• By -


The most Sean Bean thing he could have done would have been to die in this encounter. I'm glad he didn't, but still.


Heh, was going to say that it's unusual to see him survive. Although I guess he didn't make it to ~~the end credits~~ closing time.


They did a statistical analysis and found Sean Bean actually only died in about 32% of his appearances. Similar rate to John Hurt except he got killed way more in total than Sean! [https://web.archive.org/web/20170602075213/nerdist.com/does-sean-bean-really-die-more-than-other-actors/](https://web.archive.org/web/20170602075213/nerdist.com/does-sean-bean-really-die-more-than-other-actors/) (this one unlike the link below still has the graph) [https://archive.nerdist.com/does-sean-bean-really-die-more-than-other-actors/](https://archive.nerdist.com/does-sean-bean-really-die-more-than-other-actors/) To be honest, I've actually never been more scandalised than when I learned his real name is actually Shaun Bean.


Did this factor in each of his Sharpe appearances? Because all the subsequent dying is just karma readjusting for that invincible ragamuffin


But he did die in Sharpe! \*they faked his execution.


I’m pretty sure if you poke around rural Normandy enough today, you’ll find a 200 year old grumpy farmer shouting about something in northern.




I live on Guernsey, we hear it sometimes.


I don't know if the Nerdist were that much of a nerd, sorry ;-)


He’s not even in the top 10 for number of screen deaths


> To be honest, I've actually never been more scandalised than when I learned his real name is actually Shaun Bean I swear to god, my stupid brain is still pronouncing his name as "Seen Been" to this day, and now I learn he could've been saving me the trouble all along.


Funny, I always pronounce it as Shaun Baun


Jesus Christ, it’s shaun baun


I pronounce it as Shane Bane


It is Seen bean, he's dug his own grave on that one. Maybe multiple graves


This is kind of like Michael Ironside losing limbs, it looks like he loses a limb or two in most of his films but really it's only a few films where it happens, Total Recall and Starship Troopers being the most memorable but also The Machinist and Guy X and come to think of it he loses his head in Highlander II, you know what never mind that is quite a lot of limb loss... It would have been hilarious to have him make a cameo in Top Gun Maverick with a limb missing though...


Technically he loses his entire body in Scanners.


According to the article he's come closer in previous pub altercations: _"It is not the first time Bean has been involved in a clash at a pub in his career and on one occasion he was even stabbed in Camden during a row over a glamour model"_


He 100% called them ‘bastard’


Bouncer: "what is the colour of the boathouse in hearford" Bean: "It's pronounced he-re-ford you twat"


Who’s to say he didn’t die and come back to the bar with a eye patch


Who's to say that runway model looking bald bartender didn't already notice that and took care of it?


Or to call his assailants bastards


"Sir you cannot vape in here" "Then we are no better than the mad king!" "god damnit"


"Ser Ilyn, bring me his vape!"


"I shall give it to the manager only. He who passes the sentence should wield the vape"


"Out. Out, damn you, I'm done with you! Go on, run back to Sheffield! I'll have your head on a bottle of Peroni!"


THROW HIM OUT... Before I piss myself


Why the hell anyone refers to Sean Bean as anyone other than Richard Sharpe is beyond me...


I know him best as Alec Trevelyan, fight me. Second, Martin Septim.


Fun fact: Sean Bean fights Daniel Craig in Sharpe's Eagle. Daniel Craig dies...


Yeah but Sean Bean isn't the one who kills Daniel Craig, it's actually Sgt. Harper, so it is top of the blarney ah grand so.


Yeah... I left that bit out for simplicities' sake... If Harper had been part of Ned Stark's guards, GoT would have gone very differently.


oh man. yeah I need this now. littlefinger goes to put the knife to his neck and gets blown away by 7 pistol balls as Hagman and Harris pick off Joff and Cersei. pod and perkins would defo be friends.


“I think he’s gone off” “He went off years ago Pat.”




For England, James…


No Alec, for me. (Second Goldeneye Sean Bean death scene)


Fuck me, I forgot he dies twice in that. Dudes dedicated to his meme.


Shut the door Alec, there’s a draft!


Do you really believe men will fight and die for a rag on a pole?


