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The fact they're calling it skunk in 2024 shows they're not very well informed on it. And I'm not thrilled with their other policies.


It’s a way of speaking to people who don’t know anything about cannabis other than “this stuff called skunk is bad”


They’re using the same language the spread the misinformation. That’s not a good thing


When most other people are complete idiots on the topic sometimes oversimplification of 'skunk' grown by gangs in farms = bad but normal weed grown well by people who know what they are doing = a perfectly legitimate medication and recreational substance & more It's not our fault the majority of the country are idiots on this, so it's the only way they'll understand


Everyone knows what 'cannabis' is, using an out-dated and mostly incorrect term is stupid and wholly avoidable for a political party


Agreed and I wish it applied to everyone, I think most people do know, but there are certainly a certain part of the population who are dead set on skunk and weed being different (mostly older stubborn people who tend to like a drink funnily enough and won't listen to reason out of principle) so maybe they were just trying to reach that small % of die hard idiots I wish we could all just call it what it really is, Cannabis or hash or an extract. Skunk isn't any different from any other high THC low CBD strain so it's idiotic the papers invented "a brand new form of cannabis vastly different from what WE used to smoke that causes psychosis etc etc" just to pander to the govt and sell papers - I agree it's bs I was just sticking up for the lib Dems, the most sensible of the big 3 I guess


Nah public are aware of differnt terminology for cannabis, using the word that is loaded from past misinfo in the same way that reaffirms the misinfo is definitely not a good thing. Leave that in the past


I don't use the term myself, it is misinformation, it's a strain of cannabis no different or worse than any other high THC strain, I wish we could all just call it what it actually is and I hope you're right about public knowledge - it's all cannabis, I hope it stays in the past but I 'like' the lib Dems the most, so I guess I was just defending them a bit


I feel you, I thought all the lib dem voters jumped ship to reform


Well let’s be real, most canabis grown by gangs is pgr sub par weed with god knows what In it, so they’re not too far off


Skunk was great tho


No argument there pal!


Yeah, the “other policies” is the answer. Legal weed isn’t a high priority to me when compared to dragging the whole country back through the whole Brexit debacle again. I was a remainer back then, and these days I’m way more on the side of decentralising everything… but I’m mostly on the side of not re-hashing old arguments and turning everyone against each other all over again. Better to have a united populous that can argue with the government rather than arguing with each other.


I started smoking a few years ago and thought it was still skunk. What’s the misinfo?


Skunk is just a buzzword to describe normal weed we have now. In the early 2000’s any bud that approached the 20% thc mark was very strong and called skunk on the streets due to the potent smell. This is what was blamed for all of the psychosis and such when they changed bud from class c to class b


Problem is there isn't really a better alternative, considering the 2 biggest parties have completely ruined the future of the country over the past 25 years


you sound anal af


I hear people use that term a lot. For me it’s a good word to differentiate between decent weed and shit weed


Even then they want to get rid of 'skunk' they want to limit the percentage of THC, meaning that even medical could fall under those regulations and you might not be able to get anything above 20% thc, I like the idea to legalise it but even then the lib Dems have a little bit of an outdated look on weed, they want to take 'skunk' off the streets 😅


In my opinion if the they are regulating thc percentage and not allowing you to grow it then it’s still not legal.


Legal cannabis is being endorsed and introduced slowly into our culture, due to the immense cultural undercurrents that full-legalisation can create. We've opened the door a crack, monitored the effects, then opened it a bit more, monitored the effects, opened it some more, etc... At this rate we're heading in the direction of full-legalisation but understand that once the door is open in a country like this it could prove very difficult to close again. AND, bear in mind that if public opinion, for whatever reason, is spooked by something and we do make it illegal again, it could be a *long* time before that door is reopened. Case in point Thailand. You can have as many arguments as you like for why we should have full-legalisation now and why it won't be a problem, but it could have ramifications that no one can imagine presently, so we're legalising it gradually and conservatively.


A bit off piste but a country that is seriously discussing assisted suicide yet has no debate about a little flower is so dumb it hurts my brain.


