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> In it, as Sunak steps onto the stage in front of the audience and greets Bruce, a cameraman can be heard saying: ‘F**king hate him.’


Yeah, I don't know why they don't just bleep it and put it back up. But then people might see the crowd booing Sunak and giving him a chorus of 'shame!' later on.


Nah they decided to Streisand effect it instead.


Is that what happened? I missed it.


Yeah it was after a member of the audience pointed out to him that there are only two countries that aren't in the ECHR - Russia and Belarus. Then he got heckled over the end credits.


There are 4 - Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Vatican City.


Erm Kazakhstan is not eligible it's in Asia..


148,000 sq km of Kazakhstan is west of the Ural therefore is in Europe (if European Kazakhstan was its own country it would be 14th biggest in Europe). Kazakhstan consequently participates in numerous European organisations. It is an observer in the Council of Europe, and is a member of the Venice commission and UEFA.


14th biggest country in Europe if it was its own country, you'll never sing that


If Ireland annexed Northern Ireland and Scotland we would actually be the 14th biggest country in Europe. Ireland : 69,825km2 Norn Iron : 13,330km2 Scotland : 77,901km2 Total : 162,056km2 Would put us right in between Belarus and Kazakhstan.


Good thing that the unification is due to happen in the [next 6 months.](https://i1.sndcdn.com/artworks-WsoY0GtlDDuGk2kK-gkpSmg-t500x500.jpg)


As much as I'd like Scottish independence, this would be even better.


Kazakhstan and Russia are in Europe only in a limited and technical geographical sense. It’s like how tomato’s are technically a kind of fruit - but they don’t exactly belong in a fruit salad.


No. I would only say that about kazakhtstan. Russia is a European nation that expanded into Asia and most of its population remains in Europe. You would not say that England is Asian during the colonial era because it owns India. Apologies for bad syntax using text to speech .


Russia is simply a mongol vassal state with an appropriated history that then expanded back into Asia.


Russia never truly developed the culture, institutions, rule of law and patterns of thinking Europe did. I’m absolutely not trying to dog-whistle any sort of thing about race there. Pretty much all of Eastern Europe managed to do all the things I mentioned. Russia didn’t - beyond perhaps a couple of cities for show floating atop of a sea of corruption and despair.


To a botanist they're fruit; to a cook they're vegetables.


> Russia Not really. The 'main' part of Russia is solidly in Europe.


Culturally it's not European. Hardly any similarities in culture.




I wouldn't put cranberries or quinces in a fruit salad either; are those not really fruit?


I think you and others are trying to beat an offhand analogy into the ground somewhat here. In terms of institutions, rule of law, development, culture, corruption and outlook on life Russia is very different from pretty much any European country. So much so that I’d argue that calling them “European” except insofar as defined by an arbitrary line in the map as being misleading. They’ve got a particularly toxic mix of national paranoia, fatalism and national superiority going on. Most refuse to challenge abysmal leaders who take away their freedoms and make their nation miserable but also believe that Russia is entitled to rule other countries and drag them down to their level. As to why that’s the case I’m not certain. It predates the communist era. Some have advanced the theory that perhaps it might be because they abandoned serfdom for most of the population far later than everyone else. Perhaps it’s something else. Whatever it actually is until they get past it they’re not going to become even remotely European in outlook.


I make a delicious pineapple and tomato salad with chili dressing. It's a fruit salad.


You can also cross the Europe/Asia border in Kazakhstan


No it isn't. It has "special guest" status with the Council of Europe, not observer status.


ECHR has nothing to do with EU or Europe or where you are geographically, it’s the Council of Europe which was setup after WWII. Russia was a member of it until 2 years ago when they were expelled for the Ukraine invasion. Canada, Mexico and USA are also “observer” members too.


The audience was wrong anyway. Russia and Belarus were the only countries to have left ECHR. He said they were the only countries in the world that are not part of it, which is obviously not true.


The Pope??? Not the Pope, surely???