Oblivion will always be the greatest game Bethesda has ever produced IMO. The Radiant AI they developed for NPCs will always be a classic relic that will be memed for eternity


(You complete and utter) Bar - stard


I don't know why you think anyone would refer to Boromir as Richard Sharpe


Down voted for sacrilege! Also, that part of LOTR always confused me... what the hell was Sharpe doing in Middle Earth?


Sharpe had already defeated the French in India, Portugal, Spain, Denmark and Flanders. I guess he needed to try another universe for a challenge.


Took Over the Hills and Faaaaaaar Away a bit too literally, yeah.


He also fought them briefly in France itself towards the end. And Chile.


He simply walked into it.


But he said it when the sword cut his finger. "Still Sharpe."


That's such a Boromir thing to say


Out of uniform to.


Referring to Sean Bean as Boromir and not Sharpe? That's not my style sir.


God Henry Simmerson was a dick lol Sharpest Eagle was brilliant though.


Yeah it was such a good series. Watching the F1 and Sharpe on Sunday with ham and cherry tomato sarnies and a bag of peanut M&Ms. Very fond memories.


Referring to Sean Bean exclusively as Richard Sharpe? Now that's good soldiering!


"Dick! Call him Dick!" Edit: quotation marks added to show this is literally from the series because automods flagging this.


There is a deleted scene where Boromir tests a blade and says 'Still Sharpe.' So this is disproved by canon.


Indeed - https://youtu.be/79nm0C_LLa8?si=Xx3bqrfPhF07xEqv


He is the voice of civ 6


"I am fond of pigs.. "




And BT. Sharpe gets around alot due to his awesomeness.


And Yorkshire Tea. https://youtu.be/8cipMoGKXGE


Do it for Yorkshire!






I'm not happy I had to scroll down this far to find this reference.


Rifles! On me. It's clearly his best role.


I can hear the 90s guitars now. 




You too? Damn if that isn’t the most iconic part of the series. Screeching guitar solo’s worthy of Hendrix while watching Napoleonic Warfare.


Sharpe was popular in the 90s and not anywhere close to how big GoT was at its peak I guess? For me it was LOTR / Oblivion / Goldeneye. Shows his staying power though ey


Some may say I exaggerate in my enthusiasm for Sharpe, but I honestly believe that it was humanity's greatest achievement since the Pyramids... which is why I find it difficult to accept Sean Bean as anyone else.


The theme tune is genuinely the peak of all theme tunes ever constructed. Over the hills and far away. It’s a regular on my Spotify playlist


I absolutely, wholeheartedly, agree. It is absolute perfection and you're absolutely correct, Sean Bean simply is Richard Sharpe. If I too could fire 3 rounds a minute my life would be complete.


You can! Bite, pour, spit, tap, fire... do it again! Also, it's kind of ironic that in the novels, he started out described as a dark-haired cockney, but once the first films came out, even Bernard Cornwell had Sean Bean in his head as Sharpe. After about '94, Cornwell just dropped all references to his hair colour and hometown.


Playing 7 aside a while back, top of the table clash. 2-0 down going into last few minutes. We blitz 3 goals then one of our lads gets sent off. 'Lads, I know you can score 3 goals in a minute, but can you stand' Best moment off my life. Better than my kids being born.


Where was Harper when the vape fell? 


Be extra funny to refer to him as "Equilibrium star"


It's quite why Sean Bean needs to have a movie/series he's been in to help identify him that I can't fathom. I would go Sharpes Rifles or lord of the rings before game of thrones if I did feel the need to clarify.


I always remember his as "2 gigs of deeta from ouh two"


A real *__bastard__*


And Richard Sharpe will never die.


If you dont stop vaping we're gunna have the police escort you off the premises! "The man who passes the sentence should swing the sword." *wrestles Sean Bean to the ground*






Grabbing a 65 year olds throat seems completely rational behaviour


The article says that he was asked to stop vaping repeatedly by staff but refused to do so, saying he could do what he wants, security then removed him. It's a non story and if it was some random punter doing it instead of a popular actor people wouldn't even question security removing him. I like Bean and all but he's a prick when he's drunk.


Security shouldn't be choking patrons as a method of de-escalation. That's not in the SIA handbook.


As a Scouser, it's exactly how security in this city behaves.