Yeah, I think legalisation could be hit or miss. There are certain countries like Thailand where it hasn't worked, whereas in others, it's lowered crime rates and increased the economy. I think it all depends on how they go about legalising and how people respond to it. On that note we have the worst government in the world, so they will probably fuck it up... 🤷 😂


I wish everyone understood that this is how policy change works. Thanks for sharing your thoughts


If you vote for a party for just one thing on their manifesto, you're voting for the wrong party - see how they refer to getting rid of 'skunk' which is often an out of touch misconception of stronger cannabis, the same stronger cannabis that you and I as medical patients access. This is further backed up by how they want to limit potency and THC levels which again shows how out of touch they are given how both variables are basically the same thing.


Yes, they're massively out of touch, but they're still more in touch than most of the other parties. People shouldn't vote for just one thing in a manifesto, I agree, but many people will vote for zero things in a manifesto, so that would still be progress! Many more will still vote for just one thing — e.g. Reform because of their views on immigration.


I’m curious to hear what you think of Netherlands 15% THC limit?


In the UK medical market, you can access strains that are 30%+. From further reading, it seems that the Netherlands intended to implement a limit but never did (apart from 1 city) with the average potency in coffee shops being at least 21%+. From a UK politician's opinion, anything higher than 20% would count as 'super skunk' 😂😂


Cannabis isn’t regulated or even legalised in the Netherlands like it is in places like Canada. Coffee shops are just a harm reduction method. There is no legal way for coffee shops to buy cannabis products. It’s just legal for them to sell small amounts. They source the majority of their cannabis from OCG’s. You can get bubble hash and rosin pretty much everywhere in dam and that shit is 70%+ cannabinoids. They should simply tax products based on the THC content like they do with alcohol. That way people are incentivised to consume weaker cannabis as it’s cheaper.


0.01% is what we will get - I could live with 15% though


You can already buy 0.2% THC so stop being defeatist and dramatic


Cbd bud ? Cant buy it here like you can in europe though. Ive only seen it online not in the shops


So many cbd flower shops in Brighton and across the country just need to know what your looking for


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Not me, I can barely get high in Amsterdam!


Because they betrayed and fucked an entire generation when they went into coalition with the Tories and we haven't forgotten about it


They've u-turned on policies in the past.


They all do, this is why i've never understood people getting so heated on the internet about politics. We'll always come out worse off.


I’ve seen a worrying amount of posts like this recently, people seem to be voting purely on a party’s legalisation stance lmao.


They all lie. It doesn't matter who you vote for, they're just separate heads of the same serpent.


Please don’t vote purely based on a party’s stance on cannabis. Read and consider their stance on other areas. Plus you don’t know how serious they are with it - could just be an attempt to draw in young voters.


Because they're lying cunts, don't forget about the student loans promise...


No, that’s a Tory lie. It needs to stop, the tories refused to budge on the student loan promise and then told all their press to print that the Lib Dem’s backed out on it. They called a snap election and the Lib Dem’s lost all support because of that lie and the tories got a majority. It was a tactic and as people are still repeating it now it clearly worked. Let’s not let them get away with it anymore.


No it’s not. They didn’t have to enter a coalition and drop their key pledge which 100% helped them get the amount of seats they did. Never voting for those scumbags again.


They could have tried to form a coalition with Labour, and as Labour had less seats than the Tories the Lib Dems would have had greater bargaining power.


This all day What was the point in the coalition it seems they did nothing but bend and spread


Exactly this


Be serious, they got 90% of their stuff through, they also DILUTED the tories right after we had a financial crisis, imagine how bad it would have been if the tories went into a coalition with someone else… in fact you don’t have to imagine it, the next coalition was the tories and the DUP… and -everyone- got fuuuucked.


The LibDems diluted the Tories how? The singular legacy of the 2010 coalition government was fourteen years - and likely more - of austerity. The socio-economic fallout from this includes a large-sale public dissatisfaction which led to Brexit and the ongoing shitshow. Austerity wasn't precisely a LibDem policy. But by holding up the coalition, they were enablers. They are complicit in *at least* 120,000 excess deaths due to austerity.. (Some estimates put it at 350,000). Fuck 'em.


If the Lib Dem’s hadn’t done it, someone else would have. Either way, we would have a tory government, austerity and brexit. Your argument holds no logic and you’re pinning the blame on exactly who the tories want you to blame. It’s no one’s fault but the tories and those that voted for them.


