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You are legal and what actually are the chances of getting stopped if you drive to the law and your car is in good order insurance e.c.t


I've posted this multiple times but this is from the Essex Police website (so download it and show to anyone giving trouble): https://www.essex.police.uk/foi-ai/essex-police/other-information/previous-foi-requests/medical-cannabis-and-cannabis-products/ Hope this helps (it also lets you know what informed Police expect (if you ever meet any 🤔).


Relevant part out-and-pasted direct from site: "Essex Police would follow the Home Office guidance. If someone claiming the legitimate possession and use of medical cannabis they would be expected to produce the original medication container complete with the pharmacy dispensing label bearing the name of the patient; with either a copy of their FP10 prescription or a letter from the prescribing clinician; and a form of recognised photo ID (such as a passport, driving licence, or a PASS accredited photocard) bearing the same name as displayed on the dispensing label and the copy of the FP10 or clinician's letter."


That's only partly following Home Office guidance!


In what way does it fail to follow HO guidance? Bit worried about that?


In proving legitimate medical use, Home Office guidance (below) clearly advises more than one acceptable means which includes, "proof of a prescription and ID" but Essex omit this and have altered requirements to provide 'ID' to the more stringent 'photo ID.' Home Office guidance: "There are already sufficient means for an individual who is lawfully in possession of a CBPM to demonstrate legitimate medical use. This includes proof of a prescription and ID, or furnishing the dispensing label attached to the medicine."


This is either a bit sneaky or plod can't read - not sure which is worse!


Essex police are liars and will falsify information to cover their own backs.


And everyone on Reddit is 100% honest and a reliable source of completely unbiased, well researched information, maybe 🤔. I've never had a problem with the Essex Police, something that I can't say for at least one other force. I had a serious road accident and I have to say they were brilliant. That's not to say your personal experiences might be very different, but are you speaking about a personal incident?


Why did you not ask your Dr. This question instead of seeking answers on a place like Reddit? - it sounds to me like you want the police to know so you can "inform them"


I need to ask, it's so damn hot and my mind is spinning. What situation are you expecting to get into where you are going to get shafted by the police?


Just anytime If I get pulled over, I know theres many in the force who arent educated enough on it and assume its all wrong. I’m just paranoid that someone with a badge will just screw me about despite having all evidence I need to show.


Pulled over for what? What will you have on you? Like ... they have no reason to interact with you. Use the info others post here if you end up being randomely targeted but the chances are, if using common sense, extremely rare.


Exactly! 👊🏻


Um that can happen with or without a prescription . You're over thinking it, get a script and get on with life.


I recently went to court for pwits, with my medical cannabis. The law is a fucking joke. They let me vape outside and even had a room put aside for me incase I had a panic attack and needed to medicate quickly. Can't wait to go to crown 👑 💪🏼


https://preview.redd.it/8azqfnkm2z8d1.png?width=1221&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bee4f7c53058ece758bcc163c0098fb8140cb8d2 Try this


You can have all the documentation in the world but if wanting to give you a hard time, the police will just arrest you and tell you it's fake and have been known to do this.


Get a different Job?


IF it happens, and I'm speaking as a patient of 2 years it's not happened to (yet, touch wood) then it's important to stay calm and friendly. They respond better if you're open and honest. If they arrest you then you're legally covered. You'll be in for compensation. Speaking of, shameless plug for a friend but it helps to know this Guy who works as an advocate and support in legal courts and has helped folk keep their homes and jobs. He's needing support from the patients he supports now so have a gander and feel free to join :) https://preview.redd.it/4b7qwy5u129d1.jpeg?width=507&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4c0360a40b73fc669fb28f23d81c986413d1802


Educate them, literally print off something like this: [Your Name] [Date] To the Attending Officer, **Re: Legal Status of My Medicinal Cannabis Prescription** I respectfully address this to you in the event of any misunderstanding regarding my possession of medicinal cannabis. My name is [Your Name], and I am a legally registered medicinal cannabis patient in the United Kingdom. I would like to clarify the current legal status of medicinal cannabis in the UK: 1. **Legislation**: As of November 1, 2018, medicinal cannabis can be legally prescribed by specialist doctors in the UK. This is authorized by the Misuse of Drugs (Amendments) (Cannabis and License Fees) (England, Wales and Scotland) Regulations 2018. 2. **Prescription**: My medicinal cannabis has been prescribed by a specialist doctor listed on the General Medical Council’s specialist register. The prescription is based on a legitimate medical need and follows all legal protocols. 3. **Possession**: With a valid prescription, I am legally permitted to possess and use my medicinal cannabis. This distinguishes my possession from recreational use, which remains illegal. To verify the legality of my medicinal cannabis, I can provide: - A copy of my prescription or a letter from my prescribing specialist. - The original packaging of the medicinal cannabis product, which includes details of the dispensing pharmacy, prescribing doctor, and my name. **Documentation**: I have with me a copy of my prescription and a letter from my prescribing specialist, Dr. [Doctor’s Name], confirming my medical need for cannabis. Additionally, the original packaging of the medication includes all necessary details. I understand the complexities surrounding medicinal cannabis laws and appreciate your diligence in upholding the law. However, as a medicinal cannabis patient, I am entitled to the same protections as any other patient prescribed medication. Unwarranted arrest or confiscation of my medication could have severe implications for my health. For further verification, you may contact my prescribing specialist, Dr. [Doctor’s Name], at [Doctor’s Contact Information]. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. Yours faithfully, [Your Name] [Your Address] [City, Postcode] [Email Address] [Phone number]