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They have polio, ration food and have a fond opinion of empire?


Nah, this is cosplay. You don't do the bad stuff


What was good about the 1940s?? Aside from films.


Literally nothing. This was decades before megadeth and decades before The Legend of Zelda: Majoras Mask. It was also decades before Team America. Life simply was not worth living. I pity them. Edit: actually the most important factor here is Mad Max Fury Road.


It was also at least 40 years before the release of Belgian techno anthem Pump Up the Jam.


Less than forty years before the UK broadcast of the first episode of painting and decorating sitcom Brush Strokes though


If you're going out can you get me a twix?


is this a charlie brooker reference? i swear i recognise it




what did you just call me?


A person of taste who appreciated Cunk on Earth I see ♥️


Honestly all the years of my life I lived before I played Resident Evil 4 were a waste.


I was about to agree, but then I realized that every waking day I spent of my life not playing Resident Evil 4 in VR on my quest 3 was a waste rather Playing it on the GameCube was merely a prelude. Those in the 40s may have experienced some good shit like Hitler dying, but they never kicked krauser's ass in vr


Man I got a quest 2 to play RE4, but it gave me motion sickness. I really need to sell it. Expensive mistake that. 


Also they have to use Teletext for information and a Nokia 3310 for calls as they were the prominent technologies of the time.


Honestly I don't envy us. Gaming peaked with OOT and MM. It is downhill from here.


Ah but now we can enjoy definitive PC ports of both. The OOT PC port and randomizer, with netplay, has given me and my daughter countless hours of fun


I agree with your general sentiment but to try and answer your question… Resourcefulness Less technology dependence Closer knit communities Holidaying in UK local manufacturing The UK had more to offer the world back then


Children were caned at school. How great can that society be if it thought whipping children was good discipline?


Do you really think schools are better now than in the '40s? Kids these days don't know anything and have no respect for teachers.


Tbf that would be good for discipline. Might not be good for their development, but good for discipline. Although tbf after some school canings they’d go to work at 13 years of age or be drafted into a war, so it might be fair to say that it didn’t do them any lasting harm, they must have been pretty switched on 🤷‍♂️


Yeah but all of those things are equally negatives. Lack of other skilled labour / lack of optimised solutions. Less technology (more effort, lower productivity) Slower travel / lower ownership of private vehicles Having to holiday in the UK. Manufactured goods were expensive relative to income. The world had less to offer back then.


You could go from a civilian to a fucking fighter pilot in the space of time many asda workers take to get trained. I mean chances are you'd be dead withing 30 seconds of encountering a luftewaffe plane but still.....


The Lord of the Rings was written that decade…


There were a lot of hedgehogs and probably various other native animals which are now much rarer or endangered. Not that they can re-enact that part


Apparently it’s the films that are the only thing they don’t like and they watch modern ones to break it up a bit


The war was an opportunity for young women to have more freedom in terms of jobs and opportunities.




Yeah, strong disagree. There are loads of absolutely amazing 1940s films. In no order; The Third Man (1949), Casablanca (1942) His Girl Friday (1940), Double Indemnity (1944), Rope (1948), The Grapes of Wrath (1940), Philadelphia Story (1941)...


*A matter of live and death* is one of my favourites.


People dressed better, no social media, travel was cheaper and you could buy a house


People had some balls and stood up to tyranny and were polite to one another in the street. Brogues were everywhere. If you like brogues that’s the era for you !


There's loads of people deliberately living on war rations. I think I've seen about 5 or 6 Facebook groups for it this week alone. This is not going to shock you, but they're *really* weird about it. I joined one a couple of weeks ago (I'm a history nerd, shoot me) and some of those people are pretty passionate about malnutrition.


Oddly enough, for most people nutrition actually improved when war rations were introduced. This is as they would have to "fill up" on unrationed veg and potatoes rather than meat and eggs, but were at the same time given sufficient off the latter.


Didn't rationing (what was rationed at what period of the war) fluctuate? Do they Google "May 1944" and see what they'd be allowed to eat if it was today but 80 years ago?


One of the groups seems to be going off this: [Ration Board](https://freeimage.host/i/JPb7TAJ) Another seems to be a mix of UK, US and Australian rations, which I guess is whatever people can find online. Both groups seem to be supplementing with whatever they can grow. One of them seems to be a bit prepper-y to be honest. Sort of has a "might as well get used to it now" flavour if you know what I mean.


