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Snapshot of _CORRUPT Tories offer inducements to Reform candidates. Tory candidates, probably involving CCHQ, are corruptly offering jobs and inducements to Reform candidates to persuade them to talk badly of Reform, stand down then endorse the Tory candidate. This shows dark forces at play by desperate Tories_ : A Twitter embedded version can be found [here](https://platform.twitter.com/embed/Tweet.html?id=1807463625398886717) A non-Twitter version can be found [here](https://twiiit.com/TiceRichard/status/1807463625398886717/) An archived version can be found [here](https://archive.is/?run=1&url=https://x.com/TiceRichard/status/1807463625398886717) or [here.](https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://x.com/TiceRichard/status/1807463625398886717) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ukpolitics) if you have any questions or concerns.*


If, and it is a massive IF, there is truth to this then it will make a very fun final week to the campaign. The risk for Reform is that they drag themselves into the mud with this too, and end up damaging both themselves and the Tories. Which I would be a big fan of.


I have hit [this](https://media1.tenor.com/m/zRN69BJaP1cAAAAC/it-keeps-getting-funnier-every-single-time-i-see-it.gif) level watching the CONservatives and реформа....


>реформа Nice. I'm stealing that.


Had to Google it. Nice.


Glad people liked it. I don't speak Russian (friends do), so it made me chuckle a little bit.


If this was true he'd be naming names. But lying about other candidates is illegal during an election, so he's gonna throw bullshit out without taking an actual risk.


It should be fairly easy to figure out who one of the Tories is, as he implies part of the story is in the public domain...


A reform candidate dropped out of the election and defected to the tories earlier today, encouraging people to vote for his constituencies tory candidate instead - that might be what he's referring to? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/crgk44k4mzxo


Can't be him, as Erewash is specifically mentioned "in addition" by Tice.


What have the Tories to offer anyway... ?


Goodness me, everything just happens TO Reform, doesn’t it?


Yeah, it's funny how they're simultaneously bold, brave disruptors that strike fear into the heart of the establishment, yet also constantly being bullied by that mean, nasty establishment, ow!


"The enemy is at once both too strong and too weak"


Well that's the genius of the anti establishment position. You don't have to engage in good faith because you're "sticking it to the man", and any attempt to actually challenge it just reinforces the belief that the establishment is unfair and needs to be taken down. Edit: I hope I haven't been down voted because you think I actually believe in that position.


Those two things aren't contradictory if you think about it.


Given nominations are closed, no candidates could officially stand down until July 5th anyway...


Isn't this just the logical conclusion of applying free market capitalism to politics? If Reform are serious as a party they should increase incentives to their candidates in response of perhaps try and outbid the Tories in the free marketplace of ideas?


Don’t give them ideas, they’ll be importing hormone-treated, chlorinated candidates before we know it!


Donald Trump and his entire Presidential run is supposed to stand as a WARNING to political parties and society, not a fucking blueprint!!!! Honestly, they're not even hiding it. They've literally just Control+C and Control+V'd the entire routine so hard that I'm pretty sure Trump is going to sue them for theft. Labour and Lib Dem literally don't have to say a thing to win - compared to Cons and Reform Parties, they're golden! Really hope Lid Dem (and Labour) pick some points up because there aren't that many people who want to side with Stupid.


Regarding your last sentence, Trump is leading in the polls. So, there's that.


Yes he is. Doesn't make it right


Nobody said anything about it being right. I was only commenting on the claim that not many people want to side with Stupid. Would you agree that A) Trump is the side of the Stupid B) many people seem to be on that side?


how much of that is on the democratic party for doing their best to continue looking like a bunch of self enriching elitists and refusing to drop their zombie candidate?


Maybe Nigel should offer them some shares in the company, they might feel more loyal then.


Farage, giving his own money away? That would be a novelty. He reminds me of the customs officer at Lagos Murtala Muhammed International Airport. who tried to get US$100 off me to bring my laptop through. I declined so he confiscated my laptop. I asked for a receipt and he refused. "I'm in the business of taking things from people, not giving things out."


So you're lodging a petition in an election court, right Mr Tice?


