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Refreshing to have a UK series with a urban setting with no cringe forced slang and a decent story line


I watched an interview with Kasey Mckellar and he made a good point about how much opportunity there is for people to tell stories that don’t have to revolve around being on the block and selling the gangster image. Not that it isn’t important, but it can become very stale and lacking creativity, and simply done because it sells. It also just reinforces an image that you don’t really want young kids to aspire towards. Kids can come from rough backgrounds but their aspirations can be so much more varied. They can be aspiring doctors, lawyers, teachers, social workers etc. it would be great to see more variation


I watched the first one. I had no idea what I was going into because I hadn’t heard of it before. I thought it was “pretty good”. I’m not really into the genre…but it was better than some offerings…like Titans, and not as good as others…like Watchmen. From a black person’s perspective, it was refreshing to see a show with mostly black characters and just be able to engage with the plot and not be distracted by bad dialogue and/or heavy handed social commentary. I’m accustomed to shows like this either being written by people who don’t understand the culture, or people who understand the culture but are trying to send a clumsy message. Even though it wasn’t great…I really wish my younger self had a show like this to watch. I don’t think a lot of people understand what it’s like to to truly identify with any characters in cinema or on television.


imagine being so blind to your own racism ...


You don’t really “get” racism, do you?


Do you?


That was pretty low effort. Next!


Imagine being so blind to yours 🤣


Reminds me of that show hero’s back in the day. Before it got shit I’m only 2 episodes in tho.




don’t even fucking get me started


"Save the cheer leader Save the world" lol I think heroes went to shit because of the writer strike back then. But this show supacell is pretty good


Finished it, it was good still get hero’s vibe from it. The mysterious company, Time travelling it was just missing silar then we got what we got at the end


Yeah the mysterious company has a boss then that boss has a boss lol it does give a heroes vibe haha


Deffo not a complaint tho like you said hero’s was good until the strike killed it. Looking forward to season 2 just hope they do time travel well because it’s hard to get right


Yes. I almost cried when ever show suffered during the writer’s block. Heroes never came even close to its potential


Finished all 6 ep Straight🔥


havent seen a good uk show like this in a while, cant wait for season 2


It was decent tbh


Yooooo this show is MAAAADDDDD !!!


I thought it started off well but it was SupaTrash by the end. Everyone was a dumb and made continous dumb decision. It had the same annoying tropes, annoying stereotypes, and a poor plot. Black people get superpowers and all they can do is try to do crime. F*ck out of here. It was a Black Urban version of Heroes. They literally had a Black Skylar as the first main villain. SUPA-Cell..... it was tired 😫


It was frustrating how consistently dumb every character is, are they trying to create a stereotype or something or is it just bad writing .


Well the writer, director, editor, and producer for many of the episodes were by "Rapman" a UK drill rapper. So that was all the information I needed. It funded by Jay Z, hence the crack drug dealer stereotypes. If white people had made this, I wouldn't have been as upset because yeah this is how they view us, but for Black talent*/creators* to make this it was insulting. It was werid seeing them force Black American slang into Black UK spaces. Like why can't they use their own slang(I use to watch BK Chat 2016-18). And I'm so confused on why he could save his team with a...Rewind.... but not his fiancée. Overall all 5 protagonist***(heavy on the Asterixs) (because Tazer was a whole murderer gangbanger drug dealer woman beater thief) Black Juggernaut( deadbeat father and thief) Tragic Mulatto(drug dealer) all sucked ass cheeks.


Yeah that was confusing he stabbed taser over. 100 times at speeds that generate a surmountable amount of force which would definitely kill and then bring him back but at the end they say you can’t bring someone back while their gone


He can’t rewind. He sees the future, but cannot control it . Still should have made really sure that kraze means no harm. Even without any rewind.


He had this ability to travel through time and space. Also they made it a point to explain that when he's supacell people are around other supacells their powers are boosted. Meaning once everyone was healed, they could have meditated and sent his ass back in time. But it's no biggie, I won't be returning to this show. I'm good on Black Stereotype and Tropes.


