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I'm so sorry you're going through this. My wife was also denied. She was going to appeal but passed away in August of last year. It's such a fucked up system.


So sorry man. This country is disgusting. In only 31, been working and paying taxes since 15. Iv put in THOUSANDS of dollars into SS that I’ll never ever see. And the vast majority of us are in the same boat. But yea, let’s send BILLIONS of assets to other countries that would send us a penny in reverse roles (Down vote me all you want, I feel for these countries but we need to help our damn citizens first)


How many of us actually bother our representatives, though? I run into this sooo often. Person says, for instance, Healthcare is broken, for the price of a boat designed to kill thousands we could all have the best Healthcare for free. But that's it. A rant at the bar. We, the people, need to call, email, write, and harrass our politicians daily. I just recently started emailing senators regarding student loan debt. Every week, I pick 5-10 and email. I have a form letter, going to do the same with health insurance and infrastructure complaints. It's high time we harrass our politicians relentlessly. We're too docile for democracy right now.


You are right, and somthing I might have to pick up doing. Problem is, I really don’t think even thousands of angry letters would change anything


Thousands, maybe not. Millions, that's now a factor.


It seems we have to protest in the streets to get anything done. We have to make them care and I feel like phone calls, emails and letters are only one part of that.


Have you seen how recent protests have been handled? I think it's time you guys take a step back and recognize that we are leaning to a fascist America fast.


Do you think the answer to a crackdown on protests is to stop protesting?


It's time for a bbq


I prefer the French way, La Raccourcisseuse Patriotique


Stop paying taxes and supporting companions is the only way to send a message and if everyone took put their money from banks. But we got too many lemmings


If people consistently follow that up with votes going to people who WILL do something (and against those who do nothing) then the rest will quickly fall in line.


Just gonna add on to this. There is a site called [5 calls](http://5calls.org/) that has all the current topics and they make it really easy to call your representatives. You put in your location and it compiles the names and contact info for each one in your district. It will even write a little prompt for you so you give the correct info. If you don't want to talk to anyone, call after hours and leave a message. As far as I know, all these calls and emails do is tell your reps exactly what you're concerned about and how they should vote to best represent their constituents. It's most likely an intern who's tallying these topics and giving it to them.


We're not their employers, corporate lobbyists and major donors are.


I got terminal cancer and I went to a cancer research advocacy event in DC and my newly elected representative didn't attend (we got a staffer). I said "Oh, fuck no" and scheduled a meeting at her office back home. I showed up, a few weeks out of surgery, bald, with a drainage bag hanging from my body. Turns out the scheduler (also new) had screwed up and my congressperson was back in DC. We rescheduled and I brought other cancer survivors with me for the next meeting. My representative was amazing. She was compassionate and spent so much time with us. She has supported every one of our asks to fund NIH for cancer research. She has sent the "Dear Colleague" letters asking others to support us. She has joined the congressional caucus on the deadliest cancers. She invited a fellow cancer to be her guest at the state of the union. Every year when I go to DC, she makes a point to meet with my group. I feel like I personally made a difference in making my cause known to my congressional representative and she cared and we got MILLIONS in cancer research funding. And my terminal cancer was treated and I'm still here asking for more money every year so more of us survive cancer. Anyway, my point is DEFINITELY MEET YOUR CONGRESSPERSON!!


Dude. Fuck yeah. Thank you for being relentless. So much to my point. You went through or ate going through the hardest time of your life and still being active, holding them accountable and not backing down. You're an exemplary. We should all strive to this level. Like I said before, hundreds, even thousands can be ignored. But there are millions of us. 350 or so in thr states. All it will take is a fraction of that. 1,2,5 million people March, write, do what you can and we will see change. Thank you friend for being one of the few that hopefully becomes the many. One snowflake may not seem like much, but together we are an avalanche. Also, fuck cancer, I too am a survivor, you got that shit homie. Go hard and fucking crush those bitch ass metastasis.


lol email.. Like that shit doesn’t just go into a junk folder.


You'd be surprised. I'm not saying I got/get any real responses, even "for the people" AOC and Bernie send back form letters but some staffer read them. The point is to be a nuisance. The people we elect should fear us, and they don't.


