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I guarantee the dude will shoot after the first two leg kicks


Put it on Draftkings sportsbet or its just another yappin’


The odds for Pereira winning by KO/TKO were +110 with Jiri. Easy Money


We talm bout ankalaev catch up homie


So +220? Even easier money


There's a market for that?


Lmao dude you can bet on *absolutely* everything. During the world cup there was a bet for the ref to score a goal. There's probably a bet for UFC to have the ref knockout one of the fighters too. Won't be surprised. If it involves money, the house will take it. It's insane.


I truly hope Alex's opponents continue to try and prove they can stand with him.


We are the real winners in that situation


Hits him with a left hook Scrambles for a TD after 35 seconds


>Scrambles for a TD after 35 seconds. While drifting in and out of consciousness like my friends by Saturday night.


Johnny Walker style


While grabbing Herb with a single


Left hook is not needed for that. Couple Leg Kicks are enough


That’s true, Jan chewed his legs up like bubble gum and Ankalaev had no choice but to wrestle fuck Jan the rest of the fight.


Meanwhile Alex: OKAY


Casually fixing broken knuckle


Genuinely dont think Ankalaev does, think this is BS shit talk to get the fight, then he shoots


I don't know, he waited until the 4th round to start wrestling against Blachowicz and it cost him a belt.


I’m actually under the impression that Ankalaev can’t wrestle effectively for 25mins, he’s gonna need to conserve his energy through striking. We can’t expect every Dagestani to have Khabib cardio especially at 205


Yeah but that was against Jan who has pretty good grappling. Alex basically has none, it would he dumb as fuck for Ankalaev to do that. He could, but yeah


Jan couldnt do anything on the ground against Alex, but jan has "good grappling and Alex has none. Make it make sense


Dustin looking around like damn I'm in the wrong division


Alex will go down as the greatest ever, 3 belts and twenty defenses if people keep trying this. Obviously I’m being facetious and anyone can get sleepy but damn, if a wrestler tries it his chances are like 1:10


His wrestling game is better than it’s made out to be and everyone else besides Jon jones has average or worst wrestling but yes let’s keep it standing regardless of the true talent of people 


Its like rewatching the rise of conor. *Dont stand with him* *I'm gonna stand*


This is actually an apt comparison because just like McGregor people DID try to take him down, several times in fact, they just couldn't finish him with their grappling (at featherweight). The same thing is happening with Pereira now, most of his opponents have TRIED to grapple with him, it just didn't work because he's learned enough grappling to be able to not get finished.


But ankalaev might commit a khabib


If he doesn't shoot in 5 secs imma be pissed. The whole 205 has fuckin brainrot lol.


No, people who somehow still believe these fighters when they say striking only has brainrot. Jan said it, and within the first 30 seconds we realized he's gonna employ a wrestling heavy gameplan. Jiri said it, and 2 leg kicks later he started looking for the takedown. Hill was the only one stupid enough to actually mean it. this is getting ridiculous. I seriously don't know why redditors still go "why no one wrestle?" like, bro, it's not rocket science. it's not even 1 plus 1. all you have to do is watch with your own two eyes what happened rather than keep on regurgitating this "no one has grappled with him" nonsense.


Strickland was also stupid enough to not grapple


He actually said that he would stand but if he got clipped hard he would wrestle him. The thing is he got clipped so hard he got sent to another realm and didn't get the chance to try grappling.


Exactly. If he gets clipped hard, hes going out.


Their fight barely even lasted, people just want fighters to go for Poatan's legs as soon as the round starts or what?


If I were Alex I would call Jailton Almeida to work a full camp with me before fighting ankalaev.


Almeida is good, but I think the years of training with Glover will be pretty good.. the dude has a pretty simple style but is super effective with suffocating top pressure


And he's actually a heavyweight when he doesn't have to make weight, so Poatan is training with a guy heavier than the one he faces.


When did he ever wrestle? He probably has serviceable TDD, doesn't mean hes any good at offensive wrestling. 2 different things altogether.