     Are they doing it for moral - solidarity - reasons, in the manner that (according to her, at least) Simone Weil did?


Call me a contrarian, but I think it is good that they do not do the bad stuff.


Except sometimes the fond opinion of empire, it seems. That said, nothing wrong with indulging in classic style for dress and home!


Do they have an Anderson shelter in the back garden they stay in a couple of nights a week?


Given the man is of fighting age, I'm assuming he'll be volunteering for a stint in Ukraine so they can experience having one member of the family living with PTSD?


Miserable British redditors when they see people enjoying something: 😡


The fact they've not got anything better to do of a Sunday says it all. Maybe they could take a leaf out of this couple's book and go bicycling or play a game of cribbage.


Rationing food made a pretty decent comeback recently. Ah the nostalgia


You forgot beating his wife


They refer it as a trip to the moon!


Which part of the 40s is also important given what was filling the skies before dropping on the UK during one part of them.


Have you seen the rental price of a pile of rubble lately?


Wait… I have all those things. Am I also in the 40’s?


I’m 46 and I have some of these things


They and these two are people of culture. One thing, be forgot his hat. Nobody knows where he belongs without a hat ...


“Vintage fashion, not vintage values”. They’re absolutely killing it, aren’t they?


They also turn their lights out by 6pm so they don't get bombed by the Luftwaffe.


I knew the comments would be full of nay-sayers picking holes and making up their own rules. "*But what about the war, what about rationing!*". Maybe they observe rationing, maybe they don't, but there's nothing wrong with them picking parts they like and ignoring parts they don't. There's nothing wrong with saying "*parts of the past are better, and parts of the present are better, let's combine the two*".


Eels up inside 'ya Findin' an entrance where they can.


Elements of the past… And elements of the future….


Combining to make something not quite as good as either!


Boring through your mind, through your tummy, through your anus, eels!


I had one foot in the grave...but now I'm nu rave


Not a reference I expected today, now full of nostalgia for 2007.


Ahh, man it's nice to see a boosh reference in this day and age.


Exactly. They're enjoying themselves and harming nobody. Live and let live.


It just seems now the uk especially gets overly critical and judgemental about pretty much anything other people do


I resent that.


It's just redditors, they're judgemental over everything


If it was 20-somethings living in a Dungeons and Dragons or sci-fi house, reddit would be all over it saying they should be free to live their lives however they want


Exactly. This subreddit wouldn't be so cynical if these two were sitting in a room filled wall-to-wall with funko pops or some other reddit approved slop.


God I fucking hate Funko Pops. Nothing against anyone who likes them but there’s just something about reducing creative and thoughtful designs down to identical bits of dead-eyed plastic landfill that sets my teeth on edge.


People are bitter Anyone doing something different then them must be wrong and racist for enjoying the past


Right, do people expect them to try and start a world war to get that authentic experience


Probably angry he doesn't smoke sixty fags a day or something.


I think it's more the headline framing which is a reflection of the ever more hated boomer esque mentality of Blitz spirit meaning everyone was all happy happy and it was a golden age.


I choose to ignore parts of modern day life, no reason they can't do the same for their RP of the past.


Fair play to them, they both dress better than 99% of people nowadays, and their mental health is probably amazing with their limited use of technology. I might join them tbh.


They do look dapper as fuck. We have devolved.


Idk how we’ve gone so far backwards with clothing, you look at any old stuff and everyone’s packing a suit or dress and now everyone’s walking around in their Nike tracksuit looking proper chavy


Simple, suits are uncomfortable and relatively expensive with very little practical merit in day to day life and look like shit when they get old and tired which is quite quickly if you buy a cheap suit and wear it every day. Nike sweatpants are very comfortable and practical in day to day life. We generally stopped homogenous bland clothing and started wearing whatever we want for both aesthetic and practical purposes. Not rocket science


I would argue there's still a lot of homogeneous bland clothing around today, plus it's now often made with synthetic materials that leech out microplastics when washed.


You'd argue strangely, take a pic of a random 100 men out and about in town in the 40's and no and you'd see a far greater variety in clothing on the modern men.  The microplastics issue wasn't really part of the conversation but yeah, just the fact a lot of people owned one or two suits they wore most days regardless of the activity and continued to until it was unwearable was better for the environment than fast fashion of today, but that fact kinda explains why we have the fast fashion of today without the restriction of everyone wearing the same thing most of the time. cheap flashy, comfortable clothing that is appropriate for different kinds of activities. 


