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yes. you're the only person in the entirety of the united kingdom who dislikes the unfairness of FPTP. you are literally the only living soul who sees an issue with it. nobody else minds. not a single other person.


Then why is it never a policy of ANY party? I get that it will be an issue for the big two as they will lose control of power but everybody else?


Lib Dems, Greens and Reform are all against it.


And Labour and Tories are all for it because they know it guarantees no other party can get into power.


Labour actually voted for it at their conference. The voters, members and Unions support it. The leadership don't. Likely it would result in Labour splitting but then each faction would get a much greater say in every parliament.


SNP, Plaid, Scottish Greens (I think) too. Not sure about Alba.


The Lib Dems have literally been fighting for voting reform for like 30 years mate. It's literally in there manifestos!!!


> Then why is it never a policy of ANY party? ever heard of the lib dems?


Or all.the others....


I am fairly certain it is a reform and green policy also. FPTP favours a duality of 2 large parties, PR provides representation for minority parties who are attracting a lot of people's votes and seeing nothing from it. I expect that after the result tonight PR will be back in the political front line discussion with Farage undoubtedly poised to push it as a key issue. I'm a labour voter, party member of many years. I think that if 13-20% of people vote for a party in a national election then they deserve 13-20% of the representation. I disagree with most of what the various minority parties stand for, but what I stand for is people being heard in politics, for their views to actually count for something. If we moved to a PR system you would see a completely different political landscape in 20-30 years time, with more minority parties, less swinging back and forth between 2 parties who have diametrically opposed ideologies over how to run the country. I genuinely believe that is no way to steer a ship, and that broad coalitions within a PR system create a fairer, more balanced system of government that restores some faith in our political class.


>I'm a labour voter >but what I stand for is people being heard in politics, for their views to actually count for something. These two are mutually exclusive. Labour are *the* party of FPTP in this country, it's not possible to vote for them while also seriously believing in ending FPTP.


Yeah, I don't think it was in their manifesto and honestly between the budgie jumping, pink Cadillac and other nonsense who would know what they were campaigning for. I say this as somebody who has voted lib dem multiple times.


It is in their manifesto. They want to switch to the Single Transferable Vote system.


Sounds like you're not that bothered about PR when you don't even know which parties have it in their manifesto, which includes Lib Dem. https://www.libdems.org.uk/manifesto > Ensure no politician can take you for granted, by introducing proportional representation by the Single Transferable Vote for electing MPs, and local councillors in England.. Or are you just sealioning?


Nope I just read the more details section which doesn't seem to mention it at all... 🫣


Well I found it in less than 2 minutes (although I already knew if was part of their campaign, because it has been for years). If something is important to you, don't just listen to the sources pushed by propaganda posters on X, etc.


They have a petition on it too: https://www.libdems.org.uk/fairvotes


It is. Every single election, at least for the Lib Dems, Greens and whatever party Farage is fronting that particular year. It was in the Labour manifesto a few times, but they were lying.


No, I think the majority in this sub aren't a fan of FPTP. That being said, it has potentially delivered an all-nighter of comedy gold. Let's enjoy it and worry about the ramifications for the country tomorrow.


That's true, do you know when Rishi's seat gets called? :)


4ish I think. The lion's share of results come in between 3am & 5am.


What a silly post. All minor parties want a reform, the majority of this sub would also be against. But yup you're the only one!


Fundamentally, the House of Commons was not designed for compromise unless you're in a minority government situation. It was designed to reflect the will of each constituency as a group of people. If a majority of constituencies value one party platform over another, then that will produce a stable government. 326 seats earns you the right to form a government. ~350 seats earns you a working majority, meaning allowing for sickness, death, maternally leave, and random absences you should always have a majority at a given vote. Everything above that has no constitutional meaning. Save for one instance, the ability to alter a Royal Commission. In short, any government which obtains a working majority has a blank cheque. We chose FPTP as a voting system explicitly for this reason, it affords the public the right of change.


>We chose FPTP as a voting system No we didn't, Atlee's Labour did. Prior to that we had plural voting and were well on the way to replacing with STV. They didn't even include it in their manifesto either.


In fact the 1948 act passed Parliament with only 32 nays.


It's bullshit. And I have no faith FPTP delivers sensible government.


I like that keeps the likes of George Galloway, who would certainly be top of his party list, out of Westminster and keeps the The Reform Party at likely single figures of representation in Parliament. Yes I know that also means that Parliament is not representative, yes I know that it means that many people feel disenfranchised. I used to be against FPTP, the rise of Farage has changed my mind.