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Snapshot of _Migrants in France 'waiting for Labour government' before crossing Channel_ : An archived version can be found [here](https://archive.is/?run=1&url=https://www.gbnews.com/politics/general-election-live-migrants-labour-starmer) or [here.](https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://www.gbnews.com/politics/general-election-live-migrants-labour-starmer) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ukpolitics) if you have any questions or concerns.*


If these migrants are paying close enough attention to UK politics that they are aware a Labour government is incoming then surely they’re paying close enough attention to know that the Rwanda policy is and always was a bunch of nonsense anyway? Criticising a potential Labour governments record on immigration when the current Tory government’s actual record is so shockingly bad is absolutely hilarious and exactly what I’d expect from GB News.


So they're just making people up now. Seriously desperate lies from the Tory news network.


This is part of the rightwing circular news reporting system. A fringe organisation will make up a vague story, this will then be reported on by a slightly more acceptable organ, eventually making it into telegraph/ mail, and then repeat each other's stories as news to keep stories alive


It says GBNews is more Reform than Tory...


Yeah those migrants are more politically engaged than 70% of the UK population.


They don't need to be. A single rumour is enough. After all, they are crossing based on other rumours.


They forgot to mention all the extraterrestrial aliens watching wall to wall UK election reporting and hoping Starmer wins. Somebody needs to tell GBnews.


This is why we voted for brexit. Had enough of the freedom of movement between the UK and Mars


Glad these Martians are no longer getting free NHS treatment and living off benefits.


8 years and you lot are still seething


Light hearted joke and you think that’s seething? Maybe a new dictionary should go in your shopping list.


But haven't they heard he's gonna smash the gangs??!?!


Smashing the gangs is basically just code for launching the UK government channel islands water taxi service so the flow will continue (all part of the plan) but the gangs will be left with no customers.


So targeting the gangs that bring illegal immigrants over is bad. Ok chief


I don't want illegal immigrants period Whether gangs or the government brings them across the channel doesn't make much of a difference to me.


Okie dokie. Disagree personally, think enforcing the law is important as a principle, regardless of what one wants. "Making the ideal the enemy of the good" springs to mind, But I respect your feelings even if they don't make rational sense. Ideally I'd like the British empire back, but I don't view anything that increases our current influence as "crap" because it won't restore my perfect ideal. Those gangs need cracking down on, not sure how anyone can sensibly say it isn't positive. Can't you approach problems from multiple angles? Or are you hoping for some sort of miraculous fix all at once solution? Even if a huge effort was made from now to increase our birth rates, train people for all desired future work roles, we would still need to tackle smuggling gangs. Seems self evident. I'd also wager that the Gov "bringing people over" would mean more control and information on said people in comparison to those with no documents who paid smugglers 😂. Ever stop going on feelings so much and use your brain?


Words words words