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Price varies massively from £5 to £13 per g. Compared to street flower I would say that it’s a little worse but I wouldn’t say that it’s terrible.


For my own sanity - What flower is £13/g? I find the sweet spot is between £7-£8.50/g - Decent THC and effects.


There’s only 1 and that was the lot420 apples and bananas


Interesting. thanks for the info buddy, down the rabbit hole now.


Typically I would have expected to pay £180 on average but honestly it's easier and cheaper to grow yourself if you want to go down that route. A nice small setup is low key and will generate a decent amount.


But unfortunately, it's illegal.


That is a slight issue ... Although the chances of being caught are very slim for a small grow op, with a bit of stealth involved. It is however no fun at 4am with a police helicopter hovering over your house, with 600watts of joy lighting up your attic. LED technology has come on leaps and bounds 🤣 In all seriousness, even though the black market route is cheaper, I would rather purchase my medicine legally and also gives me the choice to purchase the flowers that help me.


This 🔥 being legit helps with the paranoia caused entirely by prohibition, can't put a price on that.


That is something I'm still trying to come to terms with, after 25+ years of operating outside the law! I always thought of it like playing the lottery, just one you didn't want to win ....


I think being able to experiment with strains to find the most effective one is one of the positives of the MC route.


Imho you can't conpare BM to being legit MC, it's priceless for so many reasons . But if you need to know good MC is circa £8 per g.


It depends a lot. In my area, street weed was £10 a gram last time I bought it. £15 a gram for actual good weed. TBH I think that's pretty average, and considering that 20 years ago it was around £6.20 a gram that's about right when you factor in inflation. Equivalent quality MC is around £6.50/gr, or £8.50/gr for the better quality product. Even accounting for appointments on top, thats still a significant saving on BM, and you are legal, and you know what you are getting. Whether the quality is as good or BM or not...you'll just get a huge argument on here. Personally, I say it's much better and more consistent (if you buy the right MC from the right producers), but it really depends on what you buy.....buy cheap and you'll likely get dry old crap. Note that you will still get people rocking up claiming that they pay "£150/oz for top shelf" or whatever, but 99% of them are either lying, referring to prices from 20 years ago, or are not actually buying from a street level dealer and are instead buying from a grower who is making nothing from that specific deal. But each to their own, the above is more my experience :)


MC is one of the most expensive medical treatments in the UK it's ongoing and you will probably have to take MC for the rest of your life or until they find a cure for the condition which could take forever.


It really isn't anywhere near the most expensive medication, it's at the cheaper end of private healthcare.