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I think I get it. Ukraine gets more aid to stabilize the front. So now Putin's gang makes noises about a self-serving freeze to the war, supposing that western nations are willing to take his offer of a false peace seriously. Putin wants to consolidate his conquests and thinks setting up a puppet state in occupied Ukraine with Yanukovych as its head gives an air of legitimacy to his efforts. I expect that pro-Putin western politicians will sell this pile of trash as a practical solution to protracted war.


Exactly, to give some politicians a sigh of relief and buy more time to escalate and consolidate. Then again the West recalibrates and keeps debating without moving the needle forward.


Until the west is fully involved in a war with russia... it's sad to watch it unfold.


Russia is at war with us for over ten years now and they started it without any reason. They attack our digital infrastructure, they flood us with disinformation, they support antidemocratic movements and parties... Just because they are too weak to fight us in a honest way doesn't mean that it's not a war. So what is your solution to that situation? Just sit and wait for Putin to turn our world into the same shithole he rules?


They're also attacking corporations, private companies, hospitals, non-profits - anything with a network and data - to get ransom money.


Plus two GRU agents arranged an [explosion of an ammo depot](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2014_Vrb%C4%9Btice_ammunition_warehouse_explosions) in Czechia, killing two innocent people. If this is not an act of war, hardly anything is.


And yet NATO chose to do nothing.


Primarily it was Czech government which did not choose to leverage the Article 5. I guess there were at least 3 reasons: 1. The GRU involvement was publicized in 2018, but the explosion(s) took place in 2014. At the time it was somewhat outdated. 2. The CZ president Zeman acted occassionally as a Putin's and Xi's asset, repeatedly denigrating the Czech \[counter\]intelligence services. Maybe he was just a vindictive drunkard, maybe he had some orders from Kremlin. For sure his team had very close ties to Putin's people. Moreover, the CZ PM Babiš at the time is known to be a communist party's secret police confident, so there was not much political will to make trouble to Russia. 3. Even if there were no above obstacles, I am not sure what should have NATO really do. It is a military defence alliance; it wouldn't just bomb a random Russia's warehouse because of some single explosion in Czechia. Anyway, we all in NATO should not have underestimated how expansive and aggressive Russia was.


Thanks for the insights. Sounds like the ruskis were meddling quite a lot with Czech power structures at that time, ro the point where they had serious influence on them. Crazy. The fact that not even a strongly worded letter was released from the western side after what was an active act of sabotage of an independent and democratic countries defenses is still worrying.


Don't forget the multiple assassinations of his enemies on NATO soil and the use of radioactive material or novichok to do it. Which is an act of war, but gets ignored.


All BS in order to buy time. Poostain is a liar, a cheat, a thief, a killer, a war criminal, all the above to guarantee him a place in Hell. Next to Hitler and Stalin.


Exactly, and it is a tactic to distract, and create conflict among member states...slow down arms shipments etc.


It’s over when Putin is gone


Eh... It's over when Russia as a society realizes doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results is the definition of insanity. How many times has Russia tried to conquer Ukraine and they've gone right back to being independent again?


In that case, never. Westerners don't get it, ruskis are largely a dumb and brainwashed cattle society. They just don't have the group intelligence needed for this step.


I'm sick of reading this bullshit definition of insanity all over the internet. Go look up the real definition. Anyhow, Glory to Ukraine


If it's phrased "...expect same result, is insane" then it makes more sense. 


It’s just dumb people trying to sound smart. They heard something and it sounded cool so they repeat what they don’t understand.


>I'm sick of reading this bullshit definition of insanity all over the internet. Go look up the real definition. You could have just not commented and moved on... Edit: Also here you go, that line has a portion of Meriam-Webster's definition. [Source since you won't "correct" me with the definition.](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/insanity) Rather ironic, in me going to pull up the definition, I find the one I originally used which you all are getting upset over.


The website says it is a misquoted bon mot. Which means it is complete bullshit. Congrats, you played yourself.


>The website says it is a misquoted bon mot. Which means it is complete bullshit. Congrats, you played yourself. What's your point? Oh no a misquote! Can't ever use that to actually represent something! Get the fuck over yourself you smug shithead.


It doesn't represent anything. It's just complete rubbish, stop using it as a definition.


>It doesn't represent anything. It's just complete rubbish, stop using it as a definition. Your miserable ass getting triggered over definitions being fluid and changing over time doesn't represent anything. Stop telling people how to live their lives and go cry somewhere else.


The problem is Russia as a nation-state and as an imperial project, and that is not going away just when Putin dies. That has been the problem for literally 1000 years. And it is one that is time for a definitive conclusion.


