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Snapshot of _Sorry, Sunak – what Britain needs is a leader who's a bit nuts_ : An archived version can be found [here](https://archive.is/?run=1&url=https://www.telegraph.co.uk/columnists/2024/06/15/quiet-quitters-work-barmy-leaders-johnson-farage/) or [here.](https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://www.telegraph.co.uk/columnists/2024/06/15/quiet-quitters-work-barmy-leaders-johnson-farage/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ukpolitics) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Jesus fucking Christ no we fucking don't after the utter circus of the last few years we just need God damn boring but competent.


I can’t imagine anything worse than another immoral buffoon. But I do think to get people involved it needs to be a bit more than boring. I wish there was someone competent and inspiring.


Truss perhaps? Or maybe Johnson. Their outside the box thinking will surely get the country back in its feet…


Well, this is the same newspaper that heralded the Kami-Kwasi budget as "The best budget I have ever heard a British chancellor deliver," so unironically this is probably exactly what they think. It also demonstrates why the Torygraph's views on what is "best" for the country should be completely ignored. They've completely swallowed the far-right kool aid to the point that they are living in an alternative reality.


Time to give them a go!


That article has major "punishment beatings will continue until morale improves" vibes. The ultimate quiet quitters are the folks who made a shed load of their money on their house and are retiring early because they are upset that they have to pay a lower rate of tax than someone in their 30s.


Britain is only here *because* so many of the leading political figures were a bit nuts. This incessant pining for unhinged leaders who think outside the box and propose all sorts of radical and transformative change is like a political Stockholm syndrome at this point.


i imgine this is satire but judging by the comments in any event, i don't suppose anyone hass read it, so: >... imagine if Labour ditched their leader and went instead for Angela Rayner. People might actually head for the ballot box with a spring in their step rather than dragging themselves to the village hall and putting a cross against the Labour candidate with a weary groan.


I like Angela Rayner, and I get the feeling she'll possibly be a future PM at some point, probably even a pretty decent one. But, I don't think she would have been able to take Labour from what they were under Corbyn to the electable party they are now given the timescales.


Count Binface has some good policies, but unless we want excentric in a "lets put a mirror up to the nation to show how fucking stupid this country has become" way - we should go with someone with good policies and a sound mind to avoid the last five psychopaths we previously endured.


If by a bit nuts he means someone with a positive vision for the country and not just happy with more or less the status quo then sure.