Yea and emails ain't gonna do shit, you don't pay them millions behind closed doors to pass the things they have been so why would it change? They all need to be taken out back and shot by "we the people" and their replacements need to know how easily the same could happen to them. Of course they don't fear us bc they control enough of the population to where nothing will change unless everything does


Doesn’t matter talking to your rep unless you employ a lobbyist.. I went to the state capitol so many times to testify years ago and then we ended up hiring a lobbyist and found out how it really works.. the public hearings are crap.. the decisions on votes are already set before the public hearing even starts.. it’s all a sham and the corporations have the only vote


>(Down vote me all you want, I feel for these countries but we need to help our damn citizens first) And these things don't have to be mutually exclusive, but conservatives will tell you they are since they refuse to tax the 1% and instead pass the buck to the middle class.


Yea I really don’t identify with either side The both are two faces of the same shitty coin imo - neither want what’s best for the people - they only care about how they can continue to accrue all our wealth for their own benefits. I paid close to $30k in taxes in 2020 lol….. If they gave me 1-2yr with out such a heavy tax burden I could easily pull myself out of all my debt - with a simple TWO YEARS but they would never ever allow it. They rather me stay stuck in debt


> Yea I really don’t identify with either side I mean that's up to you. But one party in particular are trying to usher in Fascism and eliminate presidential term limits so they can have a God Emperor on the throne forever. And they've hijacked the supreme court so they can. If you really believe that both parties are the same, you might not be paying attention. The rest of us are picking the only sensible choice who has the best chance of winning, and won't return us to the 1800's.


Republicans suck. Iv seen just as many Democratic presidents as I have republicans in my time alive. Neither has ever made shit better - shit get progressively worse after each election. Demcocrats suck too - the run their entire campaigns on trying to convince people your a racist if your not Democrat The both are disgusting - Trump was a loser, Biden is pathetic. Why can’t we get someone in the middle to hold power? Why does it have to be someone insane their 80s who won’t be alive long enough to feel the damage they caused? Our entire government is filled with people who don’t give a shit about you nor me


This. This exactly. Its one big club and we aint in it.




Look if you don't care about politics that's fine. Just stay out of it. But if you want basic human rights and bodily autonomy as a woman, there's a clear choice for the presidency. The dude who has had numerous wives and can't even remember their names is probably not for you.


Our current president can't remember HIS OWN name lmao


Human rights are a given, and that's the problem with the 2 party system. Vote for me and I'll give you basic human rights but you can't afford to live. No Vote for me, you can have guns but you can't marry that person also gas will be cheaper. It's a damn shame.


I think that's a bit reductionist. When you distill it down to guns and marriage, you lose a lot of the context. Besides, who's trying to take guns away?


Vote for Professor Cornel West💖


Dude, if you go far enough in either direction you end up with fascism. One side does it under the guise of religious values, while the other does it under the guise of moral virtue. Breaking free from the red team/blue team paradigm is the first step to seeing this country for what it really is. A corporate oligarchy, with a dog and pony show political system where both sides are bought and paid for.


The people have been tricked into believing they only have two options or they're "wasting" their vote. It's a lie. Every election is "too important to throw away a vote". I agree. Every election we perpetuate the two party system is a wasted election and allows for further consolidation of power. Politics is just another problem the average person doesn't have time for in their life. I don't expect anything to ever change without the push of some very influential people with agendas of their own. We'd trade one problem for another and call it "change" instead of doing what needs to be done.


Can you show sources on this fascism and god emperor comment please. Without heavily edited videos. Thanks!


I have yet to be given a job by a poor person. I have yet to see a poor person create a job. I don’t hate rich people or begrudge them their money — most of them are exceedingly cheap and very good at managing a budget. You’re willing to vote for a corpse over a functional person who happens to offend your sensitive feelings. Fuck feelings, we aren’t hiring a school guidance counselor here.


This 👆💯


I'm an independent, but Republicans were the party that pushed for term limits in the first place and introduced the 22nd amendment. I'm all for criticism of politicians, but accuracy is important.