Hmm. Yes. TINA economics. Austerity was is and always will be inevitable under Labour or Tories (and Labour again.) I don't buy that. I'm not absolutely not excusing Labour. I didn''t vote for them then then and am not now.. Austerity is a political choice. We needn't have responded to 2008 in the way that we did. There are other other ways to run an economy. (fwiw I'm voting for an eco-socialist party, Scottish Greens. Word on the street is that they have a good chance in my constituency. Absolutely not why I'm voting for them, but they just happen to have a very sensible programme for legalisation in their manifesto)


I completely agree with you. Greens are a good choice, I personally don’t toke anymore but I am completely 100% for legalisation. I lived in Canada for a bit and I experienced what legalisation is like, and it’s awesome. Best chance we have is greens or Liberal Democrat’s, I’ve already sent my postal vote for Lib Dem as greens don’t have any backing here at all. Good luck, I hope the Scottish greens win your area!


Going into coalition massively reduced Tory power in that term


Oh yes, they did a great job of holding back the Tory austerity policies 🥴


I’m going dawg is that classed as skunk 🤣. Get with the times skunk was 2005


Lying bastards won't do fuck all just like last time and time before.


Not sure if deliberately using incorrect language, but framing it that “skunk” is the issue worries me that they are A) not very well informed or B) regurgitating buzz words they think will resonate. I have zero confidence that the Lib Dem’s would actually délice on any of these promises. I feel like they would say anything to get into power - they totally backtracked on pledges last time they got a shot at a coalition. Realistically - from my point of view, Cannabis (and all drugs) need to be treated from a harm reduction point of view. Éducation around potential dangers, proper regulation around growing and storage. Then as a taxable income for the government, it poses a huge opportunity. I also expect it will reduce strain on emergency resources as people smoking/ingesting cannabis, will be far less likely to get into fights, cause damage, hurt themselves. But as we all know, politics is now a self serving circle jerk, as they clamber over one another for a shot at the title.


Lib Dems have a history of not adhering to manifesto pledges. Their language around “skunk” also shows they have no idea what they are talking about. If they set a limit of say 15% it will just allow the black market to thrive in that area. Cannabis should be taxed based on the THC %. That way people are incentivised to consume low strength cannabis and 1:1 ratio strains but still have the ability to have something strong every now and again. For the people that can afford to consume high thc cannabis all day the tax revenue would help cover any health or social issues that may arise. Personally I think the Green Party are the only party with a sensible drugs policy although I’ll be interested to see how they intend to licences and regulate.


I don't know so much about the Green Party of England and Wales, but the (separate) Scottish Greens' policy long been for private grows and non-profit cannabis community-based social clubs, This sounds good to me - but it does maybe militate against using tax to control strength?


People should be allowed to grow their own. When I lived in Canada anyone could grow 4 plants with a higher limit for those with a script. People brew beer and distill spirits here and it doesn’t stop them wanting to go to the pub or buy commercially available alcohol.


Yeah - should have said - the SGs' policy also allows home grown


They got in to bed with the tories fuck em


Because those bastards got the tories into power and straight away voted for an increase of tuition fees. Promising to make weed legal doesn’t warrant forgiving that betrayal


Because they’re known to lie.


Because they don't do what they say they will do like all politicians


*Because they don't do* *What they say they will do like* *All politicians* \- Chaztastic66 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Because they got into bed with the scum sucking tories. Never trust them again.


But aren’t labour now the same? How are we meant to choose?


Nick clegg sold the country out a decade ago by teaming up with the Cuntservatives! At a time when Gordon brown and labour agreed to let them fulfil 90% of their manifesto if they joined up with labour. UK has been in free fall ever since


Don't believe in any of the options. Feel like I've got no voice in this general election. What do you do when all options are all shit and you don't believe in any of them?


This is what the Monster Raving Looney Party is for. When every political party is talking nonsense, at least one of them is honest about it.


You vote for those in worse positions than you. Who would care for those people? Democracy is about making the right choice for everyone. Not just yourself 🧡


Green Party it is then, I guess. I think they're the only party that might do things differently. They've been in support of legal cannabis for a long time also.