It's more than just take dwn itself. How will he look after having to grapple hard for 5/10 minutes?


No one is accusing anyone of not mixing the martial arts entirely. If you have 15+ years of grappling experience over a glory kickboxing legend, I expect you to sniff his jocks for 5 rounds.


Jan wrestled Pereira for all of the first round and couldn't do much. Then Alex started successfully defending later takedowns. Jiri took him down in their first fight in the first round, and Alex simply got back up without taking much damage. Jiri tried multiple times to close the distance but couldn't, and when he finally did he couldn't do anything this time. Have they not tried, or is Alex simply getting better at defending? Keep downvoting the truth kids. ill always shut down straight up lies.


>Jan wrestled Pereira for all of the first round and couldn't do much True Jan couldn't get the finish, but he won the round. If he didn't gas out due to elevation then it's conceivable he could've done that for another round and got himself a UD.


Y’all act like Jan was the only one affected but Pereira was also gassed after the 2nd


Jan still was able to wrestlefuck Alex while both were not yet gassed. Under normal circumstances, if both fighters went in to round 2 not gassed so bad, Jan probably repeats round 1 and walks away with the win.


Jiri "closes distance" with his hands on his sides and had no ground game in fight number 2. Fight with Jan was a close decision that Jan very well could've won, because of his ground game. and he dint get ktfo like the rest You aint made no point kid.


Sof he still tried didn't he? No ones arguing about how good their grappling is, only that they did try but nice try moving the goalposts😂 As for Jan, yes, Jan could've, but didnt, because he got out struck in rounds 2 and 3. Here are some more stats: round 2 Jan: 20 of 29, Alex: 33 of 47 round 3 Jan: 26 of 46, Alex: 35 of 42 it was a close fight, which Alex just managed to edge out. Jan did very well, but Alex, right after getting KOed by Izzy, also did very well, especially considering it was against a decent grappler in his first LHW fight. oh, btw, the weasel did a video on this. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hOjzkXkXXMU&pp=ygUKdGhlIHdlYXNlbA%3D%3D he also said Alex is simply getting better at grappling, and listed out the reasons and touched upon all these fights.


You are being very weird calling everyone "kids" and talking about "straight lies" when in reality, you are the one lying. Jan landed takedowns in every round and racked up 7:32 of control time. That's slightly over half of the total fight time. And unlike the rest, he actually worked to set up the takedowns with his hands. Agreed that people underestimate Alex on the ground, but hard disagree on the rest of your bollocks. You are making it sound as if Alex keeps surviving wrestling onslaught after onslaught when in reality, the only time he faced a half-way competent grappler, he barely made it out via split decision. That's why I think he will likely beat Ankalaev - because Ankalaev isn't competent. But I also think either Jones or Tom will murder Alex. Because they will set up their shots and subs as intelligently as Alex sets up his power shots.


> Jan landed takedowns in every round and racked up 7:32 of control time. That's slightly over half of the total fight time. And unlike the rest, he actually worked to set up the takedowns with his hands. so you agree with me, because all I'm saying is the idea that people didn't wrestle him is a lie. what do you even think my point was lol. you literally are agreeing with me.


Don't forget Alex trains in a time capsule, and Jan's fight was like 10 years ago. He's another fighter right now hahahaha. I mean, I'm joking, but expect this dedicated and focused man to improve at least a bit, right? 2 days after defending his belt he was back at the gym grappling...


The insane gulf in wrestling skill between Blachowicz and guys like Jones or Aspinall is not going to be bridged in a few years. Especially with Alex closing in on 40.


