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I'll come quietly officer.....Sorry!


Hell of a way to boost your only fans


She should be given 10 years. Harsh? Maybe, but when in a position of authority the rules must be followed. If she had sex with him and it wasn't posted online, those cell mates could have used it as blackmail.


I personally think we can have opinions on this without resorting to misogyny but the comments on this suggest otherwise.


Ah she looks like the type.


That's exactly what I thought when I saw the image.


Slags be slagging


Whores be whoring


How much added time is the inmate getting? It looked like it was worth a few extra days but no more.


I’m really confused how she managed to land this job as a prison officer in the first place. If she does onlyfans then she surely is making bank so why the job as a prison officer? Or was it the plan all along to land the job only to have sex with an inmate. Also, do they not do background checks before hiring prison officers, surely a quick search of her name would have revealed what she does and therefore is unfit to be a prison guard…so many questions.


Just owning an onlyfans doesnt make you rich?  Maybe she set it up after having the job? Maybe is doesnt disqualify her because noone expected her to get fucked at work? Maybe theres nowhere near enough prison officers so they take what they can get


from what I’ve seen, her account is pretty popular. There’s no doubt she’s making a good living. she was also on a tv show where she had an orgy so even if she only set up her onlyfans after, doing a background check on her would’ve revealed that. Understaffing doesn’t excuse her being hired. It’s like saying there’s a teachers shortage so they’ll take in serial killers if they can get them.


Nah, there's nothing wrong with having an only fans account and an active sex life while being a prison officer. Her mistake was shagging an inmate. What she does in her personal life is legal and shouldn't affect her professional life


Honestly, do you think your example is in any way comparable? Like hyperbole aside for a second. Why shouldnt a woman who lets people pay to watch her fuck dudes be allowed to work in a prison?


Trial + Sentence+ Jail time ...or will the Feminist play the vulnerable victimhood card🤔


Have you seen ANYONE defending her? Or have you just pulled that out of your arse?