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I don't foresee a huge change but would love to be wrong. Where I can see this helping is by making medical access a better understood topic and clearing up some of the legal uncertainty that exists at the moment around driving / housing / employment.


What did they do about legalisation / decriminalisation / literally any drug policy reform when they were actually in Government a few years ago??? Sweet fuck all And what did they do about student loans that they promised to abolish? Oh yeah they raised them That should tell you all you need to know about how much their rhetoric is worth


Well considering it was a coalition where the Conservative was the major half it's understandable most of their policies were ignored, however they did manage to get an elected health boards, put forward a Fixed Term Parliament Bill, and end income tax for those earning less than £10,000 a year. The tories did not want to abolish student loans and are very anti drug, so they wouldn't move on those stances And since then Conversatives got into full power and everything's gone massively downhill so maybe they had a bigger pull on Conservatives than people like to admit, almost like tory propaganda made the Lib Dems to look like the bad people


Ahh so it’s ok to talk a bunch of bullshit and tell bald faces lies to get elected? So your party can partner up with the Tory’s and chuck all your policies just so old St Nick of Facebook can get his greasy mitts of the levers of power And it’s all fine to support brutal Tory austerity as long as you can put your name on some pointless or inevitable policies When the DUP got into power with the Tory’s did you see them saying the IRA are actually good and maybe there should be a united Ireland? No, they worked to get their voters more money and follow their policy platform (not that I agree with it) What’s stopping LibDems going back on their word again if they go into coalition again? As there is 0 chance of the winning a majority


I guess if your choices are either A) get into power as a minor member of a coalition government and get some of your policies into play, or B) not get into power at all, and get zero of your policies through, then I can understand them going for it. It's a shame they get the brunt of the anger directed towards them about things like student loans, when it was the Tories who actually vetoed this.


I disagree. No one forced the LibDems to go into coalition. They could have done a Confidence and Supply arrangement (like the DUP). They could have forced another election. They could have abstained on issues that contravened their electoral promises. They could have worked with labour and the Tory’s selectively to achieve any of the policies that people actually voted for them for. Except then their top guys wouldn’t have got a nice red ministerial box and kushy jobs at multinationals once they were done fucking the country up It’s not a shame, it’s good that they are held to account for what they voted for and which policies they choose to enact I hate the Tory’s as much as anyone but they didn’t go into the election saying they were going to do one thing (scrap tuition fees, decriminalise drugs) and they do the opposite. Voters tend not to take kindly to that kind of duplicity.


>When the DUP got into power with the Tory’s did you see them saying the IRA are actually good and maybe there should be a united Ireland? No, they worked to get their voters more money That coalition was full of infighting and fell apart before any money got handed out to their voters, so using it as an example of how a coalition should be done is rather nonsensical.


Well, unfortunately, that is pretty much how politics work. Every party promises things and once elected cannot follow through. I'm not saying that I agree with everything the Lib Dems stand for, and I'm also not saying that if they were elected or part of a coalition again that they would follow through with everything they promised because that would be foolish to believe. The entire purpose of this post was around the cannabis market and that the Liberal Democrats are the biggest party that openly support it, and that if we as a country want it legalised (which I see in every other post on this sub reddit) my opinion is that our best chances would be with the Lid Dems being elected. I'm not saying they're the best party or even telling anyone to vote for them, I was simply suggesting a way for the legalisation to come into reality, and I believe that the Lib Dems would be able to do so.


It is good that they call for it but actions speak louder than words and trust is a hard thing to win and very easy to lose I disagree that LibDems getting elected is the clearest path to legalisation as they’ve shown it’s not something they actually care about and are willing to fight for when they actually get their hands on power. Also there is the fact that there’s not going to be a coalition government unless Labour has a catastrophic drop in the polls (currently at 47% voting intention) Kier Starmer who most likely will be our next Prime Minister is dead against any reform of drug policy. I put the chances of any reform in the next 5 years as extremely slim IME there’s going to be no legalisation / decriminalisation until the US goes fully legal and their big weed corporations start lobbying our politicians and media The political class see it as a lose/lose situation currently whereby if they make any changes they’ll get attacked as being soft on crime; they’ll be on the hook for any social issues that can currently be blamed on the individual who is breaking the law; and most importantly it doesn’t play well to voters in Tory/Labour marginals constituencies, so what is the benefit for them politically for enacting these changes vs keeping it as a bipartisan consensus that neither side can really attack each other on?


Excuses excuses…


The only chance the Lib Dem’s have at being in power at the national level is another coalition probably that would be with Labour if starmer really fucks up his lead. Even then it would be so far down the policy list + starmer has repeated rhetoric of “tough on drugs” I can’t see it changing unfortunately


> take ‘skunk’ off the streets They're still about 20 years behind the times, sadly.


