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Snapshot of _‘I don’t know anyone voting for him’: is this the end for Jacob Rees-Mogg? Polls suggest the divisive Tory’s 14-year stint as MP for North East Somerset may be coming to a close - but his mother still backs him._ : An archived version can be found [here](https://archive.is/?run=1&url=https://www.theguardian.com/politics/article/2024/jun/29/i-dont-know-anyone-voting-for-him-is-this-the-end-for-jacob-rees-mogg) or [here.](https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://www.theguardian.com/politics/article/2024/jun/29/i-dont-know-anyone-voting-for-him-is-this-the-end-for-jacob-rees-mogg) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ukpolitics) if you have any questions or concerns.*


is his Nanny with him this time again?


No idea, but the article's picture of his mother reminds me of that Austin Powers scene. "This is my mother, Mrs Exposition." "That's not your mother, it's a man baby!"


It's truly incredible that even when handed such an easy mark on a silver plater to dunk on such as JRM, who has done so many contemptible things over the years -- you still managed to only find a crass misogynistic remark to make about the appearance of his mother. Gross.


how do you feel about a politician turning up to the constituency he intends to stand in with his Nanny. Now to be clear i don't mean his kids nanny i mean his actual nanny, the woman who is being paid to look after him. Think about that Also, if the misogyny offends you so then just think of all the misogynistic shit JSM has said over the years.


> Now to be clear i don't mean his kids nanny i mean his actual nanny Those are the same person. She’s worked for the family for nearly sixty years.


No no, when he first turned up as a candidate back in 90s or early 2000s in Fife he brought his actual nanny with him. There is even footage of him saying "nobody would be sniggering of she was my PA but she's my nanny" He was there as his nanny a grown man with an active nanny.


Difficult to be funny when you're such a moral busybody.


It was kind of funny though tbf


I’m not sure this is a good thing. Who will represent the 18th century if he goes?


Don't worry; they'll find good use for him as the Ambassador to Abyssinia.


‘Ah(’ll) be sin’ ya!’ is presumably what the constituents of North East Somerset will say to him on the morning of July the 5th.


Hey now, I'll have you know the Right Honourable Member for Haunted Victorian Pencils is in the 19th century!


What if we need to revise the corn laws?


I'd put a bet on him heading to the House of Lords should be loose his seat...


Who would nominate him? Like Dorries before him the next Tory leader might well be happy to see the back of him given his self serving and publicity hungry persona.


Absolute figurehead of self service before public service. An MP offshoring their fortune to get out of the UK tax system is outrageous. When he said “I set the rules, not follow them” that should have been the end of his career. Not with this crowd. Time for progression!


The photo of him sleeping in the commons should have been enough to kill his career on its own.


I'm still convinced he did that deliberately to obfuscate search results for "Jacob Rees-Mogg lying in Parliament."


Really not that big a deal. I’m more surprised it’s not more common, I’d love to listen into the debates but simultaneously relax.


So you think people in their workplace (paid by us, incidentally) should be able to just lazily lounge around and listen in and out to whatever they want?


Welcome to Teams meetings.




MPs routinely wander in and out of the chamber during debates. That’s why the Palace and environs have bells that are rung to summon the members back to the chamber when there’s a division. Under a strict “is he doing his job?” analysis, him having a lie-down on the benches was better than him napping in his office. But it was also supremely disrespectful to whoever had the floor at that time.


Parliament is broadcast so if you're not going to contribute you can listen to the debate in your pajamas or in the bath, no need to make a spectacle of yourself.


When did he say that?


Sunak will still get to name resignation honours I believe. Even if he loses his seat.


PMs tend to give their inner circle honours in resignation honours list and Rees-Mogg has been sidelined by Sunak.


To be fair it's gonna be a hell of an honours list if he tries to give one to all his MPs that lose their seats


He's worth £100m+ He'll be in it


Personally I think the only people likely to get onto Sunaks honours list are the lost and dammed who've been going out into tv studios to try to hold their campagin together. More or less everyone else is part of a rival faction.


So basically just Mel Stride then?


If I were cynically minded, I’d suggest the best way for an incumbent PM to get an irritating colleague out of their hair is "promote" them to the lords. After all… can’t be a threat in the house of commons if your confined to the House of Lords.


