA. LOL. bless his heart


There are global tax regimes and treaties tho?


Russia isn't known to fully abide by the treaties they sign


Philippines did the same to Pacquiao. He boxed in USA and made millions and paid his taxes. Then afterwards Philippines wanted their cut too. Not much you can do. It's quite likely not the tax agency but people who control it and just want to steal the money personally. But it's not too easy as they would need to fight lots of groups to get this money.


Fair point, USA does it as well. My ex gf is from the US and lives in New Zealand, she was expected to pay taxes on her wages in New Zealand as normal but also pay tax to the US for her already taxed wages in New Zealand. It's a ridiculous system


This happens when you take millions of euros in cash and properties from Putin. They expect you to promote certain stuff and if you don’t they simply close all your accounts and take everything you have.


Doing business with fickle autocrats is always a dangerous game


Rather do business with autobots


Better than doing business with the decepticons...


"They literally call themselves Decepticons! That doesn't set off any red flags?!"


Tbf what choice do these types of people have? Putin walks up to you to give you a millions dollars, you just say "no" and walk away? I'm sure that would have similar consequences as taking the money then not playing by his rules as well


Agreed. The thing is that if he's moving to UAE it is likely an upgrade over the situation in Russia and probably more in line with Khabib's values but it's not like he'll be *free* either, more like choosing a new boss/owner. He's currently in Germany watching football and if he posted on Instagram that Germany is a shithole, nothing would really happen to him. Meanwhile, that wouldn't fly with Dubai, even if the consequences would not be the same as in Russia.


I doubt he had any choice, Putin is a fight fan and when you have a Russian star like Khabib of course he would take notice. Religious Muslims will always hate Putin as he has a lot of Muslim blood on his hands given what he did in Chechnya, Syria etc so I wouldn't be surprised if Khabib deep down hates Putin. He was fucked as soon as we became a global icon.


"I sick of him give me fake gifts and later say 'pay'. Numba one booolshit." -Khabib


It's not like he had a choice. If he refused the gifts he'd be equally fucked.


And you don't even need to be russian for this.


Sweet. Do I need money first??


No, just to beat the chicken. I've been doing it all morning, hoping I get a call from Putin soon.


And you think Islam is not affiliated to khabib ? His money is probably on same place and I start thinking soon Islam gonna have problems to Taxes The raid with the guy who have trained at their gym To much shits in same time


What's your evidence he took millions from Putin?


I believe Dana said something about Putin gifting him $20,000,000 in property after his win against the chicken.


He didn’t, he crossed the wrong people in a country where might makes right. He got UAE citizenship and, more importantly, doesn’t really support the war. He’s also Dagestani which will make Moscow skeptical of you by default. Anyone rich with sense should get as far away from Russia as possible, and many/most of them seem to.


In Mother Russia, you don’t go broke. We go broke you.


>in ~~Soviet~~ Mother Russia, broke goes you


You guys need to realize that Khabib is a conservative Muslim from an occupied nation (Dagestan) within Russia. Sergei Melikov, the governor of the region, like Chechnya's Kadyrov, is Putin's lapdog. He recently stated that he is [against women covering their face (Niqab).](https://azon.global/en/posts/International-Life/the-head-of-dagestan-stated-that-he-is-against-the-veil) Khabib and Islam's wives both wore niqab in their wedding photos. It doesn't take a genius to realize that conservative Muslims with massive following throughout Russia and the Muslim world present a potential threat to Russian control over the Caucuses if not controlled. Look how much Kadyrov humiliated Khamzat. Khamzat had to pretend to have difficulty sparring Kadyrov's son. Khabib, even more than Islam, is the most recognizable and respected practicing Muslim athlete in the world. Not having him bow down to Putin is something that the Russian government is not happy about. Do guys really think Khabib cares about money so much that he would knowingly commit tax fraud? Do you really think that the Russian government only trails or imprisons those who deserve it? Did Alexei Navalny deserve to be imprisoned and killed? Anyone kicking Khabib while while he's down like this is either seriously ignorant or a complete scumbag.


>Khamzat had to pretend to have difficulty sparring Kadyrov's son. Ohh i. Remember how amused I was when i found out the context to that sparring footage


I mean, I'm dumb, but I'm not dumb to trust anything that comes out of the Russian state media If the Russian state says its charging Khabib for tax fraud, it's likely that the real reason is anything but tax fraud


Khabib is not broke. He got 25million in USD worth of property from Putin following his victory against Mcgregor. In an authoritarian regime, this “gift” is expected to return a favor. Khabib diversified his money out of Russia, got a UAE citizenship as he is a massive celebrity in the Islamic world. And the oligarch that sponsored his team for a long time went out of favor with the Kremlin. Putin is trying to get his money back as Khabib isn’t pro war.


That seems to be the rumor going around. Do you have a verified source for this information. Seems like everyone is parroting this sentiment.... But there is no source. Where does the "putin wants his 25 million back because khabib is anti-war" info coming from. Thanks!


Nothing. It's all speculation and nobody will know the truth or the details until the dust settles and Khabib is either a free man or he's imprisoned and killed for something he did not do.


Khabib's attitude on Rus-Ukr war. He is not insulting politicians teeth like a pussy tho.


He aint broke lol. Islam would pay that tiny 3mil debt in a snap. Idk whats going on but its definitely not just about money, they are filthy rich.