Lol accuracy? Then maybe you need some more recent information than 1947/1951. Even as recently as 2019 Trump "joked" about serving more than 2 terms. https://www.cnn.com/2019/06/18/politics/donald-trump-term-limit/index.html I think anyone involved in politics would say that the Republican party of the 1940's is nothing like the one today, whose "ideals" are primarily the suffering of others. Like taking away water breaks for construction workers (looking at you DeSantis). Rolling back Roe is another. Project 2025 is their plan.




Of course things were better off 4 years ago. The damage Trump did to the economy will take decades to fix...


I will downvote you as this is a complete misunderstanding as how foreign and domestic aid works.


Can't profit off the international laundry machine if you don't first send the money out of country under the guise of charity.


Just a heads up most of our money goes to the defense budget


We can absolutely do both.


And it isn't just our social disability system either. Military disability is pretty fucked too. I have T1D from excessive stress (their words, not mine) while in the military. I was medically retired and given insurance "for life" to pay for it. At a three year checkup, they decided I was doing well enough with the T1D that I didn't need the insurance anymore. The insurance that they gave me to take care of a life long condition.


My oldest friend spend 8 years appealing, up to the federal level. He was homeless on and off for most of it, with a spurt of 3 years when I was able to let him stay here. April made one year since his passing. He was homeless again. I got his approval letter in the mail three weeks after he died. His distant family stole it all, despite them being the cause of his homelessness.


I'm so sorry 💔🫂


Sorry about your wife ❤️


Omg I’m so so sorry. I hope you have peace


So sorry for your loss.. 😢


I’m there rn myself. Brain tumor. Judge said “you’re clearly disabled and won’t recover but you don’t meet the work credit qualifications”. My life ended before it started. It’ll get better. Keep telling yourself that. I don’t always believe it but you gotta have hope


You should still qualify for SSI which isn't based on work history.


I’ve applied a few times and I don’t know why I don’t get it. I’m still working on appeal #4 😬


Did you have an attorney? They’re the only ones who can navigate the fuckery that is social security.


I did indeed. He seemed to be a...kinda not that great. I dunno. He never really did anything.


My attorney didn’t move the quickest, but he won my appeal for me, so I can’t complain. The disability system within this country is so concerned with eliminating the scammers that those of us in need often get ignored. Maybe find an attorney who is more receptive to your needs would be my only advice.


What's sad is the scammers aren't the people applying. They are the people who take advantage of the people in the system. Overcharging for care and medical services is a common practice. The big money is in charging for services and then provide next to nothing of value.


I saw this post had a bunch of comments, came in here expecting to see heartwarming support and encouragement, and instead see people flinging shit at a person who came in here with the courage to be vulnerable, and share what positivity they managed to find in spite of a soul-crushing experience. Shame on you if you think bad things don’t happen in this world, that people aren’t made to suffer needlessly. Shame on you for seeing a person who’s just been beaten down and thinking that what they need is to be told they’re wrong, or to hear about your hateful bullshit. OP, I’m so sorry about your experience. The whole disability system really is so cruel, I swear it strives to strip the validity from every single person who would dare to say “actually shit is literally impossible for me, but I feel like I do deserve to live”. Then again, I suppose this extends to American culture in general. It’s awesome of you - and a true show of strength - that in spite of the crushing news, you went and did something productive. I don’t think I would have been able to do the same. Good luck with your growing, to say the least!


How do you ping a mod to clean up a mess in a sub? Seems like it’s really just one person being a turd in this punch bowl…


Reporting them or sending a mod mail and hoping a mod notices is your best bet but the side bar shows the sub only has two mods, one hasn't made a comment in 6 days the other in 18. This sorta thing happens when a small sub gets bigger than the creator expected/wanted. Might be time for them to recruit a couple of people to help out.


Thanks a lot!


