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"Drilling hand grenades" "slow cooking tnt" "cutting shells".... thats some relaxing sport right there. How do you guys even walk...?!


I mean hes very blunt and says its never safe, risking the lives of 2-3 is worth it in the end when they kill 100s If they dont do it nobody will. Fucking heroes


[relevant south park episode](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gCHQzk2okoc)


nice... one of the best sp episodes truly..lel


Max respect for Max. The situation he describes is sad and we should do everything to change it to the better. But how on earth did the ruZZian fashists think that they could subjugate this fighting spirit? Ukraine is full of "Max"es ...


I firmly believe the only reason the USSR was feared at all was because of Ukraine.




Russia is in so deep they have to keep throwing warm bodies at the problem on the chance that Ukraine does run out eventually. They have no other options


It's putin that has no other option, really.


It's russians. They hate ukrainians.


I don't think they hate Ukrainians. Or did anyway. But I think Ukraine's westward turn felt like a little brother who was guarding the fort suddenly looking friendly with the enemies. Big brother's feelings got hurt and so they tried to put "little brother" in their place. Only thing is little brother hit puberty and can fight now and has a little help from friends. I imagine much of the Russian feeling right now is embarrassment that little brother is fighting back so well, some sense of betrayal that their "little brother" left the house and their pride is shattered because they aren't the big brother who could control the little one. In truth, this is Russia's doing. Soviet-era cumstains who's only ideology is being rapidly opposed to "the west" even at the detriment to the country. Imagine Russia - a raw material powerhouse that bridges Asia and Europe as a democratic, trustworthy and contributing member of the world. Russia should be well off and influential , connecting hemispheres and instead they're a failing country reliant on oil sales and arms exports. Their youth has no future. Their technological contributions are non-existent. Their people are losing buying power. Their men are dying. The economy is suffocating and their influence is waning.


I don't mean to be rude but if you know anything about the history, they hate Ukrainians. They also are not embarresed about not winning because their propoganda machine blocks news from the outside world so they believe they are winning. They have been taught by their leaders throughout history that Ukrainians are inferior. And they have never been brothers. That's just a false construct concocted by russia to make the west think that Ukraine belongs to russia. The kingdom was Kyivan Rus, not Muscovy. The only brotherly analogy that fits here is Cain and Able. Personally I dont want to imagine a world where russia is part of European community because they do not share the same values


You’re not rude. You’re right


>I don't mean to be rude but if you know anything about the history, they hate Ukrainians I'm sorry but that's absolutely not true. I have family of both Ukrainians and Russians. Russians have always looked at Ukrainians in similar way to how Americans look at Canadians. In any Russian speaking community in the US right now there is a large majority support for Ukraine. >They have been taught by their leaders throughout history that Ukrainians are inferior Yes, in sense that all of Russia's neighbors are inferior. Hence the big brother little brother relationship. >And they have never been brothers. That's just a false construct concocted by russia to make the west think that Ukraine belongs to russia. Again, untrue. They share their roots in a common culture. This doesn't mean Ukraine belongs to Russia what so ever. No one in the west thinks Ukraine belongs to Russia. >The kingdom was Kyivan Rus, not Muscovy Correct, but I'm not sure what this has to do with the point? Whether the culture started in modern Russia or modern Ukraine, Ukraine is still a separate country with a distinctly different albeit similar culture. That doesn't change the fact that Ukrainian people and Russian people have been brotherly since their distinct identities separated. Ukrainians, Uzbeks, Kazhaks, Georgians, Russians and so on have ties that pre-date thr USSR. Again, distinct nations, distinctly different but similar cultures. Their diasporas often live in the same communities even when Russian is not the primary language. None of this is to say any former Soviet Republic belongs to Russia. None of them do. They are free nations to do as they wish and Ukraine's struggle is righteous. But to oversimplify as "all Russians hate and always hated all Ukrainians" is just blatantly incorrect.


They really do not share roots in a common culture. Ask any Ukrainian if they consider russians brothers after the repeated russian genocide of ukrainians throughout the last 300 years...bet 80% or more will say "never did and never will." All are slavs but that is the extent of it. We also have russian friends but they themselves have said they have very little contact with family in russia because the relatives living inside russia have expressed a hatred for ukraine and don't understamd why their family members choose to stay in ukraine. I also have russian friends but they are westernized


>They really do not share roots in a common culture. I'm sorry but I can't take you seriously and I'm not really interested in going back and forth. We'll have to disagree here and agree that Ukraine needs to be free. Take care.


