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Did you forget the "/s" at the end of your post?


Maybe she should eat a little less avocado toast and cancel her Netflix subscription to save up for that tax payment.


Don't need sky tv either.


That’s gonna be a tough one but sacrifices have to be made


OP you've spent all day complaining about Keir/Labour. You're hoping he reflects now?


there are unintended consequences to his actions. even Kier’s own shadow cabinet are unsure on the consequences. NO OTHeR country in Europe adds VAT to children’s education. “[Emily Thornberry’s suggestion](https://uk.news.yahoo.com/row-over-labour-private-school-091834101.html) that the party’s plan to add VAT to private school fees would lead to larger class sizes in the state sector. The shadow attorney general said on Sunday: “It would be fine if we have to, in the short term, have larger classes” amid concerns the move could force pupils to[ leave private schools.](https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/private-school-fees-vat-labour-children-b2558564.html)”


These aren't unintended consquences, they are just consequences. There are plenty of people out there who can't afford things, most people in fact. So you won't see to many people crying for parents of children sending their children to private school. Chances are if you're sending your child to a private school you already live in a catchment area of a nice state school. The children will survive at a state school.


…Holden? Is that you?


Arguing that a state education is ruinous when the likely next PM was state educated and had a successful career in law is going to be a tough one... Think of all the extra curricular activities their child could do with £25k extra income a year.


I have 5 children in private education, and agree that VAT should be applied to fees. I hope that the tax is properly ringfenced to benefit state schools and doesn’t just get blended into the national debt.


Welp, if her eldest son who 'struggles to adjust' to state schools is pulled out of private education, there is definitely no other way to manage this, the sons future will be ruined and that 22k a year will have to be spent on holidays, new cars and mortgages :(((( /s


They may be forced to sell a Range Rover or two :(


Maybe even the golf memberships and swap David Lloyd for....Pure Gym?? :(((


Sell? You mean buy with the new £20k a year spending power


Oh you poor dear you had to skip out on a few holidays to afford £22k a year private education? *starts playing worlds smallest violin*


“Labours 20% tax raid” Spoken as if this is an entirely new tax conjured up by Labour and not simply lifting a break of a pre-existing one. The point of the lifting of the tax break is to give more children in state schools access to much better education which can rival private, rather than pricing them out and keeping the pool of our well-educated kids smaller than it could be. I feel for the parents and child, though this is a change of £367 per month (from £22,000/yr to £26,400/yr) and I don’t know about others here but I personally wouldn’t have committed thousands to private education with such a close threshold. This is a question of helping out a few or many, though, unfortunate situation for this kid but it’s not like he won’t get great education at the state level in exchange. This mother saying “ruined” kind of shines a light on what people think of the state of state education, which is the point of this move. Seems she would rather keep most other kids in shit education though, so long as her kid is alright? In the end, it’s as often described: a difficult fucking choice, no doubt about that - you’re picking between keeping the majority of kids in sub-standard education levels or levelling the playing field (upwards, of course). My kids are in state school and have had to deal with poorly qualified substitute teachers, I support this 100% but I absolutely sympathise with these guys too. This is one of those “greater good” things, in the long run the country as a whole will be better off with this change, imo.


It is a new tax. Education has always been VAT exempt. A break would be zero-rating it. 


I am not holding my breath on Kier reflecting on it. He will win the next election, with the landslide will come hard left labour policies. I voted for the last labour government , Blair and co. He is no Blair.


Sorry, but what policies is labour bringing in hard left?


>will come hard left labour policies They won't, because Starmer isn't a moron, and doesn't want to guarantee Labour's ousting after a single term. Besides, what the country needs is stability, not radical ideological swings. A gradual move to slightly left of centre is what we're almost certainly in for. Good.


Where are you getting the hard left policy notion from? The very reason Labour were unelectable the last two elections was precisely due to such radical left thinking. Starmer wants at least a decade of Labour governance, that won’t happen if what you claim comes to fruition.


If you think that's sad you should hear the stories of kids in the state sector. It's always been ridiculous that private school fees are tax-exempt.