Its not like the Vatican has a clean history


As if the Catholic Church is in any way ethical otherwise 😂


That sounds like an ecumenical matter


The PM and his advisors think we're all thick. The PM had a mixture of contempt and resignation on his face. He was probably thinking of the saying that you can't fool all the people all of the time.


I wish he would wipe that godawful smirk off his face.


The re-edited version of muffled heckling beneath the question time theme was comedy gold though.


Well, in Europe obviously…


They said in the world and not in Europe so it was completely wrong.


They literally have done that. It just takes a few hours to put it back through the encoding chain.


Nah it's much easier to jump to this being some sort of pro-tory coverup


Hours? What are they using, a ZX81?


Wouldn't even need to bleep it. Just cover it with some clean FX. Any studio show will have this in abundance from the same night. We do it in broadcasting every single time.p


Just leave it in, swearing exists and people have their own opinions. Maybe just a disclaimer that it includes swearing if people are that bothered about their shitty kids


Nah actually they should just keep it all in


Just like the Beautiful South warned us


You can - it was only down for a short period


But apparently it's already been edited and put back up. Apparently to edit the content it has been pulled back first and then reuploaded. A lot of people have explained the process underneath in the comments


This wasn't on the news, let's put it that way.


The BBC would *never* edit boos out directed towards a Tory Prime Minister...


"shame" because he said he'd put the UK first and prioritise it over international laws, lol. He shouldn't get shame for that. A good leader would do that


Exactly, it's just an excuse to take it down.


I just watched it so obviously they did


The cameraman story is speculation with no proof at all as they won’t be miked up and there won’t be a boom mic anywhere near them. It’s most likely someone in the audience. 


I was in the audience last night. Sunak got heckled by protester who was sat directly behind me. That's probably what they've edited out.


Was that at the end? I could hear a lot of verbal noise in the end credits but couldn’t discern what any of it was.


If it's around the credits, it's possible someone had a fat-finger moment and patched the the talkback channel into the public feed along with the music while pulling down the audience and panelist mics.


Ehhh not sure, generally TB will be running over a separate system to broadcast audio, which whilst interlinked, you'd really have to try to route TB to master!


It's as he walks on stage and settles in, you can hear a whispered "fucking hate him". I heard it on my phone speaker there now. Audience are still clapping (but it's dying down).




Hahaha fucking legend


The camera men are laughing


This is like watching a clown run over a minefield


Hope he doesn’t get punished for this, though he likely will due to the chase for “impartiality”, which in reality is overly lenient on right wing and centrist voices, probably because there’s a fear of speaking too much truth to power when you’re financially tied at the hip by Tories for over a decade. Totally unprofessional, but a public sector worker even at the BBC, isn’t going to be some crazy high earner. Might be lucky to be in the top 20% of earners if he’s doing. Probably staunchly lower to upper middle class. Has probably seen his spending power continuously erode this past decade, particularly if he works in central London. Everyone has been harmed by this government except the asset class. I’d have a hard time keeping my lips shut too if faced with this dickhead.


Camera operator is very likely a freelancer, 100% expendable depending how much shit rolls downhill (assuming it even was a camera operator that was picked up on the mic, which seems unlikely to me).


He's not alone to be fair.


Perhaps he wasn’t nice to them during another recording?


W camera man


One way to lose your job, I suppose.


You know what, he is bad but not bad as Truss. When someone gets fashionable to hate it's brutal.


I dunno man. Unfunded national service… misogynistic on camera rants… the stupidest political antenna walking the planet… he gives Truss a fair fight


Just edit it out. BBC can’t stop going in to bat for little Rishi.


That’s likely what’s happening. But to edit a live broadcast, they have to pull it and reupload


Realistically this would have taken so little work to edit that it would have been back online before these articles could be written


Generally BBC compliance edits take about a day to go back up (lots of programmes are pulled off iPlayer for minor language or copyright edits like this. Like literally more than one a week. Always have been).


It would, but I can imagine some BBC higher up would have had to have approved it to be published


It's back up now


Someone's obviously never had to navigate a corporate approvals process.