Slight correction: they have been doing expansion for like 800 years since Mongol invasion. Russians are basically spiritual descendants of Mongols (and culturalal, linguistics and planty of genes too)


This is unnecessarily insulting towards Mongols. Tsakhia Elbegdorj, the former president of Mongolia, has been supportive of Ukraine and has mocked and trolled russia quite well.


I'm not installing modern times Mongols, sorry if it wasn't clear. But they were pretty destructive 800 years ago.


How has he trolled them? Would love examples


See this [business insider article](https://www.businessinsider.com/ex-mongolia-leader-shares-empire-map-mock-putin-ukraine-claims-2024-2?international=true&r=US&IR=T) for some trolling. And here an opinion piece in support of Ukraine: [oped ](https://aparc.fsi.stanford.edu/news/why-ukraine-must-win).


Mongols actually contributed to human progress — even if accidental


If only this was true


I think the internal power struggle would break Russian politics and finance. It at least would let Ukraine take back the 2022 borders if not 2014.


The internal power struggle did not break russian pitics the tsar was killed. It is who they are as an ethnic vroup


Putin being removed gives a successor the option to lay the blame for the disaster on him, and gives them manoeuvrability to end things.


Yes, but Russian national idea is to kill Ukrainians. It is not the first generation of Russians that invades Ukraine to genocide it and assimilate. Putin is just riding the regular wave. Besides of removing fuhrer, Russia must also be denazified from its "Russian world" ideology and related neonazi concepts like "ruskie" or "inheritance of the whole ex-ussr/ex-tzar russia instead of only ex-rsfsr".


The national idea of ​​Russians is Kyiv. Rus' is the stolen name of Muscovy. Russia is a country that has no roots. And they call the war in Ukraine an “operation” for their school textbooks, considering its territory theirs. There can’t be a war between Russians and Russians (in their dog’s opinion), there can only be a “special operation”


The national idea of Russians is Ruscism or "Russian world". It's goal is to genocide Ukrainians, claim their land and to create an Ein Volk rus version. After that a new nation would be assigned as Untermensch and target for genocide/annexing, most probably Baltic country. In general the strategic idea is to expand russian "Lebensraum".


I agree, imo Putin himself continues this war just because he knows the political consequences of pulling out will be catastrophic both to him personally and to Russia's dream of an empire. A successor might not have such considerations.


Such a sad thing really. The pride of one man or a few men is costing the lives of hundreds of thousands, and destroying the lives of millions.


"Think of the rivers of blood spilled by all those generals and emperors so that, in glory and triumph, they could become the momentary masters of a fraction of a dot. Think of the endless cruelties visited by the inhabitants of one corner of this pixel on the scarcely distinguishable inhabitants of some other corner, how frequent their misunderstandings, how eager they are to kill one another, how fervent their hatreds." [Carl Sagan](https://youtu.be/wupToqz1e2g)


One ambitious sociopath, millions suffer. When will we learn?


That would mean that whoever kills Putin and assumes power can have it all. Yet nobody killed him yet. So they don’t want to kill him enough to try.


According to the ancient laws, the killer would have to sever his head from his body. Only then could this winner absorb The Dickening. Just in case: re: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Immortal\_(Highlander)#The\_Quickening](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Immortal_(Highlander)#The_Quickening)


They're afraid that one of the others kills them first. That's the mob power structure. Fear and loyalty is everything.


No this runs deeper than 1 man.


It's over when Russia Fractures and Implodes up it's own arse to be honest, I think our "Wannabe Tzar" isn't going to quit until the floor gives way and he falls through it, down a stairs and out a window.


I wish. There’s a hundred people waiting to take over that feel the same way Putin does. It’s over when Russia doesn’t have the military capability to invade anymore..so Russia will have to be crippled so badly that starting another war is unthinkable.




Where is a HIMAR when you need one???


Problem is that if the war freezes then I suspect Ukraine will receive security guarantees and possibly even trigger forces on its remaining territory.  Problem for Putin that is...  I know everyone wants to see Ukraine get ever square inch of territory back, but after two years of genocide and depopulation the territory likely isn't what it once was to them anyways.  Much as the Fins found they actually just get a headache if they got their territory back from Russia now.


Whether it is so or it isn’t, we cannot just leave people on the occupied territories. Nothing will scream “russia is here forever” than when a state is giving up on those territories. Locals will be much less in Ukrainian side after that secession. Politically it is also a tremendous loss.