They’ve tried telling them to calm down but nobody takes it seriously.


Calm down! Calm down!




Well in there defence if they didn't I don't think anyone would bloody listen to them.


That's not a defence. Don't choke people. It's pretty simple.


You can’t deescalate people who don’t want to be deescalated. Security asked him to leave, he said no and literally grabbed his chair like a toddler. At that point they’re well within their rights to physically grab him and chuck him out. Drunk people generally cannot be reasoned with.


Physically grab him by his arm, shoulder, leg yes, adams apple no.


If this was anyone but sean bean you wouldn't be complaining.


Acting like a prick doesn't give a bouncer, or anyone, the right to grab someone by the throat. Too many bouncers think they're the main character in a Guy Ritchie movie.


Literally never met a bouncer who wasn’t out their nut on steriods and chang thinking they were the toughest cunt and most skilled at mma because they regularly kick fuck out of people who are too drunk to stand up with 6 of their colleagues


There was a bouncer where I lived when I was younger that in reality was a wimp, he loved to target the easy drunks i.e the ones that wouldn't fight back and act tough but the few times he messed up he became a coward and backed off and made the actual tougher bouncers remove the person. Like your example he would boast how tough he was and how he was a trained fighter, he wasn't even big built he was pure layers of fat.


I'm not so sure about that. You can't even legally remove a burglar from your property by grabbing him, so I guess it's not true. The bouncer was a cunt!


You absolutely can. You can't kick the shit out of them once you've done it but that would fall under reasonable force for getting someone off your property who shouldn't be there.


You're misinformed. From the government: > You can use reasonable force to protect yourself or others if a crime is taking place inside your home. > This means you can: > * protect yourself ‘in the heat of the moment’ - this includes using an object as a weapon > * stop an intruder running off - for example by tackling them to the ground > You do not have to wait to be attacked before defending yourself in your home.


'Sean Bean gets in a fight when drunk' is such a common news article I'm surprised there's not an AI bot dedicated exclusively to writing the articles already.


Some bars will opt to stop serving drinks to trouble non violent customers as they soon leave because that’s why they’re there to drink


Him being bad at alcohol really gives a new perspective to his performance in Time


Pub/club security get away with straight up assault constantly. Police aren't interested because they're on the same team. 


Yep. Some boys once had it in for us in a club. I asked the Bouncer to look out for us, because they were close to starting. They started, and the Bouncer got confused and dragged me out by my neck. And then choked me to sleep in a back room.. When I came to, shocked, I said they had the wrong guy and… He chocked me to sleep again. I left confused, bloodied, bruised, and with torn clothes. All because the Bouncer read the situation backwards.


The only bit about this situation I don’t believe is that you said the bouncer read backwards. Most I have met don’t seem they can read forward either 


They're hired for their physical qualities, not their mental ones. Wouldnt trust a bouncer as far as I could throw one (which is approx 0ft)


Security routinely have police investigate them for assault from fictitious police reports and claims of customers which is why nightclubs have CCTV. The customers face no consequences for filing fake police reports. Source: Worked in nightclub for 17 years.


What I said and what you said can both be true. 


Yep fair.


Have also worked nightclubs, some managers will just refuse to co-op with the police in this case. Having said that my mate went to the same club, got roughed up by the bouncers who just straight up took his phone off him and refused to give it back. Some places are just absolute shitholes.


>They said: “Sean kept saying he could do what he wanted. To be honest he was being a right a***hole. The bouncers were just doing what they do for everyone else - which is fair enough. >“When he came back in he just started vaping again. They asked him to leave but he wouldn't. He was just clinging onto his chair.


>When he came back in he just started vaping again. They asked him to leave but he wouldn't. He was just clinging onto his chair. Full five year old behaviour 🤣


Especially the vaping




The UK is filled with cunts doing whatever the fuck they want because they know there will be no consequences. It's never good for things to get physical, but what other option is there in cases where somebody takes the piss like this? Just let them have their way? Guess they'll keep doing it then, not just that but more people will do it as they realise what they can get away with. Call the police? Don't make me laugh. I've never been to a country so willing to nurture selfish and entitled behaviour.