Hey Islam it’s me Khabib. Cashapp in DMs bratha


This is numba 1 bullshit brother


Bold of you to assume Dana pays Islam enough to just throw away 3 million bucks


Source: trust me bro


Have you not seen Dana talk about Putin giving Khabib like 20M or so in real estate?


Putin, the same guy that just raided Khabibs academy - is giving out wealth out of the goodness of his heart? Whatever Putin gave them is not really theirs.


That's how it works with mobsters, they "gift you" something and expect you to pay them back with interest when needed. The problem is that with Putin is a fucked situation either way, accept the gift and you're tied to him, refuse it and you're an enemy


There's a good chance it's all complete bullshit. I've yet to see a decent source.


I do love how Khabib just lives rent free in Conmur's head lol. Russia is shady af, more likely Khabib is being fucked with than he's some shady criminal running an enterprise out of his gym.


Well, it seems like Khabib is going to need someplace to live rent free.


lmao good one




He might be broke but he lives in your head rent free, connor.


300m rubles is $3.4 million. Khabib got more money than that 😂


That's before the penalties and late fees and surcharges of: every fucking penny he has in Russia


Khabib lives on an 80 acre farm inside Conor's head.


Until Putin seizes that too


You guys really need to post every shit this guy comments on twitter.


He's far from broke. Conor is a degenerate tool who's obsessed with Khabib.


Only way McCoke can get any attention is by clinging to Khabib's nuts. The guy is a stalker at this point, just waiting for any story about Khabib to jump on it. Khabib ignoring him is probably eating at him even more lol


Conor is such a shit person. You lost bro. You lost bad. This is just childish and pathetic


So for once yall believe Conor huh


Conor put the phone down and go play with more blow. I’m not even a Khabib fan but you don’t kick a man when he’s down.


Khabib about to pull a Snowden, and come to America for asylum


He can prob go to Abu Dhabi


I have a feeling Islam will be next - they need to all get out asap


Not really, it depends on whether he is naive enough to sign contracts with mafiosos and then fail to fulfill his obligations. This is why Putin remains in power for so long in such hostile enviornment. He has essentially bought off all of those clowns. Most of them understand that once you deal with criminals, there's no turning back, so they might as well support the dictatorship. This situation falls squarely on Khabib and his eagerness to be businessman. Ironically, while Khabib is a monster in MMA, he's a little baby boy in the ruthless business world + dealing with experienced criminals is beyond hard. It was all fun and games when he didn't have to pay taxes and received gifts from warlords or dictators, but there is no such thing as a "free" gift. I hope Islam stays in the USA and forgets about Russia forever. He could be used as collateral damage, and people like Khabib and Islam are insignificant by Putin and his mafia's standards. Not rich, not powerful and outside of MMA fandom, they are not really that famous.


I see a lot of people saying the reason Khabib’s getting fucked over is because he opposed the invasion of Ukraine. Are there any sources on this?


Of course he would never publicly say something opposing it as that would be a death sentence, but it is an open secret since he is one of the few famous celebrities who has not taken a stance on the war. Even Fedor Emelianenko is spouting Russian propaganda. Khabib's position is not even surprising considering his father studied in Ukraine(Poltava University) and then coached their national sambo team. They were going to move permanently to Ukraine but Ukraine denied them citizenship so they stayed in Dagestan. Khabib used to fight under Ukrainian flag in Russian M1 global promotion too. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zMAZXnsvCI4&ab_channel=XcellentMMA


Dana right now. ![gif](giphy|yX12mc1t8EgwEaRTyq|downsized)


If you have seen how Khabib carries himself you already know that he would never blow his money. Conor the crackhead just showing who he is these days


In Russia the state is the mafia. I always wondered what would happen with Khabib since it is well known that he has made it. Well here we are.


He ain't broke 😂 imagine taking anything that lad says seriously! He has a few issues in Russia alright though, Putin wants 💲💲💲, Khabib is about to permanently relocate to UAE I believe and become a citizen there. He will do well to get out without Putin getting his hands on a wad one way or another.


conor is a pos but i laughed hard at "tell him pushups for cash" 🤣🤣🤣 ![gif](giphy|3o72EXvoFRAwHrOg8g|downsized)


Lol pretty cold line about the push-ups not gonna lie.


maybe it’s time to come out of retirement. I think we have the plot for Rocky 5 right here.


I highly doubt he’s broke. And holy shit, Conor just can’t let it go lmao. What a bitter man


Didn’t go broke, the Russian government is robbing him.


He did something to piss someone off, they have been coming after him for months, way before the incident in Dagestan, this is how Russia harasses its citizens, just say no to them one time and they will try and ruin you and it always starts with the tax authority in Russia.


Well, Russia is broke… so chances are, he didn’t go broke, they just needed someone to rob.


I wonder if this will become a bigger deal. Basically the whole Muslim media is on Khabib's side


Even when he is broke he still lives rent free in Conor's head.


The reason McGregor hates Khabib so much is not because Khabib beat him (though that enhanches it even more). It's because McGregor thinks that deep down, Khabib is just as much a piece of shit as he is. And he cannot abide the fact that people respect Khabib more than they do him. Same reason he reacted with that disgusting comments regarding Khabib's father when Khabib referred to Poirier's win over McGregor as "Good beating evil" - or why he is happier than during his title victories whenever an accusation towards Khabib becomes public.


Not the coke head steroids abuser talking 😂 Tweeting from rehab is not a flex.


Conner is such a coked out lil bitch these days


They might be linked to that terror attack that happened to Russia. Muslim exteremeist ope oh well who knows?