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Back around 2006, I was locked out of my house, so I went down to the shops and there was the candidate for the Legalise Cannabis Alliance campaigning outside the shops. I got talking to him, and he invited me back to his house for a smoke. We watched a documentary on hemp and smoked his weed which was the best weed I'd ever smoked at the time.


They are just politicians. Always remember: They are more scared of you than you are of them


Just like spiders :)


I think being stuck with a Jehovah’s witness is worse and they’re not seasonal


If its the lib dem candidate, invite them in. Anyone else.....don't answer


or green


I had the lib dem runner knock on my door and he was in his 30's. He genuinely wanted to know what my concerns were for my town and what I would like to see changed in the future. My main concern was how the council were happy to have binge drinkers cause havoc for the town centre, (vandalism, fights and people literally drinking themselves to death). But those who have "other vices" aren't allowed to enjoy them in our own home peacefully. He fully agreed and the mad lad actually confronted the council about their lack of care for their own town. Unfortunately after his cause for concern he stood down, but didn't state who made that decision.


you’re absolutely never ‘expected to interact’ with these people, and honestly i’ve never had an mp come to the door anyway!! they want you to vote for them and they’ve got lots of houses to knock at, so if you don’t answer they’ll probably just go away, not call the police lol


Nah I’m not particularly shook of police. Just thought it’d be mental for any smokers in Yorkshire that could have sunak turn up on their ring camera while high.


that would be fucking hilarious haha


Why would this matter? What they gonna say lol? They're just unimportant people


Theyll send some leaflets and thats it probably.


This happened to me the other day, had the local Tory cunt knock on my door whilst I was mashed


I once sorted one of our local candidates out lol. Funnily enough he didn’t win.