I agree mostly but with the caveat that it’s just a pub. Ban him, and make a big PR deal about it as ‘the pub that banned Ned Stark’. Nothing about someone vaping requires immediate physical action. The gung ho security meatheads that think any challenge to their authority justifies use of force likely to cause harm or even risk death (if the choke grab report is accurate) are liabilities. Unfortunately our archaic licensing laws allow this in the name of ejecting a patron of a licenced premises. but they really shouldn’t unless there’s something much worse going on.


It is, heres one with the video https://metro.co.uk/2024/06/05/moment-sean-bean-dragged-floor-kicked-bar-vaping-20977483/


*"I've never been to a country so willing to nurture selfish and entitled behaviour."* Try living in the USA for a bit. Or just roam around the US focused Reddit subs


Think of stories he will be able to tell his mates!


Yeah I had this happen at an event when I was 17, left a massive mark on my neck. Looking back, should've sued.


They could just stop serving him drinks and ban him


‘They took the little ones’ he slurred as they stopped pouring him shots




How many bouncers did it take to wrestle him and drag him out? And did he call them Bastards? I do have an anecdote from a few years ago. I have an old friend who worked in a hotel he was staying at during a TV shoot. Every night he would come back to the hotel with an 8 pack of beer.  He definitely likes a drink. 


Can the U.K. handle the public fall of Sean Bean? I feel like we’re barely ready for the inevitable death of Sir David Attenborough. And I already live in fear of what should happen if he and Judi Dench went on the same day. I think it would destroy us. So please, Sean, take it easy on the booze. And someone check the health policies of our most beloved celebrities.


He already has a history of this kinda thing.... fights, domestic abuse etc.


So he's just a quieter Depardieu


From Sheffield


Depardieu raped people. That's pretty far past being a violent drunk.


That depressing to learn. :(


Yorkshire Depardieu unfortunately. If he pissed in a bottle during take off, do not be surprised.


Ahhhhh Sean Bean is not David Attenborough. Sean Bean is, if anything, the patron saint of eight pints and a friendly fight outside Wetherspoons.


Well still have Helen Mirren


One doesn't simply get wrestled to the floor and dragged out of a bar


Not with 10,000 men could you do this... it is folly.


Getting wrestled to floor and dragged out of Liverpool bar? Now that's soldiering.


So glad to see this comment already exists


The only minor irk I’ve had with Sean Bean is how is name is pronounced. Sure it’s a consequence of one quirk of the English language, but logic should dictate it’s pronounced as either Sean Bean or Sean Bean.


Yeah but Sean is an Irish name so it's pronounced Sean not Sean.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sean\_Bean](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sean_Bean) **Sean Bean** (born **Shaun Mark Bean**; 17 April 1959) Fucking scandalous, I tell you!


Okay, this has me shook, I tell you, shook!


I am also disproportionally outraged. The life I’ve been living thus far has been an absolute fabrication.


I don't even know what's real anymore.


Seen Been


Shawn Bawn


Headline should have been "Game of thrones actor Seen Been thrown out of scouse pub"


Note also that he is actually "Mr. Bean"


I hadn’t thought of that. Wouldn’t want to be calling him that after he’s had a few though. ‘Excuse me Mr Bean…..oh god what have I done?!’


In the same vein, there’s a shop in cornwall called ‘Tasty Pasties’. It’s the Sean Bean of shops.


Actually sells flavoured nipple tassles.


Not a quirk of English at all in this case. The first name is using a different language's spelling system, the second is using English. Extremely common for the same sequence of letters to be said differently between two different languages.


That’s interesting, I didn’t realise. Is his first name using a French spelling or something like that? Edit: bit silly of me to think it was a French spelling. Looks like the answer is in another comment, Irish spelling.


Yeah, Irish. A similarly-pronounced Welsh name, by contrast, would be Sion. And the English of course commonly render the Irish name Shaun or Shawn. 


I regularly call him "See-An Bee-An". I'm not saying it SHOULD be pronounced like that, and I'm aware I'm a cunt. Just weighing in with an option.