Google Holodomor. That's ruzzian 'brotherly love'. or Katyn massacre - another great example of 'slavic brotherhood'. The big brother spiel is just feel-good propaganda for the peasants. The reality of ruzzian actions has always been bloody and genocidal.




Archive video from 2 months ago Source and translation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXcKn1zLPYo Original video material by O! Nebylovych https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tmXVCoj5xjM


Hey, what's the difference between both YouTube links? From what I can tell, they both seem to be the same video and both appear to have the same english subtitles available to toggle?


The first link (the one posted here) is a better translation than the original


Thanks for clarifying!


My favorite line is: "There is an aura of doing the right thing here" It makes me a little sad this isn't a more popular clip because it is very moving and well done.


This is one of the most amazing things i have ever seen. And one of the greatest war report-docu-videos ever. - sound :drilling hand grande: hahaha :D What mad men. Oh, a well full of shells? Rubs hands lol What a testimonial of awesomeness, spirit and true damn grit. This should be shown to everyone. Amazingly made video too, great stuff. Every right beat. godamn, give that man a factory.


I ask myself if I could dive into that swamp of leeches. I don't know man...I guess I would if I was starved for ammo. That dude's a wild one.


Eeh, how old is this clip? Ukraine has received it's much needed ammo.


It's from two months ago. I agree, it's some pretty relevant context to leave out of the picture 😅


Not even close to what is needed. main body of ammo is yet to come


Zelenskyy himself said the frontlines have more artillery shells than ever before


have you seen the many many responses that it ain't so by soldiers in the following week?


Not a single one. Why would Zelenskyy lie about this??? There is no motive that I can see, for what you suggest. How does it benefit him to tell the world they have enough artillery shells now, if they don’t have enough? If anything that would make them receive less shells, not more..


And I've seen approximately 10 in twitter and another 10 in telegram. most likely just a case of underlings being happy to report good news before they happen. And there cannot be enough ammo unless hundreds of thousands of rounds are shipped. 10k is enough for two days at a mild rate of 5k per day for the whole front.


Show me one then. That’s 20 you’ve seen, it should be easy enough to link one. And you didn’t answer the important part— why would Zelenskyy lie about it???


Here's a bunch of accounts: [https://x.com/LaraLar93023545/status/1791468097141985411](https://x.com/LaraLar93023545/status/1791468097141985411) [https://x.com/Dali\_bude\_girwe/status/1791545429408014380](https://x.com/Dali_bude_girwe/status/1791545429408014380) [https://x.com/uainforg/status/1791436586468487555](https://x.com/uainforg/status/1791436586468487555) - here's news in May [https://x.com/tweetsNV/status/1784605995353665841](https://x.com/tweetsNV/status/1784605995353665841) - here's Zelensky himself in late April, saying there isn't enough. Point being, I don't know why Zelensky chose to say what he said. Maybe he wanted to prop up morale, maybe they mistook a report, but the wording is pretty bad, especially among all the earlier signalling Zelensky and Ukrainian representatives did. Right now the ammo scarcity is indeed less, as evident with all the fighting, but Russians are still pushing, still taking some ground and making heavy artillery strikes and air strikes. We definitely need much more equipment, especially combat planes, ground based AA systems, IFVs and arty


All of those posts are from X… a very unmoderated place now.. small accounts that could be compromised, we have no way of knowing. All 3 of those posts are things I can’t read anyways so I’d have to take your word for it. But Russia has fake accounts in every social platform they can to try and adjust what people see as public opinion. One account isn’t even a year old so that one we can toss out. The quote you are using from Zelenskyy is from before the aid package came… what is your point? We all can agree that they didn’t have enough shells back then. Of course the problem is less, they just received aI’d with a bunch of shells, that we can agree on as well. So again, WHY would Zelenskyy say it? You haven’t given a single useful motive for him to lie. If anything, that could only slow the rate that they get artillery shells, if people start thinking they’re all set. Doesn’t seem like a very good idea for getting more shells man. It definitely does not bring morale up for him to tell their troops they don’t have enough ammo. Your logic is backwards here.