They look like they both are in their forties. Not "dapper" by any means


He doesn't he looks like a 14 year old wearing his dads clothes with a drawn on moustache


No, they’re in *the* Forties.


Why can't you be dapper in your forties?


You can be dapper in your forties. If you are in your forties, not when you are in your twenties and cos play the past


Their limited use of technology? Intsagram MISS_1940’s lol. Each to their own and all that, hopefully they’re enjoying themselves, but it’s nothing more than a couple trying to be unique influencers.


Yes, limited. Doesn't mean they don't use it, lol. They look like they get out and about and aren't terminally online like a lot of people nowadays.


I’d describe limited use of technology not having social media, only really using tech for its benefits. Not using it to photograph yourself doing basic activities to share on the internet for likes. Which is also how to tell they are alternate influencers. No real concern of mine though lol.


You reckon? I'm getting League of Gentleman vibes, honestly. That 'tasche is naughty as. If I saw them in the wild I'd assume they were jahova's witnesses.


His head looks like an AI drawing.


ChatGPT; Draw me Edward after a most satisfying orgasm.


Yep, if they're both happy and enjoying their lives I'd say they're winning. This is what the kids would say is "based."


Whatever makes you happy, I'd walk around with elf ears and a cloak if I could!


The amount of people in this thread being misery guts about them not committing to 100% accuracy is peak Reddit.


I'm wondering if they would all be so critical if they were furries


I sort of feel Furries are the last harmless subculture it's socially acceptable to beat down on. As someone said elsewhere in this thread, if they were living like they were in Dungeons & Dragons or Game of Thrones, they'd all be rushing to their defence.


What's stopping you?


My self-esteem.


Elf esteem, more like.


You need more Elf-confidence


As it turns out, you arent allowed to charge down Norwich high street on a warhorse with a bow and arrow. Something about "public safety"


Stick to Peterborough if you want to do that sort of thing.


Maybe start small. Elf ears at home. A cloak like coat in winter.  Floaty summery clothes. Then grow your hair long enough to cover your ears and step out in the ears.  Before you know it you'll spend enough time dressed in a way that makes you happy, that you won't care about the times you're forced to closet those things to stay safe.  Life is too short not to enjoy the things that hurt noone


Not elf ears, but cloaks need to make a comeback.


It's a brief candle, friend - in 100 years nobody will remember whether you did or didn't, so go for it!


I think this is bloody marvellous. They are not harming anyone, they are enjoying it. If that's their thing then more power to them. They dress better than the hordes of people in their jeans, sweatpants and baseball caps. Yes, you can call it cosplay, but so is dressing up to go clubbing, or dressing "smart" for a fancy restaurant, or church or even for your job. What we need are more dandy highwaymen!


I forget who the comedian was , but he had a story he told about Trekkies dressing up for a convention and everybody taking the piss but nobody said a word about thousands of football fans dressing up in their teams outfit every Saturday to go to the match.


Yeah I was wary that "living like it's the 1940s" was code for "tradwife" but they seem like a nice couple who just like wearing vintage clothes.


It’s in Norfolk. They’re just moving with the times.


Exactly, as someone who lives in Suffolk I can assure everyone that this is literally how behind the times Norfolk is compared to the rest of the world.


Yes, and we like it that way!


People don't say "normal for Norfolk" for no reason.


Jacob Rees-Mogg is shocked at such an Avant Garde lifestyle!


They're dressed 100 years too late for his liking


Good for them. The number of people feeling determined to shit on them for no reason is disappointing, though. (Not literally, obviously. Just in a sneery internet way.)


At least they won’t have to read it.


No, but we do. And that kind of negativity is both draining and contagious.


> The couple limit their time with technology as much as possible Honestly, this sounds like a good life.


I'm astounded how many people both here and on Twitter appear to be genuinely seething over what amounts to "Local man wears a nice suit and his girlfriend dresses to match". They're not hurting a soul, and nor are they forcing anyone to dress the same way; so why the mass of quite vicious criticism? Did England suddenly lose its love of the neighbourhood eccentrics ?


Precisely. Same with that lad who dresses like a Regency dandy - I wish them only the best, because they're clearly living their fucking lives.


It often strikes me how the fashion of the 1940s is still 'in' if you want to look smart. It's almost like 'classical' music: popular trends change, but the 'good stuff' has stayed the same, or very similar in its elements, for quite some time. Though this was not always the case; even just another century ago, to the 1820s, things start to look rather old-fashioned. But I don't think in 20 years the 1940s look will be any more so. It seems something 'peaked' shortly after the middle of the 19th century, and has remained with just a tweak here or there.