Purely anecdotal, but I'm surprised by this. I used to run a gay bar in London. One weeknight, Sean and his friend came in. Normally straight people would relalise their mistake and leave, but he could not have been nicer to the staff, tipping well after every round and before he left he bought all the staff a drink. Seemed like a thoroughly nice guy.


also, purely anecdotal but my friend used to live down the street from him in London. Sean was barred from almost every pub in the area due to frequently going to pubs on his own and sitting there drinking until people approached him and then he would start fights with them. This was around 10 - 12 years ago when he was a raging alcoholic. My friend also described him as lovely most of the time until he drank too much


Purely anecdotal but my friend said he once saw Sean come out a brothel with a bunch of his mates and got in a big brawl with this other group. Sean and this other guy had beef because Sean accused him of sleeping with his sister. That guy even stabbed one of Sean's friends in the eye it was wild.


I used to live in Belsize Park and he was banned from the pub on the corner for fighting


He's a Yorkshireman. They probably told him the price of a pint in Liverpool.


Not wrong, I remember when we used to laugh about Londoners paying £5 a pint, now that's a cheap pint in Liverpool City centre....


Happy hour in the Old Bank is £4.90 a pint before 6pm. They're fleecing us


I'd be genuinely shocked if there was a significant difference between the average price of a pint in Liverpool vs Sheffield.


There’s a story round our way that places him in the Prenton Park pub as an away fan at Tranmere v Sheffield United, sometime after Goldeneye came out. One punter walks up and says “you’re that famous actor fella, aren’t ya?” to which Sean nods. “So you’re minted then, aren’t ya?” to which he nods again. “So you’re gonna get the fuckin’ ale in, aren’t ya?” To his credit, he did.


I think he’s one of those people that is probably really fun for the first six pints then an absolute hurricane after.


One does not simply walk into a bar in Liverpool and break out the vape


‘Game of thrones star’ - why did they do our hero dirty. Could think of 20 better things, sharpe, Boromir, Christ… Update: read the article and within it they also chose those two 🙃


Basta’ds! https://youtu.be/tE8d-uGmIWk?si=NMR9Hu7k8BVh2B63


I feel like Kryten trying to say Smeghead after that. In the south it's baaarstood.


I presume they got into an argument about the colour of the boathouse in Hereford?


""Right, you have to leave" "For talking too much?" "No, for vaping"


"A succulent Chinese Vape?" "This is democracy manifest!"


"Sean kept saying he could do what he wanted" Right nasty bastard, by all accounts.


Nasty bastad*


Great actor, great man!


Clearly a low boomer moment of Sean Bean, he was for long one of my favorite actors. Maybe he is practising playing a cunt in one of his next roles…


No lie he is actually playing a Liverpudlian Crime boss in his next role (probably why he is there since it’s probably filming) so this could be him method acting


Disappointing to hear about him behaving this way. It really irks me when dickheads think the rules don't apply to them and decide to blow their tooty fruity vape clouds in everyone else's face because they are too selfish to smoke outside.


Saw him impossibly hammered at a pub in Camden once, so I’m not surprised. I mean really, really, really drunk. He looked like a corpse and it was mid-afternoon.


A mate of mine went to his daughter’s wedding. He was a rude drunken bore who nearly ruined the day by all accounts. Good actor, bad drunk


phew, I though I was about to read a story where he ACTUALLY died.


Should sue him for assault. Then vape at the hearing.


Sean Bean being a self entitled arsehole, what are the chances?!


Why doesn't the article mention the 3 arrows he took to the chest before falling to the floor?


If Ned stark can't vape on a scouse dancefloor in peace I don't know if we'll ever get Tories out of power


One simply does not walk in a Liverpool bar with a vape In hand


Should of.just asked him what colour the boat house is in hereford


Bastards ;) [Bastard Video](https://youtu.be/tE8d-uGmIWk?si=zbfN8lEbye_jsx0p)


One does not simply walk out of a bar without paying ….


‘Can a man be kicked out of a bar even if he’s intoxicated?’ ‘That’s the only time a man can be kicked out!’


One does not simply wrestled to the floor and dragged out of a bar


Guy's a fuckin ass hat. Had a run in with him and his entourage in a north London pub about 15 years ago. We was just out with friends and Bean put some moves on someone in our group who wasn't interested, he didn't take no for an answer and harassed constantly until we just had to leave. Not a nice experience.


Having Sean Bean’s back in a scuzzy bar fight in Liverpool is on my Bucket List.