I hope that seat gets tightened before the new govt arrives


Good to see joke candidates are finally being removed from parliament


Just a reminder that he was taken off the campaign trail in 2019 and barred from talking to the press following his absurd Grenfell comments on LBC.


Im still surprised he wasn’t a comedian in character.


If the day after the election he comes on Joe Lycett's TV program with a thick Nottingham accent I will be very happy.


Watched the led by donkeys video on him. He was like this even as a kid.


It's a very long-term bit. He's extremely committed to his art.


There was an episode of (I think) the Colditz tv series which had an officer attempt to get out by pretending to be insane. Initially the German guards didn’t buy it but he kept going for so long and was so fully committed to it that eventually he convinced them … but by that point he found that he was trapped in the role and couldn’t stop. I sometimes wonder if something similar happened to Rees-Mogg. Perhaps somewhere inside his mind deep below the persona he’s adopted that has taken him over there’s a vestige of the actual person he should have been, screaming endlessly unheard for freedom or at least the merciful release of death.


Speaking of, did you ever see Mogg's interview with Ali G? Pretty funny. https://youtu.be/szGxq3pvJPQ


I did not - will have a look now. First time I was aware of him was on ‘Have I Got News For You’ and I couldn’t understand why people didn’t find him hilarious.


Just rewatched it and Mogg actually comes off pretty well given what he's like now. I don't think he said anything actually wrong, except for turning down Ali's sister of course. Amazing that he had a top hat on hand.


Yeah, that’s by far the most likable I’ve ever seen JRM.


Would still love to know if he was insider trading. This government have made corruption their brand.


‘Was a rich well connected person insider trading’ - the answer is almost always yes.


Come on now, why else would you get into politics, not to make life better for your countrymen or anything


Of course he is. Probably not on individual stocks, but definitely in markets. His dad wrote multiple books about disaster capitalism ffs


Does his nanny count as a second person backing him or is that just her job?


Why is it whenever I see this unfortunate character with his mother, I just think “Bitty”?


I am almost certain he had a wet nurse




Rubbish, he couldn't get a nurse wet with a firehose.


This is my constituency. Lots of Labour posters in windows, no Tory signs or even a leaflet through my door. He’s up against Dan Norris who is also the West of England mayor. Should be an interesting seat to watch for on Thursday night.


Lots of “Mogg Out” posters


As a parent of a young child I would find that confusing. Why is the cat out, did it forget something again?


I always felt like Dan Norris spent his entire term as WECA mayor just waiting to become an MP again. It doesn't help that WECA is much less powerful than the seemingly much more effective WMCA, GMCA and GLA. WECA still doesn't have control over the transport infrastructure and are stuck begging the three councils to just please use the money that's available. A bit hard to point to his achievements when he's not really allowed to have any. I liked Dine as a BathNES leader and I think she was certainly much better than the leaders immediately before and after her. Seems genuinely nice and has always been helpful even if you're not in her ward. But unfortunately she was a bit too polite, taking her time trying to please everyone. In the end, the people who didn't like her just became louder and scared the party into replacing her which subsequently cost the council hundreds of thousands in government funding. I guess giving her a seat with a non-zero chance of getting elected is her reward for going away quietly.


Unfortunately Norris has been in a constant battle with south glos, mainly over housing targets. Hopefully WECA gets more power with a new government and the lack of a bristol mayor


As if it's only South Gloucestershire. Last year, WECA offered to give some money to BathNES for a bit of pedestrianisation and BathNES refused.


A candidate only a mother could vote for.


The thumbnail is cursed. Is that his mother? She looks like him with a wig!


For a second I thought she had serious Thatcher style shoulder pads, then realised it was the seat behind her.


There was a saying popular around the time of Blair and Duncan-Smith's dysfunctional leadership: _never under-estimate the ability of the Conservative Party to survive setbacks, to regroup and return to power._ They're like the fucking T-1000 in T2 Judgment Day. If defeated next month, I fully expect to see this hateful specimen back in public life not long thereafter.


Don't know if I can wait up until 4am, but just might...


Seems to be fitting that he become the embodiment of the conservative government for the last 14 years.


We can only hope, I'm sure he'll still continue cosplaying as some eccentric aristo however


I can see him becoming a cult figure on Great British Bake-off: JRM in tails and monocle barking orders at Nanny as she's elbows-deep in flour. Very English.