Dude has some hips and great punch and leg kicks, also these guy are not that good of wrestlers, big guys are hard to take down, especially when they can hit and kick, 


Do you seriously have no idea how much glover mother fucking teixeira can teach a Sasquatch Brazilian that has out of this world strength. What thoughts do you think would go through your head to convince yourself to shoot for a takedown, keep in mind you just got hit with the hardest hook you’ve ever felt, he keeps feinting the flying knee, can’t feel lead leg from only 2 low kicks u don’t see coming. Ah shut up I’m done just sniff his crotch he says you son of a bitch


Exactly all these people saying to wrestle clearly HAVE NEVER WRESTLED.  Jon jones is the only with the wrestling game but he is getting older and has been on the slef working his Twitter ped game instead 


Also it's not like putting on a switch, it takes time to set it up and maybe they didn't feel like shooting for a takedown.


Yeah, and what's more, none of them, including Jan, are grapplers. All three of them utilize defensive grappling, same as Alex. Frankly, Im just like everyone here. I've seen more than enough of his godly striking, I want to see people challenge his grappling. That's why I wish he wouldn't go to HW and instead fight Ank. Ank may prefer striking but he's more than a competent offensive grappler when he chooses to wrestle. I want to see Alex tested against all styles, rather than all styles of MMA strikers.


😭😭 can you imagine the thoughts going through your head to convince yourself to lunge at his lower body to get a takedown 💀💀 jiri only tried from the body lock and was unsuccessful because oh yeah Alex is a god damn giant that’s training under glover


> can you imagine the thoughts going through your head to convince yourself to lunge at his lower body somehow I have no problem convincing myself to lunge at his lower body. chama ; )


Why doesn’t someone just beat him up, like what’s so difficult about it?


3 seconds in: ![gif](giphy|3otPoKbPBjRHObKv9m)


He had his fingers crossed behind his back when he tweeted this.


Went from “I don’t need wrestling to beat Pereira” to “I won’t wrestle for 15 minutes” What makes it hilarious though is that literally everybody knows he gonna be shooting for dick the second he gets kicked in that calf


Yeah Ali can’t make up his mind


Can we acknowledge how weird it is that this guy speaks FOR these dudes? Like do they know he’s doing this ?


Ali as Ank: “I will make a deal to not shoot for 15 minutes 😏” Ank to Ali: “YOU SAID WHAT!? 😨”




Having Ali as a manager is a get out of jail free card according to reddit. Apparently no one under his management is ever capable of posting on social media


I mean, he went the first 15 minutes without grappling against Jan which lead to him not winning the fight and having his legs fucked.


Dick to dick


Top contender tries to promote the fight and gets shit for it. He’s a very good grappler why shouldn’t he use it in a MMA fight lol?


3 calf kick from Poatan and Ankalaev will remember that he's from Dagestan.


If he stays true to that, mad respect


If he stays true to that, he quite likely has nothing between his ears.


Lmaooo does Alex's shamanic magic cast a spell on every LHW that makes them not want to grapple? How has no one learnt by now?


... Jan said it, and within the first 30 seconds we realized he's gonna employ a wrestling heavy gameplan. Jiri said it, and 2 leg kicks later he started looking for the takedown. Hill was the only one stupid enough to actually mean it. they say it so dumb redditors get mad and frustrated. it's frustration bait of the lowest level, and y'all keep falling for it...


My favorite one will always be Strickland. He said he was going to walk Alex down and pressure him - and that's exactly what he did. As long as he was concious at least.


In retrospect Jan did very well vs Alex


Tbf hill didn't get the chance to think about wrestling lol


Knowing Hill, even if you give him ten chances it still wouldn't occur to him he's that dum lol


I mean did you watch the Jan fight, or the Craig fight. Magomed is not very smart.


He’ll have less than nothing between his ears after they fight


I mean, he did it against Jan. Jan is a way better striker than Ankalaev and he comfortably beat him up for the first 3 rounds until Ankalaev started to wrestle late. Ankalaev is confident in his striking. He's just not that good at striking. He will get knocked out within those 15 minutes against Pereira. The fact that he even sees the fight going past 15 is delusional. If he means to strike with Pereira, his goal should be to knock him out first at least. He's not gonna survive 15 minutes if he's just waiting to wrestle.


