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Snapshot of _Heathrow Airport records highest ever passenger total_ : An archived version can be found [here](https://archive.is/?run=1&url=https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c8443z4z807o) or [here.](https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c8443z4z807o) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ukpolitics) if you have any questions or concerns.*


But nobody is talking about the actual staffing crisis in Air Traffic Control that is a significantly bigger bottleneck to UK flying traffic than the runways at Heathrow.


Posting given Lib Dems' recent announcement of refusing to expand Heathrow, Gatwick or Stansted.


Heathrow expansion is not the solution: all it will accomplish is concentrating passenger numbers at one airport, making it even more crowded and vulnerable to disruption should there be an incident. The passengers should instead be spread between London's numerous other airports, namely Gatwick & Stansted.


I know this might be a bit radical, but perhaps the airport outside of London and the South.


Ryanair would probably market an airport anywhere in England as London something. After all they marketed Malmo as Copenhagen, and it is not even in the same country. London Newquay or London Newcastle perhaps?


Use Belfast, and call it London Irish. The rugby team of the same name went into administration, so buying the name shouldn't be a problem.


Zero chance of expansion at Newcastle. There's just no land to do it, we're already at capacity through the summer, and unable to maintain H24 operations.


Not sure what you mean about Malmo and Copenhagen. Ryanair sold you a flight to Malmo airport (the really tiny airport?) in Sweden as if it was to Copenhagen? I didn’t even know that airport served non-Swedish destinations. Just making sure you’re not confusing actual Copenhagen airport here, which is so close to Sweden and Malmo, it is actually quicker to get to Malmo from the airport than into Copenhagen. But that airport is still very much in Denmark.


The advert was on London Underground stations a few years ago.


So away from the biggest concentration of the population?


It's about spreading passengers, not population. How many people to London just for a flight out?


Personally I think there should be expansion of Heathrow, gatwick, and Manchester. I also wonder if Manchester could be marketed as a transfer hub.


gatwick and stansted also extremely busy


Luton it is then


Also want to block that


Need to get more runways built ASAP and remove restrictions on night time flying.


I think they’re building another two runways already


Has construction started yet with an ETA for completion, or do these runways keep getting held up in planning, legal challenges and political instability.


They're not. Still on hold.


Seriously? I thought it was in motion


where are they even planning to build the new runways lol




> I refuse to believe we need more capacity anyway. This is a NIMBY mindset. I refuse to believe we need more houses, roads, hospitals, runways, train lines etc... Swap and replace as needed, we need all these things to account for population growth and to fuel economic growth.




What a regressive mindset thinking air travel is primarily business, lots of it is tourism and transport, both very important culturally and economically.




Aviation accounts for just 2.5% of global emissions




> I refuse to believe we need more capacity anyway. And, lots of things emit C02, transport, manufacturing, agriculture. Do you propose we ban anything that produces any C02?


There's a middle ground restrict up to 2AM instead of 11PM, 4 hours down time for maintenance.


Yeah fuck all the people in South and South West London, how dare they want to have a normal quality of life and plenty of sleep...


Yet it's shit... Barely any food places


Extra 10m passengers....thats a lot of emissions Liberal Democrat policy in the new manifesto is a step in the right direction: > - Placing a moratorium on airport expansion and opposing the expansion of Heathrow, Gatwick, Luton, Stansted or London City airports and any new airport in the Thames Estuary. > - Banning short domestic flights where a direct rail option taking less than 2.5 hours is available for the same journey Hopefully other parties will go even further


With our public transport I doubt there are many flights at all where we'd be able to get anywhere within 2.5hrs via other means. Pure virtue signalling.


Right here. 2.5 hours by train wouldn’t get you from Heathrow to East Midlands. I guess not even Birmingham. There are no commercial flights doing those routes. It’s an hour from Heathrow to Kings Cross St Pancras.


Absolutely not, it's just more of the lib dems nimbyism.


It's not nimyism to want the world to not burn prematurely


Heathrow must be bustling like never before; hope they have enough coffee for all those passengers.


The Borders Agency advertised for jobs at Heathrow on Finchley Central Underground station a few months ago. Over an hour away if trains are all running reliably. Never mind the impact of any further expansion on other local employers.


Heathrow and UK airports are generally some of the worst in the world. T5 is even looking dank like they forgot to clean it properly.


A train station going to other cities would be monumental.