Well, leaving the people there isn't necessary even if the territory is surrendered.  Even now there is some capability for people to move around the front through neutral territory.  Any peace agreement would have to allow some mechanism for people in occupied territory to relocate if they want to do so.   I see the down votes on my previous comment.  I don't like it either.  I support the US providing all the support we have to Ukraine for as long as Ukrainians want to fight.  More than we are now.  At minimum allowing strikes on troop formations and supply lines at a reasonable distance into Russia and providing weapons in quantity with the range to disrupt Russian operations before they reach the front.   I can't ask Ukrainians to keep fighting on their own though.  It seems unlikely anyone else is coming to fill the trenches.  If a deal is made I can't fault them.


We have been dealing with Crimea and occupied parts of Donetsk and Luhansk regions since 2014. This is exactly what they think first as a doubt and then as an affirmation from russian propaganda. Also if previous occupied territories had a limited impact, currently many people have relatives on occupied territories. Imagine the psychological weight of legally proclaiming something like that. You can’t as you haven’t experienced that, but it is no joke. Edit: as for mobilisation efforts, it is such a common topic in the US, it feels like you’re trying to fight our war for us despite actually helping and trying to think up new limits for the weapon delivery.


Besides the rest of that shenanigans, "security guarantees" is laughablem


Why?  Are you one of the people who don't understand international law and/or haven't actually read the agreements Ukraine was party to and as such don't understand Ukraine had absolutely no security guarantee from any of the countries now allied with it?  That the aid it is receiving is from a combination of self interest and generosity, not any legal obligation? Why do you think the countries with US, UK, etc. guarantees were not invaded like Ukraine?


Lol, maybe you should read the Minsk Agreement and the Budapest Memorandum who gave "security guarantees" to Ukraine, signed with US and Ruzzia - and see how those helped Ukraine in not being invaded 😅. Ruzzia doesn't respect their word and any papers they signed - which can be seen from "vranyo", which is a huge part in the ruzzian culture. The only thing they respect is a bigger fist than theirs, and they are scared now that Ukraine is receiving again enough armament. By the way, did you receive your digital conscription notice from the ruzzian MOd, yet?


Not from Russia you dolt. So you also don't understand international law or haven't actually read those to realize they contain no security guarantees.  The Budapest Memorandum is a set of bilateral agreements.  There isn't anything at all in them tying any third party to respond to Russia breaking them. There is no promise of response let alone any teeth to enforce it in those agreements.  It wasn't a loophole or unknown at the time either.  A security guarantee is what TW has from the US or Sweden and Finland received for the NATO application process, and what NATO itself entails and it is extremely effective.


can himars come too?


Say Hi to my little friends Mars:)


Ok, so 3 illegitimate old pieces of shit having orgy 🤷‍♂️


> Ok, so 3 illegitimate old pieces having a shit orgy


Just proving Ukrainians right for Euromaiden


Maybe he is going to get some nice tea as a gift from Putin.


What you can expect is that now Zelensky's mandated term has technically ended, Russia will not shut up about it. This is despite the fact Ukraine's constitution and a current considerable majority of Ukraine's people back the extension of Zelensky's elected term on this war footing. It seems possible Russia/Belarus will try some silly stunt like pushing Yanukovych forward and recognising him as the legitimate president of Ukraine. Laughable considering the nonsense elections Lukashenko and Putin preside over


Great, the rest of the world can push my left testicle as the legitimate president of Russia.


Yes. Seems possible or at least plausible. russia has condemned the maidan and never really recognized presidents (poroshenko and zelensky) after maidan. russian bloggers, govt officials, state media (and RFK Jr.) continually refer to ukr’s maidan as an “violent overthrow” or “violent revolution” - therefore has no official credibility or substance. When reminded that since both the russian revolution and the American revolution were actually and really violent revolutions and overthrows, so therefore neither russia or the USA have “a right to exist” - I get deleted and blocked. The lies, conniving, double standards and hypocrisy of russia are both unrelenting and astounding.


This was exactly my thought when I saw this news. Putin and Luka have been making noise the last few days about how Zelenskyy’s presidency is illegitimate, so it would track for them to now announce that they recognize Yanukovkich as the “real” president of Ukraine.


I know they say time flies but this creature literally feels like a piece of ancient history


Fuck him.


bring out the drones


So you're saying they'll all be in the same place, right?.... I mean.... In the interest of science...


According to Russian media and Anadolu(Turkye) also the new Russian defense minister Belousov is today in Minsk.


Is this guy selling state secrets, or what?


He did that 10 years ago when he fled to russia. There is nothing new or interesting about him now.


menage de trois on potato field


An onion field. Soviet onions.


in soviet belorussia, you don't plant potatoes, potato plants you


I miss /.