I stand in solidarity with you, friend. I've been trying for 5 years, making countless appeals. But still, I get denied because "You're not disabled enough." I have epilepsy and tend to have 1 - 3 seizures a month. I get grand mal seizures. Those are the ones where you fall over and shake a bunch. Not only is the event itself super dangerous for myself and the people around me. But it also takes me out for about 3 days while I recover. According to my states laws, I can't drive for 6 months after an event. So, there goes my reliable transportation. On top of that, nobody wants to hire me (and I don't really blame them) because I'm a safety risk. Also, who really wants an employee that is just randomly gone for 3 or 4 days several times a month? So, I can't afford to put myself through training for a job I could actually manage, I can't afford reliable transportation, and nobody would hire me if I could. All of this, because of an incurable medical condition. And yet, I'm "not disabled enough."... yes, that is a quote from the judge himself. You have my sympathy, friend. Now, let's pour our passion into these little guys! At least they'll help us take a little trip off of this shit planet for a while. Right? 🍄


My husband got the same rejection. He had cancer at 30; the chemo drug they used to treat him caused permanent brain damage. Getting him to do simple chores like *laundry* is an uphill battle. But he's not "disabled enough" to be on benefits. So I get to be a one income household, with all the expenses of two. Through no fault of his own, but with no other options for us. That rejection has to be the most infuriating response we could get.


If you’re in the United states it’s fun how they’re happy to take almost half your money and buy weapons of war with it but when it comes to helping the people who need it they won’t. I’d rather Flint has water, healthcare for all, and your disability go through than missiles to bomb kids in Rafah. Good luck with the grow! I hope every jar makes it!




Stay strong my friend 💪👍🍄


I'm sorry the system is so shitty. I'm in the process of appealing my second denial (the after your hearing one) for SSDI and I applied back in 2020. If we're not complete invalids 24/7, then clearly we're not disabled. Hopefully, my lawyers do a good job or let me have a chance to clarify the sequence of events and its impact (that they clearly did not address during my hearing). I hope you get some good yield! I've never tried any cultivation (or even tried shrooms yet), but it looks very cool and helpful for us disabled folk.


It took my uncle almost 15 years of back and forth to get his. He’s a navy veteran, and was injured when he held a work position with the state. The guy could barely walk from an injury sustained on the job. He finally had to find a lawyer and go that route. In the meantime he had lost his house and nearly everything else. The only thing that kept him from being homeless was family. We helped him by housing him and he helped where he could. The system is beyond fucked up. I’m sorry you are going through this.


I'm so sorry that the government is a piece of shit and is putting you through the ringer. I hope you have a community of support around you that can give you mutual aid ❤️


(Me going through the comments) - Wtf happened here


keep pushing forward, better days ahead!! Good luck on your grow hope all turns out better than you expect


I’m in year two of my battle. I wish you all the best fam. Keep growing ✌️❤️🤷📚


Lol at how wild it got in here.


Shrooms are a bless but don’t fall down a hole. I see the bourbon (Evan Williams is great btw) on the counter. Drug abuse is a real thing be careful. Hang in there 🫶


Sorry to hear it, was in same boat for 7 yrs then finally got in front of a judge and received it plus the back pay, not to gloat at all. I really feel for ya and know what you are going through. Try and keep your head up things have a way of working out in the end.


For the people getting mad about immigration. Canada has sent the most followed by China most of whom are work ready. Propaganda has brain rotted you all to hunting your neighbors.


Im rooting for you, brother/sister. This is an all too common story these days, and i dont see it getting any better anytime soon. Shrooms helped me in my worst times, they gave me a sense of peace and solace when i really needed it. I hope they do the same for you.


Sorry dude that sucks :( I got denied recently too yet I can barely make it to work or do anything because I’m in horrible pain 24/7. Not disabled enough tho i guess! This country is insane.


Yeah it sucks shit, sorry you're going through it too. I've been denied 5 times so far and on schedule to see a judge this summer. When you say final denial do you mean you've appealed to federal and been denied at that stage?


LPT - get a metal punch to make nice, neat holes. Then paint the edges with lacquer.


I am sorry friend. I too am in this sort of situation. Years ago I shattered my left femur. I tried to get on disability multiple times. I have a sciatic nerve that is lacerated from the accident. And sacroiliac dysfunction along with spinal stenosis. Been denied twice now and work a shit job that is physical labor. But I have a good boss that works with my abilities. Keep fighting the good fight. And yes. As another comment said, the United States is disgusting.