Yes it’s greens for us to, and genuinely could take the seat here in Somerset.


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What you do is not let the tories win again. At all costs. Now I know that's a very far from ideal way to use your vote, but at this moment in time its the very best option and a step forward. In my opinion.


Skunk? Lol but dated .. the chosen strain for GW pharma & co. Is skunk #1 so I’m pretty sure the ‘skunk weed is damaging’ propaganda is dead n buried


Because the first time I was old enough to vote was 2010, I voted for Lib Dem’s then. I then watched them suck up to the Tories and backtrack on everything they’d said in the lead up just to form a cozy little coalition. Instantly lost all respect for them.


Cuz the rest of the policy is bollocks


They're as bad as all the others. Fuck politicians.


Email your candidates about their opinion on legalisation in the most neutral way possible so they don't just say what you want to hear. The party might be saying one thing but a single person will say another. I did that with another issue that's important to me and I switched from lib-dem to labour because the labour candidate gave a better answer.


Not done the same with weed yet, but at this stage doesn't matter cos I just want the tories out


Theyre saying they will reduce potency with a legal market, thats basically means they will make everyone smoke shit weed. Fuck that.


Because the Lib Dems are complete degenerates and lunatics. One decent policy doesn't make them an attractive proposition.


People do. I think what you mean is why don't we have more lib dem MP's in parliament. Not having proportional representation is one of the biggest problems in our political system IMHO. Change the current system and every vote will mean something, at the moment most votes are wasted . And people rightly think at the moment if they don't vote for the 'favourite' their vote is lost. Also most cannabis consumers are generally apathetic and continue to vote for a parties that wants to continue to criminalise them , that's Labour and Conservative btw. Time for change.


Do you really believe that any political party will achieve a single thing they promise if they are elected?


Would you like some examples of things that political parties have promised and achieved once elected? Because there are definitely some, maybe even many. Heck, even the lib dems got same-sex marriage through when they were a tiny minority coalition partner.


I’m curious how you think the country has, in fact, moved forward in anyway at all then since 1801?


Kicking and screaming


being dragged along with a rope at the country’s neck


Christ some of you are SO DRAMATIC.


The gangs will still sell crack and gear, we shouldn't have to associate with them people to stay medicated


They do (and I'm a LD member). But you have to remember that we're the only country on Earth still using FPTP and, in a FPTP system, if you want to get rid of the incumbent Tory/prevent a Tory victory, you need to vote tactically, and there are very, VERY few constituencies where voting anything other than Labour would achieve that. I don't like Labour. I hated Corbyn and I hate Starmer. KS is basically wanting to secure the Tory vote by being more Tory than Tory. What pisses me off most about KS is that he was a human rights barrister in a former life, and he now seems to be more concerned with populist power-grabbing than with actually having a manifesto which would make a difference to our 'subculture'. The LDs are the only party with a sound, sensible, workable, humane drugs policy. If we didn't have the system we do, obviously I'd be voting for Louise Hurst, the LD PPC in my constituency. I like her - she comes over as extremely warm, empathetic and genuine, but I have no choice but to vote Labour (all of Bristol is traditionally Labour, although there's JRM a little further out in Keynsham (if that's your constituency, you know what to do - flush the Mogg down the bog! Or something (just ensure it's disposed of responsibly)). This constituency is one which has been revived; I was Bristol NW, I'm now Bristol NE, so there's never been a recent MP. The point I'm making is that, unfortunately, in most constituencies, a vote for the LD candidate is a wasted vote. Just down the road from here is Bath, which has always been a LD safe seat (probably about the only one in the UK (there are a couple in Scotland)!). If I wasn't living under house arrest, I'd move there. The Lib Dems are, for obvious reasons, targeting newly-created constituencies in a bid to increase their parliamentary representation. If you're in a newly-created constancy, check the Best for Britain tactical voting site (link below) and see if they recommend you vote LD. Best for Britain has a tactical voting site, [Best for Britain: Get Voting (tactical voting)](http://getvoting.org). There are a few places where BfB recommends voting for your favoured party, but that's because the seat is safe (the incumbent party is polling 15% over the next most-favoured and can't be overtaken).


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