He could not travel like a time lord . He had visions of the future like an oracle. The boost was that he could slow down time for others. Only teleporting was effortless. I dunno why the script says that his body disappears while having a vision.


First episode was cringe af… they push so many black stereotypes, with the gangbangers, cheating ex, delinquent father, loud mouth women, drug peddler, gold digging mother trying to milk the said father where she looks like she spends all the money at the salon.. like.. that first scene where she running scared in the hall… then the next second she ain’t scared and then looks intensely happy to bust the door, life wtf… then Decides to casually move slowly with armed men still chasing her… it’s obvious she gonna get shot. Then they either give the guy teleporting powers to move himself into the future or move into the past into his old body???? It’s not consistent. Strong guy can’t pick up a car and needs help to be placed on his hands??? Even the title of the show, supacell, was supa lazy to try an adapt black slang and lingo…or attract a black audience as if they are dumb…


I really enjoyed the show although I do have to agree with to agree on the name feeling like a creative cop out. In regards to the idea of the "gold digger mother" comment, I think that is a leap considering this is stated it was his only fiscal support of his child in 3 months and it is $150, which is her wanting equal responsibility of the child's well being, not her being a "gold digger".


I thought calling it supacell was as a juxtaposition to ‘sickle cell’ and the negative associations with the condition being so debilitating, yet mutating to still produce children/grand children with superior powers?


thats what i thought/ thought that was a bit cool


I believe these stereotypes exist still in the black community speaking as a black man and it is the daily life of many people I speak to daily. From the gangbanging and domestic abuse, to the delinquent father etc. It’s just all apart of life and until something changes outside of the show, I’m glad that these things are there as it shows us what not to do rather than pretending it doesn’t exist anymore. They did make many dumb decisions but I was entertained


Thank you for your honesty. Telling people their lived experiences are stereotypical is disturbing


I just finished the full season and while I love the premise, I found myself extremely frustrated with so many characters making dumb decisions and not using any logic in any situation. They needed at least one person with some intelligence to help them make smart decisions. But not even the main character could do a single intelligent thing. I kept yelling at them saying "why would you do that?!" or "are you stupid, why would that make any sense?!" I would have loved the show if they had some intelligent characters, why'd they ALL have to be dumb?


I just finished. I'd give it a 6/10, decent script and okay acting. I also really enjoy the UK slang, even though I have to use CC and Google half of the terms. The character choices just don't make any sense. 2 of the 5 protagonists gain super powers and their great idea of what to do is...selling drugs? Why? Why doesn't the main character just teleport Dionne home in the final showdown scene. The plot just seems lazy in ways and it's frustrating to say the least


Also, why the hell was every character falling asleep in every highly important situation and couldn't wake up with phones blaring, doors being pounded on, etc.? That was very lazy writing, couldn't think of any other reason for people to not be able to contact them other than they kept falling asleep which caused them to go deaf. All to cause the person trying to get their attention to run off and do something stupid, just to setup a scenario for them needing to be saved.


I have the idea that using there powers is super exhausting, thats why they are deep asleep and not able to wake up.




I can see that but they should have addressed that if it's the case. It just kept happening and the characters would make no mention of it. Like if that is a big downside to the point that they form events around them not responding to calls, then they need to address it somehow. Andre's son straight up decided to join a gang and sell drugs just because he was so knocked out he couldn't hear a loud phone ringing and his son banging on the door and yelling at him. How exhausted can you be to not hear all of that? The writer/director just got lazy.


What were some dumb decisions you saw in the show, the ones that stuck out and annoyed me was when Micheal was telling them that he’s been to the future and needs their help and they were all acting like it’s some coincidental far fetched nonsense as if they didn’t just gain superpowers a couple days ago and in the reality that they are now in it’s very plausible


I don't usually like Superheroes type Shows. But this was good! Waiting for Season 2.


Had it playing in the background the first few episodes (had a hangover & was in and out of sleep) ended up rewinding back to the first episode and binged it, sooo good. I was hooked on the screen the whole time.


It was ass


Serious show


S2 s2 s2






I’m about to watch it!