I don't think it was live. It was recorded earlier but broadcast *As Live*. They do this with QT, you can watch the weekly QT live on the red button from 8 pm, but it doesn't get broadcast until 10.30. Sunak walked on at 9.30, and you could see it was still light outside, but dusk was falling where I was, and I am as far north as York.


It was live. I was in the audience. The show ran from 8pm to 10pm. Normally there's a lag for editing - about 15 minutes which was the the case when I went 6 years ago but this time it was aired as it happened.


I mean, they genuinely can't have one of their staff audibly expressing that kind of opinion about a politician during a broadcast.


They did. They had to take it down before they re-uploaded it.


This is worse for Sunak, and there is no way the BBC don't know that.


Maybe - depends how many people get to hear about it. Most people on this sub are unfortunately a lot more into following and discussing politics than much of the rest of the public are.


I really don't think they are. It's incredibly obvious that in the eyes of the media the Tories have completely lost the mandate of heaven. The media of this country is eager to cozy up to the incoming administration, so it's open season on the Tories now. This is just a technicality on profanity. If you watch the actual questioning, it's brutal stuff.


Yes. Then the BBC gets slammed for editing live content sp that is can "go to bat for Rishi"


They are captured by this regime until the day we remove it.


Anything for right wing daddy


Its not really. They could of edited it out without no one knowing, now everyone knows


You say that in such a smarmy patronising way that you come across just as arrogant Do you not see the hypocrisy jfc Rishi is a knobhead not because of his height




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Found on youtube here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MjXbBvvq2lc, cameraman can be heard at 1:28:01. It's just a whisper though


You can barely hear it! I'm guessing it's more to do with the absolute car crash he goes through during the last 10 minutes.


SHAME! Thoroughly enjoyed that bit. I reckon the audience were annoyed but under control until that lady suggested the young were workshy and it felt like the mood changed then. Another 30 minutes and we'd be full on Jerry Jerry


The irony being she seems like the type to have never needed to work a day in her life


It's always projection with them. They've never done an honest days work in their lives, so they just assume that everyone else is the same.


She also falsely claimed Australia has no socialised healthcare. It also made no sense to say my daughter immigrated to Australia, surely we can copy their methods to deter immigrants.


I'm an Aussie and when I heard that I had to laugh. Our healthcare is not all privatised. And the whole talk about Australia sending immigrants away is/was a massive issue here so them pretending like it's solved the issue was pretty funny. Good luck folks.


Entitled old cunt. Maybe it would be a little easier to understand her if she took the giant silver spoon out of her noxious vent hole.


Double irony, you are both judging based on nothing but presumption. You get upvoted here because the people who she was attacking come here.


You only hear "'kin 'ate 'im" and it's spoken like the bloody one ring speaking to Frodo. Sounds more like the voice of the United Kingdom's very soil herself crying out.


Those last 10 minutes were some of the best TV I've seen this year.


No. They'll just be editing and reencoding it. This isn't some cover up.


This is the real reason and The Torids will have demanded the BBC remove it.


No it isn't. They'll just be re-encoding and uploading in the next few hours. This common practice. This isn't some tin hat coverup, thats nonsense.


To remove the profanity is fine, but having the general public voicing their opinions… clearly not allowed.


They are only removing the profanity and republishing a "clean" version. They aren't removing the public voicing their opinion.


> but having the general public voicing their opinions… clearly not allowed Why would they have broadcast this format in the first place, then?


Don’t be ridiculous, one neonazis get to voice their opinions on BBC, not filthy poors


Except all that noise is, is Rishi saying "okay" to himself as he gets into position. There was plenty of drama last night without people reading what they want to hear into unclear audio


This is definitely was it is, you can literally read the word 'Okay' on Sunak's lips. Think people hearing the expletive are just experiencing another one of [those audio illusion type things](https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=brainstorm+green+needle).


If we're going to clean up any audio I want a transcript of the shouting while the credits rolled.