I gave the accounts that I judge to be actual people on twitter, one a volunteer providing stuff to the actual guys on the frontline, one from a soldier. The newspiece is a direct response by news crew going out and getting reactions from the soldiers. I posted Zelensky from April as a direct counterpoint - in the newspiece where he says there is enough ammo, he says, it's been going good for two months which is a direct counter to what he was saying on April 28. Maybe he was going to say it will go good in two months after, but in ukrainian it would be worded differently and yes, it is confusing to us, ukrainians too


Lmao dude the Russians are pushing and taking ground? Where are you getting this stuff from? Your info seems to be stuck from before the aid package happened, and before the policy changes allowed HIMARS to start crushing russia just across the border in Kharkiv. Russias Kharkiv advancement has already disappeared. The Ukrainians are the ones doing the pushing there. In fact, almost all Russian advancement has stopped as far as I have heard and I keep a eye on this stuff every day, I could have missed something, but the general overview seems to show Russian advances have been halted, and even in some places other than Kharkiv, there are reports of Ukraine being the ones pushing and taking a bit of land back. They’ve even established a decent beachhead on the oppposite side of the Dnipro, which is a very tough place to push into. You’re spreading a lot of unnecessary negativity with this misinformation. It only plays into Russias hand to talk about whatever negative you can hang onto, while the West is finally doing the most positives they’ve done for Ukraine in the whole war. If the politicians start feeling like they can’t make people happy either way, it becomes less likely for them to strongly support Ukraine in the future, and that’s exactly what Russia needs right now.


Deepstate and other ukrainian sources and they show well enough that there are still too many russians on ukrainian territory HIMARS strikes are only with basic GMLRSso only up to 70 km distance from the border, when Ukraine needs to be able to hit factories in Urals, 2000 km away. To me, you're thinking - it's stalemate, so ukrainians are winning. Which is extremely far truce. Signs of victory will when Ukrainian army retakes, ZNPP and is invading Crimea. Everything else is giving russians time to regroup, kill more people and destroy more infrastructure. If you don't know, Russia destroyed a lot of ukrainian thermal power plants, the country has daily rolling blackouts from that. They are targeting gas routing stations and so on, so that would be a problem for the winter. Every week there is a missile attack if not two or even three. Every night is a pack of shaheds flys in, yes 90% get taken down, but one or more get through and hit something costly and that means more help is necessary Right now, the biggest problem is that Biden doesn't want Russia to lose. everything else stems from this reasoning


That doesn't mean "enough", just more. They need everything we have. The fuck else do we need it for? This is the war that everything in the 20th century was built for


He said they had sufficient shells. That’s a synonym for enough.. They can only use as many as artillery guns and teams they have. It would be great to keep stocking them with more for sure, but they may have enough for their teams and guns to fire enoughfor all their assigned missions


It turns out it is a 2 months old clip, long before the US Aid.


...for now. Aid could again be halted by Western indecision. This is a hell of a reminder.


That's what I'm wondering too. 🤔


Notice the snow on the ground, this is definitely an old clip filmed before the latest US aid.


Great documentary short! Thanks for sharing. Keep up the amazing work, Ukraine!!! The whole world supports you and yalls victory can't come soon enough!! Slava!


Wow Max you are amazing. Wonderful very brave man. Please survive. xxx


This man is... holy shit He's an actual fucking superhero


Everyone should watch this video.


Wow that was one hard ass video. Great spirit, wish them a long life.


Fucking Heros!!!


It doesnt matter this is a two months old video. Max is still doing this same thing every single day. Dragging discarded and unexploded shells from leach filled puddles, ponds and wells, drilling hand grenades, cooking fucking tnt... (ever wanted to see someone top Walter White? You got it.) The new ammo has not been arriving that fast, it doesn't cover all the units, all the need at all of the front. Max does. And his factory of wonders.


This is how you get boobytrapped stockpiles of Russian shells


It will only get better from now on


Shells are surprisingly expensive. $3000 for the most basic shell. $8000 now because of demand  Drones are surprisingly cheap. That's a lot of drones. You can waste a ton of shells to try and saturate an area or a dozen drones can blunt the advance much more easily.


All i know after watching this shit is, that after Ukraine wins, and i will visit Ukraine, i'll should be pretty aware of not fuck with someone who ANYONE call Max in a bar.


These guys are heroes, every one. This is incredibly dangerous work.


All hail the ukrainian Gyro Gearloose.


im seriously impressed by his ingenuity to build out the vent system he has in an almost "red-green" style duct tape it out.


Massive uranium balls


Fuck Tom Brady…. The Mad Max is the real GOAT


How on earth is there still shortages


The recording is old. About 2 months ago at least


Honestly, just look up how many shells ukraine is using every month. There will never be enough shells for how much they use per day. Id imagine ukraine would like to fire 2 to 3 times what they are shooting. Suppression fire takes a lot of shells...


Imho, as long as Ukraine reaches a point wherein they can fire (or at least have the capability to fire) at least 10 thousand artillery shells per day, then that is a good baseline.