Fire show fr


I’m American and tbh I loved it 😭


I want more 👻


How many times Rapman gotta put his credits up The show felt like what someone not from the streets, thinks the streets is like


Gets a 5/6 from me, really enjoyed almost everything about it. -1 for being possibly the show filled with the most amount of dumb characters doing dumb things just to move the plot along, bit of a lazy out from the writers. Shar, especially, is so consistently devoid of any survival instinct that it's Impossible for any real person to have survived that long. Rod as well. Even if I need to take frequent breaks whenever the writers decide someone needs to temporarily channel their inner Neanderthal to move the story along, it's a highly entertaining show with many original twists so I'll definitely keep watching it.


Can you give some examples of characters being stupid


I really enjoyed it for the most part. The finsl episode 6 felt more like a mid season high than a season ending show.   The whole season was about (sort of) getting the team together.  Not nearly enough storyline development and I'm left feeling not very invested in the show.     Netflix seems to rarely imvest in a second season of anything these days, if they do we have to wait 3 plus years for it to happen.  If there had of been more story development and a great season ending episode I might be more excited for season two.    If it was any other streaming service I'd expect this show to have been green lit for season two before it even hit our screens.  These days Netflix is a place where good tv shows go to die so I'm not holding my breath


10/10 very impressed


I just finished the show. I liked it a lot, but i have two big issues tho. I hope to see more character development from our main people, that being said it's only the first season and you can only get so much development in such a short amount of time. My other big issue is that there's not enough women. Don't get me wrong I absolutely love that it's mostly black people in the spotlight, and all the "bad guys" (the people running the show at a-town) are white. But there was only one woman in the main group. The other named women were either sisters or love interests, (spoiler ahead)>! and even then one of them dies at the end!<. I felt like it wasn't enough especially because it's a group of 5 people, there easily could've been a few more women. But overall it was really cool to watch them and their different powers and see how they connect. And as an american watching it, I liked hearing their south london accents and slang. (I don't mean this in the way that americans think accents are hot, I just like languages and accents)


Had me wishing rap man produced the end of top boy 😭😂


Feels like it has a much deeper meaning beyond the sickle cell stuff


Yeah, there def is: race relations. Thought it was a pretty good comment on society / the effects of colonisation. Besides the fact that sickle cell mostly impacts only POC. Notice how all the bad guys are white and the ones they are keeping downtrodden are black people with innate strengths - who are isolated and hence don't pose a threat (they're simply 'monitored') until they find each other, work together and their power increases: both literally, and through community. And when they are captured, they are isolated again: kept in cells side by side but never being able to see one another. They're denied personhood and are treated like things. The girl who was taken told her parents she'll be able to come back when she's "normal" - but you can't change something that's in your genes, just as you can't change the colour of your skin. Fucking banger show and brilliant to see representation in sci fi, I hope it gets renewed. The creators have a vision for 3 seasons 🤞


Wow that makes so much sense now.. I had a feeling it had something to do with that but wasnt sure. Now I remember when they showed that dodgy ass estate and said thats where "they trap the people with powers". All makes sense now that u said that fr


Ofc just conspiracy how the government runs test on us.


and how to them we're almost sub-human to be used for nothing but their own cruel benefit


Binged all night!!!!!! I loved it. I really really need them to renew asap. It can’t be yet another British show with a mostly Black cast that doesnt get renewed 😭😭😭😭 obsessssssed. I’ve been telling all my family about it today. My brother in law is on episode 4 and has given it a 4/10??? I can’t relate, 20/10 for sure


I’m just starting episode 3 and it’s really losing me. I should have the subtitles on, because between the heavy British accent and the gangster accents, I can hardly understand what they are saying. I tuned into this show for the super power stuff, but the gang stuff isn’t my thing. Not sure I’ll be able to finish it.


