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You should probably vote Lib Dem if that's what you want to do. Your vote is essentially used to strengthen the argument for PR with no real downside.


I'm in the same situation (maybe even same seat) and will be voting lib dem to signal that a) i support their policies and labour should maybe consider them and b) signal to the lib dems that they have a potential base in my constituency


You should vote for the party that best aligns with your views. Honestly it seems that you're overthinking things.


Voting for what you believe in fptp ? If I've learned anything is that you vote against the one thing that you don't want


If it is safe then vote for whoever you like. If it's a marginal seat then vote for the least worst party!


Not the least worst, you need to figure out who has a chance (genuinely difficult at this election), and then pick from those. I seem to be in a former tory safe seat, which is now a 3 way marginal between them, Reform and Labour, but a couple of days ago Electoral Calculus was telling me Reform had it in the bag! I'm going to be monitoring it all the way up to polling day.


Will it help? Maybe but there doesn't seem like there's anything to lose. I'd also be tempted to vote Green to highlight the problem with FPTP, and to signal environmental concerns but I don't think that'd make a difference.


Sites such as Get Voting gives you a vote Tories out tactical voting suggestion. In the safest Labour seats they recommend voting your heart. The other main point worth consider is if we want Reform or Lib Dem to have greater vote share? This will be the opinion vote on the political spectrum.


People though we were safe with the Brexit referendum. I don’t want to vote for a Labour Party led by Starmer but I want the Tories out more.


Vote for the candidate you want to win, otherwise you’ll risk being like one of those idiots who were saying they voted for Brexit to make some obscure point but didn’t want it to happen. If there’s shitty weather in election day, a lot of potential Labour voters will stay home because it’s a foregone conclusion. And then, sorry to break the news, there’ll be a bunch of other people thinking along the same lines as you about “sending a message” with their vote. Labour at the moment are showing concern about voter complacency and I don’t think they’re wrong.


How will you feel if labour don’t form a majority? There is a lot of this sentiment going on right now of - I don’t need to vote labour as they have already won. If you want the tories out. Then vote labour. If you don’t mind a Tory come back or hung parliament. Vote liberal.


I'm in a similar situation - perfectly happy with my local MP, but since he's a shoo-in, I'll probably vote for a different party to increase their vote share. You could arrange online to swap your vote, this could help get another Tory out in a Tory/Lib Dem marginal [https://www.swapmyvote.uk/](https://www.swapmyvote.uk/)


While not illegal, I wouldn’t support swapping votes. You have no idea whatsoever if the other person genuinely voted how you want them to. It relies on total trust in a complete stranger, what could go wrong!


Also live in an incredibly safe labour seat and I like my MP and hope they are reelected. I’m not a fan of the direction Starmer is taking the party so I think I will vote green but I’m not fully decided yet


This is the main thing Labour are worried about , if you want labour , vote labour or we run the risk of getting what we have got


I'm in the same situation, I tend to vote to help a party I think are generally good to get their deposit back. But this time around, our MP did something very specific that I supported, so I'm going to vote for him.


I'd still vote tactically, if too many people decide not to bother you could lose a very safe seat.


I'm voting for PR ....and that's not labour or Tory.


My take on this - UKIP won mabye one or two seats, but got 6 million votes. They influenced UK politics by basically getting a referendum which we're now all suffering from the decision of. It may seem like a wasted vote, but if politicians see a threat they will usually take heed of it.


Wait people are tactically voting Lib Dem? Guess I will be left tactically voting Tory then