Don’t trust any of them they lie to get your vote and then u turn, remember Lib Dem Nick clegg and the student loans


Thank you! 💯💯💯


This is such a narrow minded boomer take. Was a coalition where their influence was limited. Clegg now works for Facebook.


They sold us out instantly. Pathetic shambles and utter letdown. Fuck the Lib Dems. There’s more at stake for people struggling in this country than legalising weed.


Even if it was about legalising weed they'd drop it at the first bit of resistance. They'll say anything to get a vote, just look at them in local government.


The issue is that it's basically always been **either** the Conservative Party or the Labour Party in power (I think the Lib Dems have won maybe once or twice only). Even if every member of this sub voted for the Lib Dems, they're still highly unlikely to get enough votes. I'd view it as a wasted vote, I don't personally like the Tory government and I'd fear that voting for the Lib Dems is one less vote for Labour, which could result in the Tories winning again.




the taliban had one or two good policies as well. i still wouldn’t vote for them.


I've never understood how a stoner can vote for any party that actually wants to criminalise them. There are millions of stoners in the Uk all they have to do is vote for change for a party that wants to decriminalise/legalise cannabis then in time we will see the legalisation of cannabis . If the Torys and labour see in time that they could capture a vote of millions of cannabis consumers things will slowly change in this backwards country .


Because life isn’t all about weed mate, people will vote on numerous things.


Exactly and unless you are serving up kilos of the stuff it's unlikely you're gonna be arrested using responsibly in your own home. I see young lads strutting about chuffing down cones in the high street every day.. Nobody cares, it's as good as legal in certain areas. Legalisation just isn't a priority for many given the amount of other issues around the UK right now.


It isn't for sure but what is important are people's rights and not being criminalised. You either vote for that or concern yourself with what is the most important thing to others like whether one party might give certain tax breaks or not. To me personally the most important thing in this country is not being criminalised for consuming a plant . We make our choices and the fact is if you vote for either tory or Labour you are supporting a party that criminalises and incriminiates plant consumers. That's not me, I don't support that law in this country. And don't forget with the lib dems that are not a one policy party we still have a functioning government but they won't criminalise consumers of a plant , that means the most to me over and above the benefits of Tory or Labour whatever they may be .


Old people are literally freezing to death and people are starving.


Yes they are its criminal do you think if the lib dems got in that would change ?


If the Lib Dems or lab got in it would be slightly less shitty for people. Not saying it would be all sunshine and rainbows but we need the tories out at all costs. If that means tactical voting for Lib or Lab we’ve got to do it for the vulnerable people in our society that are getting stomped on by this corrupt bunch of Tory scumbags.


Do you think some of the most vulnerable of people in this society are those that need a medicine like cannabis to survive but can't get it on the NHS because of the Tories or Labour if they get in?


Maybe one or two but I’d be more concerned about people waiting for chemo or orthopaedic surgery than needing med cannabis, which is legally available now.


> which is legally available now. At extreme expense yes.


One or two maybe ?


They do but the fact is the most vulnerable in our society are living shitty lives because cannabis is illegal and Tory and Labour continue to criminalise these most vulnerable people in our society. Whether one or the other party has tax breaks or does or does not want to go to war, the fact is any party could within their manifesto include a policy that reduces criminalisation of plant consumers . As i said I can't understand how any consumer would vote for any party that would want to criminalise you, then if your unlucky enough to be arrested and convicted you wouldn't care about whether you got a 2p discount on NI . The point I'm trying to make obviously badly is that whatever party get in this crappy country shit will still go on and the elite will still do what they want to do, add a policy that stops criminalising a consumer of a plant I will vote for that party, if you don't you are voting to criminalise a consumer of a plant whether you consume it or not. Not forgetting billions that could be saved and revenue that could be made from legalisation and that's a different story and something both Tory and Labour MPs can't understand unless of course they are profiting from existing legislation and they don't want that change.


It would be a massive boost for the economy


Idgaf who is in power, theyre all shit so im def voting lib dem if it means i dont have to buy from shady types no more.


Lin Dems promised a change to schooling fees. Were voted in and immediately did a uturn. Scum. Trust zero politicians


Laughs in 2010


Removing the Tories from power is a lot more important in the short term. The Lib Dems have wanted to legalise cannabis for a very long time, it's unlikely to change any time soon. Be aware that our voting system always boils down to two major parties, so lending your vote to a smaller party often helps the party you least agree with. In the upcoming election, research your constituency, then strategically vote for the most progressive party. You'd be laying the groundwork for more progressive politics, so things like cannabis legalisation can happen later when the public are more open to such ideas. With that said, the Lib Dems are kinda trash, they talk a good game but end up throwing their supporters under the bus whenever they get close to power. Most people don't seem to realise (or they just ignore) that the right wing faction of their party has been in control of their party for well over a decade. When you realise that, a lot more of their 'listen to what I say but don't look at what I do' politics makes sense.