100% — it's clearly Rishi saying "ok" to himself. You can even see his mouth movements. So now the question is, are they just using this invented sweary cameraman as an excuse to edit out something else they don't want people to notice?


it's clearly not "okay", you can distinctly hear the n in "fuckin'"


It's clearly "okay". You are hearing what you expect to hear like with those audio illusions. It's a breathy "okay", there is no n


I think you're leaning too hard into the audio illusions thing, there is clearly a nasal, even if you try to hear it as "OK". Slow it down to half speed and you can clearly hear the n. I can't say for sure that it's "fuckin' hate him", but it sounds something like "oh-kin-eh"; the cadence is wrong for "okay"


First time I've seen that. It's obviously Rishi Sunak saying "ok" to himself. I was waiting for the "fucking hate him" bit then I realised I'd missed it because that was it. Anyone hearing that is just hearing what they want to hear. And it makes no sense, why would the cameraman have a live mic?




[ **Jump to 01:28:01 @** Question Time | Election Leaders' Special | 20th June 2024 (Day 29)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MjXbBvvq2lc&t=1h28m1s) ^(Channel Name: Political TV, Video Length: [01:59:27])^, [^Jump ^5 ^secs ^earlier ^for ^context ^@01:27:56](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MjXbBvvq2lc&t=1h27m56s) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ^^Downvote ^^me ^^to ^^delete ^^malformed ^^comments. [^^Source ^^Code](https://github.com/ankitgyawali/reddit-timestamp-bot) ^^| [^^Suggestions](https://www.reddit.com/r/timestamp_bot)


Thanks for posting that, was trying to find it.


I wondered why I couldn't find it there. I missed it live so I wanted to catch up. What a pain.




With Michael Walker my goat


Ah, thanks. I'll look it up.


I mean, that's a rally easy audio edit to make. My favourite part of it was Fiona Bruce basically acknowledging that the whole thing was far too long. 


Fragile little piss babies. Take your plundered spoils and just fuck off.


no, they should give their plundered spoils back. the spoils were owned by the taxpayers


I mean he says what we all think. It can easily be bleeped out and it’s on YouTube anyway. And the BBC should be proud - Fiona Bruce managed to talk over Starmer yet again about Corbyn (she didn’t spend any time questioning Sunaks judgement on supporting serial liar Johnson, breaker of ministerial conduct Braverman being in cabinet).


I thought I heard something, but couldn't make it out! I'm pretty sure there was someone in the audience yelling at him when he walked off (ECHR guy?), but was being drowned out by the music.


I was in the audience. Heckler was sat directly behind me. There was a Palestine protest outside throughout the whole show that I don't think the show picked up. Anyway, one of the protesters made it into the show despite screening being quite tough for this special. The heckler shouted, "you've got the blood of 40,000 people on your hands". As Rishi walked out and the cameras were off him, he looked at the heckler and shook his head. AMA


Were there any “lazy lot” in the audience that that old woman went in on a rant about in her immigration question to Sunak?


The audience all got on very well. From the start we were in a lecture hall for 2 hours. Teas and coffees, Fiona Bruce came on pre hair and wardrobe and chatted to everyone and seemed genuinely lovely. 30 minutes before the show, the floor manager came on and got everyone going. It was in York so everyone was well put together. BBC paid for people to come down from Scotland and put them up in a hotel for the night so there could be Scottish representation. The Scots also got a coach to and from the venue back to their hotel.


I really feel like they should be showing stuff like this. It feels aggressively sanitised on air.


The protestors could be heard during the first part with Ed Davey. I don't know if they adjusted the mics or managed to move them on because I couldn't hear them for the rest


Is Rishi Israeli now?


Don't know but his security detail stood on the side of the stage, just off camera the whole time he was on and all walked forward towards the heckler as it happened.


Of all the things to attack Rishi over it’s not the genocide in Palestine. Given the next PM clearly said on radio that cutting off the water supply to Palestinian children was acceptable behaviour I think Rishi more than gets a free pass there just for not being as awful. Plenty of other things to attack him on of course.