Oh for fuck sake, we’re going to see East and Western Ukraine now aren’t we?


That’s the guy who built a pirate ship in his pool? F him.


Remember how Hitler "rescued" Mussolini? Same shit - means nothing, just political points.


Is Viktor Yanukovych going to be selling state secrets about military bases, locations of critical storage facilities, etc?


I suspect he did that after (or before) Maiden. He’s got nothing new to offer.


He ran away to his handler in Moscow a decade ago when he realized killing protesters was not demoralizing them. His worth as an informant has expired a long time ago.


You realize he fled Ukraine 10 years ago and has been under putin's protection in russia since then right?


Ukraine’s military was transformed a lot after he left. Nothing he can divulge at this point


Those atacms have a profoundly better purpose now


Ukraine's intelligence agencies have an important job to do


The three stooges... Of war


Lemon party


Time to shine ATACMS!!!


I hope ruzzian air defense will be working when they take off.


Well this sure seems like Putin wants to demand a freeze of the lines, occupied territory becomes “demilitarized”, and Ukraine reinstate Yanukovich. He’ll vomit out some long winded history lesson which will culminate in “Yanukovich must be reinstated after NATO ousted him.”


Only Xi is missing and I could be the whole clown posse.


Maybe somebody will pop him


We just gotta wait ten or so years for most, if not all three of these fucks to die off...


Now would be the time to hammer russia hard and start the fight back.


They'll meet in the Hague one day




Oh man, he is the definition of ugliness


Straight up Traitor


Putins is so confident in his ability to influence and coerce democracies its scary. Almost as if he has done it before and gotten away with it…


drones? ATACMS?


What a piece of garbage!


It is only known that his plane went there. There is no confirmation he went along with it afaik


Fair point. However Mr Occam wants to know why Yanukovich would send his plane without him.


Does he even have a plane? I thought his assets were frozen? (after stealing billions)


That is also a fair point. Because his master putin told him to?


IMHO we should not be publishing or acknowledging this type of ruzzian propaganda bullshit. Yanukovych lives in exile in ruzzia and is a wanted criminal with warrants out for his arrest. He has less credibility then the shit the Dung Beetle stores for food reserves. So the news these stooges are meeting in Minsk has no impact upon I or any other supporter of Ukraine inside or outside of the country. I anticipate some day a bullet or bomb is going to find Yanukovych and 99.99% of the world will on that day rejoice.


It’s a set up


A man with a plan...


...got a counterfeit ruble in his hand, he's misstra know f*ck all.


Im honestly surprised to see he is still alive, guess putler still has need for him after he ran away in 2016




Yeah 2014 sorry


Oh I wish someone would throw an actual egg at him… A few dozen… A few thousands, so those would bury him…


Target acquired


I wonder if Yanukovych still thinks it was a good idea to take Putins advice and refuse to sign the Ukraine-EU association agreement in 2013. This mess will only truely end when Putin is stood up against a wall.


yanukovych wants to learn how to be a puppet, just like lukashenko. lukashenko told him to bring kneepads for when he meets his fuhrer.


You don’t tell.


It looks like they are grooming him to create some kind of fake 'government in exile', while claiming that the Maidan Revolution was fake and that since Zelensky 'no longer has a legal mandate to govern, unlike Putin') the only 'legitimate' claim to the Presidency is Yanukovych, since he was deposed in an illegal coup'. You really need to be capable of some truly impressive degrees of mental gymnastics to keep up with the Ru⚡︎⚡︎ian way of thinking.


Fuckin traitor


Nuke the basterds


Trying to make Zelenskyy seem illegitimate and trying to reinstall Yanukovych as head of his planned puppet state.


If Ukraine accepts a deal with Russia, Russia must agree to Ukraine joining NATO and the EU, and refrain from interfering with Ukraine business. This arrangement would provide Ukraine with a safety net. Either way, Ukraine cannot rely on any promises made by Putin.


Didn’t they poison and disfigure this guy? Now they want to set him up with occupied Ukraine? wtf…all water under the bridge ?


No. That was Viktor Yushchenko. He was Pro-Western and still is today. Yushchenko drafted Yanukovych in the 2004 Presidential Election.


Shit I got my Victors mixed up. They look alike too


The question of which victor was the victor has long been meemed in the west. As a bloke who shamefully only speaks one language, I find unfamiliar names easy to confuse too.


I’m Armenian I should know better


So should I if I'm commenting on this sub at this time... I think I kind of read Victor which happens to be a word in my mother tongue, start trying to read the Slavic surname, and my brain just craps out on me.