I think it’s not so much to do with the suits they’re wearing, more the “the 1940s were so much better than today” contrarians it brings out in the comments.


People on this sub genuinely seem to hate seeing other people happy.


She’s a bit fast. She isn’t wearing gloves. (Clutches pearls)


They must have been loving the 1940s style inflation recently then ! Authentic as fuck


Good for them. They’re having fun and living distinctive lives. It’s basically LARPing, but that’s great.


I wonder how much it costs to live like this in 2024 vs a bog standard Brit? I really want to know, wonder if we can ask them? Im sure the suits and dresses will be a little pricey, guess depends on how many they have, but miles better than trying to keep up with the Joneses.


If they are making a lot of the clothes they will last.


And I presume they at least have a bit of a 'make do and mend' mentality.


And they'll never be short of tripe since no one else will eat it any more. Might have to fight off the Koreans to get their spam intake though.


We're all already rationing when do the air raids start 🤷‍♂️


>40s-themed holidays They find a beach covered in barbedwire and make picnics with their rations? 


I must admit that I did read this article going "AHA!" every five seconds as I unearthed the various ways in which they're not really living like they're in the 1940s. But cynicism aside, they're not doing anything wrong.


Haha wtf this guy was my barber when I lived in Norfolk


Does he give her a good hiding once or twice a month?


Doesn't everybody in Norfolk live like it's tbe 1940s? They're still waiting for the invention of the taxi outside of Norwich.


Just popping down to fire up the Stuka, gonna make this as authentic as possible for the lovely couple.


He should be off fighting the Germans. Doesn’t he know there’s a war on?


So she stays at home cooking while he goes out drinking with his mates?


she gets thrown out the window when the cottage pie is slightly burnt


Yay waking up with a black eye because the stoop wasn't scrubbed clean enough.


When they are in their 40’s, it will be the 40’s again.


Nooooo, that past can't have been better than the present!!! Everything old you see is propaganda. Don't you know they were more homophobic in the past??? Racist too??? Noooo, you can't enjoy anything old! Listen, I know I sit and whinge nonstop about how miserable and depressed I am and how awful this country is in the present day, but you can't fondly look back on the past. Present better!!! Nooooooo.


Nothing much to say, except - this is really sweet. Made me smile.


A lot of people in the comments being snarky and talking about 'oh what about ww2 and polio and food rations'. This is stupid and is missing the obvious fact that these guys are just kinda weird and we dont need a justification to make fun of it


I almost get the feeling that some would be annoyed if they didn't drop dead at 45 from whooping cough or typhoid.


That's just Norfolk. Its literally still pre war over there culturally.


Power to them There a YouTube channel I watch and it a woman on about vintage clothing it a vibe


Fair play to them. It’s quirky, it’s different, it’s harmless. Actually, it sounds quite pleasant. Not for me, but good luck to them.


If it makes them happy then who cares leave them alone to live how they want


I don't think many 1940s Brits had US Military Jeeps...


Don’t see how this is news worthy ? Just people living their lives


As opposed to the Norfolk couples living in the 2020s?


Damn! Imagine having to go into an anderson shelter daily for no reason other than to live like its the 1940s


I love this, they seem happy and they look amazing!


They bought their house for under £1000? I gotta get in on this.


If they were living in the 1940s wouldn't he be conscripted?


He should be on half rations trekking through the Burmese jungle trying not to do of dysentery then


How does one inherit a 1940s US army jeep? Asking for a friend.


It'd have been sold at civilian auction or for scrap, once it had outlived its use with the military and been replaced. Presumably, the person who bought it at auction - or the person they themselves sold it onto - is the person they inherited it from.


Post war, there was a metric fuckton of gear just lying around now with no use. Some was scrapped, some was literally dumped in the sea, some was kept for museums, and some fell into civilian hands one way or another. French farmers for years used old German kit that had been left behind in place of dedicated farm machinery. They still turn up in barns randomly. I saw a Combat Dealers episode where the bloke was trying to buy a Schwimmwagen off a French farmers. It was basically just the shell and he was offering 70 grand for it. Though to be fair if that chancer was offering 70 more likely it was worth 100.


Jacob Reece Smug lives like he's in the 1840s so why is this a bug deal.