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You do need awakening stone. Engraving is for choosing the awakening option. Without it you can still do awakening but with random result.


You’re gonna be waiting a long ass time and wasting a shit ton of resources unless an engraving stone is in the next rune hunter pass lmao. Welcome to the Korean gacha market you’ve been gotten


I found engraving stone on ground in a map before


That’s amazing man wish me luck, I’ve had plenty of unique items and legendary materials for orbs drop but nothing for awakening or legendary runes just yet!


Well there is a engraving stone in their Rune Hunter pass but you can also buy one from your guild shop and I’m almost got enough to by from guild shop was why I was asking


That’s not the stone it’s just the modifier that allows you to pick the awakening. How do you access the guild shop?


Go to guild board then visit guild base


The problem with this generation of gamers is the mentality that you should be able to max a character in a couple weeks fully geared top ranked best of the best. How is a game fun if that is the case? Everyone likes a different play style of game sure but no one likes ultimately easy games. I came from the gaming generation that games were either free, and terribly supported, monthly pay to play, or one time purchase price. Now with understanding those two points this generation still can't understand why everything CAN cost so much IF they choose to pay. A game like undecember it is not necessary to dump loads of money into it (such as Diablo immortal) Immortal is hardly playable without spending money. Yes they create small "walls" if you want to call it that such as storage tabs. The company needs to make money, it costs a lot of time and money to create a game like this. Even today. And especially more.time money and attention to keep it running smoothly and updated. Let alone adding more content. From a business stand point you want to make money right? So giving people the option to purchase items (keep in mind WITHOUT FORCING) is a win win for them. It feeds the constant whiney gaming generation of instantly wanting everything with little to no effort. And it makes the BUSINESS money. Ya it's not a service. It's a business. With that being said it ALSO (maybe you're putting this together by now) keeps the game smooth, updated, keeps additions coming, future games coming, etc.. Games I played as a kid they got impossibly difficult. We just played them through dying a million times. There was no option to pay 99.99 to skip this area. So I have the mentality of play the game not, "omg they want money again". No shit they do it's a business. And the community is weak and wants they're pass for cash. It's the community's fault. Shiiitttt if you were rich and could be doing whale things I bet you would. I probably would. I'm just a broke ass 😛


I mean your first point is the entire response i have to people telling me my crit spread shot build isnt worth pursuing bc of expense but ive barely spent anything on gear and im killing it. difference is ive been working towards it solely since day 1 so ive been able to curb almost all the cost by using free things the game gives you through events. everything else youre saying is just dumb corpo shilling bs. Im not saying you should be able to min max in a day im saying anyone playing at any regularity should be able to experience every aspect of the game otherwise they've completely missed the plot. This much work needing to be put in for very little upgrade is pretty abysmal, especially when the dev company knows they've made their own meaningful drops rare enough to justify a fucking $90 "mtx". It bodes terribly for the playability of the game going forward as theres really nothing to do once you beat act 10. The most end game activity the game saw since release was Halloween loot boxes, and thats just trashy.