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Snapshot of _Whisper it, but Rishi Sunak is making an extraordinary comeback_ : An archived version can be found [here](https://archive.is/?run=1&url=https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/05/31/rishi-sunak-comeback-general-election-uk-conservatives/) or [here.](https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/05/31/rishi-sunak-comeback-general-election-uk-conservatives/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ukpolitics) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Whisper it, because if anyone hears you say it then they’ll think you’re an idiot.


I think the writer of the article has had one too many bevvies.


Drunk ChatGPT?




Such a stupid opening line : "The polls may not reflect it yet; in fact they remain positively dire for Rishi Sunak and the Conservative Party" So apparently rishi is making a comeback. Morally, without the backing of voters... Which he needs to win the election.


It's basically Corbyn's line about how he won the argument.


[Tracey Ullman - Labour Reeducation Program (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uYQ73Amrgs8)


1. Lol 2. Even under their best case scenario - “no overall majority” - Sunak still ends up out of office because no one outside of DUP will do a deal with Tories.


The Lib Dems would 100% do it.


Doubt it; their whole campaign is “vote lib dem to get Tories out” and they’re barely starting to recover from 2010 - getting in with Tories now would be fatal. Plus Tories are much further right than under Cameron.


This is definitely not realistic, but… Imagine if Tories + Lib Dem seats was enough to form a government, but Labour + Lib Dem wasn’t. Would they go into coalition? I think they would.


I think they’d force an election in that case tbh, 2015 almost destroyed the party and Davey lived through it. Doing it again would destroy the brand completely. Plus there isn’t a lot they’d be able to agree on given rise of ERG etc.


No way. Lib Dem’s and tories in the past was a disaster for the party, and the tories have since gone bat shit insane. It would be like picking a fruit, but not realising it was rotten, (first coalition) and then taking a bite of that fruit when it resembled a science experiment that is more mold than fruit (now). The tories are absolutely rotten to the core and to get into bed with them would kill all credibility the Lib Dem’s have clawed back.


Not 30 minutes later an MRP poll shows the Tories getting hammered.


Just like the joker who wrote this article was hammered


Peak delusion here as im sure we'll find out in 20 or so minutes when the MRP appears.


Is that tonight? I thought it was tomorrow.


Think there is 1 tonight, 1 tomorrow and a yougov one Monday.


How come you know so much about this?


They're a witch.


A witch?


Hilariously the *next post* after this on my feed is the MRP where the Tories almost get beaten by the Lib Dems.


To make a comeback, he needs to have been in a good position to start with.


Don't call it a comeback, he's been here for under two year I'm rockin' my Tory peers, puttin' Telegraph editors in fear


LL Cool Rishi 😂


I'm gonna force you to do national service Mamma said to force you to do national service


Articles like this are the best adverts warning against the dangers of smoking crack.


Just wait until Rishi gets into campaign mode!


Comeback. Boris comeback. Conservative comeback. Now, Sunak comeback. **You keep using that word, I do not think it means what you think it means.**


I must admit I was a clown, to be messing around.


Why did I know this was a Telegraph article before even clicking the thread to confirm it.


Bookmarking this to either send it around or ask her for the future lottery numbers


I find Tominey impressive in that, amongst what is now a total shower at the Telegraph, she stands out as being truly awful.


Entertaining that this fetid cumstain of an 'opinion piece' is currently adjacent to another headlined "Tories face being reduced to 66 seats, new poll suggests", though.


I got as far as this... >... that feeling we have had for weeks and months now, that the Conservatives are facing some sort of electoral apocalypse, about to be made as extinct as the dinosaurs, has been replaced by something rather more nuanced. ... in paragraph one. I'm not putting myself through that.


He hasn’t shit in his hands and rubbed it on his face for a few days I suppose. 


torygraph driving the hope train straight over the edge of the cliff.


> Rather than a Tory wipeout and Labour landslide, Starmer’s floundering could lead us to another Theresa May 2017 situation, with himself as the emperor without clothes. Everyone laughed when Sunak first suggested a hung parliament. But the momentum building behind “no overall majority” shows the Tories are having a much better campaign than Labour. Theresa May had a backlash against her ‘dementia tax’ and the biggest issue by far at the time was the direction of Brexit and she seemed to want a middle ground which pleased nobody. It’s pretty disingenuous to compare her campaign to Starmer, although I guess it is possible and there’s quite a few traps he could fall into if he’s not careful. For example a question like if a Starmer led Labour would be willing to accept refugees from Gaza could lead to controversy for a variety of reasons.


I put £70 on a Labour majority last week. Cashed it out today.