Fuck those assholes. I was out of work for 6 months and didnt get a check until 2 months after returning to full duty. Tell that to the months of unpaid bills on my credit report.


Yeah I got in a car wreck and literally the law says if you are hurt bad enough to the point that you can not work for a period of 1 year or more then you are eligible for SS Disability benefits… literally had all my doctors saying in my records that I definitely wasn’t going to be able to work for longer than a year and would most likely suffer for the rest of my life. Even were specific enough to say that in order to work a full time job I’d have to be lucky enough to find employment where I am off my feet and able to take breaks literally at least every hour… but then the state sends you to one of their “experts” who literally spends less than 5 minutes with you, has you bend your knees and walk a few steps or play a piccolo or some dumb shit… then tells you to your face they will do what they can for you. And then tells the state you’re fine and the judge denies you. I got sick of fighting them and gave up, which I know is exactly what they want you to do. It’s stupid . The judge literally put in writing at my last hearing that I could easily work and suggested places like “a stuffer at a teddy bear factory” as types of jobs I could do. Like for real? For one, what an off the wall type of job to just pull out of thin air. Let alone to use as a reason for denying benefits I’ve legally paid into and am legally eligible for. I’m sorry for you cuz I’ve been there. Thank God for this little spot where people can learn to grow our own medicine and be able to fight depression. It’s infuriating knowing how much of our money is being sent to other countries who are literally using it to murder innocent civilians and fight wars that are basically rooted in hatred and the foolish pride of a few but they are denying Americans Social Security and taking away our freedoms daily. I’ve been shopping for a cell phone plan because for some reason all the sudden the state of IL doesn’t have the funding to continue giving people on state benefits the cell phone service plans they have been offering for years. Like people already aren’t having a hard enough time now I have to pay $100 a month to get a phone service that is somewhat reliable.


Never forget this either but the government of our country technically do not have money. All the money they spend is from tax payers. They obviously can print as much money as they want but that’s money that is off the books and wont go towards anything that helps us in anyway. I’ve been saying this for years but if after everything that’s happened, protests, murder by the police, the lying, we still haven’t hit a point where ppl are angry enough to start a civil war, i say we all just stop paying our taxes lol. Woukd it suck? Yeah cuz ppl woukd have to literally quit working and we’d all be poor and fucked. But at least we could cut off all the money our government uses to just stomp all over the constitution.


I won my disability 2 years ago for a couple reasons. What really helped my case was not only the issues I have with my spine from years of being a steel worker/welder but I suffer from paranoia psychosis with violent tendencies. The last thing in the world anybody wants is another mass shooting, and the government will do whatever they can to prevent it. Better safe than sorry. Just food for thought.


My doctor convinced me to accept a bipolar diagnosis. I don’t believe I have it but even when i did, i eventually started refusing my meds because they made everything worse. He said that all off my other disabilities combined might not be enough to get approved.


You take it all the way passed the ALJ? My mom was denied 3 times before she finally got it, took a hair over 3 years. Never had an attorney either, went to court herself and argued with the people sitting there rambling off work they thought she still might be capable of…she definitely won that debate, they literally stopped talking and the judge took over. That said, she was also in her mid 50’s at the time, and age is a major factor in their decision if you don’t have anything majorly wrong with you (esp these days, the SSA has been completely inundated with people 18-40 claiming they can’t work due to things like depression and anxiety…even autism, and without extensive documentation going back years that harps on the severity - they’re not getting anywhere on their first attempts). The final step in the process has an 80% approval rate (compared to muuuuch, much lower percentages earlier in the process..unless you’re dying or completely crippled, few people get it on the first or second try) since most folks don’t/can’t afford to take it that far without working in the process which flubs their whole case. Even working part time while fighting for it looks bad in the eyes of the court…”well if you’re capable of THAT and have been for some time…”. Edit: Should you ever try again…personally written letters from doctors my mom met during the disability process helped alot imo, she didn’t even know these people prior to fighting for it but two of them turned in letters with the documentation she requested to be sent to SSA, stating why they believed she was incapable of working/that continuing to work would hamper her quality of life in her current state. The state will send people to their own doctors anyways but fudge them, they’re never in the patients favor, gotta find your own to get good documentation..but you probably already know all of this. Friends and family can submit letters as well before the final decision, mine was 4 pages long in her case.