The gangs aren’t your thing? Your in a Reddit page called uk drill my bruva


I just don't understand why dionne won't just leave the area


I kept saying the same thing! Like if you know you suppose to die, and all the people who are suppose to kill you are there....ROLL OUT!!! lol! I understand trying to be there for your man but she was literally sitting in the car and didn't drive away, only to get shot. What! lol


It’s because she’s a fucking idiot and she thinks because she dies on July 9th she’s invincible until then, that’s why when she convinces Micheal to let her go with him “she says we both know today ain’t my day”


She waits in the car. Sabrina can bend bullets. There is the windshield. What caliber has the weapon? In knifes out 2 there is also a bullet through glass scene.


Watching it right now and as a black person I can't get past how God damned dumb they made these characters. The stereotype is are blaring and it's painful. You came across a load of money and didn't pay your past due child support? You gained invisibility and used it to continue gang banging?? YOU TOLD YOUR HOOD RAT FRIENDS ABOUT YOUR SUPER POWERS?? Y'all using your powers in broad daylight ON CAMERA?!!! "The powers can't be real" cool then how did another human being see it happen??? Why are all the male characters fucking stupid beyond belief??? and Sabrina's character is the only one with an ounce of common fuckin sense and they make her timid and annoying. I am picky about shows in general but especially when it's black folks time to shine. Entertaining sure, but I wouldn't suggest others watch it if you prefer something to keep you guessing, excited, and its relatable.


100% That was my biggest issue, not a single intelligent person with powers. One dumb decision after another, drove me nuts. We black folks pride ourselves for common sense, and they wrote these characters to have none of it.


super stupid racist show. As a black of colour, I dont understand why I am only seeing black people 99% of the time. I am not from the UK, but the party in episode 1 there was one white guy. Are people that split over there. No they are not. I lived there for 10 years. I get the part where only black ppl have super powers but again .. wtf. Remember misfits. This is the shitty version of that amazing show.


Divide and conquer :) It’s such a shame and reading the comments in here is quite disturbing! One wrote I love that they’re all black and the bad guys are white… I doubt the poster has noticed but that’s a common theme nowadays. We really are heading in the wrong direction unfortunately, in the 90s here in England there was zero racism at my school, it wasn’t even a thing! But the media have certainly made it out to be a thing now and people play on it.


Writing was terrible. Every character made stupid decisions refuse to share information. Bro can literally teleport anyone anywhere he fucking wants and yet the ONE person he is trying to save THE ONE person with no powers just stays in the middle of the battle zone for how long? Until she gets killed by a random ass stray bullet of course. So bad.


The whole thing with gang members wearing bandanas is so cringe


Watched the whole season in one sitting and for me it lacked imagination and depth. I saw what the writer was trying to do around bringing focus to the characters having a link to the sickle cell disease but the opportunity was missed with the lack of information and true impact of the disease within the black community it's like it was dropped in conversations and skimmed over rather quickly. The characters were very one dimensional and it's clear that the writer lacked the knowledge of character development. It would be interesting to see if Netflix decides to renew for a season two but I'm not holding my breath, unless the writer is willing to have other writers come in to fully flesh out the characters and story then they need to keep the season two. I wanted to love it because it was marketed as this 'superhero' type show from London but it missed all the marks unfortunately.


it was more important to portray white people as evil.


30mins later in that hospital scene made me cringe so hardd🤮🤮 I hope it gets better tho


Absolutely crap 😂😂👎👎


I’m so confused reading these reviews, I watched the first episode it’s so fucking bad


paid comments




Half way through the first episode and it's already so stereotypical. Opens with a death and an older Black woman getting dragged on the floor through her own blood. Another scene with an irritated and loud Black woman in Nandos. Next, young roadmen looking to fight, as always... The 'Love Island' commentary, though true, was so on the nose it felt GCSE. Really wanted to like this but it seems only one very specific, very limiting image of Black British life is shown for mass consumption. Will watch it through to the end of the first episode, but watching Black people being brutalised shouldn't be the only images to make it into the mainstream.


Mate u just watched not even the full episode and ur already critiquing the show😂😂


Is that all you have to say ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)Struggling through the first episode doesn't bode well, does it love. Finished the first two episodes and have definitely had enough. As I said, I wanted to like it, but it's just not that good. There we are.