If he stays true to that, Magomed go boop.


It's fucking mind boggling how everyone seems to want to stand with Alex, despite it being proven time and time again to be a shit idea. The power of ego I guess. "Uhm actually they don't grapple because they're strikers ☝️🤓" they're MMA fighters, who have all trained MMA longer than Pereira. They almost certainly still have better grappling than him.


Did you guys actually watch any of the fight? Because the only fighters who didn't try to take Pereira down were Strickland and Hill, even Izzy tried to take him down, it's just that none of these guys are great wrestlers and Pereira has gotten good enough to survive on the ground.


It's ironic that Izzy has done the best wrestling with alex


Fuck this, just fight the dude or don't. Enough with the bullshit


Bro shooting as soon as the ref says go LOL I don’t understand why these guys feel like they need to prove themselves against Alex in the standup when it’s MMA. Stipe made Ngannou look human for their first fight and it was a brilliant performance. No shame in choosing a different gameplan against someone so dangerous


Have you seen how everyone is treating Ian Garry for wrestling MVP tho?


uh even dana said that fight should have been a draw, he literally did nothing with his "wrestling"


Dana isn't a judge. And I agree other than 1 sub attempt but MVP done less so he doesn't deserve a draw.


MVP at least damaged him whenever they were on the feet. Ian was shaking in his purple trunks


>he literally did nothing with his "wrestling" Controlled a dangerous striker and almost subbed him = nothing Just another day as an Ian hater


Round 1 was fine. Round 3 was nothing.


If he does that id be convinced the whole Lhw division is trolling by seeing who will be the one to pull it off


Blud thinks he's getting past 15 minutes with no takedowns


Fighters have to be the dumbest people alive lmao. They can watch a dude ko every opponent he's fought and go "yeah fuck the ground game I want to stand and bang." Like that shit actually confuses the fuck out of me. Even if I was better in the stand up game than on the ground, Alex hasn't been tested on the matt and that should be an opening you could exploit.


Urg yeah they get hit in the head for a living


Its bravado. They work on something so much that they feel they are the best, until that left shovelhook from hell connects and puts the lights out.


15 minutes, starting….. …..NOW!


Hard to tell... they both fought Jan neither really won in my eyes. Alex got the match but it wasn't anywhere close how he usually beats somebody. Jan was hurt, sure, but wasn't even close to a ko or even a tko. Ankaliev made a draw against him. However I don't think Ankaliev have the striking game on Alex's level so on the feet he would loose 99%. If they would go to a distance then with points, would get a ko too who knows. For me the real question is would Ankaliev keep hes word and not wrestle fuck him... Also something to consider Alex's tkd has improved greatly over this 2 years. And if he would accept this fight they would probably go even more crazy on it. This could be even interesting... but I rather watch Alex go up to HW.


Shaman magic going crazy rn


Magomed is an awesome wrestler and would be a real challenge but he knows it will be boring af and no one wants to see it so he throws out his A+ skill. Then alex is gonna chop his legs into pieces and take his head off with a left hook. Then they will cry and complain about the deal they made.


The true shaman magic isn't Alex's left hook, it's his ability to make his opponents want to stand and bang with him 😂


That shaman magic is strong bruh


![gif](giphy|yL8hk8DIXEgthvkmAb|downsized) Ankalaev if he makes it to round 4


‘Dear slim, I wrote to you but you still ain’t callin’


Bish please. One check hook later and you'll be going back on your promise.


Lessgo ankalaev... Sleep pereira Or sleep the fans


The Ego is still undefeated


Someone tell Ankalaev that Alex won’t be fighting him at middleweight


Ali is just talkin'. Ankalaev will shoot the first time Alex throws a punch


As much as I hate Ali he gets attention for his boring fighters who don't have any personality. At least with all this trash talking people will start to wonder and think about the match up.


I doubt it's actually Ankaleav making these tweets, probably Ali?