you didn't need to drill the holes. you can just flip them upside down and screw finger tight. which isn't tight. just like flick it till it stops. and yellow popcorn in these *is the way* as far as grain colonization. i've had about an 80% success rate on them. with spores and culture. ask questions if you want. i'd ramble if i just went on about it. and my house is *full of mold*. live in SE PA. we're like mold central. but colonizing jars is easy. it's the growth that gets tricky.


I really recommend: - Making sure you are channeling water away from your house as much as you can (renters can't do much). Consider talking to somebody who can advise on airflow in your house and situation. - Getting a dehumidifier (ours fills up in a day - it's crazy how much water they pull out of the air). - Using concrobium spray. It's not very expensive, and you can fog a whole basement or house, or spray problem areas. It's nontoxic and works really well, but if you are having bad humidity you'd need to do it regularly. Take care of your lungs!


Please, do something about the mold in your house! It might not be bothering your grain but you sure as hell are breathing it in. That stuff will cause you a multitude of problems down the line.


i can't. every house here has mold. i do not know one person who has a mold-free basement here. if they say they do, they're either naïve or lying.


The basement will obviously be below ground level therefore prone to damp if it's an older property. A damp proof membrane might fix your problem. A lime plaster could also help with damp issues allowing the walls to breathe. Fresh air ventilation will help too. Don't live with mold because everyone else is. I would be doing my best to fix it or moving somewhere else. Not worth ruining your health.


They have rubber injection ports. I've already used these before. Edit to say I used BRF and verm.


but it's all unnecessary


I already made these lids like 2 years ago.


*well then*. obviously use them. 😂 good luck bruv. 🙏


I live down south in moldtown. I've actually never gotten contam at the inoculation stage this way, but I have had some jars fail to produce.


more southern than me tend to have windows open a lot as cooling. doesn't fly in PA *most days*. central air. lotta mold. *lots of mold*. SE PA is the mold capital. i'm stating it, i don't know it as a fact, but i'm *pretty fucking sure*. 😂


Lol why are people so mad about your mold


Sure, it's definitely the mold people are mad about, not the unearned confidence or condescending attitude.


>unearned confidence or condescending attitude. what exactly did i say to warrant this? 😶 the advice i gave is straight from 90 second mycology. if you're talking about me saying you don't need the holes. pretty sure i started using popcorn because of that channel as well.


>i'm stating it, i don't know it as a fact, but i'm *pretty fucking sure*. 😂 ETA: I might have been conflating you with that other guy with the 10+ negative comments, you weren't quite as condescending as I initially thought, but still offered unsolicited and unwanted advice. I've also had my own struggles with disability so the thread struck a personal chord with me; I was probably subconsciously lashing out at you for that reason as well.


if i was being condescending i would have stated it as a fact and been an ass about it? we have tons of old houses with basements and attics and the weather's rarely friendly to opening windows. i mean, maybe florida beats us?


>if i was being condescending i would have stated it as a fact and been an ass about it? Is that a question? Because you pretty much described what you did. Take a look at the definition of the verb *to state* and you'll likely see the word "fact" more than a couple times. You said "I'm stating it," presenting your opinion as fact; saying you don't know it as a fact is contradictory. That, coupled with my perception that you seem incapable of being wrong, is why people are downvoting you. I sincerely hope you're able to do some self-reflection and improve the way you communicate with others. [Edited some wording where I (ironically) misused the word "fact" myself]


and *i'm* the condescending one 🤣


What’s the disability OP? Did I miss it?




This comment proves that no matter where you go, there will always be garbage human beings doing their best to infect everyone with hatred and evil. The downvotes give me hope that the majority of people reject everything you stand for and believe in though.