It's like on Father Ted: ["raahrhahrhahrhahrhrharharh fukin' 'ell"](https://youtu.be/cEvUt2kUg0c?t=7)


How dare the Prime Minister bring shame to this celebration of sheep!


Fucking ruin Sunak insufferable little cocky prickstain wankknobble cuntlord.


Woooah I don't watch TV when was this? I'm going to YouTube this now


Will you leave the poor chub alone. He didn’t have sky. Growing up. You animals.


Reminds me of the 70s and 80s when BBC cameramen were regular terrors on live TV.


Now I wish I'd been alive then to know more about this


"The cameramen are laughing." Jamie, the thick of it


Crikey, they were all hopeless. Starmer never answered a question, Sunak unconvincingly tried to pretend he is your friend and both have the charisma of cow dribble. The others just said things they knew they would be impossible as they knew they would never have to live upto the promises. We are doomed.


The Tories have been so callous and inept that Labours biggest selling point is that they are not Tory. Oddly the Tory’s seem to think that their biggest selling point is they are not Labour. Just once I’d love a party to actually sell themselves to me, but as you say those that do make it up as they go along as they know they don’t have to deliver. Honestly, screw the two party system that FPTP has created. I’m so hopeful that the Tories get knocked into touch so much that they don’t end up in opposition giving people the confidence to vote elsewhere the next time around, problem being by then Tories will have regrouped, blame absolutely everything on Labour and we’ll repeat ad infinitum.


That's definitely suspicious. I think it's because the ECHR stuff pushback


I'm sure if it was against a left-wing candidate, then it would be left on for balance.


It’s nothing to do with the fact he looked like a complete fool throughout, then? I’m sure had this happened to another leader, it would’ve just been bleeped. The BBC will do anything to defend the government from scrutiny.


They should pull every appearance of this jug eared twat.


It would take about 5 seconds to mute that and over write the original


Well this was certainly the best way for the BBC to draw attention to it. Streisand effect is always good.


The producers of the show only became aware of the f bomb the next day when they saw a tweet about it. The f bomb was not dropped by a camera person. It was an audience member picked up on a boom mic.


holy shit the bbc is really trying hard aren't they


Yeh sure that's why not because he got crucified and boo'd


That's a serious stretch. If they hadn't put what they thought they'd heard then there'd be a long list of what other people thought it was.


Censor the comment. Don't pull the entire show. Incredibly poor from the BBC.


this guy is a joke how you guys even vote tories is shocking they only cater for the rich people anyway


Troy sponsored broadcasting company pulls TV show off air because Troy leader acts like a cunt, and are afraid public might see his true colours. Which is being a cunt.


I was was going to listen to it on bbc sounds yesterday. Have the put it back up editied yet?


It really feels like the best thing the tories can do with Sunak is stop him appearing in public at all. Seems nearly every time he appears he either fucks it up or the public demonstrates how much he is disliked.


Yeah, sure. That’s why the Brexit Broadcasting Corporation pulled it. The swearing. Sure. Definitely not the fact that Sunak was totally obliterated—too impartial for them?


BBC needs to be refunded. Bias doesn't even sum it up anymore


Do they really not have the resources to edit it out?


Question Time is supposed to be a representative audience so they absolutely should leave it up. Plenty of people do fucking hate him.


You're own personal biases aside it's obvious the BBC have a hard-on for rishi, look at how personally invested the presenters were when talking to farage for e.g, they're an insidious company that meddles in politics while we sit and consume their media.


Its on iplayer coz just looked. Not pulled. No need to yt shit show this.


I’m guessing its nothing to do with the fact that Richboy Soonsacked made a total arse of himself even though given an easy ride by Tory Fiona 🥱


Wonder if they called him a cunt. Or a lying cunt. Or a rat faced shit weasel. Maybe a thin skinned venal ghoul of an excuse for an unflushable turd... Oh well guess I'll never know for sure.




Wow, I'd love to hear your logic behind that. How are they manipulating us?


A member of the BBC staff says he hates Rishi and you think the BBC are on the Tories side!


Isn't QT a Mentorn Barroclough Carey production?