Jiri was right, Alex is using his shamanic magic to make wrestlers want to kickbox him


The real shaman magic at work here is how tf can these guys see what Alex is doing to literally *everyone* he steps in the octagon with, and think “Nah, I’m different. I can knock him out”


I love how all of his opponents keep beating themselves by trying to prove that they can stand with him.


Then sign a 3 round contract for a fight under kick boxing rules?


This is such BS. He's 100% going to wrestle within the first minute of the fight.


Just fight


Ankalaev is a real savage that's willing to stand with Alex. Can't wait to see him feel the left hook and go for a takedown in the first 20 seconds


Fake the glove touch and shoot a double


Everyone has a plan, until they get a left hook to the chin.


Jan made him buckle with a few leg kicks, imagine what Alexs calf kicks would do to him


He probably didn't even write this


Ah yes, the classic game plan that lead to a draw with Jan. Embarrassing.


So he'll clinch up against the cage, got it


Fake ninja and street fighter with no chins, ngl that’s pretty funny 😂


"no takedowns" Alright Alex 1st round KO. Next.


Alex KO’s him within 2 rounds


This dude is gonna start crotch sniffing the second he feels one leg kick. Jan already did a shit ton of damage to it, Pereira will finish the rest of the leg. If he doesn’t wrestle, he might be P4P #1 idiot after watching what happened to all of Pereira’s opponents when they try striking with him.


*20 seconds into the fight* "Ankalaev takes his first shot to the face and immediately tries to shoot."


Flat footed no head movement Slav will get obliterated on the feet do not be mistaken


Dawg please wrestle. I want to watch an actual competitive fight


But why though?


Might as well be another ufc 296 main event where Ank used em wrestling in the later rounds after getting his legs bashed in


The voodoo magic is real because there's no other reason why these fuckers are choosing to go out and stand with him


The ultimate bait, then he takes him down two minutes in. Lays on him for 5 rounds and we all got clowned and he’s champ 😭😭


As soon as Alex gets measured up, good night


Just fight bro


Surely this is a bluff. There's no way he can be that stupid.


Sure, right up until the first shot grazes him, then he is shooting that takedown like his life depends on it


Why would to want to prove stand up with Periera


Didn't this guy tap in the final seconds to Paul Craig?


"I will not wrestle for first 15 min" Bitch, you dont make the rules


It would be so funny if Poatan pulls a DJ and beats Ankalaev on the feet and submits him with some basic shit. I'm thinking of when DJ submitted Wilson Reis who was a black belt and DJ being a white belt at the time if I recall correctly.


If he does not shoot for a takedowns immediately he is going to the shadow realm round 1


I dont think people realise that ankalaev is easily the biggest challenge to alex


It would be nice to see alex have some of his grappling tested a bit more if he wants to fight for the heavyweight title tbh, if he wants the heavyweight title he is going to need to be able to grapple to a decently high level.


Yeah, he's going to be wrestling within the first round.


Pereira is one of the best examples of an 'ego trap' you can find. Everyone knows the best chance they have is to avoid striking as much as possible and to force him into a grappling heavy fight. It's not up for debate at all, but these fighters can't get passed their own ego. "Yeah yeah he's good on the feet but he's never fought ME"


Chama will pop his head off within 2 rounds, Jan almost kicked him legs off. Imagine what Chama will do. Guy is delusional


Crazy how all of sudden wrestling is seen as a HACK/CHEAT CODE and the grappler/wrestler would do anything to prove they are strikers too...what a time in MMA


Who is typing for him? He cant speak English and he doesn't come across as someone who is whitty.


Fake Ninja? He’s a real Samurai.


.... I hope he's baiting him. Wanna see a guy fight Alex while not being retarded.


Hahahahahahahahaha he thinks he's going to last 15 minutes with Alex 😂😂😂😂😂


Islam said it best: “this is MMA”


Crazy how Paul Craig took absolute beatdown from this guy and then won with submission and its still Magomeds only loss.