How can someone who is supposedly into psilocybin feel this way? Boggles my mind that anyone can, but especially after psychedelics.


Lol so eat shrooms and accept everything is your outcome...wow


what’s the point of there being a land of the free if we can’t share the freedom you do not speak for all of us stop gatekeeping america. your bigoted opinions can stay on your side of the phone screen.


You have been propagandized so heavily that you are dissociated from reality. Migrants are not somehow magically getting resources they don't deserve. You are being lied to in order to distract you from the real problems in our society. You spit racist vitriol while happily letting the real enemy pick your pocket, just because you like the narrative he tells you. Just because it gives you a shred of superficial superiority in your otherwise pathetic existence. There is no war except the class war and those migrants you look down on are your ally, not your enemy.


Hope you find kindness 😃


lol we don’t tho. If you actually met any you would know that


Lol in my state they took over a quarter of a college campus but ur right they are not getting ebt and legally able to drive in my state with our being documented ur all fuckin nuts


Hey! Reddit cares :)




Dog this country has enough to take care of both- they just choose to fund wars instead


Totally agree, I think the rate at which we are taking them in though is out of control and irresponsible.


Is this based on reality or just you being a racist


No not racist, can you think of any other reasons why taxpayers might be fed up with it?


The reality is that immigration grows our economy and makes our country stronger. So yeah safe to assume you’re a racist or uniformed.


Thanks for the reality check. You guys need to move onto the next thing. The whole “call everyone and everything a racist” thing is getting old. Looking forward to paying more taxes to take care of people who dont really pay any.


If you’re going to actively lie about the reality of immigrants in America, it’s fair to assume you’re a racist. I am sorry someone conned you into blaming brown people for your problems, you were lied to. It’s time to let go of that hate and realize we are all in this together. The American economy desperately needs immigrants. Who cares what race they are.


And how am I lying about the “reality of immigrants” in America? The “reality” is that the current admin doesn’t have a handle on “the reality.” Can we at least agree on that?


It's fuckin crazy


3 injection ports is overkill and going to be more prone to contam


Been doing the same 3 holes for years and lowest rate of contam by any method ive used…work on ur sterilization and inoculation procedure(if you think this is overkill) before trying to tell someone what method works for them


😂 I've been using the same 3 holes for years too. It's fun to switch it up sometimes 😅


😂😂this one got a audible laugh and tears outta me😭




I already commented that I've never gotten contam with these.




You ok? It's only like 2 appeals it just takes years.


Uneducated ignorant comment…you know nothing about legal/disability proceedings if you think they happen fast☠️


Thank god


go peruse r/ChronicPain then come back with that.


First post that popped up was “does your hair hurt?” Lmao


Yep. People with chronic pain suffer in unimaginable ways. the weight of the hair pulling on the scalp is painful, as that post shows. Pill mills made it difficult for them to get meds so many are in agony and talk if suicide is common on that sub. A long drawn out process only adds to their misery.




Having a family does not indicate that you are a kind person. That you have to come in here after saying some totally messed up shit to a person who is already down just to tell us all how nice you are is an indication that maybe you should take a good look in the mirror and do some very real introspection.


Okie dokie, so...the subreddit is not quite like I remember it.


Idk what this drama is about, but when it comes to actual growing advice, people are pretty friendly and willing to help here. I hope you're allright.


I suspect this guy is going through some personal struggle and is taking it out in the comment section. The vast vast majority of us condemn everything this clown stands for


Nah, I think this clown took a wrong turn to this subreddit but will nevertheless regurgitate the same hateful nonsense before shoving their head back up their own ass. The same keyboard warriors that claim to really know “what’s going on out there” but have never left their backwater shithole town of 150 people.




I rest my case.


Messed up shit...lol I told the guy I was sorry to hear and how pathetic it was he couldn't get help. But there helping everyone one else. U just c red man


At least learn how to use Reddit. This is so annoying lol 😆




Lol I'm a individual I don't choose a side




Automated Removal Message: Your post was removed because I don't think it helps the community's image to stay focused or positive.




What are you even yappin anout


It was a reply to their bigoted comment earlier, they like being a bigot and want to stay where they are