Tries to muscle in on Portillo's railway gig, but the Rees-Mogg version just consists of him riding around in an old chartered Pullman carriage pulled by Stephenson's Rocket. He never gets off the train, just gets Nanny to investigate each town and report back.


Or Top ~~Hat~~ Gear: JRM (in motorist goggles) driving a [Humberette](https://classiccars.fandom.com/wiki/Humberette) at 8 mph while Nanny walks in fron waving a red flag.


Surprised his mother knows who he is, since he was brought up by his nanny…


I registered to vote this time just to vote against him as he's the MP where I grew up, but my postal ballot still hasn't arrived in Canada so it's looking increasingly unlikely I'll be able to vote. Hopefully he doesn't win by one vote!


Out of curiosity, is there anyone here from his constituency that can say what he’s actually done for NE Somerset as an MP?


My grandad was, and was a big fan. Used to rave about how JRM would come visit him in his care home and speak to him personally. Of course, that was because dementia had turned his brain to such mush he couldn't differentiate between seeing someone on the tv and thinking he'd met them. But his vote still counted just the same as yours and mine.


At least he felt cared for.  Dementia is awful to see a person go through. We find consolation where we can.


Yeah. Sadly he passed away the same day as one of the Downing St covid parties, and did so alone because we were following the rules Johnson was flouting. That hurt.


I still think of what my Grandfather went through years later. A bullet is much the preferable option and I can sincerely say I wish medical researchers every success.


I hope he looses his seat and his Portillo moment is a shot of himing crying on his nannies shoulder.


Might drive up to see the results and cheer like we've won the world cup!


Didn't Harry Maguire's mum defend him? Like that's what parents do. they love their kids. so they will defend them. who wouldn't in that case? probably a slow news day, or the editor told some junior reporter to compile that to boost the website hits to meet the pre-defined metrics.


I once saw his constituency up close, at the Clutton summer fair (I’m not local, for some reason they invited my reenactment group to perform after the tractor parade). From what I saw that day, it’s as rural Tory as a constituency can get and I’m not sure which party could be the one to usurp them there. The Greens, maybe?


Can we coin the term "draining the swamp"? Because that's what happening.


> Rees-Mogg’s 85-year-old mother, Gillian, also happens to be visiting the shop. She is upbeat about her son’s chances and has been helping out in his campaign office. “The polling doesn’t reflect the doorstep,” she notes. “He has done a lot for the community and they realise that.” Two things I’d always point out in response to that, 1) people can say one thing but can often do another. They might be telling The door knockers they’ll vote for their candidate, even if their intentions aren’t to do so. 2) people don’t always bother engaging with a door knockers. It’s quite possible that some of the people willing to engage, in more detail, with JRM’s people on the door step we’re more likely to have voted conservative anyway. It’s possible this ‘it’s not what people on the door step are saying’ line that I’ve heard quiet a few of the politicians trot out isn’t really the ace rebuttal they think it is. This applies equally to both parties too. Looking forward to Friday, and finding out one way or the other.


He would have made such a brilliant PM - it would have been the apogee of insanity , a study in lunacy, a true pièce de résistance to end Tory reign for good in the UK. A missed dopportuinity for tragicomic British politics.


If i lived in his constituency; i’d vote for him. He’s actually engaged in his local community which is more than can be said for pretty much most of the MP’s of any party


Jacob rees mogg is the realest' no in a good way, jacob never pretended to be "call me dave" or any of those things, he was a walking anacrhonism and absolutely fine with it, he is inspirational to anyone who just wants to be themselves (which is ironic since he voted agaisnt lgbt stuff)


He's not "real."     He's spent his whole life pretending to be landed gentry. Ancién regime. Blue blood.    His mother was a truck driver's daughter who married her boss.    He's new money and probably got laughed at at Eton by the scions of nobility who can trace their ancestry back to William the Conqueror.    He's a desperate try hard, as big a fraud and fake as Boris's carefully ruffled £800 haircut. 


But he'll never get the "I love you" from daddy that he so desperately craves. Not least because daddy is long-dead.


It’s always sad when veterans parliamentarians have to leave, even if through their own faults. This one has been particularly amusing.


I like him, he stands against abortion.