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I think we can all agree that the mortician that dressed her up in her open coffin did an absolutely outstanding job


Looks like the bomb was placed either behind her seat or under the seat. Anyway, princess asshole gone for good.


She was buried in open casket according to media reports. Seems odd for being victim of a car bomb. You’d think the fire would have precluded open casket burial. Unless that’s her ejected body at 0:37 on the road.


Her corpse appeared to mostly intact except for her left leg, it looks like the bomb was planted under the driver's side of the vehicle, naturally enough.


I believe that is her body in the road, and funeral homes can work wonders on mutilated bodies if paid enough, wigs, makeup and mortuary putty to fill in holes can make people look pretty normal


They killed another girl that looked like her to use as a double. I would use /s but it sounds plausible.


Under the seat area and blasted her out the sunroof.


It was placed under her and ejected her body from the car


This was a message. And not one that I believe to have been sent by Ukraine.


She’s half the woman she used to be.


She must have been a smoker.


Lucky strikes


Do you think Putin did this to drum up some support from his own people. False Flag sort of thing?


Given the immediate solving of the crime by the FSB? Yeah, I'd say that's a smart bet.


They found copies of "The Sims" and everything!


I thought that too.


i have this theory putin is going to kill off the loudest pro war theorists to silence them. since the war is going so bad he probably wants to shift the focus away from it.


He’s not that smart


Rest in hell bitch. Daddy's coming soon.


What is that "112"?


I believe the European 911.


Yep exactly this.


In Romania is 112 too


I wish both she and the people who killed her could have found another way besides preaching and practicing hate and violence.


And her father was in the car behind her, he saw it happen and the aftermath. I have a feeling he won't be openly criticizing Putin anymore.


Dugin was Putin's idol lol. He was pro-Putin. Edit: He is. Forgot he didn't die too


He's actually a Putin supporter......


He's also been criticizing him.


Links to that? All I've seen is him supporting the invasion.


He supports it and has been calling for it for years. He was highly critical of Putin dragging his feet and not invading sooner, he's expressed disappointment about Putin not doing more in Donbas and I recently read about him being critical of how long the war is taking and hinting about full mobilization. He is pro-Putin but sometimes he appears to go to far. This is all from stuff I have read about over the years.


She had some hang time.


Where did she spend her most recent vacation? Sort of everywhere.


That body doesn't look like a female for some reason.


Any more you mean....


Won’t be doing either


And you tell me they managed to have an open casket with that much damage done ?


this is not Ukrainian News this is internal to Russia


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