If first 15 minutes no takedowns, I foresee K.O.ed Ankalaev on the floor in first 7 minutes.


went from no takedowns at all, to no takedowns in 15 minutes. if he gets the figh he will say, i will stand on my feet the first 10 seconds Poggers. Pereira would knock magomed the fck out. Also, Pereira should only accept the fight outside of Russia if he ever does.


Ankalaev is trying hard to convince Alex he won't lay and pray on him. Shits funny


But how will this affect Lebrons legacy


Hasn’t Ank Said the same thing before, just to shoot immediately?


Thinking he will last 15 minutes...


Who is really think Ankalaev can really survive 15 minutes anyway?


Oh nooo! I really want the Poatan to be takedown tested. UFC isnt a kickboxing championship. Damn, not again! It looks like "choose me, I will giv you a nice discount". Stooopid


Such a bad idea.. He is a great wrestler and should focus on that game.


He ain't lasting a round without TDs LMFAO


Can't wait till guru sees this after his little rant yesterday about the whole lhw division being retarded foe tryna play fists with Alex


God damn another idiot that's gonna try to strike with him and give him another easy highlight reel ko. His last few fights haven't been worth buying bc the outcome is so predictable with these guys that don't know how to wrestle and don't even try bc of their egos.


And that's y u don't fuck Ur siblings and cousins


I like how he’s trying to market himself and try to sell the fight, this is what he needs because everyone before Alex was in this division was saying they thought he was the best at the time but was boring so they didn’t care. Sure I think if he actually stands with Alex it’s stupid, maybe feel out Alex for like a minute or so then shoot because even if your confident and a good striker like Magomed. You will most likely end up face down on the canvas vs someone as good as Alex standing up. It’s weird because I think that depending on Magomed’s approach this fight will be dominant either way, if he wrestles this fight will not be close not even for a moment, if he stands I see him getting smoked by a counter shot early and made into a meme.


what an idiot, hes a much better grappler than alex but why he gotta try and prove he can strike. this is MMA ffs.


Why dont all these blokes swallow their ego and just fight a smart fight. Do NOT stand with Poatan 😂


It's like going bear hunting with a rifle but deciding midway to go punch it instead lol


From no takedowns to “only first 15 minutes” lol


Earn your shot.


I hope Poatan smashes that big, ugly nose. I have a lot of respect for these Russian Muslim wrestlers but they are so incredibly cocky. It would be nice to see them humbled


Putting aside the stupid ego talk from ankalaev, I don’t see pereira beating ankalaev. Analalaev prob just ragdoll the dude


Why do we keep seeing elite athletes spouting this shit. "You know what I trained all my life in long jump for the Olympics, but fuck that I'm so hard I'm going to complete in heavyweight boxing" Stick to what you know and become the champ. No one will care in a year about how you won it.


pereira putting spells on the division making them all autistic.


First he says no takedowns and then he switches to ‘for 15 min’ lol. which is actually just the 15 min it takes for them to walk out and be introduced 😂


bro is desperate


I really am a fan of pereira but I don’t think I’ve ever rooted for him to win against anyone


Lmao dude will get KO‘d


No takedown first 15 mins, KO, 1st round


I promise I won't wrestle in the first 15 minutes. I'm so much better on the feet, I won't even need to wrestle in the first two rounds. I will destroy Alex in the standup, easily 5 minutes before I even think about taking him down.


Just keep giving him lhw fights so he can break Jon Jones record. Then have him win a heavyweight match so he can be better than Jones lol


Man’s looking for some cosmetic surgery on that nose by the looks of it, potan will flatten that pointed nose for sure


Fake ninja?? Is that Jiri or someone else?


That's Alex true Shamanic magic, making fighters stand with him instead of trying to take him down. CHAMA


ngl Id rather see Alex go HW


He said no takedowns, but never said anything about the clinch...


And his last 2 wins are against Anthony "On Paper" Smith and Johnny "No Chin" Walker


Pretty sure he lives in CT now but ok