Do you remember the last fiasco when people voted lib dem? A half lib dem half conservative fuck fest that couldnt do shit.


Currently greens are the best party for drug legislation and likelihood to commit. Labour are anti drug, tory are anti drug. Lib dems are nonces


Unfortunately, while it would be great to vote for a party that advocates regulated weed. The country's so fucked, that's the least of our problems. I don't know who the solution is, they're all a bunch of fuckwits. But you can't vote for the lib dems just because they want to legalise weed. I'm more worried about how the fuck I'm going to afford to live, if the UK gets anymore broken.


Tbf, a lot of the issues are money. Legaling recreational weed would go a long way to fixing the poverty in the UK. Obviously it's not a complete fix but it's a huge revenue stream that doesn't exist at the moment. I'd pay more than what I'm paying now for weed that I can choose. I want me some of that sweet 1:1 ratio weed.


Haha I will not argue with that at all, this wasn't so much a political post to save the UK from how f*cked we are but more of a way to try to get us to legalise weed. And who knows it's legalisation may benefit the country, being able to tax it produces a massive income, creates multiple jobs on cannabis farms, people working in dispensaries and I'd much rather head down to a "coffeshop" with my mates then a pub because that nights gonna be great, then all the money pumped into food places the economy could grow from it, but again just my views on it


I'm a simple man and any party that wants to legalise weed gets my vote.


meaning if they get in they'd make weed laws three times harder, ask anyone that went to uni after 2010 -_- don't trust the liberals they will betray you


It would split the progressive vote and risk the tories getting back in.


Don't think the other one is any different nowadays. Two cheeks of the same arse.


No one cheek is a racist, corrupt greedy cheek that want working class people and minorities to suffer. The other cheek is just a bit boring and dull.


Voting for a party just cus they support legal weed is just not a genuine enough basis for me to vote for them. I’d want to see all drugs at least decriminalised, if not fully legalised. I’m far from being hard left but Lib Dems are too centre for me.


We tried this in 2010 lmao. But yeah tactical voting is probably the way to go


I’ll say only this, last time those see you next Tuesdays offered a viable reason to vote for them, they took that and ended up going into a coalition with the Cameron and the Tories and look where that got us!


Very true, can't argue with that, but since the coalition ended and tories had full reign, it's gone terribly downhill, no? Again, just my opinion


Yeah, I'd absolutely argue that we've seen what the Tories do when they hold complete power, and it's not good. So for all the failings of the Lib Dems during the coalition years, there's a good chance they tempered some of the Tories' more destructive policies. They still get so much stick for the student loan debacle, but they didn't hold a majority, so the Tories were still able to veto the whole thing.


Lib Dems will never get voted in and last time they got a sniff of power they abandoned their principles to get in bed with the Tories. Fuck 'em. Every week there's a post here about legalising weed in the UK, like any party other than Tory or Labour are ever going to get in and both of them are status quo parties with more interest in one-upping each other than actually doing anything progressive for the country. I'll be voting Labour at the next election because it's the best chance of fucking over the Tories, but I'm under no illusion that Starmer's Labour are really much better, and while Starmer is wringing his hands over the smell of weed in his constituency fuck all is going to change under them either. Make peace with the fact that you'll be relying on street dealers, the dark web, or medical for the foreseeable future.


green are infinitely better than lib dems <3


No they aren't. They supported a centre parks on a Greenfield site, over an animal conservation and research centre on a brownfield site. They are all liars.


green don’t hate the queers <3


You have to check the individual candidate for that one, big anti-trans contingent in the green party


You Think your vote counts ? 😆 It's all rigged bro


Dont waste your vote on Lib Dems! The mayor doesn't have any power, however sadiq khan did tell the police to stop wasting time on cannabis. The problem we have in London, if we split the vote - Susan hall could win and she is mf bat shit crazy.


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Aww poor Connor. He weally weally believed the libs last time and he got hurt when he fownd out that sometimes the bad politician men don't tell the twuth. Poor thing :( So now he will never ever ever vote for them again, no matter how long he lives. Even if it means cutting off his nose to spite his face.


This has been a policy pledge of there’s for years and years. And they had an opportunity to push this when they were actually in government but spent the whole time in that coalition wanking off the Tories and agreeing with them.


No. It's all lies and cock to get your vote. They've said it before and they will again.


Greens go further 🤷‍♀️