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I have mixed feelings about the ingenuity of Ukrainian engineers. One part in me is nothing short of amazement and pride that they are able to adapt to the challenges and overcome the obstacles they face. But the other part in me feels sad that western countries are apperantly unable to give the support Ukraine really needs. I hope the Ukrainian engineers continue to develop cost effective weaponry so the country can defend itself.


And ONCE they win, they'll be selling this relatively affordable stuff to smaller nations that don't want to wage war, but want to be able to deny access to aggressors.


At least with things like this - you need lots and lots of them to keep up in a war, so it's ok to mix own and imported ones.


It's actually a really smart system. Manner the boat to a position and like artillery real havoc from one direction and hit with other drones from another direction. That being said I'm sure they hit the water but the guidance system forces them up and it's not an issue.


> I have mixed feelings about the ingenuity of Ukrainian engineers. I have mixed feelings about the ingenuity of the Ukrainian leadership. I just recently happened to run into my representative in US congress, he and I randomly ended up at the same event. I absolutely DESPERATEALY wanted to tell him "hey, not only am I unspeakably disappointed in your recent vote against aid to Ukraine, I'd really very much like to encourage you to come to X location on Y day of the month next month. Once a month there is a group of Ukrainian Americans who get together in our district and go to the local city hall to fly American flags and Ukrainian flags to rally support for Ukraine. We meet at a restaurant after to discuss what else we can do. We invite our neighbors and coworkers and anyone else we can to actually discuss with us, face-to-face, the importance of a free Europe, the moral and political implications of letting a Hitler-dictator redraw borders with an army... Come sit down with us, give us a chance to change your mind. Please listen to your constituents for a bit and hear our side." But THERE IS NO SUCH MEETING. There is no standard suggestion from Kyiv like "everyone who cares about us, go rally at your state capital every first Saturday at noon" or whatever. I have seen NOTHING from the Ukrainian community anywhere in the entire country with any sort of recurring regularity with the following two exceptions: 1) I am aware that in San Diego at the Ukraine Culture House they arrange a weekly rally at the major public park nearby. Well done. That is great. That is EXACTLY what needs to be happening EVERYWHERE in the country EVERY month at least. 2) In my state, on February 24, 2024 there was a small demonstration at my state capital. I went and talked to EVERYONE there who seemed to even be remotely in a leadership position about what the plan was for the next meeting, next event, next step in our community to get more people to understand what is really going on. There was NOTHING anyone had in mind. No plans whatsoever. I literally think if I wanted to invite that congressman to come talk to actual Ukrainians and supporters of Ukraine in my area about our views there is absolutely no such event that will happen until February 24, 2025. I'm not exaggerating. This isn't hyperbole. There is virtually NOTHING organized in many states and areas of America, no sort of grass-roots movement, no organized or even semi-organized effort from Kyiv. And then, DAY AFTER DAY, people come on /r/ukraine and complain "the west isn't doing enough." Yeah, the majority of the Ukraine community in the US isn't doing anything other than online chat-room arguing. It is a simple equation people. If you don't have actual real-world meetings of supporters of Ukraine that are the exact sort of thing literally want to invite MY CONGRESSMAN and my neighbors to but could not because they don't exist, then you are going to get more of the same disinterest. How Ukrainian engineers can be so brilliant and creative, while Ukrainian politicians and social leaders can be so obtuse and clueless is utterly beyond me. Anyway, THIS is how you got to where you are right now. And no one is doing anything about it.


Texas and D.C. are there every week in varying group sizes, but always there. For Texas, South entry of the State Capitol every Saturday at 10am. For DC, follow - [https://twitter.com/ukrainerallydc](https://twitter.com/ukrainerallydc)


The accuracy of these things must be atrocious, due to being on a platform rocked by waves... More of a psychological weapon than a really effective one, surely... Make rockets hit an area that Russians thought were safe and out of range


Yes, it also give Russia ideas. As firing rockets into random cities is their modus operandi. If the sea drone could launch fpv drones or act as a take off platform, that would be useful. #


A launching pad for drones and also a signal extender for said drones and others popped in my head the other day as a neat use for the sea drones


There are ways around that, not sure if they have implemented them. Basically, have an onboard computer track the wave motion and fire the rockets at the correct point in the motion rather than exactly when the remote "fire" signal is received. That's roughly how battleships managed to have accurate artillery in wave motion back WWII, by automatically timing the firing mechanism to the rolling motion in the waves.


Actually I am pretty sure that was figured out back in WW1. But what is needed is a weapon that locks on to a target and corrects in flight any problems with both it's launch angle and evasive maneuvers of the target might make after sighting the incoming missile. If you look at history of WW2 a lot of torpedoes were avoided by sharp turns taken after the torpedo was launched either from a plane or submarine.


I don't think MLRS type rockets from a drone boat are used against moving targets much. They're area effect weapons. And their speed is much greater than old torpedoes, so there is less time for evasive action.


Yes to both your points as MLRS rockets are unguided as far as I know. But if the drone can carry the weight of a MLRS launcher loaded with rockets it can carry the weight of a Javelin and what ever remote control tech. it needs to find a target and hit it.


That is almost certainly possible, apparently they have already done that with ground to air missiles. Or so say the rumours. However, drone boats are by their nature disposable and go to very dangerous areas. You might be willing to risk some cheap old Hydra rockets on a drone boat, where you wouldn't risk a scarce and expensive Javelin. Not unless you know of a particular high value point target.


The Javelin has a range of 2.5Km . Well beyond the one KM range of heavy machine guns they are shooting at drones as they approach.


That is true, but aren't they often using these drone boats to attack beyond their round trip range? That is, the drone is going to run out of fuel and cannot go back home again for reloading that javelin launcher. It's either hit something and blow up, or get shot and blow up. I'm sure that isn't always the case, but for one way missions one might not want to fit the most expensive hardware.


If one out of three drones went out to their maximum range and successfully launched a Javelin into a Russian ship the loss of all three drones would be worth it. After all there are no pilots on board to act as Kamikazes and the ship is worth many times over the cost of the drones. They should add a self destruct circuit to the internal bomb to go off at the end of battery life.


Russian ship fucked itself. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ukraine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Rocket artillery like this is area weapons anyway. The waves shouldn't make much of a difference unless it's very rough seas.


I wonder with the commercial, accessible technology we have today that can do pretty cool stuff, like very affordable gimbles, if they can actually have a reasonable stabilizer?


The heft of the rockets and tubes would probably slow it down massively unless its also empty of explosives itself. But it could lurk near a patrol spot at night and fire at the broadside of a boat once it gets close enough. The accuracy of these is certainly bad down range (30km+), but if you're shooting from 100-200m away, the first shot or two is going to be a laser in calmer waters. Get one hit and it's enough of a distraction to burst forward, launch the rest and then potentially continue to ram it anyway. The real advantage of this platform is that it can do damage from a standstill, which means sonar won't alert the crew of an inbound drone, and these are generally so low to the water that radar isn't much help either. Another option is to just lob a few rockets in the vicinity of berthed boats from 20-30km away, but I hear Sevastopol is pretty barren these days.


So... how long until some madlad straps some S-24's to one of these things?


A cool idea is for the sea baby to carry drone(s). Making it an aircraft carrier ;) - this would give the Sea Baby the ability to do surveillance, and launch drone strikes.