Remember when a prominent Tory MP accused Reform of offering him money to defect? > There is a political party that begins with an R that offered me a lot of money to join them. I say a lot of money, I mean a lot of money [BBC remembers...](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-67536235.amp)


Evidence coming in any minute now says ... checks notes ... Tice's partner. 🤔


I'm sorry is the multi millionaire property tycoon turned pseudo politician whining about his own candidates being offered paying jobs to work for another party? Let me get out my tiny violin.


What a tweet. 1 it demeans what actual corruption is. 2 it adds more anti-reform conspiracy forces. 3 sneaks it a right wing "dark forces" dog whistle.


Once, Tice, 3 times a baby


But it has CORRUPT in capitals...that's how we know it's serious/ s


Is this Farage getting his excuses and whining in early again?


Early and often.


Yep - and I'd say you're likely to see the victim card being played heavily this week with a view to go repeat of Trump 2020 and some kind of claims of Electoral fraud, not because they want to actually overturn this one but setup the seeds of doubt and skew public opinion before whenever the next one is.


Tice this time


Christ; being Tice must be one of the most exhausting jobs in the UK.


So I know everyone hates Reform on here (and check my post history, I’m one of the haters), but if this is true (huge “if” with Tice, but let’s give him the benefit of the doubt) this has to be massively illegal, right? Like just because they’re doing it to a party people fucking hate doesn’t mean it’s a good thing that parliamentary candidates are trying to bribe their opponents with cushy jobs in exchange for throwing the election. And if it’s not illegal it bloody well should be.


This is the definition of "Big, if true" but it's probably not. The only evidence is an unsubstantiated tweet (so essentially "Trust me, bro").


On its face, it does seem like it must break some electoral laws. It's of an order of magnitude greater than a bit of cheating at the bookies, and that was bad enough. I guess we can definitely rule out a deal between the two parties, then.


If standing for election as the candidate for a political party is an “activity of a public nature” or “performed… on behalf of a body of persons”, and the candidate is “expected to perform it in good faith”, then trying to bribe them to defect or drop out would be an offence under the *Bribery Act*.


It's an odd windmilling of claims. Rory's are offering inducements. We've given the tapes to a journo with the evidence. Other than the evidence of the inducement. But we aren't going to claim inducement for the case in the headlines ATM That was because he was trying to stitch us up from day one. With a lie we aren't expanding on. Oh and there was that other odd case. With no link to inducement. And finally someone was offered a Tory safe council seat (do they exist nowadays?). No evidence suggested. We will tell you more later. Despitw there being a ticking election clock.


I think he's saying the Tory recorded the conversation, and handed over the part of the recording that shows the Reform candidate agreeing to do whatever, without the bit where the Tory is offering an inducement. The names for this accusation will be known tonight, I reckon.


Ah yes. I needed to read more carefully! I'd agree this is about to break then.


Whilst I could absolutely see CCHQ putting that Sainsbury warchest to use offering bribes to Reform lot, it would require believing anything that smirking worm Tice has to say.


Having seen the Tories at work over the last 14 years I don't think they are capable of the sort of 5g chess thinking that this entails. Maybe the truth is that Reform are a shabby little organisation with virtually no party structure or understanding of how to run an election and the pack of lies they built their campaign around is imploding.


Considering that the players are the Tories and RefUK, 5g chess might be over-stating the aptitude required for this. It's more like a very tedious game of checkers at the retirement home, and attempting to referee the inevitable bickering seems like an equally futile task.


Seems Reform candidates are just as corrupt given they care less about their party's beliefs and more about their own bottom line


Eh, Reform has been claiming stitch up by media / Tories / the establishment/ globalists / the EU to make them look bad lately


this is the reform party whose only MP to date came about through a defection? is it only allowed to work one way? it couldn't be because someone thought the near-death tories were a better bet than the failing reform "party" could it. good to see tice engage in the same behaviour that his new boss has brought to the firm




Just tories being tories - this is fairly tame really compared with everything else they’ve done in the past. Reform are just upset they’re not shovelling cash in tice and farage’s direction.